Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 45 Morning Star Yayan

"I am the apostle of God..."

After Abner responded with a smile, he also carefully looked at the three senior officials of "Morning Star City" who surrounded themselves in the shape of "pin" in front of them.

Well, this sci-fi black mecha man should be the strongest among the three. This can be seen from the attitude of the other two that he is the leader.

In addition, the jewelry necklace around his neck that does not match the mecha at all should be a powerful sealed object, but the level cannot be judged.

The man on the left side of the black mecha man looks very familiar...the classic "RoboCop" Murphy image... Was his transformation plan designed by "I"?

In addition, this man's nose and mouth still retain their original appearance and have not been modified... Are they needed to complete some special work?

Finally, the little girl with bee wings on the right seems to have undergone biological modification at first glance, and is the weakest of the three... But there is something wrong with her aura. It feels like Lilith made it up for Thales. "Blood Fairy" is somewhat similar...

In short, they are all weird... But they don't know how long they have been holding on in this nightmare of lack of supplies. It's good to be able to stay sane like this!

As his thoughts turned, Abner noticed that the three demigods communicated in a vague manner using encrypted shortwaves - this was also within the scope of his "information extraction".

However, although he obtained these signals, he did not try to decrypt them. Even though it was not difficult for him to have "pure white eyes" and could perform multi-threaded calculations, it was still too troublesome. If he had the time, he might as well simulate it. The "manipulator" and "virtual personality" abilities directly invade their minds.

Back to the topic, after the three demigods briefly exchanged their opinions, the man in the black mecha asked again in an electronic voice: "I wonder which god's apostle you are? Where do you come from?"

Even though the pitch of the electronic sound barely fluctuated, Abner could still hear a hint of vigilance in his words.

That's right, first of all, this city is not like Silver City or Moon City in the original book where almost no outsiders are seen... They spent two hundred years migrating bit by bit from the other side of the "Land Abandoned by the Gods". During the journey, I must have seen many remaining city-states and towns destroyed by evil gods, so I was naturally wary of outsiders like me who seemed to want to preach.

Secondly, the fall of "Morning Star City" is inseparable from the believers of the "True Creator". They definitely don't want to repeat the same mistakes. Even if they are trapped here with no hope, it is better than complete destruction.

With all these thoughts running through his mind, Abner did not reveal the honorable names of his current backstage members. He pondered for a moment, then a light seemed to flash in his mind, and then he answered in a matter-of-fact tone:

"My Lord is the great 'Pure White Eye, Lord of Destiny, Emperor of Knowledge and Machinery'. His clone once came to the 'Cursed Land', which is your 'Machine Emperor' Lucien Evans. "

Abner came up with this honorary name temporarily. The first two sentences of the three-paragraph description respectively point to the illusory "Omniscient Eye" and "Pure White Angel" in the "Unknown Land", as well as the "Fate of Destiny" that he has invested in it. The uniqueness of "wheel", the last sentence is a synthesis of Abner and Evans, but it points to the least clear.

But considering that Abner and Evans are the same person, sooner or later he will be able to get back his own memories of Evans, so in the final analysis it still points to him.

Although he is only Sequence 4, and his personality is not enough to support the "honorable name", but with the "Pure White Eyes", it is not a big problem.

The reason why Abner was so deceptive was because the three demigods present were not ignorant "indigenous" demigods. They must have known very well that the "Mechanical Emperor" had fallen long ago... After all, the energy core explosion was probably very violent. It's a pity that Mr. Evans didn't die peacefully like "my" other identities, and he didn't leave behind a intact body that seemed to be in suspended animation without any characteristics.

If I only say "Machine Emperor", they will definitely regard me as a liar... But now they say "Mechanical Emperor" as "I"... No, it is the great "Pure White Eye, Lord of Destiny, Knowledge and Machinery" The clone of "Emperor", they are at worst doubtful and will not completely deny it.

Abner, who was making a lot of calculations in his mind, saw that the three people in front of him did not respond. He seemed to be calmed by his words, so he added: "As for me, I naturally come from the 'light' that the gods have promised you." world'."

On the other side, when he heard Abner's words, the black mecha man didn't believe it, but he suddenly remembered something. He suddenly raised his head and glanced at the yellow gem with extraordinary properties on the statue of "Mechanical Emperor", and then put it He swallowed the words he was about to say.

But Eleanor's little girl clone was already whispering to herself in a low voice: "The bright world promised by the gods?

“When He returns, He will surely lead the Morning Star out of the realm of darkness and into the world of light…

"It turns out this is not a prophecy... but a promise from the gods?"

Only Annick Splinter, who looked like "RoboCop" Murphy, had red light flashing in his thin striped eyes and asked: "Your Excellency, how can you prove this?"

At this point, he paused and continued, "I'm sorry, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Annick Splinter, and I am one of the official members of the current Supreme Council of Morningstar City."

Then, he pointed at the black mecha man and the little girl with bee wings, and said: "They are Olmos and Eleanor respectively, and they are also official members of the Supreme Council... What do you call them? "

Annick Splinter? This name was given by Evans! Is it okay to splice like this?

While secretly complaining, because he was using his true appearance at the moment, Abner did not hide anything and responded with a smile: "My name is Abner."

While speaking, he was actually a little surprised in his heart, because judging from the attitudes of these three people, they seemed to accept his words easily... Isn't this too gullible? Fortunately, I think they are very cautious.

For some reason, Abner had the feeling in his heart that a teacher hates an incompetent student...

This is an illusion... Abner laughed at himself, then threw away these miscellaneous thoughts, and controlled the statue of "Machine Emperor" to stretch out the other arm and bend it towards the head...

He originally wanted the "Mechanical Emperor" to perform some simple actions as "evidence" to win the other party's trust... But he didn't think about what kind of pose he should put on, so in his eagerness, he could only let him salute. Military salutes from previous lives.

Who could have imagined that as soon as the "Mechanical Emperor"'s "ceremony" was in place, all the residents of the surrounding "Morning Star City", including the three committee members, stood at attention solemnly, raised their arms at the same time, and replied with the same " military salute".

——Even though the residents’ listening and voice systems were still paralyzed, they had no idea what the four people were talking about.

What's happening here? Seeing this completely unexpected scene, Abner couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"Abner... No, Your Majesty the Divine Envoy! I believe what you said, you are indeed the envoy of the 'Machine Emperor'." Olmos, the black mecha man who was still a little skeptical at first, suddenly became excited, and even the electronic sound They all trembled a little, "Actually, since you have been using 'Morning Star Yayan', we don't have much doubts about you.

"After all, we encountered quite a few city-states along the way...but none of them used the 'Morning Star Yayan'...that was a language created by the Great Emperor that could shield power.

"It's not giant language, not elven language, not dragon language... it's a normal language that truly belongs to us humans.

"Your accent is so standard that even most residents in the city cannot reach this level. It's obvious that you didn't learn it now."

Morning Star Yayan? What is that? What I said was obviously Runeese...

Yes, they speak Loen!

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