Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 403 The Donut Messenger

After close contact, Hobert is certain that the gem in the middle of the lake is an attempt to project power by the "Fallen Mother Goddess".

Otherwise, the fish-headed crocodile-bodied beast that can be used as the main material for the "Medicine Master" path and the Sequence 6 "Poison Professor" will not be attracted.

The giant beasts that Hobert encountered today had the ability to make plants grow rapidly, mutate organisms, and make it easier for extraordinary people to lose control.

This is obviously the "cultivator" path, a more advanced ability.

The corresponding paths for the "Fallen Mother Goddess" are the above two paths.

It is estimated that all those polluted in Full Moon Lake will start to believe in the "Fallen Mother Goddess".

Since the Church of the Mother Earth has the habit of raising... ahem, vampires as believers in captivity, then if you need the blood of "mid-sequence" Extraordinaries from these two pathways, you can definitely ask Bishop Simpson for help.

After having this idea, Hobert left the "Land of Disorder" and returned to the real world. He found that his left hand had become "six fingers."

Signs of loss of control and changes in the spirit body can be cured by entering the "Land of Disorder", but the changes in the body remain.

Hobert thought about it for a while, then he took out the knife and cut off the extra finger, and then used a "healing technique" on himself. After the wound healed quickly, his left hand completely returned to normal.

Walking out of the study, Forsi visibly breathed a sigh of relief: "Is everything okay?"

"never mind."

"That's good." Forsi looked at no one around and said, "I'm going back to Backlund in the afternoon."

She is going back to attend a Tarot session.

After saying hello to Fors, Hobert asked the kitchen to make donuts while he returned to the study to write a letter to Bishop Simpson.

As soon as he wrote the beginning, Roy led a few people and carried several wooden boxes to the yard: "Sir, the internal organs of the monster you want have been divided."

That's just right, Hobert said: "Bring it in!"

Roy had people carry wooden boxes in, and the pancreas, intestines, and back meat of the fish-headed and crocodile-bodied beast were placed in different boxes.

When you open the wooden box, you will find a small square wooden box for the offal and a small rectangular wooden box for the back meat.

The heart, lungs, and eyes of the mutated fish-headed crocodile-bodied beast were all contained in more delicate wooden boxes, while the blood was contained in a glass jar and had been weighed.

Hobert smiled and was very satisfied with Roy's job. He first gave a few words of verbal praise, and then called Phillip: "Your son's ability is not bad. Let him take charge of the decoration of the hotel and the tour. Find me another manservant."

Philip suppressed the excitement in his heart: "Thank you, Lord, for your kindness. I will find you a competent manservant tomorrow at the latest."

After Philip left, Hobert locked the door and continued writing.

He first briefly mentioned his exploration process and gains this morning, and then said that he had seen a sealing method to deal with this situation in a family classic.

And after consulting his father, Earl Christian, he was very confident that the elements that caused mutation and loss of control would be sealed at the bottom of the lake, but the blood of a "biologist" and a "potions professor" were needed as a medium, and Bishop Simpson was asked to Provide 3 of each plus blood. It can come from different extraordinary people, and it doesn't matter if they are mixed together.

Then Hobert offered to buy a potion to restore spirituality and strength, and finally he wrote:

"I have divided the materials related to the mutated fish-headed crocodile beast and the fish-headed crocodile body beast. I will make a list of materials:

The pancreas of the fish-headed crocodile-bodied beast is 63; the intestine is 63; the back meat is 63.

Mutated fish-headed crocodile-bodied beast gets 1 pancreas, 1 heart, 1 lung, a pair of eyeballs, and 8 extra blood.

According to the price you quoted before, the total value of these materials is 4065.8 gold riso. After you check the quantity, you can complete the transaction. "

After stamping the signature with a wax seal, the chef delivered the donuts after a short wait.

Hobert then summoned the messenger, and after giving the letter and three donuts to the other party, he pointed to the three large wooden boxes: "These are the things that need to be sent together."

The coffin pestle visibly hesitated: "How do you think I should take them away?"

Hobert looked at the bare coffin board. This was something he hadn't thought of before. Put it in the coffin? Or have someone hammer you into a few big iron nails and hang them up?

Hobert was afraid of being beaten, so these two ideas were just "thoughts" and he didn't dare to say them out.

He asked: "What should we do?"

The coffin said: "Add 3 donuts, um, at least 2."

Hobert heaved a sigh of relief. Does that mean "you have to pay more"?

He handed the remaining five donuts to the coffin: "They have just been baked. I'll give you these. You don't have to worry about them going bad if they are kept for a few days."

The coffin stretched out his hand and took 5 donuts into the coffin.

Then the coffin suddenly jumped, followed by three large wooden boxes and several boxes, and they were arranged together regularly.

The space in front of the coffin became illusory, and the messenger first stepped into the spiritual world. The wooden box and the wooden box, like the "coffin cubs" following behind, also entered the spiritual world one after another.

Hobert scratched his head and didn't seem to find it difficult! She just wants to get a few more donuts!

Fortunately, they were just a few donuts, which were nothing compared to the role of a messenger, so Hobert didn't take them too seriously.

Hobert used "travel" to go to Feneport City again, found Mr. Dophis, and asked him to tell Christine for him that he wanted to carry out sealing matters.

Of course, the main reason was to tell Kristen that the method of sealing that she used came from "the saint I met in Backlund" and was not suitable to be announced to the Church of the Mother Earth, so she lied about getting it from the family classics. And I asked Kristine to confirm it and asked Kristine not to spill the beans.

In addition, Hobert asked Mr. Dophis to help him buy 300 new rifles and 20 officer pistols.

This is not a difficult problem for Christian. After all, his previous and current job is to manage logistics, and he has been promoting relevant reforms recently. Some arms dealers are willing to take over this business.

At the same time, Dophis told Hobert that the design team for the railway and housing had started their journey a few days ago and was expected to arrive in two or three days.

After exchanging information, Hobert saw that Christine would not be back during the trip today, so he used "travel" to return to his fiefdom.

After lunch, Forsi returned to Backlund.

Hobert returned to the study, thinking about how to kill the giant beast in the lake.

The presence of the giant beast would add many variables to the sealing process, making it even difficult to complete the seal at all. Hobert planned to get rid of the giant beast first and then seal it.

At 2:50 in the afternoon, Hobert asked Roy not to disturb him, and he pretended to go back to the bedroom to take a nap.

At three o'clock sharp, Hobert's vision was covered by gray fog, and he appeared in the giant hall again. What was more magical was that, roughly opposite him, was the "magician" Miss Forsi.

With the unshakable greeting from "Justice" Audrey, this week's Tarot session officially begins.

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