Mystery: The Ancient God is Actually Me

Vol 2 Chapter 239: while the case

Backlund, Hillston District, Cragg Club.

"Hey, Alan, I haven't seen you for a long time." On the dry lawn, Talim Dumont held up the tennis racket in his hand, and waved his arms enthusiastically towards Alan, who was walking in the distance.

Across the net, reporter Mike, who was standing on the other side of the field, also nodded slightly, put down his racket and walked over quickly.

"There are more patients recently." Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, tall and thin, Alan Kreis squeezed out a smile and waved like two friends who had not seen each other for a long time.

"I heard that you have been lucky recently, and you have become one of the most popular doctors in the West District." Talim, who came from a noble family, patted Allen on the shoulder kindly, with a heartfelt smile under his short brown curly hair .

Mike, who had put away the sports equipment, also took up the topic and said with interest:

"It seems that there is another authoritative doctor in our club?"

Being teased by two friends, even Alan, who was used to being cold, couldn't help being a little shy and shook his head frequently.

He made an excuse to call the waiter to prepare tea, and then talked seriously about the jokes of the two friends.

"It's just more patients."

"If I really want to produce results in medicine, I have to overcome at least a few difficulties, or a major operation that has not been overcome..."

"And Mikasha was pregnant recently, and I couldn't take the experience to prepare for such an operation."


Talim and Mike looked sideways at the same time, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

As the old man of the Cragg Club, they were all until Ellen's wife was a gentle and beautiful woman with black hair. The husband and wife were in harmony, and they already had a child.

But their children were blessed by the goddess of the night, and it was before they joined the club. The first time they heard that Alan was going to be a father again, both Mike and Talim, who were married, were surprised.

"Looks like you've been really lucky recently." Mike opened his mouth exaggeratedly and touched his forehead.

The brown-haired Talim also nodded frequently, but compared to Mike, his face was much more cramped.

"It's really something to be happy about..."

The waiter who was preparing the tea came from outside the house. Three cups of steaming Earl Grey tea were placed on an octagonal plate with the handle facing out.

Seeing that Alan, who has always been reserved, is not very good at dealing with this topic, Mike did not go to get his own cup of black tea, but instead pointed to Mike and joked:

"By the way, Ellen, now there are two people here who have experienced the beauty of marriage. Maybe we should give some valuable life advice to the gentleman who is still single."

Hearing Mike's words, Talim blushed suddenly, and Aaron, who was confused, frowned slightly and put down the warm black tea.

"Mike, this is Talim's own business."

For an aristocrat whose economic situation is not very prosperous, it is very understandable that he can't find a suitable partner, but if he mentions this matter carelessly in front of the other party, it often means rudeness in the implicit Loen society.

Mike drew a small smile and said mysteriously:

"Maybe he himself wants to hear our advice."

Without waiting for what Allen and Talim were saying, the reporter showed good professional habits and cleared his throat.

"To put it simply, our Talim recently met a girl who made his heart move, but for some reason he couldn't win the girl's heart smoothly..."

At the end, Mike dragged a long note meaningfully, picked up the teacup, and took a sip.

"It seems that I did miss a lot of things." Alan, who looked cold, showed a rare interest.

He looked sideways at Talim and observed that the young man's face was suddenly stained with a blushing abnormally, and immediately added:

"While we're happy to share our experiences, love is always private and depends on how you feel."

"Oh, no, my friend, don't be so nervous," said Talim, whose cheeks were flushed with crimson, shaking his body slightly, his head lowered as he breathed harder, the shadows cast by his short brown hair covering his eyes.

"I'm just a little flustered and don't know how to face it. After all, in addition to feelings, there are many insurmountable factors that stand between us."

He slowly raised his head, and under the concerned and worried eyes of Allen and Mike, he gently caressed the blue-purple gemstone pinned to his right chest with a look of love, and the crimson occupied most of his face.

Blinded eyes staring at a non-existent point of view, as if looking into the distance, Talim stopped breathing under the gaze of his two friends.



In the Red Rose Manor on the outskirts of Backlund Queens, a girl with a round face and long black hair that was soft and shiny shouted in surprise.

The plain white slender hands tightly held a doll without facial features, and the knuckles were so hard that they turned white. In surprise, he didn't even realize that his fingernails were completely submerged in the cotton wool.

After a moment of silence, the black-haired girl trembled all over, her slender eyes were full of anger, and she angrily ran towards a full-length mirror placed in the corner of the room.

A cluster of black flames suddenly rose from the palm of the hand and quickly wiped on the surface of the mirror.

She waited for one second, two seconds, three seconds... until she counted to ten seconds, she didn't see any change.

The mirror that was placed in the corner was still dark, and the solid surface did not turn into an illusion, nor did it show any images or words, but just stood there quietly.

The sweet-looking black-haired girl stepped back, panic took the place of anger in her eyes, and a touch of coldness floated on her back.

"Where do you want to go?"

The coldness, which is not like human body temperature, touched the smoothness behind her. The girl felt the soft touch gradually approaching the back of her neck, and endured the dryness in her mouth:

"You killed Talim?"

"How can he die if you don't try to manipulate him into falling in love with you?"

The charming and pure female voice was amplified several times in the quiet room. The girl who listened to it had her hair standing on end, her limbs were stiff as if she had lost motivation, and she was as stiff as a clay sculpture. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't do anything other than breathe. More action.

The soft icy cold slowly slid from the back to the girl's forearm, and the warm breath was spit on the back of the neck, making the girl tremble again, only to feel that a giant python was wrapping her throat, just waiting tied tightly.

The woman who gave the impression of a snake and python gently slid over the girl's forearm, stroking the blue-purple ring on her little finger, and her delicate voice was a lot more respectful.

"Triss, Triss-Chick, why not follow the destiny set for you by the 'Original'?"

"This is a good opportunity to integrate with the gods and gain divinity. Why do you resist it, just because you need to accompany that fool prince in love and love, so you feel wronged and have to run away?"

The female voice was persuasive and seductive, as if it was actually teasing the girl's nerves.

The warm breath gradually faded away, and the icy soft cat that caressed Triss's forearm suddenly exerted force, and the seductive words changed, tainted with a faint threat.

"We are all daughters of the original. As a sister who is a few years older than you, I am happy to help the little sister out of the wrong path."

"Unfortunately, recently, I not only have to abide by the 'primitive' oracle, but also meet the strange little requirements of that highness. Her temper is not very good~"

The long, sweet voice became more and more tired, and the soft catkin that lacked warmth also faded from her forearm. The black-haired girl - Triss stared at the empty space in front of her in horror, and pressed the ice cold to her neck. The moment before, he nodded imperceptibly.

The icy cold was fleeting, and the terrifying feeling of pressure disappeared. Triss, who was standing there like a clay sculpture, still maintained that ridiculous posture, but her nerves were relaxed a lot.

Picking up the faceless puppet on the ground, and letting the black flame devour the avatar who established a connection with Talim with the help of blood, Triss squatted down, like a real, wronged girl Like, tears rolled in the eye sockets.

The heavy footsteps were getting heavier and heavier, and there was a muffled "bang". Edsac Augustus, who was dressed in a Chinese uniform similar to a standard military uniform, with a round face, swept into the depths of the room solemnly, and noticed that he looked like a young bird. Triss curled up on the ground.

Before the seriousness on his face could be maintained for another second, the hardness inevitably softened. Edsack hurried to Triss, who was squatting on the ground, and hugged her.

At the door of the opened room, the meticulously dressed butler put everything in his eyes, and silently tapped his chest as if he had not seen anything.

It was a hanging cross.


"News Andre?"

Klein repeated a name on the list in surprise, Dunn cast his eyes upon hearing the sound and said:

"Is there something wrong with this man?"

Klein, who frowned slightly, shook his head and expressed his doubts.

"I once saw this name in a eucalyptus. If the address on the file is correct, I remember that he should have disappeared at least a month ago?"

After the last detective seminar convened by the Eucalyptus the Ripper police, Klein had learned about a commission from Detective Isengard, and on the way to investigate this commission, he happened to discover the secret of the Abraham family.

"You remember no problem, he has indeed been missing for a long time." Leonard's voice interjected a little abruptly.

For some unknown reason, this member of the Red Gloves, who had no job for the time being, took the initiative to apply to join the team of the two detectives. Even though Carlson's euphemisms had no effect, he could be regarded as a model of not looking at his face.

Steam and Mechanic God's informants and Evernight's guardians act together, what kind of thing!

After cutting the messy black hair to the sides, Leonard took a few steps back, looked at the reactions of "Moriarty" and "Yin Wensi", and recited familiarly:

"Although this Mr. Andre has indeed been missing for a long time, the various investigations he has experienced before have basically denied his suspicion."

"But..." Leonard deliberately dragged the word very long, his green eyes narrowed into a slit, "We later went into a dream and investigated a young lady who hired a private detective to find him, that is, he fiancee."

"I was surprised to find that there are traces of ritual magic left on this lady. Although it looks harmless, I at least proved that her fiance is not as innocent as she appears."

Possibly having experienced an unmarried couple-related tragedy, Leonard couldn't help but bring some personal emotion into his statement.

"Later we borrowed some sealed items to re-investigate that Andre's house, but unfortunately he prepared sophisticated anti-divination methods, and the month-long window period also blocked the possibility of psychic..."

"But what does this have to do with this Mr. Andre and the New Ripper Eucalyptus?" Dunn interrupted the other party's next words, frowning.

"Of course, because we found traces of this long-lost Andre in the follow-up investigation, just near the scene of the eucalyptus." Leonard's handsome face was stained with a hint of displeasure.

He took a deep look at "Yin Wensi" again, and asked Klein sideways:

"Detective Moriarty, did you discover anything when you investigated him earlier?"

Klein, who had never spoken, rolled his eyes in his heart, but in reality he shook his head solemnly.

What did I find, what can I say directly?

I can never say that I entered his house in an astral state, peeped at the correspondence between the family and his fiancée, and killed the spirit servants he summoned through the "demon" ritual...

Besides, I was wearing the spell given by Will Auceptin at the time, and the sealed artifact of the church should not have found me at all. In your eyes, it is impossible for me to appear there.

"But I think we can start with this gentleman." Although he couldn't reveal clues due to various factors, Klein took the initiative to participate in the topic.

Rather than being with official Beyonders at all times, or even encountering acquaintances like Ms. Da Li from time to time, it is better to choose to investigate with Louis Yinwensi and Leonard.

Anyway, with Leonard's current sequence, it's almost impossible for him to spot my disguise...

Leonard, who was unaware of Klein's mental activity, pondered for a moment, and quickly agreed with the proposal.

He looked at Dunn and said:

"I'm going to Captain Soest now to apply for permission to investigate."

Captain Sost... Dunn pushed the gold-wire glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Klein beside him, and caught a glimpse of his own daze in the reflection of the other person's glasses.


"Old man, did you see anything else just now?"

Walking quickly in the Siviras arena, Leonard frequently looked sideways at the sight around him, tilting his head as if waiting for someone's answer.

"How do I know, the most I can tell is that the two of them used the means corresponding to the 'Divinator' Sequence Six 'Faceless' to disguise their appearance." After a long silence, Pales' old voice came slowly. Late, the tone sounded a little strange.

"Is it possible that this kind of disguise has not been discovered?" Leonard deliberately slowed down his pace. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he suddenly turned to a corner, preparing to find Captain Soest from another farther route.

Pallez, who was floating in the outer layer of the spirit, said "hey".

"Have you forgotten what I said again, some mid-Sequence Sequence abilities are not high-level, but even if a demigod doesn't pay attention, it is difficult to find out, not to mention your captain is only a Sequence Six."

"I can see through it only because of the special nature of 'Parasite'."

"The Faceless Man"'s related to the Secret Order again...all kinds of bad memories flooded into his heart, Leonard unconsciously frowned, the bright red on his hands clenched into tight fist.

"Then can you try to pray to the goddess through me and draw the appearance of those two people."

The serious poet students thought for a while, and the more they talked, the more they felt that their ideas had good practicality.

"Can't you see through their disguise?"

A somewhat excited Leonard tilted his head, and even his tightly-knit brows stretched a lot.

It's just that he waited for a long time, walked through the corridor in front of him, and immediately saw Soest's room, the old voice in his head did not sound again.

"Old man, old man?"

Recalling the shock of seeing the so-called "detective duo" for the first time, Pallez said angrily.

"Have you forgotten the nickname of your goddess?"

If she only sees two people who have come back to life, it will only make her a little surprised. As an angel who has lived for more than 1,500 years, she knows that there are several ways to achieve similar results. One of them is This is still the forte of old colleague Zaratul.

But she really couldn't ignore the aura that shrouded the two of them. Before belonging to "Origin Castle" and the strong traces left by the angel under the seat of a "Mysterious God", Pallez just wanted to silently pretend to be dead.

This is too unfriendly to the heart of the elderly.

"Red Moon...Mother of Fear?" Leonard tentatively asked.

Pallez did not answer, and turned to the topic and said:

"Although your goddess acquiesced in my parasitizing your, it does not mean that she wants me to have more contact with her here."

"And I'm just an old and ordinary 'parasite'. Even seeing through their disguise is only reluctant, and I don't have the extra energy to reveal their true colors to you."

Leonard wanted to say more, but just as his emerald eyes were straightened, he saw Sost walking out of the room that temporarily served as a discussion room, just in time to meet his gaze.

"Is there a problem?"

The "Requiem Master" looked up and down at the disorganized team member in front of him, wondering.

"Captain, that's it..."


Backlund Bridge District.

Walking in the turbulent sewer and moving slowly in the direction of the fingers of the man in his hand, News only felt that the thick air nearby was very unfriendly to his wound. To the tormenting pain of the scorching flesh of the curse.

"The 'laid' is actually built here..." He put the "broken limb pointer" made by the ritual in his hand under his arm, and turned out Backlund's sewer map with one hand.

With the powerful criminal intuition brought by the "criminal", Neus quickly found his position in the sewer network, and at the same time reasoned backwards, why did those suspected "ancient 'demons'" build "lairs" in this kind of place.

Under the Backlund Bridge, at the junction of the Tussock River and the outlet of the sewer... This is close to the edge of the Backlund Bridge area, and it will only be washed downstream by the river water. On the ground, there is no action at all.

And this is about to enter the confines of the Eastern District...

Staring at the obvious cross design on the map, Neus frowned.

Could it be that their last action was not at the Backlund Bridge?

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