Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 614 The Earl’s Light in Audrey’s Eyes

"First of all, we must understand one thing." Hobert explained to Audrey: "Whether you use gas, electric lights, or even candles, you must always choose a lighting method.

"In a big city like Backlund, candles have long been eliminated by the middle class and aristocrats who have a say, so the only choice is between gas and electric lights.

"The brightness and convenience of the electric light basically determine its victory in this battle. It actually has nothing to do with safety or pollution."

This is why Hobert is not in a hurry to fight back now, because once something like electricity appears, it will soon form a wave of the times, and no one person or industry can stop it.

"What if," Audrey said, "I mean, what if the congressmen unanimously believe that electric lights are more polluting?"

She knows the faces of these politicians very well. In their eyes, they only have interests.

Hobert smiled and said, "Then don't blame me for being rude."

To be precise, he doesn't plan to actively deal with it at the moment.

Hobert actually hoped that this matter would get bigger and bigger until finally someone from the parliament came to ask him to clean up the mess.

In addition, the people from the Gas Association had better use some underhanded tricks so that Hobert could have a breakthrough point to counterattack.

The two of them took a carriage to Hobert's manor in the suburbs. When they had lunch together, of course they wouldn't talk about such a disappointing topic.

After lunch, they walked together on the estate and along the road up the hill behind the villa.

The location of this hill is very good. You can see very far from here, and you can even see the buildings on the edge of Backlund.

But unfortunately, the thick fog gradually blocked the view, making it impossible to see further.

Audrey sighed: "What a pity. Maybe as Mr. Butler said, it takes the blessing of the gods to see the panoramic view of Backlund here."

Hobert smiled and said, "I'll give it a try."

He stretched out his hand, and when he felt a breeze blowing from behind to the front, he waved his hand: "Zoom in!"

The breeze immediately turned into a violent gust of wind, blowing towards Backlund with a shout of "hurrah la la" in the low air.

Hobert controlled the force well, and the wind did not drop as it swept over fields, through forests, through suburban factories and towns.

Audrey saw from a distance that the smoke coming out of the factory was quickly dispersed and swept away. Finally, the strong wind hit the diffuse fog, and in the fog that lingered all year round in Backlund, a huge wave rushed out. gap.

She couldn't help but exclaimed: "Ah! Backlund's thick fog is like being cut open and taking away a piece of cake!"

Hobert smiled slightly: "This wind can only go so far!"

After all, he is not an extraordinary person of the "Sailor" path, he just amplified an ordinary breeze.

Audrey's metaphor was not very appropriate. In fact, the scene in front of them was more like a stream of clear water flowing into a pool of muddy water.

The clear water makes part of the pool appear clear, but the power of clear water is limited. It only makes part of the muddy water clear, and does not change the state of the pool.

But it was spectacular enough. Although Audrey didn't see the full view of Backlund, she saw an incredible sight.

Because the strong wind blew from low altitude and did not hit the streets, the thick fog above the rooftops was blown away, but the fog still filled the streets.

The mist gradually faded under the sunlight, looking a bit magical, and even Audrey seemed to be able to feel the surprise expressed by pedestrians on the road.

However, before the fog on the street was completely dissipated by the sun, it was once again covered by thicker fog, so the position that had been blown out by the strong wind was gradually occupied by fog again.

Hobert lamented: "Backlund is very uncomfortable in the summer."

Because there was no strong wind, Backlund was shrouded in fog almost throughout the summer.

Under the mist, it was stuffy and hot.

Unless it rains heavily, the weather will change.

The two of them gazed at the top of the mountain for a long time before getting back into the carriage and returning to Backlund.

None of the official demigods in Backlund were aware of the danger, so they simply investigated the sudden change in the haze, and then cursed in their hearts, "This kid is sick," and said nothing more.

After Hobert's carriage entered Backlund, the fog here was not as dense as it seemed from a distance. If you look carefully, you can still see the outline of the sun.

The carriage came all the way to the Gear Avenue in the factory area, the "Earl's Light" factory.

Todd, Upton and others had already been notified and were waiting at the gate of the factory.

Here, Hobert took Audrey out of the carriage and met with the executives and worker representatives of "Earl's Light".

Everyone was stunned when they saw the beautiful Audrey. They only knew that the Earl was going to send a financial director, but they didn't expect it to be this beautiful noble lady!

After a simple welcome ceremony, Todd and Upton got on Hobert's carriage and took Hobert and Audrey to visit several factories.

On the carriage, Hobert introduced them to each other. Todd and Upton were both very polite. At present, the relationship between Hobert and Audrey was only announced in the aristocratic circle.

Without media reporting, information like this spreads very slowly.

Although Todd and Upton didn't know the news clearly, they also knew that the relationship between Hobert and Audrey must be unusual.

Led by the two executives, Hobert and Audrey visited the light bulb factory, wire factory, battery factory and accessories factory.

The so-called accessories factory refers to the factory that produces cross arms on telephone poles, porcelain pots, and accessories for fixing wires. Currently, this factory also assembles the main machinery for the production of light bulbs.

According to Todd's report, orders from battery factories have been increasing recently. There are already several factories in Backlund producing lamps and wires, but they can only buy batteries from "Earl's Light" at the moment.

Hobert smiled and said: "Produce at full capacity. If it doesn't work, add a production workshop. You can earn money for batteries for up to half a year."

In half a year, many factories will surely break through this technology.

Hobert had previously considered selling rubber at that time and continuing to manipulate the price and production capacity of batteries in terms of raw materials.

But the sudden attack by people like the Gas Association made him plan to completely liberalize the battery product and make the electric light market more active.

Finally, they visited the electrician school established by Hobert.

Although this school is not big, the opportunity to enroll is very rare.

Except for the students recruited by "Earl's Light", whose tuition is only a few pounds, students sent by other companies are charged thousands of pounds.

In order to avoid recruiting students from other companies, each student must sign a ten-year employment contract before enrolling. If there is a breach of contract, the penalty will be as high as 2,000 pounds.

For normal people, this contract is their dream. At least they will have a job with high salary and good treatment in the next ten years.

But for people in other companies, it is better to pay high tuition fees honestly.

Even so, the opportunity to enroll is very rare. It is said that just one enrollment spot has already cost 300 pounds!

Audrey was a little surprised by such a business phenomenon, but because she didn't quite understand the inside story of this industry, she didn't make any comments.

Now the Electrician School has encountered a new problem. Many clergy from the Church of the God of Steam and Mechanics also want to enroll. Todd doesn't know what the fees are for these clergy.

Hobert agreed: "Just charge the normal student fees."

These clergymen should be more interested in the work related to electricians. Currently, the entire Church of the God of Steam and Machinery still has a wait-and-see attitude towards the electric power industry.

First of all, it was because the rise of electricity was so fast. It only took two or three months to occupy a large share of the lighting market. The Church of the God of Steam and Machinery had concerns about Hobert and the "Creator". , so there is no interest link with "Earl's Light", and we are still waiting and watching.

Secondly, the Church of Steam has expressed its desire to learn about the "Earl's Light", but they are not very interested in light bulbs and would like to participate in the construction of power plants and corresponding research work.

Hobert asked "Earl's Light" to politely refuse. Although the power plant currently encountered many design and structural problems, he was more concerned about the confidentiality of the power plant than this. The Steam Church did not express enough later. Sincerity, so there is no cooperation between them for the time being.

After leaving the electrician school, Hobert smiled on the carriage and said: "This school can continue to generate some income for the 'Earl's Light'."

Because ordinary factories rarely open schools and only allow experienced workers to teach apprentices.

The training speed of this method is too slow and there is no way to compete with schools.

The last thing they visited was the battery distribution and repair center. There were horse-drawn carriages coming in and out all the time, and it seemed busier than the one in the factory area.

Now "Earl's Light" has established a very complete delivery system. Especially after the middle class get off work, there will always be an "Earl's Light" carriage wandering on the street. Just wave out of the window and it will arrive. Can quickly go to replace the battery.

After Audrey visited the entire industrial system of "Earl's Light", she couldn't help but sigh in her heart: "Earl's Light" is really a huge factory!

Before, "Earl's Light" was just a concept in her mind. Now she finally knows that "Earl's Light" represents production lines, workers with smiles on their faces, and Mercedes-Benz cars. carriage.

Back at the factory, Hobert convened a meeting with the top management of "Earl's Light". At the meeting, he first appointed Audrey as the financial director, and she would officially start working tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

After discussing a few words about the gas association, Hobert asked the company to set up a three-person team to take charge of this matter, collect some reports on the pollution caused by gas burning and the dangers of gas storage, and then submit them to the parliament.

Todd and others felt that such a treatment seemed too understated and that this issue should be taken very seriously. After all, most residents of Backlund still use gas lamps for lighting, and their market share is still larger than that of electric lights.

However, Hobert has always been quite authoritative, and no one raised any objections.

The meeting soon came to the third issue: to build a factory in the Republic of Intis.

"Upton is responsible for discussing this matter with the ambassador of the Republic of Intis." Hobert said: "The conditions they gave are tax exemption for the first three years and the rent is reduced by half, which sounds pretty good.

"And I heard that the Eternal Sun Church has always been interested in electric lights. Although the Steam Church has not expressed its stance, judging from the fact that their clergy hope to enter electrician school, they are also very interested in electricity.

“This time we received an invitation from the government of the Republic of Intis, and almost all sectors of society in this country welcomed us.

"And I have also contacted the Zaratul family of the Intis Republic. Not to mention that it is foolproof, there should be little resistance in the process of building the factory. Perhaps the biggest resistance to building the factory in Intis may come from Loen."

In the end, he said in a nonchalant way: "So we are going to take advantage of the gas association's protest."

Todd and Upton seemed to understand what Hobert meant, and he realized that those in the Gas Association might be in trouble.

Most people don't know much about Hobert's style of doing things and don't pay much attention to Hobert's last words. However, they are very happy at this time because the growth rate of "Earl's Light" has completely exceeded expectations. It is developing at this speed. Go down, and soon there will be "Earl's Light" factories all over the northern continent.

Next, the details of building a factory in the Republic of Intis began to be discussed. Audrey realized that this was the main purpose of Hobert calling everyone to the meeting today.

After Hobert designated the main person in charge of building the plant, he then studied the issue of funding, because almost all of the massive funds previously obtained by "Earl's Light" were spent on investment in the construction of power plants in other cities and the establishment of installation and distribution departments.

The only large amount of money left on the books was what Hobert planned to embezzle. He said he couldn't touch it, so no one mentioned it again.

Fortunately, the light bulbs are already ready for sale in major cities. By then, batteries, wires and other commodities will still be distributed uniformly from Backlund. In other cities, it will only be necessary to set up corresponding sales, installation and distribution departments.

It is expected that a large amount of funds will come in next, and this money can be used to build a factory in the Republic of Intis.

The funding problem was solved, and Hobert told Upton to keep the power plant confidential.

If people from the Intis government want to visit, stop them resolutely. If they have a tough attitude, they will simply stop work.

The Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun probably wouldn't be too interested in power plants. They might be mainly interested in light bulbs.

The main pressure may come from the Church of Steam. Hobert asked Upton to explain to the Church of Steam that unless their archbishop comes to talk to him, they are still prohibited from participating in the construction of the power plant.

In fact, the current reaction of the Church of Steam is a bit beyond Hobert's expectations. He had thought that after he rejected them for the first time, they would have more sincerity to bind their interests deeply with "Light of the Earl" .

But so far, they have taken no further action.

However, Hobert is probably coming soon. Previously, they would choose to wait and see to a certain extent. They must have found out that Hobert has a background as a "creator" and must be wary of in-depth cooperation.

But things are different now. The "Creator" has just flexed its muscles. Currently, both the Church of the Earth Mother Goddess and the Church of the Goddess of the Night have a tacit attitude towards the existence of the "Creator" forces.

The Storm Lord Church has only actively investigated the "creator", but has never treated the "creator"'s forces as enemies.

These should help the Church of Steam make up its mind.

The meeting lasted until after four o'clock in the afternoon and ended, and the tone for the establishment of the factory in the Republic of Intis was basically set.

At the end of the meeting, Hobert asked Upton to report any problems he couldn't solve immediately and he would rush to help as soon as possible.

Upton certainly noticed that what Hobert said was "reporting upward," which means praying to the "creator" and the "creator" informing Hobert.

Everyone arrived at the factory gate before Hobert and Audrey boarded the carriage and left.

Arriving on the carriage, Audrey was still a little excited and said: "Hobert, I didn't expect the scale of 'Earl's Light' to be so big!"

Hobert smiled and said: "I didn't expect that a company with 20,000 people would be so big."

This was true. In his memory, he really had no idea about a company with tens of thousands of people. It was only now that "Earl's Light" had developed that he realized what a company with tens of thousands of people was.

Therefore, some time ago, Hobert suspended the expansion of the electric lighting business. Firstly, the power plants to be built in major cities in the eastern part of Loen have been basically confirmed. Secondly, to let the "Earl's Light" settle down. , lest it lose control if it continues to expand rapidly.

Audrey asked curiously: "How big is the cash flow of such a big factory?"

"On your first day on the job, you may have to deal with a transaction of 150,000 pounds." Hobert smiled.

Audrey smiled and said: "Goddess, 150,000 pounds!"

Even Audrey, who had lived an aristocratic life since she was a child, had never been in business before, so she had never seen such a large capital flow at one time.

But although her tone sounded somewhat excited, she was not surprised.

Hobert did not tell the truth at this time, but changed the topic: "The demigods who are supporting from other places will arrive in the evening, and tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, they can work with Mr. Moon to deal with that vampire."

During the meeting just now, he had received Lawrence's prayer, and responded to it on the pretext of going to the bathroom, and went to pick up the demigod to Backlund in the evening.

Hobert said: "Haven't you always wanted to participate in an extraordinary battle? How about participating in this operation? Try to hypnotize that vampire."

Audrey first said: "Okay."

Then she was a little worried: "I won't expose myself, right?"

"No." Hobert had already planned: "I will give you my mask to use. The other party can neither see your appearance nor use extraordinary means to target you."

Audrey smiled and said, "I am willing to participate."

"After the plan is finalized, I will inform you which part of the task you will be responsible for." Hobert then asked: "When do you plan to announce your promotion to the Psychological Alchemy Society?"

"Also tonight, I will ask them for the 'Dream Walker' potion formula."

“According to the behavior of ordinary extraordinary organizations,” Hobert analyzed: “If you are promoted to Sequence 6, you will definitely be reviewed by their highest level before they give you the Sequence 5 potion formula.

"When they take you for review, they ask me to come with them. I may not necessarily be a spectator, but as long as I am there, even just admiring the scenery on the street, I can put a lot of pressure on them."

Audrey was a little happy at first, but she thought about it and quickly refused: "No!"

She said: "The Psychological Alchemy Society is a secret extraordinary organization. Your appearance will frighten them and they may never contact me again."

Hobert did not insist: "Then I will follow you secretly."

"No way." Audrey already had her own plan and said, "Have you forgotten?"

She whispered: "I am protected by Mr. Fool!"

Hobert said to himself: If you know that Mr. Fool currently only has Sequence 4, you will know that I am more reliable.

He didn't insist anymore, because Audrey was not the kind of girl who liked to have Hobert take care of her in every possible way. She had been pursuing her own life and preferences.

Hobert changed the subject again: "Tell Earl Hall for me that it's a pity that I couldn't have dinner with him today. I still have many questions to ask him."

Audrey showed a very beautiful smile: "Mr. Hobert, when did you become so humble?"

Hobert said seriously: "Of course you have to be humble enough in front of your father-in-law."

Audrey's cheeks turned slightly red and there was a smile in her eyes, but she deliberately showed an unhappy expression: "Humph."

Hobert smiled cheerfully: It's so fun.

After sending Audrey home, Hobert returned to his Earl's Mansion and took out a "Traveler's Door" from the "Country of Disorder" in the form given to him.

First, he went to Longwei Island to find a door and established relevant connections. Then he carried the door to the Southern Continent and established a connection with the door on Longwei Island in a place that Lawrence thought was very safe.

So on the return journey, Hobert took Demigod Chester and two Sequence 5s, first returned to Long Tail Island through the established "Traveler's Gate", and then passed through Long Tail Island to South Colson. , and finally returned to Backlund by Nan Colson.

South Colson has always played the role of a hub before, but it is different now. Hobert's power is moving to the southern continent. He plans to build Longtail Island into the future hub of the northern and southern continents if the teleportation array can be used.

Returning to Backlund, Hobert first entertained Chester and the others for a sumptuous Loen-style dinner.

While drinking tea after the meal, Hobert mentioned that he invited them here to deal with a vampire.

One of the Sequence 5 members of the Balk family said: "Those arrogant vampires are indeed quite annoying."

He may have realized that his criticism was too straightforward, so he changed his words and said, "I mean, although the Vampire Clan has a glorious history, there is no need to always talk about it."

In the previous war, the Balk family and the Vampire family were in the same square formation. Count Rosalind realized that the Vampire family had to cooperate with the Balk family to avoid too many casualties. However, none of the Vampire Count's subordinates realized this.

The Balk family was generally dissatisfied with the vampire's performance at that time.

Hobert smiled and said: "We may have further cooperation with the vampires in the future, after all we have a common enemy.

"Well, fortunately, although they are a little arrogant, they are not too evil, and most of the vampires are immersed in their own world and are a bit innocent."

Chester, who is in his forties and has some nasolabial wrinkles, said: "That's what we said, there is no other meaning."

Sequence 5, who just commented on the Vampires, also regretted being so outspoken.

"I also think they are boring sometimes." Hobert said: "Don't look at their hesitation in cooperating with the Creator. If they don't seize this opportunity, there will be times when they regret it."

The three members of the Balk family all felt much more comfortable.

After chatting for a while, Hobert asked Dophis, who had returned from the Southern Continent, to arrange accommodation for them, and then went to the study to pray to "The Fool", hoping to be alone with Mr. Moon in the giant hall "above the gray fog" Meet.

This reflects the benefits of Source Castle. Hobert's "State of Disorder" can only "send voice". It is currently unable to establish an environment for two people to communicate in real time. To be precise, it is unable to attract people.

But "Origin Castle" can solve this problem relatively easily.

However, a "country of disorder" also has the advantages of a "country of disorder". For example, Hobert uses a believer's star to project power into the real world. He can completely skip the "secret contract ceremony" and directly project a large amount of power.

After "The Fool" Klein agreed, Hobert asked Mr. Fool to convey the meeting invitation to Mr. Moon.

Soon Hobert got a reply from Emlyn and they would meet again at ten o'clock in the evening.

Hobert took out his pocket watch and looked at it. There was still more than an hour, so he "recalled" the method of making spells he had obtained from Klein.

He plans to make a batch of "Stealer" path charms when he has time recently.

Klein had gathered the wool of the "Creator" before, and as the favored one of the "Creator", of course Hobert had to gather it back.

According to the information provided by Klein, silver sheets can be used to make the charm.

So he asked his servants to find some silver sheets, cut them out, and start carving corresponding extraordinary symbols.

The first is the "pupilless eye" that represents the "Fool", and then the corresponding occult symbols are carved around the pupilless eye.

After finishing carving, Hobert picked it up and took a look: "It's so ugly!"

I wonder if "The Fool" is unwilling to give corresponding power to his spell because the symbols he carved are too ugly?

Hobert smiled: "Twisted!"

He twisted the ugly symbols to look much better. He simply threw the carving knife on the table and used the power of "twisting" to let the carving knife carve it by itself. The silver slices carved in this way looked much better.

Just as Hobert was preparing to engrave the third silver sheet, his vision was covered by gray fog and he came to the Giant Hall where the Tarot Conference was held.

This time, "Emperor" Hobert and "Moon" Emlyn did not sit on one side, but across from each other.

"The Fool" Klein was still sitting behind the chair "listening".

Emlyn came here for the first time outside of a Tarot meeting, and he was still a little curious about the surroundings.

Hobert said: "This operation is supported by a demigod from the Balk family. You should know it, it's Chester."

Klein, who was at the top of the long bronze table, sighed: The response of the "Founder" forces was very quick! A demigod came to support Backlund so quickly.

Emlyn nodded: "I remember him."

"Our operation can start at any time." Then Hobert asked: "What is the name of the target to be punished?"

"Earnes Boyar."

"Is there a good time to take action?" Hobert remembered the bloody viscount.

"He's been following me lately." Emlyn said, "And it's always the kind of stalking that makes me aware."

Hobert smiled: "That would be great."

Then he asked, "Will Ernes follow you to Harvest Church?"

"No." Emlyn said, "He will stop following him when he is two or three intersections away from Rose Street."

Hobert thought for a few seconds before saying: "First of all, we must act quickly and end the battle quickly before your vampire saints can react!

"You may only have two or three seconds. Within these two or three seconds, you must let Ernes enter Rose Street."

Emlyn asked: "Suppress Ernes and let me carry him to the Harvest Church?"

"Of course not." Hobert said: "I will arrange for someone to hypnotize Ernes and let him chase you! Chase all the way into the Harvest Church."

He remembered that this is what members of the Tarot Club "originally" did.

After Audrey was promoted to "Hypnotist", this was indeed the best solution.

Hobert added: "The question now is, can you pass three intersections and run to Rose Flower Street in two or three seconds?"

"Of course! Don't question the speed of the vampires!" Emlyn raised his chin, but soon he became worried again: "But Ornes is a Sequence 5, and he is faster than me."

"That's okay. You can keep him from catching up with you during hypnosis." Then Hobert asked, "When will you be promoted to Sequence 5?"

Emlyn replied: "I can be promoted now, well, tonight to be exact."

There is a full moon tonight.

Then he explained: "But because Ernes has been following me, I dare not..."

"Be promoted tonight with confidence and boldness!" Hobert said: "The senior leaders of the vampire clan will pretend that they have not seen it, and will not even ask where the extraordinary characteristics come from."

Klein, who was sitting at the head of the long bronze table, also thought so: there was no need to ask, it must have come from Hobert, from the power of the "Creator". After this matter is over, this extraordinary characteristic will be regarded as the sincerity shown by Hobert, but this "sincerity" needs to be paid for by Emlyn.

He glanced at Emlyn secretly: Mr. Moon obviously didn't understand this, otherwise he could have taken the opportunity to pay off the debt.

Emlyn said: "The extraordinary characteristics of promotion..."

"I will sacrifice it to Mr. Fool in a moment." Hobert said: "Remember the debt of 8,000 pounds."

Emlyn said: "No problem!"

After confirming the action time for tomorrow afternoon, and discussing some details of the action, the two people left the Tarot Club venue.

After Hobert sacrificed a copy of the extraordinary characteristics of the "Crimson Scholar" to "The Fool", he found Chester and explained his plan for tomorrow afternoon.

Early the next morning, Hobert first used "travel" to arrive at Earl Hall's mansion, where the maid was combing Audrey's hair.

Audrey was somewhat surprised when she saw Hobert. She was about to give a psychological hint to the servants around her, but she found that the servants around her didn't notice Hobert at all.

In fact, it was Hobert who "distorted" their thinking and made them ignore Hobert's existence.

"The plan to deal with the vampires has been finalized." Hobert said: "We will start at about one o'clock in the afternoon. You have to go to Misty Street to meet this person before one o'clock. He will arrange for you to take action at the right time."

Hobert showed Audrey a portrait of Chester, and then he took out a wooden box: "Inside is a black crystal mask, which has very advanced anti-divination capabilities."

Next, Hobert told Audrey the details of how to cooperate with Chester, how to hypnotize the target, etc.

Audrey listened very carefully and immediately asked questions if she didn't understand something. After all, this was the first extraordinary operation she participated in.

After explaining the plan clearly, Hobert smiled and said: "Good morning, beautiful lady, I won't have breakfast with you."

Audrey was a little helpless: "Shouldn't we say good morning to each other as soon as we get here?"

"Because I am the 'assassin' of the rules." Hobert smiled mysteriously, snapped his fingers and disappeared on the spot.

Audrey smiled: Is this also a kind of acting?

The surrounding servants paused almost simultaneously. There seemed to be a man in the room just now?

They looked around, then smiled slightly, thinking it was their illusion.

Today, MI9 is ​​going to conduct a ceremony for Hobert, so Hobert came to MI9 early and came to Georgina's office.

"You came quite early." Georgina had already put on the dark uniform of MI9 and looked like a very dignified female general.

Hobert, too, was wearing an MI9 uniform: "No chief came earlier."

"Let's go." Georgina took Hobert into the carriage.

After arriving on the carriage, Hobert asked: "Aren't you going to confer a title on me?"


"The ceremony is not held at MI9?"

"If you have the rank of major general, it will be done in MI9." Georgina said seriously: "Just invite some senior officers to come.

"But with the rank of general, you need to go to the National Defense Headquarters..."

"Admiral?" Hobert was stunned. Wasn't he a major general as promised?

But he immediately understood that this was an attempt by the Loen royal family to win over him. It was just a military rank anyway, and he did not really leave the army to Hobert's command.

"Not only will I give you the rank of general," Georgina told Hobert at this time together with the benefits promised by William I: "I will also give you a seat in the House of Representatives."

Hobert nodded, which was very sincere.

But he thought about it for a while before saying: "My father is already a member of the House of Representatives, which conflicts with the regulations of the House of Representatives."

Georgina said pointedly: "No one will care about this."

"No, no, no, I am a very law-abiding citizen," Hobert said.

Georgina thought there was something wrong with her ears.

"So, can I give up this opportunity to become a member of Parliament to others?" Hobert said with a smile.

"Hahaha, I knew it." Georgina knew that in the Kingdom of Loen and in Backlund, no one could withstand the temptation of being a member of Congress: "Of course you can."

Hobert nodded and said nothing more.

Of course he will not be deeply bound to the Kingdom of Loen, but it would be great to have a representative of his own in the parliament.

When they came to the awarding hall of the National Defense Headquarters, many senior generals had come to watch the ceremony. Among them were Aimilius and many other shareholders of "Earl's Light", as well as some of Christine's colleagues, as well as many people who were not familiar with Hobert. An officer I know.

Everyone was polite, and at about nine o'clock, the awarding ceremony officially began.

First, the Minister of Defense Amyrius briefly described Hobert's military exploits. In fact, there are only a few things to mention. The first is his achievements in Feneport City, and the second is his protection of Princess Alice to avoid The Kingdom of Loen made a fool of itself in diplomatic situations.

Everyone tacitly knew that this was a bribe. Some people probably knew why the royal family wanted to bribe Hobert, but most people didn't.

Then Georgina read out the king's commendation order, and the order signed by the king himself conferring the rank of general on Hobert.

Finally, Prince Govington awarded Hobert the shoulder straps and chest badge. Amidst everyone's warm applause, the investiture ceremony officially ended.

There was a small celebration reception at noon, and there was no way to avoid such a social event. Fortunately, the reception started very early and ended at around twelve o'clock.

Then Hobert used the excuse of being unwell and made an appointment with Georgina to talk about the members of the House of Representatives at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Georgina knew that he had something to do, so she just agreed and took the car back alone.

Just as Hobert was about to use "travel" to return to the Earl's Mansion, he heard Emlyn's prayers coming from the "Country of Disorder". He sped up and returned to his study, not having time to build a "spiritual wall" , he directly entered the "country of disorder".

Sure enough, the star representing Emlyn was expanding.

Hobert spread his spirituality and saw Emlyn riding a public carriage. He prayed quietly to the "Creator" and asked the "Creator" to inform Chester to prepare for action.

Hobert sent a signal to Chester, and then glanced behind him. Behind him was a small but relatively exquisite private carriage. Ernes was following Emlyn openly and openly. It was no wonder that even the slow Emlyn Mullin can spot him.

According to Emlyn, Ernes would usually stop following Misty Street, because it was only three intersections and half a street away from Harvest Church.

It was the same today. Ernes ordered the driver to turn at the intersection of Misty Street, but it was too late!

"Twisted!" A Sequence 5 member of the Balk family "twisted" the thinking of the driver and the horse, allowing them to continue moving forward.

Almost at the same time, Chester, who was ambushing on the street, took Audrey to Ernes' carriage in a "distorted" distance and sat opposite the bloody viscount.

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