Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 54 Summary and Tarot Session (4/9)

Nas, in the floating city in the underground space.

Since there was nothing to build and he didn't bring "canned wolf fish" as a gift, Abner did not meet Master Claus, but simply visited the city and "Morning Star City" accompanied by Jane. Almost the same city.

"As I expected, the similarities are only superficial structures... Although the four major systems have been created, they are just fake. Even if they are placed in the 'Land Abandoned by Gods', they cannot borrow divine power...

“In general, this is just a super large ‘figure’.

"However, it is enough as a 'reality support' for the floating city created by the 'Omniscient Eye' in the nightmare.

"I just don't know how much Master Klaus wants before he is willing to sell this city to me... After all, this is his hard work for more than a hundred years."

Regarding this issue, after Jane thought about it, she still went to Master Claus to ask. As a result, the master was not angry, but gave a very clear condition:

"As long as he can make this city fly for a long time and let him continue to do research in the floating city, he will give the floating city to anyone."

Fly? Abner touched his chin and felt that it was not impossible to achieve. After all, after he advanced to Sequence 3 and became an "Insighter", he would be able to leverage the power of nature for his own use...

Although it will still be difficult to make the "Floating City" fly by then, it will not be impossible.

After thinking for a while, Abner put aside the problem temporarily. After all, the matter was not urgent.

Next, he settled down to be a tourist and, accompanied by Jane, took a good tour of the floating city that he had not had time to take a closer look at in the afternoon.

The happy time is always short-lived. On Monday morning, Abner waved goodbye to Jane in her reluctant eyes and "teleported" directly back to Bayam's Fragrant Manor.

Sitting in his bedroom, he glanced at the clock on the wall. Before the tarot session had started, Abner had a rare moment of leisure and began to sort out his recent goals and things that needed to be done. .

——The dates and dinners every night last week allowed him to put a lot of things aside temporarily, and now he can finally start working on his own things.

"First of all, it's about myself... Because Her Highness Vera gave me the reward in advance, I now have the two main potion ingredients of the 'Insighter', 'Eye of Asmo' and 'Fairy of the Mist' in my hand. A complete brain', currently only some supporting materials are missing... Well, I can ask at the Tarot meeting later...

"Moreover, the complete analysis of at least three 'incomplete mythical creature forms' required by the 'Insighter' ritual has been completed thanks to the previous 'I', and there are still nine types, covering the nine major sources... …

"However, I set a goal for myself after my promotion, which is to analyze all the 'incomplete mythical creatures' in the 22 paths as much as possible before taking the Sequence 3 potion.

"Well, except for the relevant path information left behind by the past lives of demigods eight times, as well as the incomplete mythological creature information on the 'sun' path given by the illusory 'pure white angel' in the 'unknown land'... and then exclude my own 'prophet' '...

"There are still 12 types left... namely 'The Hanged Man', 'Imaginary', 'Tyrant', 'Error', 'Fool', 'Darkness', 'Twilight Giant', 'Original Witch', and 'Mother' , 'The Abyss', 'The Black Emperor', 'The Hermit'.

"Among them, those on the 'Hanged Man' path can ask for help from Cello Delion, whose destiny was occupied by the former Pope. He is now the 'Black Knight'. Although he doesn't know why he recognizes me as his master, I don't think he would mind letting me. I'll look into it.

"The 'Dreamer' is also ready-made. I have already studied the 'Dragon' very well. As long as I wait for 'Owen' to be unblocked from the island, I can make up for the missing parts... Well, if it is really If you are in a hurry, you can also ask the two ladies 'Lazy' and 'Greedy' for help... although this may come at a price.

"The 'Tyrant' is more troublesome. There is no target yet... Maybe after finding Goshnam, she can help?

"The 'wrong' demigod is also hard to find... You can't catch an Amon, right?

"Besides Him, the only other option is to go to Leonard's grandfather... But as an old antique, Palles is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

"By the way, Lion Leo once stole the demigod-level 'Insect of Time' from Emma... Maybe there is a demigod with the 'stealer' path next to her? Well, this is at least one direction. Waiting for the banquet Or if you meet someone at a dance, take a look.

"The 'Cat Bug' of the 'Fool' path... no, it is the 'Spirit Bug'. Zaratul should have it... His historical projection is in the 'Unknown Land', even if the information gathered is not Complete, you can also think of other ways to complete it...for example, find a way through Thales who is an undercover agent in the Secret Order.

"As for the 'dark' path, I have no clue at all. I can only pray to the goddess and see. Well, I'll give it a try during the next 'Moon Mass'.

"The 'Twilight Giant' path was originally very difficult, but I just got back the 'Wild Hunt' medal from 'Morning Star City', which allows me to summon a demon hunter who has transformed into an 'Incomplete Mythic Form', and the problem has been solved." ... I just need to wait until I return to Backlund to confirm which relatives are truly related to my body by blood, and then I can try it.

"'Witch'... originally the 'White Saint' was a good choice, but with the destruction of the 'Proof of Lost Heart', I can't order her anymore... So, I'll leave it to be decided for the time being.

"The 'Mother' path... There is really no good candidate, so I can only pray to Lilith again... Hey, I have to criticize Giuseppe Castilla again in this life. He lives with Lamia. After all this time, have you never thought about studying the other party's 'mythic form' in depth?

"The 'Abyss' path 'Devil' is present in the 'Magic Mirror' and can also reveal incomplete mythological forms. This does not need to be sought from outside.

"Except for Russell, I only know Fanny among the Beyonders of the 'Black Emperor' path... But she is still far from a demigod, so she can't be of much help... This is also to be determined.

"Finally, as for the 'hermit', there are many choices. Yaluo Lan, Bernadette, and even Cattleya, who will advance in the near future, I can provide them with what they need...

"However, Yaluolan still takes priority. After all, Vera once said that Yaluolan needs my help when he encounters a dilemma and hopes to meet me outside the big city.

"Well, after this Tarot session, I will try to summon her messenger.

"In short, except for the 'Black Emperor' and the 'Witch' who have no clue at all, and the 'Mother', 'Darkness', 'Error' and 'Tyrant' are still not sure, have the rest been found?

"Then, my actions before Sequence 3 were aimed at the incomplete mythical status of these pathways."

Summarizing this, Abner took a sip of coffee and continued to think:

"In addition to these, I still need to continue to perfect the 'resurrection', or 'clone' secret technique that has been continuously perfected by the previous 'I', and then first resurrect 'Alvin Abraham' as a clone... After all, he is the only one who has entered the world. Once I reach the level of 'Miracle Master', there will be a steady stream of 'miracles' for me to 'resurrect' other selves.

“And the floating city also requires a ‘miracle’.

"By the way, I have to take the time to check out the abandoned castle in the middle of the Delaire Forest. The experiments there involving Erwulong and me may be helpful in perfecting the secret technique.

"In addition, the construction of my viscounty territory must also be put on the agenda. After all, it also involves Hugh's ceremony..."

Thanks to the "multi-threaded" thinking ability of the "Prophet", while sorting out his own plans, Abner also summarized the commissions and tasks he received:

"Among Lilith's two missions, the investigation into the secrets of the Delien family is nearing its conclusion. It will take at most a month to give the Delien family a heavy blow and force their ancestor to expose the secret on his own initiative. .

"As for the other one, the clues are still relatively scattered...for example, the whereabouts of the two personalities of Goshnam, such as the experiment eleven years ago...and the latter also told Vera to find the 'Night Emperor' soul stone. There is an intersection with the commission, because it is likely to involve the lid of the 'God's Box'.

"But this matter can be slowed down and started after Ms. Felina, who went to Disi for vacation with Stuart, returns to Backlund - there are too many things, and I really have no intention of going to them now.

"There is also the matter of finding the murderer of Silica entrusted by Mr. Azik... Since we need to go to Jianhai County, it can be combined with the construction of the territory.

"As for the search for the Blood Emperor's treasures in Andorra, the Rhine and the Black Emperor, the Death God's experimental base, etc., I can only put them aside for the time being and wait until I become the 'Insighter'!"

As he kept thinking and drinking cups of coffee, Abner finally cleared his mind and made a preliminary plan for the Demigod Queen's course of action.

At this time, the Tarot Club was about to start. Abner quickly adjusted his thoughts and separated a "wisdom eye" to make his own clone, preparing to send it to the gray mist.

Above the gray fog, Klein relied on himself to manifest the "world" for the first time, and used the ability of the "Puppet Master" to make his expression more delicate, his reactions more like a real person, and he could also make the spiritual fluctuations of the puppet close to that of a real person. Naturally, no longer lifeless!

In addition to these, he also directly gains the vision, hearing, and other senses of the "world" just like a dual-player player!

"So Sharon won't always say that I imitate her in tarot meetings..."

With a murmur, Klein glanced at the gold-cased pocket watch, and then, after giving the "sun" a warning, he spread his spirituality to the crimson stars around him.

Soon, on both sides of the long mottled ancient bronze table, blurry figures stretched and lengthened in the crimson light, becoming gentlemen and ladies.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~" "Justice" Audrey's brisk and joyful voice sounded first as usual.

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