Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 613 Great changes in the foggy sea

Southern Continent, upper reaches of the Hortis River.

According to what "God's Favored One" Hobert said, Lawrence first selected three very outstanding Sequence 5s in the family after repeated considerations, then set up the altar, prayed to the "founder", and began to report loudly on these three His talent in sequence 5 and his contribution to the family and the "creator".

These two men and one woman, and the three Sequence 5s, all participated in the Extraordinary War that just ended, and all performed very well in the war.

After Lawrence finished his report, the majestic image of the "Creator" appeared above the altar. Lawrence and the other three people immediately lowered their heads and knelt down on one knee. They did not dare to look directly at the "Creator" and could only feel the radiance emanating from the "Creator". The tremendous pressure to come out.

The four people saluted together and heard the "creator" say in a rich voice: "To Leon!"

The young man named Leon happily praised the "creator" again and again.

The other two people were somewhat disappointed, but only a little disappointed. For them, it was a great honor to become a candidate and be noticed by the "creator".

After Lawrence bowed and said yes, he began to arrange the gifting ceremony, and as expected, he received a copy of the extraordinary characteristics of the "Fallen Earl".

After thanking the "creator", the four of them looked at the extraordinary characteristics on the altar with mixed emotions. This was a Sequence 4 Extraordinary characteristic! It means that the Balk family will have four demigods in the future!

After praising the "creator" again, Lawrence first put away the extraordinary characteristics and was about to tell Leon about the promotion ceremony. Suddenly the candles on the table turned into green firelight, the space in front of them became illusory, and a coffin emerged from the spirit. The world floats out.

A letter flew out of the coffin and fell into Lawrence's hands.

Then the coffin disappeared and the candle flame became normal again.

Lawrence knew that this was Hobert's messenger, and was not too surprised. He opened the letter and took a look: "Hobert, the 'God's Favorite', is going to transfer a demigod from the Balk family to Backlund to assist him in completing a mission." task."

He said to the three family members behind him: "Go and call the elders for a meeting immediately!"

Although Lawrence is also a "god's favored one", and Hobert also said that they are now equals, Lawrence does not dare to really treat Hobert as an equal.

In his opinion, Hobert should be the leader among the "God's Favored Ones". Generally, the "founder" would give him some tasks, and then he would assign them to other "God's Favored Ones".

Therefore, Lawrence still attached great importance to Hobert's letter and regarded his "request for transfer" as an order.

Backlund, 62 Queen's Road.

After Hobert mailed the letter to Lawrence, he lay down on his bed to rest.

He first recalled the choice he made just now. In fact, the young man named Leon was not better than the others. The three of them were all excellent. Hobert didn't know who to choose, so he pointed at one at random.

The choice just made was just to prove the authority of the "Creator". He will not interfere with the promotion of those below demigods. However, if you are promoted to a demigod, you still need to use the extraordinary characteristics provided by the "Creator" to promote, so the "Creator" must designate the promoter. .

What Hobert has to consider now is how to divide the power of the Balk family in the future.

For now, Hobert still needs to rely on the power of the Balke family to develop his power in the Southern Continent, but this family cannot always be the main force. In the future, they will definitely have to separate their demigods.

Otherwise, the country built in the Southern Continent would easily be a country led by the Balk family, rather than a country of "founders".

We can only wait until we have the opportunity to talk about this in the future, and we cannot carry out any differentiation actions yet.

Then, Hobert thought about the transportation problem with the southern continent. If you take a boat, it will be very inconvenient to travel between the northern and southern continents.

But now Hobert can only use "travel" to take two people back and forth between the northern and southern continents.

After the previous battle, Hobert now has the extraordinary characteristic of "traveler", and has asked Mr. Winston, the "alchemist" who likes fishing, to make two "traveler's doors".

Hobert plans to use the "Traveler's Gate" tomorrow to connect the traffic between Longtail Island and the southern mainland.

However, the 'Traveler's Gate' has gradually been unable to meet Hobart's needs for transportation between regions. This magical item can be passed by individuals, but when it comes to transporting goods, even horse-drawn carriages cannot pass through, and rickshaws can only be used to "travel." The door of the people."

As cargo transportation becomes more frequent between Longtail Island and the South Colson area, and between these two places and the southern continent in the future, rickshaws will definitely not be able to meet the logistics needs.

Instead, you can consider using "worker hunting" and opening "creator logistics".

But this is somewhat reduced in price, for example: the great "creator" and helped me transport thirty pounds of cabbage.

Lucky or unlucky?

Another example: Great "creator", please help me give this sock to so-and-so. He was in a hurry and forgot to take it with him.

Do you want help?

Hobert sighed, "Creator Logistics" can deliver high-end products, but once it turns on the "civilian" mode, it will really become a "logistics company"!

At this time, Hobert suddenly recalled the "teleportation circle" left by the civilization that once believed in Mr. "Gate" on the alien planet!

That thing is so useful! Once the "Teleportation Circle" is activated, not to mention a carriage, a small ship can also drive there!

He thought carefully about it. Although the magic circle was complicated, the principles were all mystical theories on earth, so it was not difficult for him.

Hobert thought for a while and felt that he could give it a try, so he jumped out of bed and recorded the number and size requirements of the diamonds and crystals he needed on a piece of paper.

Then he went to the "Land of Disorder" and took out the Southern Continent-style pendant that Christine gave him. After injecting spirituality into it, the space in front of Hobert became illusory, and he stepped into the void.

Following the guidance of the pendant, Hobert came to the place where Rex hid the treasure.

Under the night sky, this is a primeval forest. Not to mention inaccessible, there are not many animals around.

Hobert placed the pendant on the stone wall, which cracked to form an arch.

"Zoom in!" Hobert magnified the hazy moonlight, making it as bright as the morning sun.

The "amplified" light was not wasted at all and shone straight into the cave.

"Tampering!" Hobert "tampered" with the light in the cave to prevent the jewels in the cave from shining outside.

In the cave, in addition to stacks of gold pounds, there are also many gold products and gems, which were Rex's trophies back then.

The corners of Hobert's mouth couldn't help but rise, and his eyes were dazzled by the light reflected by the gem again.

Although his eyes were no longer harmed by this, he still closed his eyes and enjoyed this wonderful moment.

Taking a deep breath, the air smelled of gold pounds and gold.

After smiling slightly for a while, Hobert opened his eyes and started looking for suitable gems according to the list in his hand.

So half of the gems on the list were gathered in the cave.

Hobert looked at the list again. He still needed a lot of crystals and some large gems, so he had to go back to Backlund to purchase them.

Coming out of the cave, Hobert glanced at the closed stone wall and suddenly realized that it was not a good choice to put all the captured things in the "Country of Disorder".

The risk is too high. If something goes wrong in the "State of Disorder" one day, all his seizures will be lost.

Some extraordinary characteristics and sealed objects should be put in here to hedge risks.

But I don’t have time in these two days. I’ll talk about it after I have time in a few days.

Back in Backlund, Hobert scratched out the gems he found, and then knocked on Dophis' door.

Dophis, who was wearing pajamas, opened the door and looked at Hobert.

Only then did Hobert realize that it was already late at night, and he smiled and said, "Sorry for waking you up.

"I have something I need you to do. Tomorrow morning, as soon as you get up, go buy some diamonds and crystals. This is the required quantity and size."

Dophis took the piece of paper and looked at it: "I may have to go to the Southern Continent. The big gems you want may cost tens of thousands of pounds each in Backlund!

"There are many gem mines in the southern continent, where such a large rough stone may only cost a few hundred pounds. However, after buying it, you have to find someone to cut it yourself."

Hobert said: "Take the money from the safe, take as much as you need!"

Dophis reminded: "There isn't much left in the safe."

"You can go and see it tomorrow morning." Hobert asked again: "Do you need me to provide you with a magical item with the ability to 'travel'?"


"Okay." Hobert waved his hand: "You continue to sleep."

He quickly came to the study, opened the safe and took a look. The gold pounds in Backlund had indeed bottomed out.

In recent times, Hobert has had little to worry about money. The South Colson area has become self-sufficient and can also support the construction of Longtail Island.

Most of the construction of Longtail Island came from Hobert's investment. All the 80,000 gold riso obtained from the previous transaction with Simpson has been spent.

By the end of July, Hobert had invested another 50,000 pounds and could spend some more time.

Much like South Colson, Hobart intends to single-handedly provide the original accumulation of Long Tail Island.

Regarding the construction of Long Tail Island, Hobert does not intend to use the money from "Earl's Light". The money from "Earl's Light" will go to another account, which is different from places such as Long Tail Island and South Colson. .

Backlund's expenses are a separate account, mainly Hobert's personal expenses and the daily expenses of the Earl's Mansion.

Hobert took out the last 50,000 pounds of savings from the "Disordered Country", but he was still unfazed because he had inherited a large amount of inheritance from Rex and also received a large amount of property from Christine. .

These gold pounds are just gathering ashes in a cave, so they might as well be taken out and spent.

The 180,000 pounds previously completed with the Tunney family mainly used the money that Hobert inherited from Rex.

After taking out all the savings from "State of Disorder", Hobert still has nearly 150,000 pounds in savings, which is enough to cover expenses for a long time.

And this is just cash. The large amount of loot left by Rex is mainly gold and diamonds, which is also a huge amount of wealth.

This sea is often filled with heavy fog, so it is called the "Sea of ​​Fog".

The Sea of ​​Mist is in the eastern part of the North and South Continents, far away from the lanes between the two continents, or in other words, far away from the entire human civilization circle.

But there are many unexplored islands scattered in the foggy sea.

Just like the island where Archibald took Hobert to hunt the six-legged monsters before, it was deep in the Sea of ​​Mist. Even since the colonial era, no human had ever visited there.

At dawn, the low altitude in a certain area of ​​the Misty Sea suddenly became illusory, and a giant object floated down from the spiritual world and fell into the sea.


The sea water was divided by the giant object, causing quite a lot of waves.

This giant thing finally appeared in its entirety in the real world. It was the black giant ship "Black Emperor"!

In front of the giant ship is a seemingly huge mottled stone chair, on which sits the huge "King of the Five Seas" Nast Solomon. He is wearing a black robe with silver edges and a black beard.

After getting up from the huge stone chair, Nast, who looked like a giant, changed. The further away from the throne, the shorter he became. Finally, he became about 1.9 meters tall, only a little taller than a normal person. .

The crew members who had been hiding in the cabin quickly came out of the cabin. Under the command of Second Officer Bird Mustang, they opened the thick black sails and adjusted the course of the "Black Emperor".

Suddenly, the deck became very busy.

They were sailing towards an island in the misty sea that was not marked on the charts of any country. It was the territory of the "King of the Five Seas" and his headquarters.

Nast came to the captain's cabin and sat on his throne-like seat.

At this time, a child of about ten years old in gorgeous clothes brought a bottle of wine and an empty wine glass on a tray.

Seeing the child, Nast frowned: "Child, who brought you on board?"

Why didn't he remember that the Black Emperor had such a small crew?

The child who looked a little immature smiled slightly: "Tamara!"

Tamara made the little boy become so in tune with the ship that there was nothing unbalanced, and even Nast's spirituality had not felt threatened until now.

But when Nast heard the name Tamara, he was startled and immediately operated the "Black Emperor" to push the little boy overboard.

But he found that he could no longer control the "Black Emperor"!

"Do you find it incredible?" The little boy smiled: "It was I who told Solomon about the existence of the Western Continent, and he built this ship.

"Nast Solomon, the descendant of the 'Black Emperor', I am the real owner of this ship."

Although Nast didn't know who the little boy in front of him was, it was the first time in so many years that he felt such despair.

But without any hesitation, he immediately "distorted" the space and prepared to escape.

When the little boy raised his hand, Nast's "distortion" was "diluted" by the surrounding cabins.

But Nast's figure still became illusory. After all, he had owned the "Black Emperor" for so long and had already had an escape plan. But what he didn't expect was that one day he would actually be able to use such a plan. .

Just when Nast's figure was about to disappear, suddenly Tamara's figure appeared behind him. Tamara stretched out her hands and pushed Nast's back, causing him to stagger and break. The balance of his means of escape.

Nast's figure gradually became solid again, and his escape failed.

But Nast didn't panic because of the presence of an angel. He rushed to the cabin door!

"It's forbidden to open the door here!" Tamara said calmly.

Nast turned around and stared at the wax figure-like Tamara behind him. He pointed at the little boy: "Who is he?"

Tamara said calmly: "You should call him, not him."

Nast was somewhat surprised: "Why did you come to me?"

"Because your surname is Solomon." The little boy smiled and raised his left hand: "Everything has been foreshadowed in the Fourth Age."

Nast's spirituality felt a huge danger at this time, but for some reason, the little boy's little hand seemed to have a huge magic power, making him lose all his strength. This was the suppression of Solomon's bloodline: "No!"

He struggled to turn the doorknob and tried his best to "twist" Tamara's "forbidden".

Finally the door was opened, but Nast was not happy because the door only opened a small gap and could not be pushed open at all.


The door of the captain's cabin was closed. After half a minute, the door was pushed open, and a boy of fifteen or sixteen came out. Judging from his appearance, he was the little boy just now.

The boy came to the deck, raised his hand and faced the sea: "Twisted!"

The crew members had already felt the changes in the "Black Emperor" and jumped into the sea to escape. However, under the "distortion", many crew members who had no time to escape changed their thoughts of "escape" to "return" and began to escape again. Swim to the "Black Emperor"!

"Hahaha~" The young man looked up to the sky and laughed: "I succeeded!"

The plan that lasted for more than two thousand years has finally come to fruition!

Tamara followed with some awe, looking like a servant.

"From today onwards, I am the 'King of the Five Seas'." The young man said: "What name should I choose? How about Eris?"

Tamara smiled, "What a great name."

"Then next," young Eris said: "The 'Black Emperor' turns the helm and heads to Long Tail Island..."

"Wait a minute!" He suddenly stopped: "I've recalled the clues about the light."


Early on Tuesday morning, Hobert dressed neatly and took a carriage to Earl Hall's mansion. He picked up Audrey, who was wearing a long dress more suitable for sports, and headed to the power plant in the suburbs.

On the carriage, Audrey asked Hobert: "I heard from my father that today several lords from the Gas Association will jointly submit a report to Parliament."

"Don't worry about them." Hobert smiled confidently.

There are so many shareholders of "Earl's Light" who are members of parliament. Let them resist for a while. He does not intend to actively intervene in this matter immediately.

Hobert changed the topic: "Audrey, how much do you know about the Southern Continent?"

"Those are colonies of various countries..." Audrey paused and smiled: "Most of what I know about the Southern Continent comes from you."

Hobert nodded and smiled: "I have a plan to develop the Southern Continent. In the future, I hope to bring peace there, but I need your help."

Audrey was startled for a moment, then asked, "How can I help?"

"You'll know in a few days," Hobert smiled: "Now I just want to know, are you willing to help?"

"Of course!" Audrey immediately agreed: "If it can bring peace to the Southern Continent, everyone is willing to help."

Then she asked, "What are you going to do?"

Hobert said calmly: "Unify the Southern Continent."

Audrey was stunned: "Unification..."

"In terms of geography," Hobert said with a smile: "The Southern Continent is easier to unify. First of all, its eastern part is a large plain, which is almost undefendable.

“This is also the reason why after the Loen colonial army gained a certain advantage in East Balam, it was able to quickly expand its influence to the entire East Balam.

"The northwest is the huge Star Plateau, which is the key to the Southern Continent. As long as this plateau is occupied, the entire Southern Continent can attack wherever they want.

"Countries in the Northern Continent have been competing for control of the Star Plateau, and wars have frequently broken out there."

Only then did Audrey realize that Hobert was serious: "But, where did you get so many soldiers?"

"The population of the Southern Continent is not less than that of the Northern Continent." Hobert said: "Maybe it is more. After all, metropolitan areas greatly affect the fertility rate of the Northern Continent."

Audrey still felt it was a bit unrealistic: "But, the countries in the Northern Continent will definitely not let it go!"

"Of course I know." Hobert smiled: "Currently I am just making preliminary preparations and waiting for the opportunity."

Audrey didn't know how to evaluate it, because this was a very unfamiliar area to her.

"Let's talk about power plants." Hobert smiled: "In the future, the number of power plants will definitely increase, and there will even be a few around every city..."

While talking, they came to the power plant, and Audrey visited the huge boiler, the long steam turbine, and the generator at the end of the turbine.

The power plant was well prepared and sent a commentator to explain the entire process of thermal power generation to Audrey.

Audrey looked at the long steam turbine in front of her, which was a large turbine, and suddenly felt an industrial beauty.

Finally they arrived at the cooling tower, and Audrey realized that the thick and large structure was not a large chimney, but a cooling tower.

What comes out of the cooling tower is not white smoke, but water vapor.

Now Audrey finally understood why Hobert laughed at the members of the Gas Association. It was because they were completely wrong. The pollution produced by the power plant was not as big as imagined.

After visiting the power plant, Hobert took Audrey back on the carriage. He warned: "Don't mention the internal structure of the power plant to anyone. This is currently the most critical secret of 'Earl's Light'!"

Audrey nodded excitedly: "I understand!"

After visiting the huge power plant, she felt the power of "Earl's Light". This is not just a company that sells light bulbs, it also represents many cutting-edge technologies.

Audrey asked: "Hobert, do we also want to invite those congressmen to visit the power plant? To prove that the power plant is not very polluting?"

"No," Hobert said seriously: "Perhaps the purpose of the gas association's report is to take a look at the internal structure of the power plant.

"After all, anyone with any sense knows that after the advent of electric lights, gas lamps were no longer competitive."

Audrey asked again: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Submit a report to Congress on the dangers of gas pollution to the atmosphere and its storage and transportation!" Hobert smiled.

Thanks to [Ambei Xia] for the reward.

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