Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 625 A Brief History of the Second Era

Klein, the "Fool" behind the gray fog, said to himself: Before, I lamented that Hobert's way of thinking was more similar to people from the "AD Era". Now it seems that I was careless, and I am not so weird and weird. Normal thoughts.

"Justice" Audrey smiled slightly: Are "lawyers" thinking so strange? However, Hobert seems to have discovered many problems using such a strange idea.

The other members seemed to realize that there seemed to be some secrets in this naming.

"Emperor" Hobert continued: "After my thinking, I came up with two answers. The first is that although this period of history was a struggle between the ancient gods, the extraordinary races that later attached to the ancient gods have successively appeared in history. Curtain call.

"The vampires have leftover historical materials, but what about the giants, dragons, and elves? They may also have certain historical materials and records, but it is very likely that they were destroyed together with their race when they faced annihilation."

"Moon" Emlyn couldn't help but raise his chin when he heard this.

Hobert did not pause: "Since the Second Age, humans have gradually become the protagonists of the times and the world. So, will the current history of the Second Age be written from a human perspective?

"Fabuti has also been deeply influenced by humans over the long years, so he used humans' understanding of that time to explain to me?

"This is very likely to happen. Demons were an extraordinary race in the Second Age, but later with the promotion system of potions, humans can also become demons.

"In addition, in order to hide themselves, demons also have to live with humans, so there will definitely be some marriages.

"Perhaps it is because of this that humans have influenced the demons little by little, and the demons have influenced Fabuti, so the 'Demon King' also has a human image when communicating with me!"

Everyone nodded slowly, feeling that the "Emperor's" guess was very convincing and logical.

"Magician" Forsi suddenly realized: Hobert rarely uses the ability to "forcibly persuade" others. His ability will not be like this now. It makes people feel very reasonable, and he is not aware of himself at all. Were you "forcibly persuaded"?

Then she breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, I never noticed that Hobert used it on me...probably, maybe he didn't use it on me, right?

Hobert continued: "Let's look back at the second era of the Second Age, called the 'Era of the First Glory of Fire'. Whose 'First Glory' was it?

"After the appearance of the ancient gods, extraordinary creatures have entered a relatively powerful era. Can they still be called Chuyao at that time?

“For them, the ‘budding years’ are the ‘first glory’.

"So I think that Chu Yao here refers to humans! Further speculation, it is completely understandable to use the 'metahuman' and 'non-human' camps to name the camps of the ancient gods at that time."

"Hermit" Cattleya sighed: It may not take four times, but at most two such transactions, my potion will be able to be basically digested.

"Moon" Emlyn is somewhat reluctant to accept this point of view: In the Second Age, the Vampire Race was one of the dominant races! Why don’t we have history from a vampire perspective?

But thinking about the discussion he had with the "Emperor" before, between humans and vampires, he had to accept this fact.

"Little Sun" Derrick lamented: I have also heard descriptions of the two camps of "metahuman" and "non-human", but why didn't I think of this?

Klein seemed to see humans who were tortured by madness and enslavement, but still didn't forget to record their own history. This indeed seemed like something humans could do.

At this time, Hobert continued: "As for the second conjecture, which is too shocking, I will not announce it to you until there is no conclusive evidence."

Regarding that guess, Hobert planned to wait until Little Sun and the others explored the Giant King's Court.

He jumped directly to the next topic: "Let's call those two camps in human terms. After careful analysis, I found that these two camps actually have two characteristics.

"The characteristic of a camp is 'relatively rational', which refers to the 'meta-human camp', the 'Giant King', the 'Elf King' and the 'Vampire Ancestor'. There is only one main path in the body.

"The 'Giant King' corresponds to the 'Warrior', the 'Elf King' corresponds to the 'Sailor', and the 'Blood Ancestor' corresponds to the 'Medicine Master'.

“Although they certainly have extraordinary characteristics from other channels in their bodies, relatively speaking, there are priorities.

"The other camp should be relatively crazy, because in addition to the 'Alien King', the other two ancient gods have two non-adjacent extraordinary characteristics in their bodies.

"The 'Ancestor of the Phoenix' has the characteristics of the 'Corpse Collector' pathway and the 'Apprentice' pathway in his body, and the 'Dragon of Fantasy' has the characteristics of the 'spectator' and another pathway in his body."

Hobert paused here and said: "I don't have exact information at the moment. What is the other pathway in the body of the 'Dragon of Utopia'?

"But I guess it should be the 'Reader' path. After all, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom was once the subordinate god of the 'Dragon of Imagination'.

"And in the third era after the death of the 'Dragon of Fantasy', the God of Knowledge and Wisdom became the 'King of Angels'. It is very likely that the 'Dragon of Fantasy' provided him with all or part of the extraordinary characteristics for promotion."

At this time, Leonard no longer felt that such a topic was so blasphemous. He was almost used to these blasphemous remarks provided by the "Emperor".

He just felt a little emotional: It turns out that the God of Knowledge and Wisdom also has such a dark history.

Hobert had briefly mentioned this before, so the other members were not surprised.

Hobert continued the original topic: "Considering that the extraordinary characteristics in the 'Dragon of Fantasy' are adjacent pathways, his condition should be better than that of the 'Ancestor of the Phoenix'.

“But it shouldn’t be much better, because no one knows whether He swallowed up the relevant extraordinary characteristics in an ‘orderly’ manner?

"According to my understanding, if the 'Dragon of Fantasy' first possesses the relatively complete characteristics of the 'audience' and then devours the 'reader', its status should be in a good category among the ancient gods.

“But according to the assumptions of the Second Age, such an ‘orderly’ devouring is almost impossible, so his condition may only be slightly better than that of the ‘Ancestor of the Phoenix’.

"Finally, let's talk about the 'Alien King'. According to the current information, although he mainly has the extraordinary characteristics of the 'prisoner' path.

“But we all know that Sequence 8 of this pathway is called ‘Madman’. Through my observation of the ‘Rose School’, if this pathway is slightly out of control, it will become irrational and prone to madness.

"And without auxiliary materials, without corresponding rituals, and even the 'Alien King' who may be promoted skipping levels, his sanity should also be very worrying.

"So in my opinion, the camp of the ancient gods at that time was probably the two camps of the relatively sane ancient gods and the more crazy ancient gods."

Most of the members of the Tarot Club have met members of the "Indulgence School" of the "Rose School" and know that they have the ability to sacrifice their reason to gain strength. They also know that they can easily lose their reason in the face of desire.

Therefore, they all agreed with the profound analysis of "Emperor".

"Let's take a look at the last two ancient gods." Seeing that everyone had no doubts, Hobert continued: "I think it's not that the 'Destruction Wolf' doesn't want to join a certain camp, but because he is related to the two camps. One of the members has a hostile relationship.

“This is a conjecture based on the laws related to extraordinary characteristics. The body of the ‘Destroying Demonic Wolf’ possesses the extraordinary characteristics of the ‘Sleepless One’ and the ‘Soothsayer’ respectively.

"These two paths are respectively the same as the 'Warrior' path owned by the 'Giant King' in the 'Metahuman Camp', and the 'Corpse Collector' and 'Corpse Collector' owned by the 'Phoenix Ancestor' in the 'Non-Human Camp' Gate' pathways are adjacent pathways.

"At this level, the mutual attraction of the 'Law of Aggregation of Extraordinary Characteristics' should be already very strong. The external manifestation is that the 'Destruction Wolf' can easily break out into war with the 'Giant King' and the 'Phoenix Ancestor'.

"So he will not join, and other ancient gods will not invite him to join any camp."

"Justice" Audrey recalled Hobert's previous speculations about the "Six Gods Camp" and the "True Creator Camp" during the Fourth Age: In my eyes, those "laws of extraordinary characteristics" are just laws. I didn't expect that. It can still be used like this. But then again, the law is not a decoration, it is for use, but I am not very good at using it.

After the gray fog, Klein also believed that Hobert's speculation was infinitely close to the truth: Extraordinary history, to put it bluntly, is the history of extraordinary characteristics. It is a very appropriate idea to use the laws of extraordinary characteristics to speculate on extraordinary history.

Hobert added: "As for the 'Devil King' Farbuti, he is indeed a relatively unique existence. He is an adjacent path to the 'Alien King', and his path is biased towards 'cold-blooded'. It seems that he can also have Not a bad sanity.

“But I don’t know why, he didn’t join the ‘meta-human camp’. Perhaps because he was cold-blooded, he didn’t want to join any camp or have anything to do with other ancient gods.

"And it may be because he is very rational and realizes that the emergence of the two camps is actually the trigger of frequent wars, so he does not participate in any camp."

At this time, Hobert seemed to say casually: "Of course, it may also be because the ancient gods generally believed that the demon race was not a member of the 'metahuman'."

"Star" Leonard frowned: Demons are demons, and of course they were two different things from humans in ancient times. It was only later that some humans took potions from the "criminal" path, and the boundaries between the two races were blurred.

Then he seemed to realize that the last sentence of the "Emperor" was not simple, but he had no idea where the "Emperor" specifically pointed.

Audrey and other members also noticed this, but Hobert did not discuss it in depth, but continued: "In the Age of the First Glory of Fire, the ancient gods expelled some messy toxins from the body through fertility and other methods. Extraordinary characteristics.

“This allowed the ancient gods to gradually become more rational in this era. By the time of the last era, the ‘Twin Era’, the ancient gods were already more rational compared to the budding era.

“The dividing line between the Age of First Glory of Fire and the Age of Twins is the divine battle between the ‘Ancestor of the Blood Clan’ and the ‘Destroying Demonic Wolf’ and the ‘Alien King’.

"We have talked about this divine battle in which three ancient gods fell in detail before. Although there are still some questions that have not been answered, the general situation has been sorted out."

Seeing Leonard's confused look, Hobert said: "In order to take care of the new members, let me explain briefly.

"According to the information I got later, this divine war is a huge conspiracy. After I understand all the information, I may make another deal on this divine war..."

At this time, Emlyn said: "Please try to collect some information about the 'ancestor of the blood race' and the people who betrayed our ancestor...I mean information about the gods."

"Okay." Hobert agreed casually and continued: "This divine war has had a profound impact. The 'Giant King' and the 'Elf King' accused each other of being traitors, and the 'Metahuman Camp' collapsed.

“And among the followers of the three fallen ancient gods, the ‘Goddess of Beauty’ took refuge with the Elf King, who later became the queen of the Trunsoest Empire.

"The 'God of Spiritual Things' picked up relevant characteristics during the war, and in the Third Age, he was promoted to the level of the King of Angels, and later became the 'Bound God'.

“The ‘God of the Undead’ took refuge in the ‘Ancestor of the Phoenix’, the Emperor of the Underworld in the Fourth Age.

“The ‘God of Wishes’ almost never appeared in people’s sight again after this battle.

"Antigonus and the 'Mother of Heaven' who appeared in the Northern Continent during the Fourth Age were the subordinate gods of the 'Destruction Wolf'. They also escaped to the Honakis Mountains at that time and established the later 'Night country'."

"Wait a minute." Leonard interrupted the "Emperor"'s narration here as expected: "I'm sorry, you mean, the 'Mother of Heaven' also comes from the Second Age? Is it a follower of the ancient gods?"

As the "Red Glove" of the Church of the Night Goddess, he still knows some information about the "Mother of Heaven".

Moreover, the "old man" once mentioned the Antigonus family. Leonard did not expect that this family could be traced back to the Second Age!

"Yes." Hobert replied: "Later, the 'Kingdom of Night' was destroyed by the Church of the Night Goddess."

Leonard nodded: "I understand."

He knew the information that the "Kingdom of Night" was destroyed by the Night Goddess.

Klein said in his heart: Hurry up and tell me who the last slave god is! I was ready for Leonard's look of surprise.

Hobert continued: "The one who gained the greatest benefit from this battle should be the 'Goddess of Doom'. She obtained the uniqueness of the 'Sleepless One' path and all the Sequence 1 characteristics after the fall of the 'Destruction Wolf' …”

Leonard thought he heard wrongly.

"...After disappearing from public view for a period of time," Hobert also looked at Leonard: "He became the Goddess of Night and returned to public view, and established the Church of the Goddess of Night. This was the earliest One of the organizations that protects humanity.”

Leonard's sitting posture became very stiff: "Black, the goddess of the night!"

Hobert leaned back in his chair and joked: "The goddess of the night can't suddenly become a god, can she?"

Everyone knows that Mr. Xingxing is from the Church of the Night Goddess, and everyone knows that he should be very surprised at this time, especially Audrey. When she heard the news, she was so surprised that she could no longer remain an audience.

Leonard's "blasphemy" was on his lips, but he swallowed it in the end, because the "Emperor" was right, the goddess of the night always has a process of becoming a god.

But he didn't expect that he would hear this process today, in the second era, in that dark era!

When Klein saw Leonard's expression, he immediately felt a lot more mentally balanced. His surprise when he heard the news was no less surprising than Leonard's performance now.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Leonard gradually calmed down, and then Hobert continued: "After the war in which the three ancient gods fell, the 'Twin Age' came.

“My personal understanding of the so-called ‘twins’ is the era when the ancient gods and the ancient sun gods, extraordinary creatures and humans, jointly dominated the world.

"In the early part of this era, giants, dragons, phoenixes, elves, and demons led by the ancient gods dominated the world. In the later part of this era, with the emergence of the ancient sun god, mankind gradually moved to the center of the historical stage.

"But I don't know if this understanding is correct, because 'twins' still seems to refer to 'individuals' rather than race."

"So I also found out another saying. 'Twins' refers to the ancient sun god and Hermes. In ancient times, Hermes had a very high status.

"Before the first 'Profane Slate' appeared, He was a pioneer in the Second Age of mankind who tried medicine on his own body. He also learned from the language of giants and dragons and invented the ancient Hermetic language, which provided human extraordinary people with the knowledge of mysticism. , provides the prerequisites.”

"Sun" Derrick thought for a while before saying: "Mr. Emperor, there seems to be no relevant records about Hermes in Silver City."

"This is also the reason why this statement is not widely recognized." Hobert said: "Because you have been using Giant language, which is another language family, but this also shows that the ancient Hermetic language may not have appeared in humans until the Quaternary Period. spread around the world.

"And then there was the ancient Fusac language that evolved from the giant language, which again diminished the importance of Hermes."

He said seriously: "But I think Hermes is a very important figure in the extraordinary history of mankind!

"He represents people's struggle against that barbaric extraordinary world. Hermes was definitely not the only one who tested the medicine at that time. Perhaps the extraordinary creatures at that time would still find them ridiculous.

"But what we must admit is that they are our pioneers, and it is on their shoulders that mankind has stepped onto the stage of history."

Klein, who was behind the gray mist, sighed in his heart: I quite agree with this point. In other words, like Hobert, I am more willing to worship this kind of bottom-up resistance than to fear the power of gods! Unfortunately, this is an extraordinary world, and such struggles are destined to be submerged in the torrent of history and forgotten by people.

Derrick was slightly stunned after hearing the "Emperor"'s words. At this time, he felt some empathy, because Silver City has also been fighting against fate, although in the eyes of the gods, such a fight is ridiculous.

Others also felt this and lamented the weakness of human power in the face of extraordinary power.

Hobert did not continue this topic, but said: "In the early days of the Twin Era, with the disintegration of the 'meta-human camp', the camp of the ancient gods once again underwent some changes.

"First of all, the 'Giant King' is fighting against the 'Elf King' and the 'Dragon of Fantasy' at the same time. Fortunately, the 'Elf King' and the 'Dragon of Fantasy' are adjacent paths and are in a hostile state.

"And the 'Giant King' and the 'Dragon of Fantasy' are also old rivals, so there is no possibility of any alliance between the three of them, otherwise the ancient gods are likely to fall again.

"The battle in the early days of the 'Twin Age' almost revolved around these three gods. They checked and balanced each other and were hostile to each other, and this lasted for a long time.

"It is said that in order to fight against the 'Elf King', the 'Giant King' sent his queen and eldest son to seek cooperation from human secret organizations.

"But all this was interrupted by the appearance of the ancient sun god."

The other members, especially Derrick, all sat up straight, because the following content was more familiar to them.

Hobert paused at this place and then said: "The ancient sun god should also have many secrets, but I know too little information now. We will make a deal after we have a complete understanding.

“What happened next, we talked about in previous transactions, as the ancient sun god appeared with the first ‘blasphemous tablet’, humankind rose rapidly.

"The ancient sun god has defeated or killed four ancient gods except the 'Demon King'. Those extraordinary creatures, because of the fall of their gods, have become prey for humans to obtain extraordinary characteristics or main materials.

"Mr. Hanged Man and I once saw related descriptions in the ruins of an elf clan.

"The rise of mankind was accompanied by systematic killing and occupation. It was a very bloody history, but the ancestors of mankind did not make many records of this era.

"Let's just pretend we don't know. After all, humans were killed and enslaved at will by extraordinary creatures in the middle and early stages of the Second Age.

“With the fall of the ancient gods and the rise of mankind, we ushered in the prosperous Third Age!

"As for the history of the Third Age, we have traded it before."

As usual, everyone spent the better part of a minute digesting the information and sighing inwardly.

All history so far is connected, from the Second Age all the way to the present day!

Klein sighed in his heart: This is a very remarkable thing. Very few organizations can have such a complete history, that is, an ancient god like the "Founder" who may come from the first era, and a third era like Fabuti. Only the "survivors" of the second century know more completely.

At this time, Cattleya suddenly asked: "Mr. Emperor, since it was the ancient Sun God who appeared with the first 'blasphemous slate', what is his relationship with the being who formed the first 'blasphemous slate'?"

Hobert spread his hands and smiled: "I don't have relevant information here at the moment, but since the two paths may be similar, could it be that the ancient Sun God discovered the characteristics of the being in the first era?" Desecrate the tablet'?"

Cattleya nodded, this was a reasonable guess.

This round of transactions ended. After more than ten seconds, Leonard saw that other members did not initiate new transactions, and then he said to the "Emperor": "Mr. Emperor, I hope to communicate with you alone."

Hobert nodded: "Okay."

After asking Mr. Fool to establish a private communication environment, Leonard said: "An angel hopes to get a way to temporarily restore his prosperity. I wonder if you can find one?"

Hobert was stunned: The old man in Leonard's body had easily killed Amon's clone under the "magnification" of the "creator", but ended up becoming addicted to the state in his heyday?

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