Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 590 The Angel of Tamara Family

Late at night again, Hobert picked up Audrey as promised and came to the villa on the outskirts of Backlund.

But this time, there were many delicacies on the table, many of which Audrey had never seen before.

Audrey was still wearing the long dress that looked relatively ordinary but was set off beautifully by her perfect figure. She smiled and said, "Is this Sehgal's specialty waffles? I've only seen it in magazines."

Sehgal, a small country in the northern continent, has not yet established diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Loen, so there is almost no trade between the two parties, and Sehgal's delicacies have basically never appeared in Backlund.

She picked up a bunch of small meatball-like food again: "What is this?"

"Purple potato balls." Hobert smiled and said, "A specialty of the Rhoside Islands, well, it's relatively niche."

Audrey took another look at the other delicacies: "These don't seem to be delicacies that can be bought at the night market."

"Yes." Hobert smiled: "I opened a food street in South Colson. This is brought from there. You can try it. It's very special."

Audrey took a small bite of the purple potato balls. They were sweet and had the fragrance of purple potatoes. She nodded repeatedly: "It's really good!"

She smiled sweetly as she ate, "I've never seen some of them before."

Hobert explained the food on the table, started to light a fire for barbecue, and poured beer. The two chatted while eating.

Audrey asked curiously: "Hobert, why did you announce the manufacturing process of light bulbs and wires? And why did you refuse all the invitations recently? I heard that you haven't gone to work recently?"

"I've been busy with other things recently. Of course, I have to admit that I don't really want to see those idiots." Hobert smiled: "As for why I disclosed those processes, of course I wanted to use other people's money to expand electric lights. Capacity.”

Audrey didn't understand: "Do you want to borrow money from others? I heard from my father that the profits of 'Earl's Light' are very impressive!"

"This is a business strategy, not a loan," Hobert explained.

Audrey was very interested in this: "My father said you must have your own ideas!"

"Your father is a visionary nobleman." Hobert smiled and said: "Let's make an assumption. Everyone knows that light bulbs and wires make money. After I announce the process, there will definitely be many capitalists, um, or rather The rich man wants to produce these two products, right?”

Audrey was stunned. This was the first time she heard the word "capitalist".

Hobert: “At this time they will find that there is no production line for electric lights or wires on the market. If they want to put it into production, they will find that they need to buy equipment from me.

“This is the first part of the revenue generated for ‘Earl’s Light’.”

Hobert took a sip of wine and continued: "It was only after they started production that they discovered that I had not announced the key battery technology.

“So do you need to buy batteries from me to form a complete set of usable products?

“Even if they have channels and can obtain battery technology, they will find that the quality of the batteries they produce is far different from the quality of the batteries of ‘Earl’s Light’, because we have hard rubber technology.

“In the near future, battery casings will be replaced by hard plastic.

"Even if they develop the technology of hard rubber themselves... after all, this technology can be mastered with an investment of several thousand to tens of thousands of pounds.

"But at this time, they will find that they also need to buy electricity from me so that the lights can turn on."

Audrey was somewhat shocked: "Are all lawyers so good at business?"

This industry is completely unable to break free from Hobert's control!

Hobert smiled cheerfully: "Not every lawyer is so good at business."

Then he asked: "When will you be promoted to Sequence 6?"

Audrey had talked about it at a previous dance. She had almost digested the potion and was preparing to be promoted in the near future.

Just as Audrey was about to answer, Hobert suddenly stretched out his hand and made a silent gesture.

He looked solemnly in the direction of the village, and suddenly a white figure appeared out of thin air there.

Audrey was startled. As if facing a formidable enemy, Hobert "distorted" the distance and stood in front of Audrey.

Then the space beside him and Audrey became illusory, but before they entered the spiritual world, they heard a solemn female voice coming from the other side: "It is forbidden to establish contact with the spiritual world here."

The illusory space immediately became smaller and disappeared quickly.

Hobert did not rush to escape in other ways, but asked with a smile: "What can you do, sir?"

As soon as the other party spoke, Hobert knew who she was.

When the other party came closer, it turned out to be the elegantly dressed woman wearing a gauze hat, with the gauze hanging down so that the other party's face could not be seen clearly.

During the Backlund Great Smog Incident, it was she and the "Crazy Mage" who died in the foggy town that prevented Hobert from killing the "Despair Witch" who was "creating poison".

At the same time, Hobert also knew that this was a Sequence 3 "Chaos Hunter".

What Hobert didn't know was that she had also appeared on the battlefield after the battle in which he had just "rebelled" and returned to Backlund to start a killing spree, catching the Tamara family off guard against Backlund's power. .

The other party smiled and said: "Don't you know what I have to ask you for?"

Hobert replied calmly: "I don't know."

The other party came to the entrance of the courtyard and took a look at the delicacies on the table: "What a sumptuous midnight snack. Do nobles have this luxury?"

As she spoke, she sat in Audrey's original position, picked up a piece of barbecue, lifted the veil and tasted it: "It tastes good."

Hobert told Audrey to stay as far away from the dining table as possible.

Audrey probably interpreted the hidden hostility of the woman in front of her, so she followed the meaning of Hobert's eyes and took a few steps back.

However, Hobert stepped forward and sat across from the "chaos hunter": "Tell me, do you want money or power? If you just want to have a late night snack, then please come, we are also willing to make you our friend." "

"Chaos Hunter" smiled: "You are quite calm!"

She said: "Introduce yourself, Althea Tamara."

Hobert nodded: "I have heard of this family."

"Have you just heard of it?" Althea stared at Hobert closely: "My student died in your hands, and the power of the Tamara family in Backlund was also severely damaged by you, right? "

At this time, Hobert was still very calm on the surface: "Drink this glass of wine and continue to find your enemy. You have the wrong target."

Althea took out a wooden stick, which was the "Wood of Order" that had been used once. This was when Hobert was still in Sequence 8. In the East District, he met "Hurricane Lieutenant General" Qi, who now had a tall grass on his grave. Ringos, a used "Wood of Order".

At that time, he was in a hurry and did not have time to retrieve it. Later, when he went back to look for it, he never found it. Unexpectedly, it was taken away by Althea.

Although this stick no longer has the "power of order", Althea can still feel that it is special. After the family council members looked at the stick, they paid more attention to it than she imagined.

The council assigned her to investigate the owner of the stick, so she has been in Belkland for most of the year.

At the scene where Backlund's family power was severely damaged, she also discovered that the power contained in the stick in her hand seemed to appear there.

So at that time, she had already concluded that finding the owner of the sticks would be the same as finding the murderer who attacked the family members.

Althea smiled and said: "According to my observation, your cane must be made of the same material!"

Hobert picked up the cane beside the table: "It's been handed down from my ancestors. I still have many at home. If you want it, I'll give you a bundle."

Althea added: "I just used magical items to divine things, and I couldn't find any information about you. The murderer who killed my student, and the murderer who severely damaged Backlund's power, had the same result as this divination."

Hobert took out a piece of "Order Crystal": "It's also inherited from our ancestors!"

"Haha!" Althea didn't expect that Hobert would push him cleanly: "Then I have no choice but to start 'interrogating' you."

What she meant was that she would use extraordinary abilities to inflict pain in order to extract a confession.

Hobert looked at the thin gauze hanging down by the other party: "Are you so sure it's me?"

He knew that he could not withstand the "spiritual whip" at the Sequence 3 level, and that the other party had the corresponding extraordinary ability to distinguish whether he was lying or not.

"I wasn't very sure at first." Althea said, "But seeing you so calm, I can be completely sure of my guess."

Hobert asked again: "Then how did you find me?"

"When I passed by here before, I sensed a familiar flavor in my spirit." Althea said, "And I don't have any acquaintances in Backlund, so I often come here to visit, and today I happened to meet you."

"Then why don't you kill me directly?" Hobert finally asked: "As far as I know, you should also need the extraordinary characteristics of the 'lawyer' path, right?"

"I want to ask you a few questions. I'm afraid that if I kill you, I won't be able to channel the spirit." Althea replied calmly.

Audrey on the side was already very worried. From what she heard, she came to take revenge on Hobert, but Hobert was obviously not the opponent of Althea.

But Audrey also knew that she couldn't help at all, so she felt a little anxious.

Hobert seemed to have weighed the situation before saying: "Okay, I can answer your question, but you have to let my companions go."

Althea glanced at Audrey: "What a beautiful little girl. If I were a man, I would be very happy to give her the chance to have a baby!"

Then she said solemnly: "Okay, little girl, you can go."

Audrey looked at Hobert and immediately read from his eyes and expression that she would be a burden if she stayed here.

Hobert said: "Miss Justice, let's go quickly."

Audrey immediately understood what Hobert meant and quickly left the yard.

Althea was a little surprised: "Her name is Justice?"

"That's her pen name." Hobert smiled: "We are pen pals."

Althea sneered: "Nobles are really good at playing."

She said: "Okay, let's get started. Why do you want to kill members of the Tamara family!"

Althea warned: "If you lie next, I will notice it."

Hobert said: "Because I need their extraordinary characteristics."

After being with Audrey for a long time, Hobert has developed very powerful lying skills. What he said was the truth, but he did not tell all the truth.

Therefore, the meaning conveyed to Orthea was to kill people purely for extraordinary characteristics, or simply for gold pounds.

Althea asked again: "Then why did you kill my students?"

"Excuse me, does your student have big ears?" Because of his strange appearance, Hobert was very impressed by this member of the Tamara family.


Hobert said: "He assassinated me for the reward, and I chased him and killed him."

This is also true.

Althea was slightly startled. This answer was different from what she had imagined.

Then she asked, "Where did the wood for your cane come from?"

"Given by a great being."

"Which one?"

"You can't say it. If you say it, I will die. If you channel my spirit body in this way, you will definitely lose control."

"You lied."

"That's right." Hobert smiled: "Because I don't know how miserable your death can be."

Althea realized that it might be dangerous if she continued to ask.

Moreover, the answer given by Hobert was far from Orthea's imagination. There was no conspiracy between extraordinary organizations, no tricks of secret organizations, only killings that occurred due to competition for extraordinary characteristics and coincidence.

So she stood up and said, "Are you ready?"

Hobert also stood up: "You don't think that I will be so helpless, do you?"

Althea smiled "haha": "Resistance in vain."

Then she smiled and said: "Ah ha, look who is back. Isn't this the little girl who just left? Little girl, are you lost?"

It was Audrey who came to the entrance of the courtyard. She was a little out of breath: "The roads around me are repetitive. I always run out for a certain distance and then inexplicably return to the starting point."

Hobert seemed to think in hindsight: "You have no intention of letting any of us go?"

"Of course." Althea said seriously.

Hobert smiled and said: "You shouldn't let her leave here!"

Althea was stunned for a moment and looked into the air, seeming to realize something.


A thunderbolt struck Althea, and she jumped away.

Click click click~

The thunder and lightning that even the saints were afraid of kept falling one by one.

Althea had no time to take care of Hobert and struggled to avoid the lightning strike.

Of course, these thunder and lightning are the work of "The Fool". When Audrey left just now, Hobert knew that the other party would not let Audrey go, so he called her "Miss Justice" and told her that she must report to "The Fool" if she had the chance. Ask for help.

Hobert took advantage of this opportunity and used the method of "distorting" space to come to Audrey. He picked up Audrey, whose hair was standing on end due to thunder and lightning, and used "distorting" to leave. He planned to run a certain distance before trying again. Use "Travel" to leave.

But soon Hobert discovered that even after using "distortion" three times, he was only three or four meters away from the yard.

After a moment's thought, he realized that at Sequence Three of the "Arbitrator" path, one could already "arbitrate" natural rules within a certain range.

The reason why this sequence is called "Chaos Hunter" may mean that it can achieve an effect similar to "chaos" by "arbitrating" the normal laws of nature.

For example, if the distance of ten meters is "arbitrated" as "invalid", then if Hobert ran ten meters, it would be in vain.

So Hobert stopped using "Distortion" and simply used "Chaos" continuously, causing the surrounding space to fall into "chaos". At the same time, he ran hard and quickly left the courtyard of the villa.

This is equivalent to Orthea's constant "arbitration" of the surrounding natural laws: that ten-meter distance is "invalid".

Now Hobert has made the surrounding space chaotic, which is equivalent to confusing the surrounding natural laws: Ten meters? How long is ten meters? This long, or that long?

"Chaos Hunter" Althea said while avoiding the thunder and lightning: "It is forbidden to run here!"

Hobert felt as if his legs were shackled, and he had to use all his strength to move forward. Running like this was slower than a snail.

He took a deep breath, put his feet together, and jumped forward suddenly. There was no obstacle, and he jumped seven or eight meters away. Jumping like this was no slower than running at full speed.

Audrey in her arms tightly grasped Hobert's clothes while showing a smile: It's much more exciting than riding a horse!

Althea was still unable to escape from the Thunder Forest, so she could only continue: "It is forbidden to jump here!"

Hobert's legs immediately seemed to be wrapped with iron ropes, and at the end of the iron rope was a big iron ball, and his feet were pulled back as soon as they left the ground.

He was stunned for about half a second, and immediately put Audrey on his back, then lay down and crawled forward quickly, a little faster than running.

Audrey suddenly had some self-doubt: Am I in an extraordinary battle now? Why do I feel like I'm in a circus?

This operation made Althea a little confused: This is not "forbidden"?

Then she said while avoiding the thunder and lightning: "Crawling is prohibited here!"

So Hobert started to leap frog with Audrey on his back.

"Frog jumping is prohibited here!"

So Hobert crossed his legs and stood on his head, letting Audrey sit on his lap, while he escaped by standing on his two arms.

"It's forbidden here..." Althea discovered that Hobert had almost escaped her forbidden area.

Seeing that Hobert hadn't noticed yet and was still running upside down, she quickly recited: "The symbol of chaos,

The endorsement of entropy,

The source of turmoil and strife,

The end of all rules!

"Your loyal subordinates request your help to capture the man the Council is looking for!"

Hobert stood on his head and "ran wildly" for a while, but did not hear the other party continue to "forbidden", so he ran a few steps in reverse, and he was able to run as expected.

He picked up Audrey again, and after just a few steps, his spirit felt extremely dangerous.

A tall figure seemed to appear in front of him, but it was unclear what he looked like, and he couldn't even tell whether he was a man or a woman. It was as if a force had "distorted" his vision.

Then came huge pressure, which seemed to make Hobert and Audrey unable to breathe.

Hobert managed to spit out an ancient Hermetic syllable: "Messenger!"

A heavy classical coffin flew out of the void and stood in front of Hobert and Audrey.

The two people suddenly looked like drowning people being rescued from the water, breathing heavily.

Messenger Beverly's coffin board was opened, and she was slightly startled when she saw the person in front of her: "Peddy? Have you been promoted?"

The angel who came to stop Hobert was none other than Pedi Tamara, who had triggered the civil war in the Tamara family.

Hobert heard about this "Duke of Entropy" from the undead souls of the Tamara family in "1-107".

Beverly, who was in a bad state, didn't know much about the real world before she became Hobart's messenger. She didn't even know that Pedi had been promoted to the "Duke of Entropy" more than a thousand years ago.

Peidi was also stunned: "Your Highness, you, no, are you resurrected?"

The Tamara family used to be a great noble of the Tudor Empire, and the two of them had known each other for a long time.

Of course, Hobert didn't have time to listen to their reminiscing about old times, so he immediately took advantage of the "travel" to leave.

The moment he entered the spiritual world, he decided to go to the north to find a more desolate place for temporary refuge.

He didn't know if the angel named Pedi could catch up. If he went to Longtail Island or South Colson, his territory would suffer a lot of damage if there was a conflict with the other party.

If Pedi chases after Backlund, it will attract the attention of the royal angels. Pedi will definitely be driven away soon, but it is not in Hobert's interests.

He planned to wait in the wilderness in the "Land of Disorder". If the opponent came after him, he would immediately have the "Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord" and the "Holy Infant King" attack him. At worst, he would ask the messenger for help and add the "Creator" "Kill this guy to death!"

After all, he saw Hobert's true face, which meant that the Tamara family knew that Hobert had killed many of their members, and that Hobert had the "Wood of Order" in his hands.

Then there is no need to be soft-hearted. It is best to be able to beat the opponent's high-end combat power to the point where he can no longer take care of himself.

I don't dare to hope for death for the time being, after all, he is an angel!

Hobert just lacked two or three seconds. If he had this time, he could enter the "State of Disorder" and use some of the abilities of the "Creator" to fight back.

Firstly, there was a lack of time, and secondly, he was afraid that "The Fool" would see the clues, so he simply chose to escape.

After arriving in the wilderness, Hobert first hid Audrey in a forest, then went to a small hill and prayed to himself.

Just as he was about to enter the "State of Disorder", a picture suddenly appeared in Hobert's mind.

That was the perspective of "The Fool". From a distance, it could be seen that Beverly and Pedi seemed to chat for a few words, reminisce about old times, and then leave.

"The Fool" also stopped the thunder and lightning offensive, and Althea fled in a somewhat embarrassed manner. She fled towards Backlund.

Hobert sincerely thanked Mr. Fool. Today was the first time for him to enjoy the benefits of a Tarot Club member.

After waiting for a short while, he felt that "The Fool" should "go offline" and go back to catch up on his sleep. Then he entered the "State of Disorder" and used his own stars to observe the vicinity of the hills. He did not see the angels chasing the Tamara family. Come.

Ten minutes later, the other party still didn't come after him. Hobert sighed. It seemed that the other party didn't have time to leave any mark on his body.

However, Althea was still in Backlund. Hobert thought about it for a moment, and now he had no choice but to return to the Earl's Mansion to meet up with Dophis. A "fallen Earl" plus an "undead" could probably join him. The "Chaos Hunters" had a fight.

And Hobert believed that it would be impossible to attack an earl in Queens unless the other party was crazy.

After confirming that there is no danger, send Audrey back.

So Hobert returned to the real world and found Audrey. When she saw Hobert, she quickly said: "Did the picture given by Mr. Fool appear in your mind just now?"

"Appeared." Hobert pretended to praise "The Fool", and then briefly stated his plan.

Of course Audrey would not object, so the two of them used "travel" to return to the hall of the Earl's Mansion in Hobart.

Just as Hobert was about to go find Dophis, he saw Selena hurriedly coming in from the outside: "Thank God, teacher, luckily you are in Backlund!"

Seeing the panic on the other side's face, Hobert asked first, "What's wrong?"

"My sister-in-law has given birth!"

Hobert looked in the direction of Dophis's room and said a little carelessly: "Congratulations, are you a boy or a girl?"

Selena's voice trembled a little as she said, "It's an egg!"

"Huh?" Hobert thought he heard wrongly: "An egg?"

He suddenly recalled Selina's brother and sister-in-law's habit of sticking out their tongues.

Thanks to [\u0026Devil Whispers\u0026] for the reward.

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