"It's hard to imagine that I would one day have the opportunity to wear a police uniform."

On the streets of the Backlund Bridge District, Klein, dressed as a police officer, pretended to sigh and looked at himself through the reflection of the glass windows of the shops on the street, as if he had really not worn a police uniform.

"This is just the need for handling the eucalyptus. When you find those 'devils', you still need to return this dress."

Leonard, who was also wearing a police uniform, except that the epaulettes were obviously different from ordinary police officers, had a gloomy face. He tried his best to restrain himself from wanting to be lazy and walk at the forefront.

He didn't understand why Captain Soest had to approve their action while also allowing Sherlock Moriarty and Louis Invens to disguise as police.

No, it may also be that the Heart of the Machine agreed to their request...

"Perhaps there is another possibility. If this mission is successfully resolved, we should have the opportunity to apply to join the official Beyonder and 'abandon the dark to the light'." Dunn's teasing words interrupted Leonard's thinking.

He frowned slightly, listened to something, then stretched out and nodded solemnly.

"If you want, I can personally be the sponsor for both of you."

Heh... The corners of Dunn's mouth twitched, but it got stuck in half embarrassingly, stained with a touch of bitterness.

His eyes suddenly drifted away, and he looked into the distance indifferently, and hurriedly supported him by the reflection of the lens, covering the changes in the fundus of his eyes.

Why does Louis Yinwensi have a bigger reaction every time he mentions this topic... Klein tapped his palm, his eyes wandering silently between the two of them.

He can already be sure that Louis Yinwensi's identity is very secret even in the Church of Evernight, at least Leonard who is "Red Glove" is not clear.

It seems that Louis Yinwensi should belong to the kind of night watchman mentioned by Sika.

His identity will not be recognized on the bright side, his personal strength is strong, and he lacks the company of his companions... What kind of undercover template for a police and gangster movie... The more Klein looks at Louis Yinwensi, the more strange the other person's image becomes. up.

I probably wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly had one more friend now suddenly reunited after a suspended animation.

"So do we have plans next?"

Throwing the unrealistic thoughts out of his head, Klein noticed that another thief across the street was putting his hand into a lady's satchel.

"Of course." Leonard stopped.

He touched the police uniform with the front open, and pulled out the notebook that he hardly used.

"The last time that Neus Andre appeared was around here."

With that said, he swept over most of the buildings in front of him, and finally looked down to the ground.

"While there is no direct evidence, we can think about it, if a person knew they were being hunted, where would they most likely be hiding?"


Dunn also looked at the manhole cover that was being maintained by workers, and the dark red eyes that were camouflaged showed a deepness that did not match the appearance.

"Not to mention that he is still an Extraordinary of the 'Devil' pathway. He is rarely disturbed, and the sewers that are not lacking in flesh and blood are indeed very suitable for their secret arrangement of rituals."

Klein immediately picked up the words, nodded slightly, and agreed with the idea.

Is it for this reason?

After secretly questioning the old man, Leonard, who was ready to explore the sewers after confirming that there was no "devil" aura nearby, froze for a moment, covering his face to cover the embarrassment underneath.

"That's right, anyway, let's start with the sewers."


The surging water flows from west to east behind the mottled rust railings. The cross-shaped structure containing various odors is filled with blood, and the sinister spirituality that harbors malice is constantly gushing down the flesh entrenched in the center of the cross and flowing to the water. Black torrents that are already mottled in color.

Countless egg-shaped objects attached to the huge chunk of meat at the center of the cross covered the ground, and the thick black blood vessels connected these unformed "life", intertwined like vines, and the farther away from Roshan, the more like ancient banyan branches. The cracked strips on the outer layer were inserted into the chests of the slender human beings that still had life left, drawing their vitality.

"Great Lord of the Abyss, Demon Lord..."

On the wet and muddy ceiling, the scaly creatures spread out their limbs, the sharp front ends of the claw blades were hooked on the outer layer of cement, and the two sinuous horns extending from the front of the forehead to the back of the head were strangely burning with black flames and were abnormally long. The former kiss murmured "blasphemy".

There are more than a dozen of these monsters with the appearance of giant dragons and obvious reptile characteristics, scattered and crawling, covering the entire ceiling.

If Leonard happened to be here at this time, he would definitely be able to recognize it easily. This is the image of the "ancient demon" that the old man once showed him, and it belongs to the "abyss monarch" - the ancient **** Fabuti. one.

The "ancient demons" who were transformed from the bodies of the blood worshipers did not understand the real role of their own space, the iron and steel forests once built by the human reptiles they wantonly slaughtered, and they did not understand and do not need to understand the monarchs. Orders, but they still fulfilled their duties faithfully.

This is the reality of alienation, the prototype of the kingdom of God, the predecessor of the "Abyss", and the place where more "ancient demons" are about to wake up.

The "demon", who was more like a puppet than a living creature, raised his head, and his horned crown was larger than that of his peers, similar to an overseer in human understanding.

"Where is the new foster care?"

"Come on, I can feel that a compatriot is approaching the 'lair'." The other "demon" with a horned crown next to him opened a slit, and a touch of scarlet kept stirring, like a snake spitting out a letter.

"Go out and find new supplies for me. If the embryos can't be broken when His Majesty needs them, I will kill you all and make up for the difference!"

The scarlet and rich Shuangtong was brewing malice and madness. The largest "devil" roared at other similar ones hanging upside down from the ceiling. The invisible waves accumulated in their mouths, and it seemed that they would spurt out at any time.

A giant reptile with only scales arched its body before the threat, glared at the "devil", and then slowly backed away after feeling the instinctual fear from the creature. In different directions, he jumped along the passages leading to other directions of the sewer, turned into black shadows, and disappeared in an instant.

In the huge "Lair" that became empty, the only "Ancient Devil" still hanging upside down on the ceiling withdrew his gaze, and continued to stare at Roshan below, his face covered with scales and dark purple skin, vaguely able to see. You can see a soft line belonging to the southern continent.


"Those 'ancient demons' have left the nest?"

News noticed the severed limb struggling under his armpit, and before he could think more, the keen intuition belonging to the "criminal" began to frantically tap his nerves.

Although he doesn't know why, his intuition tells him that there is an unknown danger approaching him...and the speed is very fast!


Covering the wound on the front of his chest, News, who had already realized what was going on, scolded in a low voice. He didn't care about wrapping his palms with cloth strips, so he took out his golden short staff from the satchel beside him, and cooperated with the potholes on the ground of the sewer. The stagnant water, not very skilled in the manufacture of holy water.

The warmth belonging to the sun radiated from the short staff, slowly but powerfully evaporating the impurities in the sewage, and at the same time it burned the palm of Neuss, and a layer of scorched black was covered on the surface of the unhealed burn.

The piercing sound of breaking the air was approaching Chi Chi, and Neus calmly stared at the puddle that was not yet fully dyed with golden light. His limbs were trembling due to his physical instinct, but his reason was still firmly telling him that he should keep still.

Three seconds to go...


The muffled hammer of heavy objects fell in the connected sewer pipes, and a slender figure fell from the ceiling.

Two seconds... The physiological panic subsided, and the inorganic substance belonging to the "cold-blooded" gradually took over the brain. Neus took a deep breath and shoved his hands into the already hot puddle with a ghastly face.

With his wings folded, the "ancient demon" looked at the prey that was still on the ground, moving faster than thinking, and his sturdy limbs slammed and shot out like a sharp sword.

One second!

The gloomy wind from the beast blew toward his cheeks, and in his eyes, only the indifferent News ignored the burning pain and the imminent danger. Like a machine that had been pre-ordered countless times in advance, his hands turned into scoops, and his fingers clamped the short staff. With strength from his waist, he turned back, and poured the holy water with a gentle breath on the "devil" with its sharp claws stretched out.

He looked at the beast's gaze in the air, and the corners of his dry mouth curled into a twisted arc, and said in ancient Hermes language.


The invisible spirituality involved holy water, turned into a swift in the air, and faced the "devil" fearlessly. The ancient Hermes language engraved on the casing of the short staff shimmered, followed by a fiery golden color.

A scorching round column of thick light descended from the sky, igniting the pierced claws and turning into little drops of water. Countless golden flames burned in the light, and the holy breath licked the gaps between the scales, the corners of the eyes, and the mouth of the "ancient demon". Without a block of space, an unprecedented shrill sound resounded through the sewer.



A shrill voice that was not like a human voice came from a distance, and the three men in police uniforms looked at each other in shock, and invariably looked in the direction of the voice.

"what is that?"

Leonard frowned as he stared at the corner of the jet-black sewer, while Klein took a step ahead of him, took a step forward and pointed forward, unlocking his spiritual pendulum and saying:

"There is an evil aura ahead."

In the pocket that no one saw, the thousand paper cranes belonging to Will Auceptin flashed, and the pendulum, which had been confused and hesitant by the "devil"'s anti-divination method, quickly turned clockwise.

There is indeed an evil aura ahead!

"Wait, what do you have?"

Staring at the citrine spirit pendulum, Leonard raised his hand uncertainly.

"Can you determine the location?"

Dunn, who was standing on the side, strode forward and suddenly blocked between Klein and Leonard, interrupting the doubts of the poet classmates.

He watched Klein wrap the pendulum again, and he was relieved.

"No, I lack the necessary information, and I can't use a cane to divination."

Saying that, Klein glanced at his displeased eyes, stared at Louis Yinwensi and his Leonard, touched the glove on his right hand without a trace, and pointed at Dunn's eyebrow at the same time, implying that road:

"But I think we can go in this general direction first, maybe we can find something else after getting closer."

What does Klein mean by using my "darkness" and his ability called Spirit Thread to sense the existence of the nearby "demons"?

Dunn thought for a moment and nodded slightly.


Knowing what Leonard wanted to say, he turned around calmly, and casually took out his attitude when he was still the captain of the Nighthawks squad.

"What's the maximum distance you can go to dream?"

Leonard, who was stabbed by the familiar gaze, was suddenly startled, and subconsciously replied:

"It's about 100 meters away, but the roaming state after entering the dream can basically cover Backlund."

Dunn nodded, took out the revolver from the gun pocket under his arm, and said while checking the ammunition:

"I'll take charge of the front in a moment, and Detective Moriarty will take charge of the auxiliary attack..."

With a click, the bomb bay of the revolver turned and closed, and Dunn glanced at Leonard.

"What you need to be responsible for is to use the ability of 'Dream Demon' to always be ready to pull the enemy into the dream and create opportunities for us."

"Okay..." Leonard, who was a little confused, almost agreed.

But a strong sense of disobedience still awakened him, and he hurriedly asked:

"Wait, none of you are official officials~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The group of recruited informants should use the official Beyonder as the commanding role..."

Before Leonard could finish reciting the ordinance he didn't know where he came from, Dunn, who was inexplicably happy, twitched a smile, imitating old Neil's tone and sophistry:

"First of all, I'm not an informant of the Church of the Evernight."

"Secondly," he checked all the weapons on his body and gently pressed the brim of his hat with his right hand, "I am a 'Requiem Master'."

"In terms of sequence and age, I am more experienced."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the confused Leonard, turned around calmly, looked at Klein who was also staying in the same place, and couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

Is there something wrong?

"I have no opinion."

It took a full second to react before Klein calmed down, and Ping Dan agreed with Dunn's decision.

Seeing that the two-to-one situation was certain, and it was in the underground waterway where there was no contact with his companions, Leonard snorted angrily, acquiescing to the status quo. Lane pointed out the passage.

Leonard is the same age as Benson, but Louie Invens is no more than three years older than me...and he seems to know me and Leonard well enough to help me keep secrets.... ..

"Fairy Wood"

Thinking about the doubts in the sentence just now, Klein, who stayed at the end, stared at the back that gradually disappeared into the darkness, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The performance of Louis Yinwensi just now reminded him of a person.

"team leader?"

As soon as the idea came to him, he suddenly laughed to himself.

"What the **** happened to me, Captain..." Klein with dark eyes smiled again and followed Leonard's disappearing back.


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