Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 55 Notes and Diary (5/9)

After all the members, led by Miss Justice, had greeted Mr. Fool and briefly expressed their greetings to each other, before Audrey could congratulate Miss Temperance on her promotion, Klein followed the original plan. Cattleya "got angry".

Even though she received money from the "Queen of Mysteries", she still had to beat her when it was time to beat her, as if the money was Bernadette's "discipline" fee.

Abner looked on with a smile and saw Klein naming "Bernadette" in front of Ms. "The Hermit" and other members of the Tarot Club just like in the original work, revealing the identity of Russell's eldest daughter and the owner of the Dawn, and When Cattleya secretly looked at "The Fool", the raving pollution of the "True Creator" was directly "grafted", causing the screams and painful groans of this young lady who always liked "peeping" to echo above the gray fog. , hearing "The Hanged Man" Alger, "Moon" Emlyn, "Magician" Forsi, "Judgement" Xio and others look at each other, as if they intuitively felt the pain the other party was suffering.

At the same time, the blurry image became clearer, allowing them to clearly see the changes that had occurred on the "hermit's" body.

The disgusting and ferocious scene frightened Audrey "Justice" and suddenly retracted her gaze. She straightened her back, looked straight ahead, and did not dare to move.

Others' reactions were less exaggerated, but had the same meaning.

Only Abner and Miss Sharon were relatively calm. The former knew that Klein was just bluffing, while the latter had seen too many more disgusting things within the "Rose School".

At this time, Alger also said "Don't peep at God" at the right time. While the members of the Tarot Society were in awe of Mr. Fool, who was usually arrogant, it also made Klein feel a sense of "Bath". "It's not worth his effort to perform.

He looked at the "Tower" subconsciously, but he didn't see any "fear" emotion in the color of his spirit body...

"Is this because he has stopped pretending? Or is it because he is the pretty girl of many goddesses?" Klein complained in his heart. He felt that although this wave of power was not perfect, it still met expectations. So he looked around and saw that it was bland. Bodi said:

"So be it."

After hearing these words, the "hermit" Cattleya, whose spirit body had just recovered, relaxed for a moment, feeling intense exhaustion and happiness rising up like crazy, making her just want to find an easy chair, lie down and rest for a while.

At the same time, she glanced gratefully at the "World" Gehrman at the bottom, thinking that it was his efforts that prevented Mr. Fool's punishment from being too severe, and only made her feel the pain without any Substantial damage.

However, the pain just now was no weaker to her than the torture caused by the knowledge instilled by the "Hidden Sage". Therefore, she believed without a doubt that Mr. Fool was indeed a god in essence, a true god, unfathomable and unfathomable. Peeping gods!

Although her action was hidden, it still failed to hide the three young ladies of "Justice", "Judgment" and "Temperance" who had strong insights, not to mention Abner, who was even less likely to miss such details.

"The expression on 'The Hermit' shows that she has long known that her behavior will lead to punishment from Mr. Fool, and she even went to privately contact Mr. World, who is Mr. Fool's 'favorite', to ask for forgiveness. Judging from the results, Mr. Fool is indeed just a small punishment and a big warning... Is this the result of Mr. World's help?" Based on the limited information, Audrey carefully analyzed the cause and effect.

"Judgment" Xio was very familiar with this kind of thing. She was seeking connections through the back door. She was actually well-connected, but she just didn't expect Mr. "World" to have such a great influence on Mr. "Fool".

Of course, it may also be that even the fact that the "hermit" went to seek help from "the world" privately was within Mr. Fool's expectation, and then it was just...well, in the words of Emperor Russell, it was called smooth. Push the boat against the current.

"Temperance" Sharon was the most direct, turning her head to look at "the world". The latter immediately responded with a "go back and talk in private" look.

Abner looked at this and that, and the feeling of seeing the whole situation filled him with joy.

In the silence, Cattleya said sincerely after regaining her composure:

"Remember your tolerance."

Klein, the “Fool” in the gray mist, nodded gently and stopped repeating his previous words.

At this time, "Justice" Audrey breathed a sigh of relief. In order to enliven the atmosphere of the Tarot Club and prevent it from being enveloped by "low pressure", she looked at "Temperance" Sharon and said with a smile:

"Miss Temperance, welcome back to the Tarot Society.

"I wonder if I can call you 'Your Excellency'?"

Hearing this, "Temperance" Sharon, who was as delicate as a puppet, nodded and replied in an ethereal voice: "Just use the previous title."

Huh? Miss Temperance seems to talk a lot more than before. Is this a change after being promoted to demigod?

Except for Klein, everyone had this idea in their minds and confirmed that "Temperance" had become a saint. After all, the underlying meaning of her words was, "Although she should be called Your Excellency, you don't need to call me that."

Because she spoke more, everyone understood her even without the translation of "World".

"Congratulations, Miss Temperance, for becoming the second demigod of our Tarot Club." "Justice", "Magician", "Judgement" and others congratulated at the same time.

Faced with such a scene, Sharon didn't know how to deal with it for a moment, so she had to subconsciously look at the "world".

Seeing this, "The World" had to clear his throat and said after careful consideration: "What Miss Temperance wants to say is that if you need help with anything in Backlund, you can entrust her to her."

As soon as he finished speaking, "Temperance" Sharon immediately nodded and said: "Yes."

Mr. "World" and Miss "Temperance" have such a tacit understanding... Moreover, I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel that Mr. "World" is also much more lively, not like a "dead" person like before... Bah, bah, oh Delly, how can you say that Mr. World is a dead man? This is unladylike!

Just when Audrey was self-examining, the congratulations to "Temperance" came to an end. "Magician" Forsi looked around and saw that no one else spoke anymore, so he turned his gaze to the top and said respectfully:

"Mr. Fool, I have two pages of Russell's diary here."

This was what she got from her teacher Dorian after meeting him last week, along with the "Lemanno's Travel Notes".

Abner was not surprised by this, because he had already read it in Forsi and knew that it did contain some important information.

Klein transferred the manifested diary of Miss Magician to his hand, but did not read it immediately. He just asked: "What do you need?"

"Mr. Fool, I want an ability at the semi-god level." Forsi answered first, but then thought that his words were a little unclear, so he immediately added.

"That's right, I have a magical item here.

"It has 38 pages in total. Each page can help the user record the extraordinary abilities he has seen and release them when needed. However, it is weaker than the original one...

"Each page can be recorded repeatedly, and the record can only be used once... Among them, three pages can be used for demigod-level extraordinary abilities, but the probability of successful recording is very low, and it may not be possible once in ten times..."

Forsi briefly explained the ability characteristics and negative effects of "Lemanor's Travel Notes". At the same time, he was worried about the probability of this note recording demigod abilities.

That day, she and Abner spent the whole night, and only recorded two demigod-level abilities. One of them, the "No Dark Realm", was okay, and the other "Audience" path's "Mind Deprivation" failed due to "simulation". The effect was already weaker than the original version. After it was weakened for the second time, it was actually not much stronger than the "shock" ability at the sequence 5 level.

However, even if the probability of recording was very low, "Justice" Audrey and others still had their eyes brightening a little bit when they heard it.

They were no longer newcomers to the occult and extraordinary fields. It was not difficult for them to hear the value of the travel notebook in Miss Magician's hand. No communication was needed. At the same time, they regarded it as a semi-artifact, and they couldn't help but feel envious in their hearts.

In other words, you want me to help record a page of demigod-level abilities? It's not a big problem...but if the recording ability is not satisfactory, it will be a bit unsatisfactory...

Klein hesitated for a second, then asked "The World" to speak in a hoarse voice: "Miss Magician, I can help you record a page of demigod-level attack capabilities, or a page of 'theft' that briefly steals the specified concept. 'Ability... why don't you and I make an exchange and give me the contribution of the diary?"

"Magician" Forsi turned around and glanced at "The World" after hearing this, and then after thinking for a moment, he nodded and said: "Okay... I want that stealing ability."

As long as the "demigod" ability can be recorded, it doesn't matter to her who provides it... not to mention that the "world" may be lacking in this kind of contribution, so it is better to sell it as a favor.

Seeing that Miss Magician agreed, Klein also breathed a sigh of relief. After controlling "The World" to express his gratitude, he picked up the first page of the two-page diary and read it carefully:

“On May 19, Bernadette’s 18th birthday dinner was completely messed up, and I didn’t know whether to be happy or sad.

“Sadly, this is the banquet that my daughter has been looking forward to for a long time, and she even designed her own dress for the whole family... although neither she nor I adopted it in the end.

"But happily, the so-called 'romantic' plans of those brats also came to nothing. A series of changes exposed their hypocrisy, timidity, and irresponsibility. My Bernadette will definitely not be the same in the future. Look at them again.

“Hey, they deserve this!

"You have to know that although they often tried to please Bernadette before, they were definitely not so enthusiastic...

“But everything has changed since I entered the White Maple Palace in January!

"Those brats must have ulterior motives, my Bernadette needs to keep her eyes open!

"By the way, after I told Disaster Seal about this matter, he remained silent and only said at the end, 'Don't take me to such a banquet next time'..."

"What does he mean? Does he dislike the banquet I held for being boring?

"If that's the case, I have to take him to a big event next time, and let this Fourth Age bumpkin who always likes to show off see the luxury of contemporary aristocrats!"

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