Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 47 The key to everything

As the "Mechanical Holy Code" was placed in the groove of the altar, the entire floating city shook, as if cheering to welcome its return.

The "Helios Furnace" at the top of the tower was also operating at full power again, filling all the spare energy bins in an instant, forcing Olmos to order his mechanical assistant to urgently mount dozens of high-energy-consuming machines. The experimental project was able to maintain a "balance" and avoid exploding the furnace.

Eleanor also increased the intensity of the "sunlight" in the botanical garden by several levels, and used the ability of the "sealed object" integrated with herself to shorten the growth cycle of various plants without stopping. To create and store energy-rich "honey juice" - although this brought a great burden to her.

At the same time, the "Gear Book" actually opened on its own, skipping the previous recipe pages from Sequence 9 to Sequence 3, and turned to the last three pages that Abner had originally thought were "blank" pages.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of information was displayed in front of Abner's eyes, which was easily received by his "information extraction" ability.

“So that’s how it turns out!

"The first of the last three pages in the 'Gear Book' actually contains the power from the 'Omniscient Eye'!

"It was the 'creation' ability of the 'Omniscient Eye' that once again 'created' an identical 'Floating City' in the nightmare of 'Afternoon Town' when 'Morning Star City' fell to the earth and fell apart. The residents were able to gain a glimmer of hope for survival in such a harsh environment.

"It is precisely because the 'Floating City' was created by it, and the people who believe in the 'Mechanical Emperor' were also sent into the nightmare by it, so the "Mechanical Holy Scripture" itself did not follow it into the nightmare Afternoon Town, but Left in the ruins of the floating city in reality.

"Well, this kind of 'creation' is just like the 'exchange' in the 'Dream Labyrinth Tower' and the items I created using the 'Incomplete White Tower' of my 'incomplete mythical form'. They cannot exist in reality for a long time..." It's just more advanced.

"By the way, when I first opened the 'Gear Book' underground in the 'Harvest Church', I also played the entire process of the 'Floating City' from its construction to its fall.

“At that time, I only thought it was a record and tribute to a civilization looking for hope in the darkness... Now that I think about it, it is actually the ‘information’ element necessary to ‘create’ the floating city!

"It is essentially the same as the 'existence information' I forged when I created the fake diary page at Professor Mitchell's house in East Chester County... It's still the same sentence, just more advanced and more 'real'.

"For people living in this nightmare, they probably won't notice the difference at all... Only the three 'alchemists', because of their divinity, may notice some clues when they fall into the nightmare.

"Next, the second blank page contains the power of the 'Pure White Angel'!

“It was supposed to be used to provide energy for the ‘created’ floating city, but for some reason it was not successfully completed when the ‘Morning Star fell’, causing the ‘Morning Star City’ to be in a state of energy shortage for more than two hundred years.

“However, I, who left this ‘Gear Book’ at that time, may have anticipated this, otherwise I would not have given a prophecy that ‘when He returns, the morning star will surely shine and disaster will be far away’.

"Haha, with the 'Pure White' supplementary energy, most of the functions of Morning Star City will naturally be able to operate perfectly. Can they shine so brightly?

"As for the 'disaster'... I'm afraid it refers to the monsters in the town in the afternoon. Why did they stay away? Could it be because I have the goddess' attention? Monsters in the dark night will naturally not be able to jump up in front of the 'night' itself.

"And on the last blank page of the 'Gear Book', there is an authority, or an 'amnesty order'... This 'pardon order' allows the believers of the 'Mechanical Emperor' in 'Morning Star City' not to die after their death. Return to the underworld!

"In other words, all the newborns in 'Morning Star City' are actually reincarnated after the death of their predecessors... Although they have no previous memories, their belief in the 'Mechanical Emperor' will not change, because this is the prerequisite for reincarnation!

"So, the total population of 'Morning Star City' has remained unchanged for so many years, always 10,000. In addition to energy constraints, the total number of 'souls' is also constant!

"Heh, it sounds like this city is just like the Kingdom of the Mechanical Emperor...

"Such a 'pardon' obviously has the characteristics of a 'Death Archon'... Could it be that 'Mechanical Emperor' Ivans allowed the 'Gear Book' to go deep into the 'Unknown Land' and come into contact with the 'Lord of the Undead' Vicente... Miranda's soul in that life benefited from it?

"Well, it's not impossible. After all, the 'Mechanical Emperor', as the 'Mysterious Demon', is no worse than the 'Reader' when it comes to playing with 'information'!

“Furthermore, the ‘Omniscient Eye’ and ‘Pure White Angel’ powers on the first two blank pages of the ‘Gear Book’ are most likely also ‘harvested’ from the ‘Unknown Land’!

"Look at it this way, in Evans's life, the illusory 'pure white angel' and 'all-knowing eye' at the entrance to the 'Unknown Land' already existed... This was the time in Dennett's life when 'me' and the two One of Wulong's experimental results?

"Finally, in this life of Evans, or earlier, I should have decided on my current path as a 'reader'!

“After all, apart from the ‘information extraction’ ability of a ‘reader’, it is not that easy to obtain the information left in the ‘Gear Book’ through other means.

"Even if Klein uses dream divination, the information he gets will not be so complete."

As his thoughts raced, Abner thought of another important question, that is, why did 'Mechanical Emperor' Evans, his former self, leave this information here, and what benefits could he get from it.

“Is it possible that this city is the kingdom of God and the anchor I have prepared for myself?

"But it obviously can only exist in the 'nightmare'. Once it goes out, all that will be left behind are some residual souls... And without the floating city, the amnesty order of the 'Death Archon' will be invalid.

"Similar to the 'redeemed' items in the 'Dream Maze Tower', there is no problem in using them in the 'Dream Scene', but when you get it in reality, there is no real object to rely on, and it will only disappear in minutes... I am in the 'Incomplete White Tower' The same is true for created things. Those with realistic materials, such as the armor I am wearing now, can still exist; those without reality, such as the demigod talisman, will disappear within a few seconds after taking it out..."

Thinking of this, Abner was stunned for a moment, and then opened his eyes wide, because he suddenly realized one thing, that is, the "Floating City" is not without real objects as a basis in reality!

"That replica of the 'Floating City' built in Nath by 'Alchemist' Klaus!"

Abner's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he thought excitedly:

"I see!

"The person who guided Klaus to build the floating city is just as I guessed before, it was also me! It was the 'Disaster Seal'!

"Didn't you expect that the scheming me would do good things?

"Well, we still can't draw any conclusions. Maybe he has other plans... Moreover, some of his behavioral patterns are actually very similar to those of Lao Huang in his later years, and there are many contradictions in them.

"Back to the topic, Nath's replica was probably prepared to bring this nightmare floating city back to the world.

“As long as they overlap at a certain location, they can turn reality into reality, making this ‘creation’ no longer just an image in a dream.

"Most of the difficulties here have been solved by the 'Mechanical Emperor' using the illusory 'Omniscient Eye'. The only problem now is how to establish a connection between the replica and the current nightmare floating city at a certain location. , to overlap...

"This requires a location where dreams, reality, the spirit world, and the star world are intertwined, and there is no big barrier... Wait!"

At this thought, Abner seemed to have a flash of inspiration in his mind, and the name of a place blurted out:

"God's war ruins sea area!"

Yes, except for the Land Abandoned by Gods, only in the ruins of the War of Gods can the barriers of the three worlds be blurred, and dreams and reality intersect... Of course, the most important thing is that the imitation floating city in reality is. It's possible to get there!

"Klein said before that Master Klaus had the idea of ​​imitating it after he witnessed the 'Floating City' in a certain being's dream in the sea area of ​​​​the ruins of the God War.

"So, as long as the floating city in reality is moved to the sea area of ​​​​the ruins of the God War, and then the 'Morning Star City' here is swapped with the floating city in the dream of the ruins of the God War... we should be able to achieve the conditions for 'creation' in reality. .

"After all, all the information about the floating city is recorded in the "Mechanical Sacred Book"... What is missing now is just physical support.

“And to complete this ‘transfer’ and ‘swap’, what is needed is… a ‘miracle’!

“Not the miracle of ‘resurrection’ ‘purchased’ from Zaratul, but another type of ‘miracle’!

"So, if you want to get this 'miracle', you either have to wait for Klein to advance to Sequence 2, or you need to use Zaratul's 'miracle' and the secret technique to resurrect Alvin first, so that he... no, let 'me' follow the trend. Promoted to 'Miracle Master'!

"Is this why the goddess gave me the black gem on my chest, allowed me to explore the ruins of the 'God of Luck', and then came here?

"'Miracle' is the key to everything!

"Of course, I can also ignore these people and things, and don't want the so-called Kingdom of God, believers, and anchors...

"But the people here probably won't be able to hold on for that long... Even if the "Mechanical Scripture" returns, they won't be able to hold on for too long...

“After I got so many prerequisites, I can already vaguely see the ‘River of Destiny’ for some people...

"With the in-depth exploration of the Silver City team, they will be discovered sooner or later... And because Elder Lovia is in Silver City, it is equivalent to the 'True Creator' once again paying attention...

"At that time, the secrets of the night can no longer be hidden... There is a high probability that they will not be able to wait for Klein...

“This is the disaster in their ‘tributaries of destiny’!

“…when He returns, the morning star will shine and disaster will be far away…

"For them, will I follow the path designed by my former self, work hard to study the secret technique, resurrect Alvin as my clone, and rescue them?" Abner asked himself.

But soon, he gave the answer:

"I can!

"Because it's within my power!"

Thinking of this, Abner closed his eyes and couldn't help but sigh: The one who knows me best is myself!

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