At the beginning of the year, Selena's family went to Boklon Mountain Villa for vacation and encountered pollution from the "uncertain fog." Fortunately, Selena wrote to Hobert asking for help, and the pollution problem was solved.

Hobert remembers that Selina’s brother and sister-in-law turned into snake men and snake women due to pollution.

But Hobert clearly remembered that he had absorbed the pollution from the "Land of Disorder" at that time, so he stared at Selina and asked: "Don't be kidding, how can a human lay an egg?"

For him, with the "State of Disorder" as a cover, this kind of pollution is not a big problem.

Selena, who had burgundy hair, said eagerly: "Teacher, it's really an egg.

"I was outside the delivery room at the time, but for some reason, no one from the doctor to my parents to my brother Chris and sister-in-law Weena thought it was abnormal!"

Only then did Hobert think: Counting this way, Selena's sister-in-law Vina was already pregnant when she experienced the Bocklon Villa incident. Could it be that I failed to remove the contamination from the baby at that time, causing the child to mutate?

This matter was indeed more urgent than Althea's matter, so Hobert pointed to the sofa over there: "Sit down and talk slowly."

Audrey was also very surprised and came over to listen.

For her, tonight was really exciting. It was just a barbecue, but she actually alerted the "Fool" and experienced a confrontation between angels.

Hobert asked the servant on duty at night to pour Selina a glass of wine, and first asked her a question: "When did your sister-in-law find out that she was pregnant? Before or after going to Bocklon Villa?"

"I..." Selena realized that she had never thought about this issue before, and her family had not talked about the time of Wei Na's pregnancy: "I... I don't know."

She then asked: "There was something wrong with this child during the pregnancy?"

Hobert thought about it for a moment, and this time it was his turn to say: "I don't know."

He added: "You have to go and see this before you can make a conclusion."

At this time, the servants brought the dishes, and Hobert asked the servants to go back and rest temporarily. There were only three of them left in the huge living room.

Selena took two sips of wine, gradually calmed down and told the whole story.

Two days ago, Selina received a telegram and learned that her sister-in-law Wei Na was about to give birth and had been admitted to the hospital.

Selina immediately used the "Traveler's Gate" to go to Longtail Island without finding Hobert, and asked Fors to use "Travel" to take her back to Tingen City.

After thanking the countess and watching her leave, Selina rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible. As soon as she met her parents, the child was pushed out of the delivery room.

What was pushed out from the delivery room was an egg. It was silvery white and about the same size as an ostrich egg. There was a circular mark on the top of the egg.

But the strange thing is that no one, including Selena, thought this was strange. They all took great care of the egg and thought it was a new member of the family. Even the doctors and nurses didn't think anything was wrong.

That afternoon, Chris and Mrs. Wood supported Vina, who gave birth very smoothly, Selina held the egg, and the family returned home happily.

Soon a child emerged from the egg. At first it looked like he was only one or two months old, but after one feeding, he turned out to be one year old!

So far, no one has noticed anything strange, and the whole family is very happy.

Just this evening, when Selina went out to do shopping, the more she thought about it, the more something was wrong.

When she arrived at the mall, she fully realized the root of the problem: How could a family regard an egg as a new member of the family? How can a normal child grow to be two or three years old in one day?

Frightened, she realized that this was not something she could solve, and she found it difficult to explain clearly in the letter, so she took the train back to Backlund overnight to seek help from Hobert.

After hearing this, Hobert thought for a few seconds and let Selina hold his hand. Hobert did not detect any contamination on her body.

In other words, no one around thought that the egg was abnormal because it affected everyone with its ability!

Hobert said to Selina seriously: "Didn't I tell you that if you encounter such an incident and I am not nearby, you should immediately go to the nearest church and inform the pastor?"

Selena rubbed her hands and hesitated for a long time before saying: "Teacher, I, I really want to ask you to go and see if that little nephew can be saved.

"He, he is so cute..."

Hobert sighed and said: "After you are promoted to Sequence 7, go to the Special Operations Department to gain experience."

He suddenly realized that among his three students, Selina was the only one who had not experienced the desperate tearing apart in this extraordinary world.

Selina seemed to understand what Hobert meant, and nodded with tears in her eyes.

Hobert looked at his pocket watch and said to Audrey: "Come with me to Tingen City to help comfort Selena's family. I will take you back before one o'clock in the morning."

It sounded like it was just a mutated baby. Although it was born with some extraordinary abilities, it was not dangerous to Hobert.

Audrey is lacking such cases, so she is very willing to go.

So Hobert went to Dophis's room first and briefly explained to him what happened tonight.

In order to avoid being unable to fight back when encountering the angels of the Tamara family again, Hobert went to the "Land of Disorder" again and brought the "hidden fruit" enhanced by the goddess of the night.

If he encounters enemies of the Tamara family again, Hobert will immediately hide in the "hidden world" so that he has room to perform some operations.

After making corresponding preparations, Hobert used "travel" to take Selina and Audrey to No. 66 Fania Street in the North District of Tingen City.

It was already midnight, and the gas lamp was still on in the Wood house.

Outside the door, Hobert seemed to hear the sound of a child singing.

Selina opened the door at the front and entered the house. Mrs. Wood and Mr. Wood were still in the living room. Mrs. Wood said a little helplessly: "Why have you been gone for so long? We are still waiting for you to buy new clothes for the child."

Mr. Wood saw Hobert and Audrey following behind, and he greeted them enthusiastically: "Mr. Hobert, please come in quickly, please come in quickly."

This is my daughter's boss and teacher, and of course he is very enthusiastic.

Mrs. Wood complained about Selina: "You invited Mr. Hobert to be your guest, why didn't you tell him in advance?"

Selena, who had always been cheerful, suddenly didn't know how to deal with it.

Hobert smiled at this time and said: "My friend and I happened to come to Tingen City on business and met Selena. I heard that you have a new member in your family, so I came here to congratulate you."

He noticed that the Woods seemed to have some mental problems, but the problem was not serious and there were no signs of contamination. Audrey's comforting should be able to solve it in a while.

As he spoke, Hobert took out several gifts from his backpack like magic.

Everyone was polite, and Hobert winked at Audrey and asked her to appease Mr. and Mrs. Wood.

Selena also understood what the teacher meant, so she asked, "Where is the baby?"

Mrs. Wood replied: "In the nursery."

Selena asked again: "Where are my brother and sister-in-law?"

"They rest in the bedroom on the first floor." Mr. Wood shook his head: "You young people have too little energy."

Audrey asked curiously: "So, the baby is alone in the nursery now?"

Mr. Wood nodded: "He said he wanted to be alone for a while."

Audrey was slightly stunned. Is this really something a two-day-old baby can do?

Then she smiled and said: "The baby is very cute, right?"

Mrs. Wood's face immediately filled with a smile: "Yes, especially his smile, it makes people's hearts melt."

So the three of them sat on the sofa and talked about the children.

Hobert followed Selina upstairs to the second floor. They heard a child's voice singing: "I have a rag doll with big eyes that can talk."

"I have a rag doll, a long skirt, broken flowers..."

It was obviously a very childish song, and the surrounding environment was normal and there was nothing spooky about it, but the sound of the song made people shiver down their spines.

Hobert's spirituality did not feel any danger, which meant that although the child had mutated, his current strength was not strong. He whispered to Selina: "Go down."

Selina hesitated, but turned around and went downstairs.

Hobert continued to walk forward and heard the child's voice continuing to sing: "Rag doll, let's dance..."

Then there were footsteps in the nursery, as if someone were really dancing.

"Radoll, let's chat..."

Suddenly a clear and unfamiliar voice came from the room: "Hello, hello."

This voice once again made Hobert's hair stand on end. He seemed to see a rag doll with its head hanging down, suddenly raising its head and speaking.

Hobert came to the door of the nursery and heard it singing: "Rag doll, I want to grow up quickly..."

The crisp voice said again: "Wow, you have grown up another year."


Hobert opened the door and the singing stopped.

He saw a boy of seven or eight years old standing in the room under the soft light.

This child is very cute, with innocent eyes and a childish smile. He is wearing clothes that obviously look a little small. He seems to have had a lot of fun just now.

It's just that there is a black ring mark on his forehead, which makes his smile look a little evil.

There was a rag doll next to the boy, which seemed to be chasing and fighting with the boy just now. After Hobert opened the door, it seemed to realize that it was not alive, so it fell to the ground.

Hobert did not feel the growth of spirituality, and he was almost certain that it was not a life-like extraordinary ability, but the specific type of extraordinary ability was unknown.

In addition, there was a crib in the room that was of no use anymore, and some smaller baby clothes were thrown in the corner.

The boy smiled and said, "You're here."

Hobert said "hmm": "Sorry kid, you shouldn't be in this world."

Although the boy looked very cute, Hobert could tell that he was full of distortions and incongruities. He should be a baby transformed by the previous pollution.

"You are wrong." The boy said to Hobert in a childish voice: "I was destined to appear in this world more than a thousand years ago!"

Then he said: "Hobert Jeffrey, or Trunsoest, I have been waiting for this moment for a long, long time."

Hobert's spirituality sensed danger for the first time, and he didn't know why. He felt that being called by his real name was a very dangerous thing.

"I didn't expect that the magic wolf could attract you." The boy smiled happily, as if he had got a favorite toy.

Hobert ignored the other party's identification and asked: "Who are you?"

He realized at this time that this may not be as simple as a contaminated baby, and this life may even come from "outside the atmosphere."

In order to prevent corresponding contamination, Hobert replaced these concepts with words with similar meanings, such as "outside the atmosphere" instead of the starry sky.

The boy smiled slightly and showed his little fangs: "Guess!"

Hobert pulled out his rapier: "I don't have time to play games with my children now!"

Although he sensed a hint of danger, this boy didn't seem to be difficult to deal with.

The boy looked at Hobert with a childish smile, showing no intention of avoiding or fighting.

At this time, Audrey's voice suddenly came from the stairs: "Hobert, are you looking for me?"

A thick white fog suddenly appeared in the entire corridor, cutting off the line of sight between Hobert and Audrey, and the entire corridor became bitingly cold.

Hobert suddenly felt his scalp numb, and immediately used the method of "distorting" space to go to Audrey, but found that after the power of "distorting" ended, there was still white mist in front of him.

At this time, the child's voice appeared in his ears again: "Why do you think I let everyone else go downstairs? Of course I spent the whole day setting up a trap here that you will never notice.

"Haha, bye, Hobert. Take your beloved woman and disappear from this world forever."

While the other party was talking, Hobert tried to open the "Gap in the Underworld" and tried to use "Travel", but they all failed.

Just when he was about to get the "hidden fruit", the surrounding fog disappeared, and he found himself suddenly in an endless starry sky!

He is also in a state of weightlessness.

Audrey was not far away. At this time, she was somewhat frightened and could no longer maintain the status of an audience.

Just as Hobert was about to see if he could float over, the scene in front of them changed and they appeared on a barren plain under the scorching sun.

"Hobert!" Audrey said in surprise: "Where is this?"

"I don't know either." Hobert quickly used "Distortion" to come to Audrey. His extraordinary abilities could be used normally, but he noticed that the gravity under his feet seemed to be different from that on the earth.

Not only that, the oxygen content should also be different.

However, both of them were extraordinary people with relatively strong physiques. Due to this difference in environment, they did not feel any strong discomfort.

Audrey took a deep breath, tried to calm herself down, and observed the surrounding situation with Hobert.

In the distance as far as the eye can see, there is a classical tower, and on the vast plain, there are also upward sculptures. They look like giant skulls, but they have three eye sockets. Each eye socket A tree grew out of each of them. These trees were green and had a thrilling beauty.

"Look!" Audrey reminded, pointing to the sky.

Hobert looked up and saw two suns in the sky!

A sun is normal size, and a sun is only half the size of a normal sun.

Hobert smiled helplessly: "Audrey, the good news is that we just made an interstellar journey, but the corresponding bad news is that I don't know if we can return to Earth using 'travel'."

Audrey opened her mouth in surprise again: "We, we are on another planet?"

In terms of occultism, there are concepts of other planets, and even occultism enthusiasts believe that there are prosperous civilizations on the brown stars closest to the earth.

"So far, this is the case." As he spoke, Hobert poured his spirituality into "1-109" and tried his "travel" ability.

The space in front of him became very viscous, and the corresponding spiritual world was like a rotten swamp.

Obviously, the spiritual world in the starry sky is different from the spiritual world on earth. Hobert couldn't explain why it was different, but he vaguely remembered that the spiritual world on earth seemed to have been destroyed once, which may be the reason for their differences.

Perhaps Extraordinaries of the "Gate" path can control such a spiritual world, but it may be very dangerous for Hobert to use sealed objects to enter such a spiritual world.

Hobert said helplessly: "As I suspected, it may be difficult to return from the spirit world, and we currently do not have the ability to travel through the star world."

Audrey quietly clenched her fist: "Then what should we do now?"

Hobert pointed to the tall tower over there: "Go there first and take a look."

Then he explained: "The boy must have had his intention in setting up this trap and sending us to this high tower.

"What we have to do now is to figure out his intentions and then see if there is any way to counter it."

Audrey suggested: "I can also try praying to Mr. Fool."

Hobert shook his head and said, "We don't know how far Mr. Fool has awakened, and we don't know if he can help us."

In fact, he felt that Klein's control over Source Castle was limited, and it was far away on Earth, so he might not be able to influence it here.

Thinking of this, Hobert said: "You can try praying to the goddess of the night."

After all, this goddess has authority over the starry sky.

So the two prayed to the goddess of the night together: "You are the goddess of the night who is nobler than the starry sky and longer than eternity..."

After the two people finished praying one after another, there was no reaction at all.

"You can try it at night." Hobert glanced at the two suns in the sky and said, "If there is night time here."

Audrey suggested: "Then can we pray to the Eternal Sun? After all, there are two suns here."

Hobert shook his head: "The problem is that none of us are believers in the Eternal Blazing Sun. Even if He hears our prayers, He may not pay attention to us."

His spirituality seemed to be somewhat resistant to praying to the Eternal Scorching Sun. After coming to this planet, Hobert felt that his spirituality seemed to be more deeply connected with the sky, and he was much more sensitive than before in many aspects.

Hobert guessed that this may be related to the fact that this planet does not have that protective layer. The spirituality is closer to the sky, closer to the universe, or closer to the star realm.

Since there was no imminent danger, Hobert and Audrey walked to the tower, sorting out the matter as they walked.

Hobert asked first: "Why did you suddenly go upstairs to look for me?"

Audrey said: "Selena came down from the second floor and said you were looking for me."

"Selena should have been influenced by that boy." Hobert analyzed.

He regretted that when he entered the "Land of Disorder" in the Earl's Mansion to get the "Hidden Fruit", he did not look in the direction of the living room because of time constraints.

Suddenly, Hobert realized something was wrong. No matter how tight the time was, how much time could it take to take a look? Why was there such an obvious oversight?

Then Hobert thought: After arriving on this planet, why was my first thought not to enter the "State of Disorder" to find a solution?

Hobert suddenly realized that his spirituality seemed to be resisting his entry into the "state of disorder."

This made him suddenly worried: Could it be that the boy had affected the "Nation of Disorder"?

That is Hobert’s greatest support!

Audrey noticed something was wrong with Hobert: "What's wrong?"

"I, it suddenly occurred to me that that boy must have a close relationship with the alien god 'Uncertain Mist'!" Hobert said.

His memories of the old days are basically sealed in the "Land of Disorder". He only knows the general concepts of Outer Gods and "Uncertain Mist". Without the concepts of the old days, there will be no danger.

Hobert continued: "At the beginning of the year, I received a letter asking for help from Selena..."

He roughly told Audrey what happened at the Bocklon Villa, and finally he said: "It seems that the pollution at that time was not completely eliminated, or the 'Uncertain Mist' may have used some method to secretly retain it. A part of the strength formed this little boy.

"He hid in Selena's sister-in-law's belly for more than seven months. He was probably 'born' after he was sure that he would not be discovered by the gods."

Hobert felt that there were still some key points that he had not clarified in his speculation in this regard, but he soon realized that it might be related to his memory loss.

While walking, the two people came to the place where the skull statue was lying on its back.

Hobert discovered that it seemed to be a real skeleton, but it was different from a normal human face in many details. For example, it had three eyes, and there seemed to be no nose. The shape of the mouth was also a bit strange, and there were no teeth. , and there is no structure to chew up and down.

The trees growing in the eyes of these skeletons are similar to the trees on the earth.

For example, the leaves of the plant in front of me are also green and roughly diamond-shaped. They look similar to some trees, but they are not like any plant I have seen before. The trunks are segmented, somewhat like corn stalks.

This reminded Hobert of the theory he had seen in the AD era. Some scientists believed that if there were extraterrestrial civilizations, the flora and fauna there might be like those in Australia.

It is somewhat similar to the flora and fauna of other continents, but it is a completely different kind of creature.

This does not mean that all animals and plants in the universe have similar appearance and body shape, but that only such body types can stand out in the competition in nature.

For example, the capacity of the brain can only be increased by standing upright. Of course, if the thinking and information processing organs grow on the feet, or on the buttocks, and have an excellent shock-absorbing structure, that is another matter.

This theory only flashed through Hobert's mind. It was also possible that the plants here were brought by extraordinary people from Earth. After all, the high tower looked like the style of the early Fourth Age.

It looks majestic and huge, like a building prepared for a giant several meters tall, and it is extremely asymmetrical. One side is a bit Chinese-style, while the other side is Gothic-style, which looks very uncomfortable.

Arriving at the foot of the tower, Hobert pushed open one of the huge doors.

The overall circular tower is somewhat dilapidated, and there are many gems inlaid on the ground. I don't know if this is a "local" decoration style.

Entering the tower, Hobert saw murals on the walls.

When you get closer, you can see that these murals are made of materials such as ceramics. Because of the special materials, the colors look very bright.

Hobert saw that there were four murals in total. One of them showed a man with holy light descending from the sky. There were many humanoid creatures on the ground with their hands crossed and placed on their chests. This seemed to be their highest courtesy.

The man with the holy light was obviously a human being in terms of appearance and body.

He is a middle-aged man with an old-fashioned face and eyes that seem to have a layered structure. He is wearing very classical clothes, with a high-collar windbreaker on top, a bit like the image of the vampire duke in folklore.

As for those people on the ground, they all have three eyes, indeed no nose, and their mouths are round, as if they have a structure similar to the mouthparts of molluscs, with several layers of teeth.

Hobert thought to himself: This explains why the skeletons outside have no bite structures such as jaws. It turns out that they can use muscles to bite.

Audrey pointed at this "weirdo": "These should be 'locals', right? They look like humans."

"Perhaps it is because he looks like a human being that the person with the Holy Light came to this world." Hobert analyzed.

This sounds a bit like "artificial selection".

Audrey nodded, and the two of them looked at the second mural.

The second mural consists of several smaller murals, some of which show humans with holy light giving guidance in the fields, some showing guidance in workshops, and some showing guidance on construction sites.

It means that he brought civilization to this world.

The third mural is a sacrificial scene, with locals kneeling before a layered, somewhat illusory door.

Hobert had already guessed that this mural was the best evidence for those previous guesses: "They are worshiping Mr. Door!"

"Mr. Door!" Audrey suddenly heard the name of an "acquaintance".

Hobert pointed at the layers of doors and said: "Do you remember? We said before that Mr. Door liked to travel in the starry sky after he became a Wanderer.

"In the two previous murals, the man with the holy light may be Mr. Door!"

Audrey looked at the illusory door: "In other words, Mr. Door spread civilization here?"

Then she asked: "Then why did the civilization here disappear?"

"Maybe it's also because of the arrival of Mr. Door." Hobert guessed: "If the application of extraordinary power in this world is very primitive, or there is no extraordinary power at all, the arrival of Mr. Door will make the world here Extraordinary power becomes systematic enough, and at the same time it attracts the attention of many mysterious beings.

"When Mr. Door was sealed, without the gods protecting the planet, this civilization quickly died under the malicious gaze of some."

He pointed outside: "Those skeletons and big trees may be the 'masterpieces' left by mysterious beings."

Audrey sighed: "It's so hateful. Well, I don't know whether it's Mr. Door who's hateful or those beings with malicious gazes who are hateful."

Hobert smiled: "Let's continue looking down."

The fourth mural is a description of the ground inside the tower. It is like a plan map, marking the positions of gems of different colors.

At the same time, there are some mysterious symbols and lines and curves on the ground.

Hobert looked at the picture and thought about it: "This, this is a magic circle!"

He said: "Mr. Door not only brought civilization, he also brought the mysticism of the earth. These symbols and logos are the same as those we use."

Then he glanced at the gems on the ground: "Maybe those symbols were covered by dust."

Hobert waved his hand suddenly, fanning a small wind: "Zoom in!"

Then he "zoomed in" the wind, and a strong wind passed through it. Sure enough, it blew away a thick layer of dust on the ground, revealing occult symbols composed of tiny crystals and signs such as straight lines and curves.

Audrey asked curiously: "What does this magic circle do?"

Hobert pointed to the symbol in the middle: "This is the symbol representing the 'door'. It should have the function of teleportation."

The symbol consists of three layers of arc-shaped doors, with abstract symbols representing the spiritual world and illusion on the left, right and bottom, and a four-pointed star in the middle.

Hobert had seen the family emblem of the Abraham family from Fors, and it had a similar structure to this symbol.

Audrey seemed to see hope: "Then can we use this magic circle to return to Earth?"

Hobert shook his head: "That's terrible, this is probably the teleportation circle on this planet."

He said: "I heard that in our Third and Fourth Era, there were magic circles connecting the continents."

Audrey thought for a while: "I seem to have heard similar legends, but why did those magic circles disappear later?"

Hobert guessed: "It may be related to the fact that Mr. Gate was sealed and the Abraham family was unable to maintain those magic circles and was unwilling to hand over the operation of those magic circles to other extraordinary organizations."

He thought for a while and said: "Anyway, I can give it a try, but I have to study it further."

After taking a closer look at the mural about the magic circle, there were two gems with special marks on them. Hobert quickly understood that he could change the positions of these two gems to make the magic circle appear in two different ways. model.

Hobert said: "If you give it a try, although it is risky, it is better than waiting here."

Audrey also suggested: "Then give it a try."

In fact, she was a little impatient at this time. Although such an adventure was what she had always expected, if she went back too late, her family would discover that she had left home privately at night, and the consequences would be serious.

As for Audrey, would she think of this first instead of whether she could return to Earth? Mainly because she has confidence in Hobert, and she will definitely be able to go back as long as he is around, but it is just a matter of time.

The current state of the magic circle is that the blue gems are placed on the left side. Hobert took a deep breath and injected spirituality into the starting point of the magic circle. The gems on the magic circle lit up one after another.


A strong wind blew inside the tower, and the occult symbols made of small crystals also lit up. Finally, the symbol representing "door" in the middle lit up, and illusory doors sprung up around the circle. Starting, some dense mist flashed in the magic circle.

Then the space on the inward side of the magic circle suddenly became sticky, and then these sticky spaces quickly expanded and became very broad.

Suddenly, the center of the viscous space quickly turned into a bubble-like blue film, and the scene on the other side of the circle was reflected on the film.

Hobert and Audrey saw that there was a tall tower structure over there that was similar to the one here, but the tall tower over there had collapsed, and there were all ruins. You could still see the dense vegetation outside the tower.

Suddenly a huge head poked out from the ruins of the wall. The other person looked very much like the "local" in the mural.

Hobert originally thought it was a survivor of this planet, but soon, the other person's body came out, and under his head was a body that looked like a giant caterpillar!

Many monsters seemed to have noticed that the magic circle was activated, and they all looked over. Some had humanoid torsos and limbs, but had heads that looked similar to crickets, and some had six arthropod legs. The torso is that of a mammal.

In short, they are strangely shaped, and it feels like the genes of all the creatures on this planet are connected in series.

Hobert realized: "Perhaps a malicious gaze a long time ago caused the people on the other side of the circle to lose control and turn into monsters!"

Audrey felt a little uncomfortable, and it was hard to imagine what a terrifying scene it was at that time.

At this time, the monsters became more and more bold and began to surround the magic circle.

In order to prevent them from coming here through the magic circle, Hobert immediately stopped the spiritual supply. The tall illusory gates disappeared one after another, the blue water film burst, and the two magic circles were disconnected.

Finally the light of the gem gradually disappeared.

Hobert smiled bitterly: "It is indeed the teleportation array on this planet."

However, he still changed the position of the gem and moved the red color to the left side.

Injecting spirituality again, the gems and crystals lit up one after another, forming a cylindrical red film on the periphery, and finally the top of the film was sealed to form a sealed space.

Hobert's spiritual awareness is that this space is more solid than the "secret realm" and is difficult to destroy from the outside.

In addition to being able to take refuge here, this mode should also mean refusing to connect to any teleportation array.

And as long as spirituality is injected once, this sealed space can exist on its own. It will not disappear until the spirituality in the gems and crystals is exhausted. If you want to leave this confined space, you only need to inject spirituality again.

Hobert and Audrey looked at each other and could only think of another way.

After closing the confined space, the two people went to the upper floors of the tower to take a look.

There are only some murals there, which tell the story of the production and life process of the people on this planet, as if they knew that they would one day perish, so they left behind these encyclopedia-like information.

Returning to the bottom of the tower again, Hobert took out his pocket watch and looked at it. The hour hand was between three and four, and the time on earth was now about three in the morning.

Just when Audrey was trying to calm herself down so as not to show anxiety, the two people suddenly sensed something spiritually and came to the door together.

Just as he was about to look towards the sky, Hobert's spirit suddenly trembled, and he held Audrey's head down: "You can't look!"

As he spoke, he pulled Audrey back quickly.

But it was still a step too late. Both Hobert and Audrey saw a wheel-shaped shadow on the ground. It was surrounded by a ring, and in the center of the ring there were a series of messy but orderly small columns. Some of the small columns intersect together, and some do not intersect with any other columns.

This shadow gives people a thick and long-lasting feeling, as if it has existed for a long time, and seems to be full of mystery and unknown.

But just looking at the shadow, Hobert felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, as if someone was stirring his brain with an iron rod, all the strength in his body was taken away, and he could no longer stand.

As Audrey fell, her eyes became blood red, and two lines of bloody tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. She shouted with some fear: "Huo, Hobert, I can't see, I can't see!"

Hobert, with his eyes closed, crawled towards Audrey and said, "Audrey, calm down, even if you can't see anything, close your eyes!"

He struggled over and touched Audrey, then groped and covered her eyes with his hands, then used "distortion" to return to the tower, and activated the magic circle under the guidance of spirituality.

Although Hobert closed his eyes, his mental pressure disappeared immediately, which meant that the magic circle was activated, blocking the gaze of the being outside.

Audrey in his arms was already unconscious due to the huge mental shock. Hobert also felt very tired and lost consciousness in a daze.

I don't know how long it took before Hobert woke up. There still seemed to be light coming in from outside the door.

Thinking back to the shadow I saw before, my head still hurts.

That’s the “fog of uncertainty”!

This planet is not like the Earth with a shield. Although He is far away in space, just seeing His shadow almost caused Hobert and Audrey's spirits to collapse.

If you see even one glimpse of His true form, you will immediately lose control and die!

Hobert slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were blood red, and his eyes were severely bloodshot just now.

Then Hobert saw that his nails were much longer and his clothes were torn in some places. It was obvious that he had been seriously polluted just now. When he was unconscious, he showed some signs of losing control and almost turned into a monster.

Maybe it's because the subconscious is still fighting against losing control, but fortunately, he didn't become a monster in the end.

Audrey in Hobert's arms was in a similar condition to him. Her hair had grown a lot longer, there were tears of blood and blood in the corners of her eyes, and her skirt was torn in some places.

Hobert injected spirituality into the "Healing Fork" and used a "healing technique" on Audrey.

The "Healing Technique" of "Healing Fork" is quite special and can also treat less serious spiritual and mental trauma, so it is very suitable to use at this time.

Audrey woke up slowly, and Hobert used a "healing technique" on himself again, and he suddenly felt that his whole body was much more relaxed.

However, the effect is limited and there is no way to completely cure it.

Audrey stretched out her hand weakly and touched Hobert's cheek: "Hobert..."

She was only a Sequence 7, and if she had gone through any other means, she would have probably suffered a mental breakdown.

Hobert held Audrey's hand: "Huh?"

"We're going to die here, aren't we?"

Hobert tried his best to smile and said: "There is still hope! Don't give up, we can try to pray to the Fool."

"We accidentally stepped into the little boy's trap. When he was teleported to this planet, he said that you left the earth with your beloved woman." Audrey asked weakly: "I am your beloved woman What?"

Hobert looked at Audrey's pale face, and his vision suddenly became a little blurry: "Yes, yes, Audrey.

"I've liked you since a very early age, but we weren't suitable at that time.

"Later I returned to Backlund, and when I saw you, it became clear that I still like you.

"But I already have my own marriage, so I can only hide this love in my heart."

Audrey closed her eyes again: "Hobert, I regret it so much."

Hobert smiled bitterly: "I regret it too."

Thanks to [the name is hard to find] for the tip.

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