Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 402 The first exploration of Full Moon Lake

Halfway up the mountain opposite Jeffrey Town, there is also a lord's mansion.

That was the residence of the Teutonic Viscount.

At this time, Viscount Teutonic was standing in the conservatory outside the mansion, looking at the lake opposite with a telescope.

He heard yesterday that Baron Hobert across the street killed many fish-headed and crocodile-bodied beasts.

The Teutonic Viscount never expected that the baron across from him would actively trap and kill those monsters today!

The most important thing is that Viscount Teutonic also saw Helen in the crowd. He had met Helen before and knew that she was a member of the "Gnosis Society".

Helen didn't look like she was looking for trouble. Could it be that she had already slept with the young baron? Is she Hobert’s fiancée?

No, no, people clearly respect the other woman on the river beach more. Judging from her appearance and temperament, she is Hobert's fiancée.

Viscount Teutonic looked around at the two women and couldn't help but sigh: "This boy is very handsome.

"Wait a minute, is that Hobert the one who went into the water?

"This is too reckless. Even if he is an extraordinary person, he will definitely be contaminated!

"Haha, now we have something good to watch."

With the extraordinary ability provided by the "Ocean Pendant", Hobert could not feel the coldness of the lake at all. Instead, he felt that the lake was very friendly.

If there weren't so many people watching on the river beach, Hobert would simply use his "low flying" ability to fly to the middle of the lake.

Gradually, the water in the lake reached Hobert's head. Although the people on the shore were a little worried, the bravery shown by the lord just now exceeded everyone's imagination, so they also felt that maybe the lord could really solve the problem of Full Moon Lake. In that case, the waterway will gradually prosper again.

They actually don't know the specific problem. In many people's minds, there should be a huge monster in the lake. Ships coming and going will be attacked by the monster, so the channel is interrupted.

Only Forsi and Helen knew that there was unknown pollution in the lake.

However, Fors knew Hobert better and knew that he would not act without any certainty.

Helen, on the other hand, positioned herself as just a "spectator" who was just curious about how things would develop, but not so concerned about Hobert's safety.

Suddenly, everyone saw that the lake seemed to light up. Many people thought that a battle had begun. They all came to the lake and stretched their heads to look into the lake, but they could not see anything clearly.

In fact, it was just that Hobert felt that the surroundings were too dark and made his cane light up.

As Hobert moved forward along the bottom of the lake, there were gradually more seaweeds at the bottom of the lake. They were full of swimming fish, river shrimps, and river clams. The big ones were as long as a forearm, and the small ones were only as big as a finger.

Hobert has eaten most of the fish and river delicacies... ahem, I have seen them before, but some of the fish look very strange, some look like a giant salamander, some have a few spikes on their foreheads, and some look very similar to... Hobert’s impression of Anomalocaris.

Anomalocaris was the overlord in the ancient ocean. Hobert had only seen pictures, but he didn't expect to encounter similar creatures here.

Going further, Hobert saw a forest composed of huge underwater plants. He had no idea that there were such tall aquatic plants at the bottom of the deep lake!

They are not like seaweed, they only look tall in the water, and will shrink significantly after being taken out.

These plants are like corals, hard, but at the same time they are full of vitality, like aquatic plants or trees with big leaves that have just been submerged in the water.

There are many large-sized creatures in this forest. Hobert only recognizes the fish-headed crocodile-body beast swimming towards him. The other creatures are not very aggressive. They hid when they saw Hobert and did not take the initiative to swim out. explore.

After Hobert easily killed the fish-headed crocodile-bodied beast, the other fish-headed crocodile-bodied beasts also realized the danger of the man in front of them and hid one after another, only occasionally poking their heads to observe Hobert's movements.

Because this underwater forest was a bit weird, Hobert did not go into it to explore, but continued to explore from the top of the underwater forest.

Hobert made the light of his cane brighter. This underwater forest stretched as far as the eye could see. He didn't know if it would grow into shallow water if it continued to grow. Or simply grow to the shore?

At this time, Hobert felt the twisting of the water, as if the light on his hand had attracted something huge.

But Hobert did not weaken the light on the cane. Instead, it made the light bigger and carefully observed all the changes in the "forest".

The large leaves in the underwater forest are swayed by the rapids. In the dim underwater world, the visual impact of large creatures can particularly arouse people's inner fear.

Hobert floated upward again, but suddenly found that his feet had become entangled in the vegetation of the underwater forest at some point.

This surprised Hobert because he was at least a few meters away from the underwater forest.

Looking down, I didn't know when several "big trees" in the underwater forest suddenly grew wildly and even reached Hobert's feet. Their branches and leaves were quickly wrapping around Hobert's legs.

Hobert quickly used "Flash" to hide higher up in the water. As soon as he left, a bloody mouth stretched out from the underwater forest and bit hard, stirring up the lake water.

Under the light of the cane, Hobert saw a huge mouth that was three meters long, followed by a head and a body like a giant lizard.

Hobert noticed that the other party's eyes were staring at him, and they were looking at him coldly and emotionally!

This made Hobert realize that this behemoth had intelligence.

Thinking back to the rapid growth of underwater plants just now, Hobert believes that it also has certain extraordinary abilities.

The giant beast failed to hit it, and immediately returned to the underwater forest, and soon there was no trace.

This once again proves that it is intelligent.

Hobert estimated that, like a fish-headed crocodile-bodied beast, this should also be an extraordinary creature attracted by the sealed object, and its level was not low.

Although the subsequent exploration was indeed very monotonous, with the endless underwater forest in front of him, Hobert was much more careful and always paid attention to the changes in the underwater forest.

After walking cautiously forward for more than half an hour, the underwater forest in front suddenly stopped and a very regular circle appeared.

In this circular space, there is no vegetation, no living things, only clear lake water.

Hobert brightened his cane again. In the middle of the circular area, he saw a bubble-like structure. There seemed to be a crystal clear gem in the bubble, shining with strange colors under the light.

Suddenly, Hobert's head throbbed and he seemed to see a female figure wandering on a desolate land.

I couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly, but I knew that he must be a woman.

Under His feet, some vegetation quickly grew and quickly withered, or the growing plants mutated and became lively, with noses and eyes.

Hobert quickly looked away, but the throbbing pain in his head became more severe, and there seemed to be many more things in his mind.

He quickly swam to the water. At this moment, Hobert felt that he was being surrounded by a strange force. His whole body quickly turned black, and there seemed to be little snakes swimming around in his blood vessels. , drilling under the skin.

Hobert often uses the "Lost Control Stone", so of course he knows that he is showing signs of losing control!

At the same time, he felt a sharp pain in his hand. He picked up his hand and saw that a new finger was slowly growing out!

This prompted him to quickly use the "Crystal of Order" and the power of the "State of Order" to suppress the out-of-control state and accelerate his upward speed.

The water flow surged again, and the giant underwater beast hiding in the darkness launched another swift attack.

Hobert used "Flash" three times in succession before he finally escaped from the monster's maw.

The closer this giant beast got, the more serious Hobert felt that he was losing control and mutating.

Fortunately, he has more than one "Order Crystal" on him, which makes it very difficult for him to lose control, and the signs of mutation are also restrained.

Fortunately, he had the "Ocean Pendant" and the "Traveler's Knife", and he was as nimble as a swimming fish and kept "flashing", which allowed him to escape from the monster's maw.

If it were an ordinary Beyonder, he would have already been the food of that giant beast.


Hobert rushed out of the water like a jumping fish, followed closely by the giant mouth, less than one meter behind Hobert.

Hobert immediately used the "Ocean Pendant" to fly low into the air. The giant beast did not give up, and even rushed out of the water for more than ten meters to bite Hobert. Its long tail jumped out of the water.

This is far beyond common sense. Normal beasts would only stick their huge mouths out of the water, or at most half of their bodies. I have never seen one with its entire body jumping out of the water.

It would be fine if it were a palm-long fish, but it is nearly ten meters long. Its powerful mouth is a bit like a crocodile, its body is a bit like a dolphin, and there are four powerful ones on its abdomen, like The limbs of a turtle are as powerful as the fins.

Although the momentum of its leap out of the water was terrifying, its huge body eventually fell back into the water under the influence of gravity, causing huge waves.

The people on the shore were already dumbfounded. It turned out that there was really a giant beast at the bottom of the lake!

They only came back to their senses when the huge waves came and wet their clothes.

Looking at the center of the lake again, the giant beast has disappeared, leaving only the prince flying back in mid-air.

At this time, the fact that Hobert can "fly" is not so difficult to accept in everyone's eyes.

Hobert endured his physical discomfort and landed by the lake: "The monsters in the lake are extremely ferocious!"

Hobert said: "I need to be fully prepared and then find a way to kill it!"

These words immediately attracted cheers from everyone. Sir Alex was confident of solving the monster in the lake, and they finally had the opportunity to establish close contact with the outside world.

After Hobert waved to everyone, he told Schier not to let everyone stay at the lake for too long, and then he left quickly.

Forsi saw that something was wrong with Hobert's expression, so she followed closely. After entering the reed marsh, before anyone behind him could follow him, Hobert suddenly stretched out his hand towards Forsi.

Forsi was stunned for a moment, and found that Hobert's expression was even worse. She quickly stepped forward to catch him.

Hobert used "travel", and the two of them appeared together in the courtyard of the Lord's Mansion, where their bedroom was located.

Hobert held Forsi's hand tightly: "Don't let anyone in!"

After saying that, he immediately entered the study.

Forsi also realized the seriousness of the problem and guarded the door anxiously.

In the study, after Hobert locked the door, he immediately entered the "State of Disorder".

As soon as he entered, the "Bell of Order" rang again, and Hobert immediately felt that his body and mind were purified.

This shows that although the exploration operation just caused some pollution, the degree of pollution is not high. At least there will be no immediate loss of control and mutation.

Then the signs of loss of control and mutation that Hobert showed just now should be the ability of that giant beast!

Immediately afterwards, Hobert understood the cause of his head throbbing. It turned out that he had a lot more knowledge in his mind.

This knowledge is all the extra "knowledge itself" that came to my mind when I accidentally peeked into the "knowledge wilderness".

At that time, Hobert didn't know what kind of knowledge it was, and he never used it later. It wasn't until he saw the huge "gem" in the center of the "Underwater Forest" that the "knowledge itself" became Hobert's Comprehensible information.

Because this process consumes a lot of mental energy, he feels a throbbing pain in his head.

Based on that knowledge, Hobert understood that the huge gem in the center of the lake was the outer god's attempt to penetrate into the atmosphere. Yes, Hobert actually encountered a very familiar word but had never heard it in this era: atmosphere.

It was an attempt by the Outer Gods to project power into the atmosphere. In the past thousand years, similar events had occurred nearly a dozen times.

The Outer Gods use meteorites falling into the atmosphere to project their power through weak points in the atmosphere. Crystals similar to gemstones will be formed near where the meteorites fall.

It often brings huge pollution in related pathways and causes corresponding changes in nearby areas.

There is a precedent for turning it into a sealed object, but that requires at least the "balancer" to use the power of order to seal its pollution.

Hobert can even understand that after he at least reaches the level of demigod, he will have the power to make corresponding seals.

This is the benefit of "knowledge itself". As long as you understand it, it can immediately become Hobert's knowledge, or even like Hobert's innate common sense.

Even without the help of a "balancer", it can be effectively sealed and its pollution and impact can be greatly reduced.

The method is to use the blood of an Extraordinary whose corresponding path is no lower than Sequence 7 to write the sealing formation. The sealing formation is also very clearly imprinted in Hobert's mind.

In addition, a high-level sealed object or magical item with the power of "order" must be placed in the center of the sealing circle.

Hobert smiled slightly. The second method can be done now. The "Wood of Order" and the "Crystal of Order" both symbolize "order" and are magical items of extremely high status!

As for the blood of extraordinary people through corresponding channels, it would be easier. You can write to Bishop Simpson for help.

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