Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 46 Mechanical Scripture

Yes, they speak Loen language, so amazing!

Abner complained boredly in his mind, not believing a word of what the seemingly "honest" black mecha man in front of him said.

In fact, when he first entered "Morning Star City", he discovered the language problem of the residents of this city.

Generally speaking, most of the residents in the middle and lower layers of the mountain speak Ancient Fusac or Hermes, and the "Mechanical Emperor" has obviously popularized these two languages.

But the more mature and complex "Lunese" is only known by those who live near the cloud top platform and high towers... which is the "Morning Star Yayan" just mentioned by the black mecha man.

In addition, this language is now a symbol of status. If you want to settle in Yunding District, in addition to a certain level of merit, enough energy points, and a property with a specified area, "Morning Star Yayan" is also an important assessment item. It must be Only those who have passed Level 4 of the language proficiency test are eligible to become residents of Genting District and enjoy a series of additional benefits.

Such regulations were introduced one after another in the hundreds of years after the fall of Morning Star. Initially, they had the purpose of boosting demand and activating the atmosphere in the city... but gradually became synonymous with the status of "upper class"...

Today's middle and lower classes have to pay a high price if they want to learn "elegant language".

Lazar mentioned before, the reason why he can still live in Yunding District despite his poor financial situation is because he has lived long enough. In addition to mastering certain mechanical skills, he also understands "elegant language". He really lacks energy points. Sometimes, small classes will be held privately...

——Not all people who have been mechanically transformed can live as long as two hundred years. Just look at Lazar's lack of money to replace his broken left foot in Yunding District. It will be worse. Once important parts are damaged, death is inevitable.

Today, among the 10,000 residents in "Morning Star City", only 30% have experienced the glorious era before "Morning Star Falls", but the strange thing is that even newborns still have a lot of interest in the "Mechanical Emperor" when they grow up. deep faith.

This may have something to do with education, but there may also be something deeper.

"The 'Mechanical Emperor' was preceded by Dennett in his life. Even if he didn't teach the Dutan language of the southern continent, he should have classified Feneport or Lomborg as the so-called 'Yayan'? Why did he choose Lu? Kind words?

"Of course, between Dennett and 'Mechanical Emperor' Evans, there may be many lives that did not last long and left no traces... Could it be that there are more Loen people here, so he... No, is it 'me' who is impressed by this language?"

While thinking wildly, Abner turned his attention to the statue of "Machine Emperor" again.

As mentioned before, Abner does not believe the so-called "elegant words" of the black mecha man Olmos. If he really trusted him because of this, the other party would not be so wary at first.

What changed his attitude was probably the "salute" action and the yellow stone on the top of the statue that was fused with extraordinary properties.

But this information was not recorded in the "information" previously extracted from the residents' "database"...

They knew nothing about "salute", but after the "statue" made that action, they instinctively "saluted" back! This is not normal!

After observing calmly, Abner had some vague guesses in his mind, but he did not dare to confirm.

As for the yellow stone that combines characteristics, it is also very strange. The spiritual residue on it does not come from the extraordinary characteristics, but from the stone itself... It seems that the stone is the "corpse" of the "Mechanical Emperor".

"I wonder if there will be something like this if Alvin or the God of Luck is cremated... What exactly is it? A relic?"

After muttering a few words in his mind, Abner then controlled the "statue" to put himself back on the ground. He did not answer the black armored man's words about "Ya Yan" and instead said:

"This time I was ordered to come to 'Morning Star City'. In addition to bringing my Lord's order, I also conducted an inspection on you..."

As he spoke, he deliberately looked around at the people who had finished their "salute" and continued, "What makes me happy is that you have not forgotten the glory of the Lord."

Although Abner didn't know what the "salute" action meant specifically, he could guess from the changes in the attitudes of the three committee members that this might be a "secret signal"... What's more, he only said that everyone had not forgotten " The glory of "Machine Emperor" does not directly connect the two. Even if there is a deviation, it can be explained by other reasons.

Upon hearing this, Annick, who looked like "RoboCop", immediately said: "'Morning Star City' will always believe in the 'Mechanical Emperor', and all heretics have been eliminated in the Fallen War."

After expressing his stance, he changed the topic and asked again: "I wonder if the emperor has any orders that you should convey to us?"

Abner smiled and glanced in the direction of the tower, but did not speak. As for what he meant, he let the other party understand it by himself.

After all, how could he have any orders? He came here simply to find out what arrangements he had in his previous life. If the protection system of the central tower was not too advanced, it would be impossible to sneak in. Why would he need to pretend to be a ghost in public?

Seeing this, the three top committee members once again communicated using the built-in encrypted shortwave.

"Olmos, what do you think? Are the words of this divine envoy trustworthy?" Annick Splinter asked first.

Although Olmos's black mecha looks the most powerful, making people subconsciously think that he is responsible for combat power, in fact, he is the wisest person in the entire "Morning Star City".

"You already called him 'Angel of God', why are you asking me for my opinion?" Olmos's shortwave was much more lively than the electronic sound played outside, and even made the other two people hear a hint of a wry smile. "What's more, he can actually influence the statue of the 'Mechanical Emperor' and release a psychic broadcast!

"You should know that after the emperor fell... no, it should be after returning to the throne of God, the spiritual broadcast only sounded once... that is, when the 'Morning Star Falls'... After that, we inexplicably entered this nightmare afternoon town. "

The little girl-like Eleanor clone followed: "Yes, I'm afraid only the three of us still remember the scene when the 'Morning Star Falls'... and the 'spiritual broadcast' that sounded when the city fell apart.

"According to what the divine envoy said, it is very likely that the emperor who has returned to the throne of God noticed our crisis, so he saved us and his followers... You two should know very well that at that time, although we destroyed the four members of the 'True Creator' There is a church, but there are still many people in the city who believe in that evil god, but they have not been able to enter this strange town, and they have not been able to enter this dream 'Morning Star' that is still intact... There is a high probability that they have already followed They died together with the crashed Morning Star City more than two hundred years ago.

"So, my point of view is that the 'spiritual broadcast' will not lie. Since the Emperor clearly wants us to obey the orders of this divine envoy, we don't need to question it."

Annick Splinter pondered for a few seconds and asked again on shortwave: "Could the 'spiritual broadcast' be the triggering effect of the statue after performing the 'Supreme Glory Ceremony' action?

"Although very few people know this etiquette, there may be some people who have experienced the era of the Great Emperor's rule who still remember it..."

Before he finished speaking, Eleanor interrupted: "Not to mention that people in the city will never betray the emperor and inform outsiders of important information... Even if the envoy used special means to obtain this information, but How could he possibly know that the 'highest honor' is the condition for the 'statue of the Great' to release a 'psychic broadcast'?

“This is a secret that even the three of us don’t know!

"What's more, except for the Lord God Envoy, who of you can drive the armor statue left by the Great Emperor? And we all know that the yellow gem still contains the indelible spirit of the Great Emperor. We have long guessed that he does not have Really fallen.

"And now the appearance of Lord God Envoy just confirms this point."

Her words obviously convinced Annick, who nodded slightly. After all, the statue of the Great Emperor has only been activated once in two hundred years, and it was because a monster sneaked in when the "Night Barrier" was closed... Its activation was also the automatic defense of the floating city, and was not driven by the three of them.

In fact, Annick didn't really doubt Abner's identity. He just listed all the possibilities out of caution.

"In that case, let's vote... Should we trust him and bring him into the central tower? It can be seen that the mission target of the God Envoy is likely to be in the tower! Well, I vote in favor." Annick said calmly.

"I also agree... You should have noticed that the God Envoy still holds the "Mechanical Sacred Book" in his hand... Lord Abner's mission is probably related to it.

"And 'Morning Star City' really needs the return of the Mechanical Scripture," Olmos, the black mecha man, also voted in favor.

They need the "Mechanical Sacred Book" not because the ordinary residents of Lazar need the magic potion formula in it. After all, as demigods, they all remember the formula and do not need the "Mechanical Sacred Book" to provide it.

"Morning Star City" has not given birth to a new "alchemist" for two hundred years, not because there is no formula, but because it does not have the ritual conditions to extract the "vitality" of an area required for promotion.

After all, there is no life in Nightmare Afternoon Town.

"Of course I agree! Maybe... maybe the mission of the God Envoy is to take us to the bright world." Eleanor chose to agree without any hesitation.

What a bright world... The two men were also absent-minded for a rare second, and then Olmos and Eleanor led Abner to enter his identity information and enter the tower;

Annick stayed temporarily to calm the gathered people and repair their voice and listening equipment.

On the other side, as soon as Abner walked into the tower accompanied by two "alchemists", he saw a very high altar in the center of the first floor, but there seemed to be a piece missing from the top of the altar. , forming a groove, and its missing shape is exactly the same as the "Gear Book" in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Abner remembered that Klein's introduction to the replica of the "Floating City" in Nath's underground space also focused on describing such an altar.

Do you pay attention to the "marker of destiny"? Abner's heart suddenly moved and he had some guesses.

Then, after greeting the two "Alchemists", he jumped into the air and put the "Gear Book" into the corresponding groove on the altar.

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