Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 626 Fors becomes president of the Travelers Research Association

During the separate transaction between "Emperor" Hobert and "Star" Leonard, Hobert thought for a while before saying: "Based on some internal information I learned, we can provide two methods.

"The first way is that the 'creator' provides a one-time magical item. An angel from the 'lawyer' path who is not in good condition uses it to control the area within a certain area, well, probably within dozens of kilometers. The order and concept are 'distorted', allowing him to temporarily return to his peak state, which can last for about fifteen minutes.

"I don't know about the ability to 'deceive'. Can I use that item to 'deceive' the rules and concepts?"

Leonard was stunned and was about to ask how you knew that angel had the ability to "deceive"?

But he also thought that in the battle against Amon's clone that just ended, the old man took action in front of the "creator". The old man's "parasitism" in his body could not be hidden from the "creator".

"The second method is to make a high-level talisman." Hobert said: "This talisman has a high-level 'amplification' ability. This method is relatively simple, but the duration may be less than ten seconds."

At present, Hobert has used the power of the "Land of Disorder" to make some spells at the angelic level of the "Black Emperor".

It just requires extremely fine black iron and angel-level spiritual materials. The cost is too high for him, so there is no need.

Now that Hobert encounters angel-level enemies, he can escape with level 0 sealed objects. There is no need for spells of this level.

Leonard nodded and said: "I understand. I will convey these two methods to the angel. We will communicate with each other about which one to use."

Hobert nodded: "Okay."

"So, what's the price?"

Hobert said: "I will tell you the specific price you need to pay after reporting to the 'creator'."

In fact, the "creator" has already thought of an angel-level help!

"I will contact you again if there is any intention to trade." Leonard said in a relaxed tone.

He estimated that the old man would agree to such a deal, but he wondered if he could use the first method?

As for the second method, the maintenance time is a little short, and it can still be useful in emergencies. If it is slightly delayed for 10 seconds, it will be fleeting.


The two people's individual communication ended.

The trading session ends here and the communication session begins.

"The Hanged Man" Alger said first: "I heard that the 'King of the Five Seas' Nast has disappeared and the 'Black Emperor' has changed owners."

"I have also heard similar news." "Hermit" Cattleya, who was also at sea, said: "I also learned other news that Bird Mustang, the second officer on the Black Emperor, escaped by chance.

"According to him, Nast is dead, killed by an unknown force.

"The person who took over the 'Black Emperor' called himself Eris. For unknown reasons, he suddenly began to attack the forces of the 'Mysterious Queen'."

Alger nodded: "I also heard that a large-scale naval battle broke out between the two 'kings'."

"Yes." Cattleya said, "Many of Nast's subordinates took advantage of this opportunity to escape."

The little boy could "kill monsters and level up" on his own. This was something Hobert didn't expect. Originally, he had planned to finish his work on Long Tail Island, so he started to look for the little boy and use him to light a sky lantern.

Looking at it now, this plan can only be put aside for a while.

Hobert said to Alger and Cattleya: "I know the new owner of the Black Emperor. He is the little boy I wanted before."

The other members looked at the "Emperor" together and recalled the wanted notices issued by the "Emperor".

Cattleya said: "I remember you said that it was the clone of an evil god?"

"Yes," Hobert said: "He is very dangerous. Please tell the Queen of Mystery to be careful about the mist he releases. Even demigods are easily contaminated.

"If contaminated, let her pray to the Creator immediately."

"I will convey it." Cattleya said seriously. She suddenly realized that the enemy the "Queen" encountered this time was very powerful.

"World" asked again: "I remember you said that that little boy seems to only be at the Sequence 4 level?"

"It was before." Hobert replied: "But after he killed Nast, he should have swallowed up the extraordinary characteristics of the 'King of the Five Seas', and now he has reached the Sequence 3 level.

"As for the forces supporting him, they should be our enemies, the Tamara family."

Everyone has an impression of this Tamara family, but it does not seem to be a very active extraordinary family.

At the same time, everyone noticed that the "Emperor" used "our enemies" to describe the Tamara family, which means that they are the enemies of the entire "Founder" force!

Klein even went so far as to speculate: Is the Tamara family holding potions from the "lawyer" pathway, or from an adjacent pathway? So they are the hostile forces of the "creator"?

Among the members present, except for Hobert, only "Magician" Forsi knew some inside information about the Tamara family, but that information was not needed for this topic, so she did not intend to announce it.

Hobert said: "I suggest that any member who has obtained the relevant information about Eris should not think about solving it on his own and report it to the Orthodox Church immediately.

"The Righteous God Church will definitely take this evil incident very seriously."

He smiled and added: "But I guess that guy won't show up again for a while, because I just had a battle with him at sea, and he was seriously injured and it was difficult to recover for a while.

"And my method of dealing with Eris is to immediately report to the Church of Storms."

In the end, Hobert said with profound meaning: "Things at sea should still be left to the Church of Storms to resolve."

Klein said that he was quite skilled in reporting, and silently praised Hobert's operation in his heart.

Alger always had the illusion that his church was being taken advantage of.

Cattleya smiled helplessly: As a "pirate general", isn't it inappropriate to report to the Church of Storms?

Forsi recalled the battle that had just ended at Tutuga Port: It turned out that the giant ship was the "Black Emperor", and the person on the giant ship was Eris?

Then she thought as if in hindsight: I didn't see Hobert reporting it? I could only vaguely hear him reciting the honorable name of "Storm Lord"... Well, isn't this his way of reporting?

Leonard started a new topic: "Roen's royal advisor Hervin Rambis is dead. After our investigation, we found that he is most likely a member of the Psychological Alchemy Society."

When he said this, he looked at "Justice" Audrey. From the previous gathering, it was easy to see that this Miss Justice was also a member of the Psychological Alchemy Society.

Audrey replied: "Hwen is one of the committee members of the Psychological Alchemy Society."

Leonard then asked: "Excuse me why he was killed? Is there any inside story about his death?"

Why was he killed? Audrey felt a little helpless: Because she hypnotized me?

She seemed to think about it for a second or two before saying: "Because he deviated from the original intention of the Psychological Alchemy Society."

Audrey always felt that the Psychological Alchemy Society should be an academic organization. Among the members she met, only Hwen was an outlier, so Hwen must have deviated from the original intention.

Leonard was stunned: "He was dealt with internally by you?"

Audrey glanced at Hobert from the corner of her eye and said, "No, it was precisely because he deviated from his original intention that he brought disaster upon himself."

Leonard asked again: "Have you found out who did it?"

Audrey smiled and replied: "Because I am not a senior member of the Psychological Alchemy Society yet, so I don't know the specific progress."

Hobert did not tell Audrey that Adam sent Hwin to deliver things, but he himself was left behind. In fact, there was no need to keep his death secret.

Because Audrey didn't know this, her first thought was to conceal the assassination process for Hobert.

Leonard nodded: "Thank you for your answer."

Audrey continued this topic: "I met Hvin Rambis last week, and he tried to give me a psychological hint and asked me to collect some information for him.

"Fortunately, I had the help of Mr. Fool, who protected me in advance with the 'Angel's Embrace'.

"But a question suddenly occurred to me in the past few days. Will the Zhengshen Church also monitor, control and guide some important nobles?"

Alger laughed: "Isn't this a normal thing? To live in human society, you must accept a certain amount of monitoring, control, and guidance!

"I understand what you are afraid of, but think about it, what is the essential difference between controlling and guiding with power, position, money, and guns, and similar behavior with extraordinary abilities?

"One knows that he doesn't want to do it, but he has to do it, and the other doesn't even have the thought of not wanting to do it. There is essentially no difference."

Audrey immediately nodded and said: "This is exactly what I have been thinking about these past few days. Doesn't this mean that even the soul and mind have lost their freedom? This is a very scary thing."

Hobert wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything after all. It would be a better choice for "The Hanged Man" to tell Audrey some things.

Alger smiled again and said: "How can there be absolutely free souls and thoughts? If you choose faith and ideas, you will naturally be bound by faith and ideas.

"But you don't have to worry too much. The church will not use despicable means to control believers like a secret organization.

“As far as the Kingdom of Loen is concerned, the three major churches are juxtaposed, and the presence of the royal family forms a check and balance between them. If the Church of Storms does too much to an important believer, that believer can completely switch to the Church of Night.

"So, in most cases, the Orthodox Church prefers to use religious status and beliefs to guide important believers rather than extraordinary abilities."

Checks and balances!

Audrey pondered this word, as if she suddenly had a new understanding of the king's upper circle.

Only then did she recall that she had actually been exposed to these things in the past, but she didn't think deeply about them at the time.

Audrey replied sincerely: "Thank you for your answer, Mr. Hanged Man."

Immediately afterwards, Cattleya started a new topic, or she directly asked the "Emperor": "I heard news that the original Kate Port on Longtail Island was renamed Tutuga Port. Will pirates be recognized as legal citizens? Is this? A trap for pirates?"

Klein twitched his lips: Tutujia Port? Pirate paradise? This must be Hobert's handiwork!

"It's a trap." Hobert smiled.

Just as Cattleya was about to sigh, "Sure enough," Hobert continued: "But for pirates, this may not be a way out."

Alger asked: "Can you tell me in detail what the trap is?"

Originally, he wanted to tell the "Emperor" to go there and have a look, but because he received a mission from the church, he had to give up this plan.

Hobert started from Tutuga Port's policy against pirates, continued to the protection of pirate property, as well as the business of banks and trading houses, and finally the real estate business that the pirates had not noticed at this time.

Members like "Sun" Derrick and "Moon" Emlyn who didn't know much about pirates didn't hear the trap at all? This is simply facilitating pirates!

Although all countries are doing this, they are not doing it as thoroughly as Tutuga Port, because countries still have to occasionally crack down on pirates to maintain their own image.

Therefore, there is no trust between pirates and other countries at all, and Tutuga Port is obviously establishing a relatively trusting relationship with pirates!

But Cattleya and other members who knew the pirates understood what Hobert was talking about.

Alger lamented: "The pirates' wealth will quickly flow into Tutuga Port."

The Raging Sea connects the colony to the Northern Continent. There is a huge amount of wealth here. The emergence of Tutuga Port will definitely form a wealth whirlpool, and a huge amount of wealth will flow there.

For example, the pirates kept the gold pounds in Tutuga Port. I believe Hobert couldn't just let them moldy there, right?

Moreover, Alger knew very well that some wealth that was not very valuable on the Raging Sea would be worth several times in the Northern Continent or the Southern Continent.

For example, if a shipload of gold ore is intercepted at sea, in the eyes of pirates, these are just stones, and they will not be able to get a good price if they sell the stolen goods.

But at a low price, as long as it is roughly refined, and the purity does not even have to be very high, the value can increase at least twenty times!

Another example is the interception of a ship of porcelain tableware. When the pirates sold the stolen goods, they would not be able to sell it for much, but if it were shipped to the Southern Continent, the value would increase by at least ten times!

It is precisely because of such huge profits that even though it is dangerous to go to sea, so many people still go to sea to look for opportunities.

Hobert smiled: “In return, we provide them with a safe place to recuperate and retire.

"You should also know that after becoming a pirate, you can't just quit if you want. Not many pirates have a happy ending."

Although Cattleya said nothing, she had already thought that if the Church of Storms and the Governor's Office of the Rhoside Islands did not intervene, then the future "Emperor's" intentions would be a bellwether for the pirates.

She believes that providing a stable channel for selling stolen goods is the biggest trap the "Emperor" gives to pirates.

Weaker pirates generally only dare to rob ordinary passenger ships, but now with the widespread use of steam engines, they are increasingly unable to catch up with passenger ships, so they are forced to rob some slower cargo ships.

But after snatching the goods, there was no place to sell the stolen goods.

Stronger pirates are generally divided into two categories. One is like Cattleya, who has the support of extraordinary forces and has stable channels for selling stolen goods, and the other is powerful pirates who have become famous through hard work.

There are more of the latter, because the former are easily "acclimated" to the sea and are exploited and killed by the pirates in their intrigues.

A big problem with the latter is that there is no stable channel for selling stolen goods. It’s not that no one wants to make a fortune, but everyone knows that these pirate items are illegal and want to buy them at a lower price.

Or the Governor's Palace just waits for such a transaction to happen, and then after the transaction is completed, arrests the buyer for helping pirates sell stolen goods. In this way, not only does the buyer have to pay a large ransom to be exempted from crime, but the illegal property stolen by the pirates can also be turned into stolen goods. , the auction can be conducted at multiples of the transaction price.

Therefore, unless the backend is strong enough, not many people would dare to trade with pirates.

People with strong enough backgrounds are all high-ranking officials, and for the sake of reputation, they will not blatantly trade with pirates in large quantities.

Therefore, the pirates' stolen goods actually lacked a sufficient market.

There are also extraordinary forces that have cooperated with some big pirates, but there are very few successful cases of such cooperation. First of all, the extraordinary forces do not trust pirates, let alone expect pirates to be loyal at all.

Pirates will also be very wary of extraordinary forces and will not completely trust them.

Such cooperation is destined to be difficult to succeed.

The clever thing about the "Emperor" is that he only does business with pirates and has no intention of using them for his own use!

In this way, the pirates have more trust in Tutuga Port. When pirates habitually come to Tutuga Port for transactions, they only need to add a few additional conditions. For example, the value of the goods of the Fusac Empire merchant ship is 20% higher than usual. , and the value of the cargo of Loen Merchant Ship was 20% lower than usual.

In three months at most, the Fusac Empire's maritime trade will suffer huge losses! Loen's maritime trade can prosper because of this, and it can quickly seize the market when conditions permit.

At this time, Hobert said to Cattleya, who was thinking about it: "You are welcome to invest. I had discussed it with the 'Mysterious Queen', but she suddenly appeared to invest in the shops and real estate in Tutujia Port to provide the pirates with money." Hugely shocking.

"But maybe because of the battle with Eris, the 'Mysterious Queen' didn't show up, and she didn't give me any news. I don't know if she will come today."

Cattleya was slightly startled: "I will consider it."

She understood what Hobert meant. Tutuga Port was also a very good information exchange station.

Alger said at this time: "I will also go to Tutuga Port to see it in a few days."

"No problem." Hobert smiled: "But I may leave Tutuga Port tomorrow to deal with some other matters."

"It doesn't matter, I don't need a tour guide." Alger joked.

This topic ended, and after about ten seconds of silence, Derrick said: "With another period of investigation and preparation, I will follow the exploration team to the afternoon town camp. This time, we are likely to try Enter the 'Court of Giants'."

This topic makes everyone feel like they have jumped from the real world to ancient mythology.

"Commissar" Alger gave a vague reminder: "When the time comes, follow your chief's arrangements and pray to Mr. Fool as much as possible. If you encounter any problems, you can apply for a small-scale discussion."

Derrick smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Hanged Man."

At this time, Audrey, as an "audience", noticed that Mr. Hanged Man had undergone some changes recently.

Although "The Hanged Man" often taught "Little Sun" and others in the past, there was a certain degree of implicit request, hoping to get useful information from the feedback.

However, his recent analysis and help have not been presented in similar details.

Audrey's professional instinct kicked in and she quickly made a psychological analysis of "The Hanged Man".

She quickly came up with a certain guess: "The Hanged Man" was undergoing a transformation in its self-positioning!

Since Ms. Hermit joined the Tarot Society and showed her maritime channels and resources, Mr. Hanged Man has unconsciously sought changes and tried to distinguish himself from the other party's role.

After this topic ended, Klein saw that the gathering was almost over, so he used the role of "The Fool" and said: "That's it for today."

The members stood up and saluted, and their figures quickly disappeared from "above the gray fog".

Leonard returned to the real world, sat on the sofa and hesitated for a moment, then put his legs on the coffee table. Then, he lowered his voice and asked, "Old man, have you ever seen the second 'blasphemous slate'?"

In his mind, the slightly old voice of Pales Zoroastrian sounded: "No, it was my great-grandfather who saw the second 'blasphemous tablet'. Haha, who mentioned this matter?"

Leonard did not answer, but asked curiously: "Then do you know the formula for the 'Night Watch' potion?"

Pales sneered: "Naive! According to my great-grandfather, the situation at that time was urgent and the opportunities were limited. The 'blasphemous slate' could flash away on its own at any time. Every smart person knows that it is best to master a complete extraordinary path first, and then Go browse others.

"In addition, the knowledge on the 'blasphemous slate' is presented in essence rather than text. Every viewer needs time to interpret it. When the 'blasphemous slate' is taken away, not everyone can actually write down a complete message. Extraordinary path, let alone taking into account other things?”

"That's right." Leonard laughed dryly, then asked: "Who took the second 'blasphemous slate' away?"

Pales was silent for a moment and said: "If my great-grandfather's description is correct, it should be Adam, the King of Angels."

Even if He mentioned Adam, Adam would not notice it.

"The Seven Gods, no, it should have been the Six Gods at that time, were they not involved in this matter?" Leonard asked in surprise.

Pales laughed: "At least not on the surface."

After a few seconds of silence, Leonard seemed to have come back to his senses and said: "I initiated a transaction with the favored person of the 'creator', and he provided two methods for you to choose from..."

He described in detail the two methods offered by the "Emperor" and finally asked: "Which one are you going to choose?"

"Of course it's the first one."

Leonard asked again: "Are you sure your 'deception' will be effective?"

Pales smiled "haha": "In your eyes, am I too old to walk? Let him provide another spell of the 'Black Emperor' path to the demigod level, and the problem will be solved."

Longtail Island, Governor's Palace.

Hobert and Forsi returned to the real world together. Hobert looked at the sky outside: "Should we take another nap?"

Forsi's cheeks turned slightly red, and "taking a nap" had become their new secret code: "We still have business to do."

Hobert yawned: "Okay."

The two people sat up, straightened their clothes, and then used "travel" again to return to the central square of Tutuga Port.

No one paid much attention to their departure and return. After all, the lord must have some other things to deal with.

At this time, the servant served tea, fruits and snacks again.

Hobert leaned back in his chair, crossed his legs and said, "I should have told you before that a large number of Extraordinary properties were captured in the Battle of South Colson."

He "tampered" with the propagation distance of sound waves, making his voice very clear only on the high platform, but not audible outside the high platform.

Forsi closed the book and nodded: "I remember."

"You have basically seen the forces that are loyal to the 'Creator'. I believe you have noticed that they form a system of their own and are difficult to be separated." Hobert smiled and said: "This is why the 'Creator' did not immediately Reasons for incorporating the Gnosis Council.

“Currently, the ‘creator’ has new instructions, using those extraordinary characteristics to form our own extraordinary power, gradually absorbing some members of the Gnosis Council, and then dispersing them and assigning them to various extraordinary teams.

"This can effectively prevent each team from working independently."

Forsi said: "This is a good idea."

"Then the problem I face now is." Hobert finally got to the point: "There needs to be someone who knows the organization of the 'Creator' very well, but is not a favored one of the 'Creator', and who I trust enough. People, serve as the president of this research association."

Forsi was stunned, feeling as if this position was designed for her.

Hobert looked at Forsi and said simply: "I want you to be the president of this research association."

"Me?" Forsi smiled: "I only have Sequence 7."

"The members at the beginning were just ordinary people, or they absorbed a few Sequence 9 members from the Gnosis Council." Hobert smiled and said, "Besides, you are about to advance to Sequence 6. Sequence is not a problem."

Forsi thought about it for more than ten seconds: "What are you mainly studying?"

"You say it's research." Hobert said, "Actually, you're teaching them how to digest potions quickly."

Forsi said: "This is no problem."

Hobert smiled and said: "Then I will ask Conrad to dispatch the civilian staff of the research association. After the recent affairs on Longtail Island are finished, you can start recruiting members, right?"

Forsi did not refuse: "Okay."

Then she asked: "What are your requirements for the members you recruit?"

"It's best to be a member of the people in the territory, someone whose family has benefited from several reforms." Hobert said: "In other words, you must have a certain degree of loyalty to the lord's mansion."

"No problem." Forsi added: "There are some unowned villas in Longtail Port. I plan to set up the headquarters here and a branch in South Colson in the future."

Hobert nodded: "As the president of the Apprentice Research Association, you can make the final decision on these matters."

"The Apprentice Research Society doesn't sound good." Forsi pointed out: "Why don't we call it the Traveler Research Society?"

Hobert smiled and said, "This is your decision."

Just as the matter was finalized, the pirates suddenly exclaimed. Hobert saw from a distance that the "Golden Dream" of "Vice Admiral Iceberg" appeared offshore and was heading towards Tutujia Port.

This is also the guest invited by Hobert, and it is also the goodwill released by the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom.

The arrival of the "Golden Dream" is not just as simple as "Vice Admiral Iceberg" attending the opening of Tutuga Port, but also building a channel for communication and transactions between the Knowledge Church and the "Creator" forces.

Of course, both parties have a tacit understanding of this purpose.

The courtesy given by Hobert was also very high, and he personally took Forsi to the dock to greet him.

Although the "Golden Dream" was smaller than the "Black Emperor", when it docked at the port, compared with other pirate ships, it was still a behemoth.

As the giant ship slowly approached, "Iceberg Vice Admiral" Edwina, whose face was shaped like a goose egg, with a tall nose bridge, thin lips, and a pair of light blue eyes like clear spring water, slowly walked down the illusory ship ladder. Get off the boat slowly,

Behind them are Blue Walls, the first mate of the "Golden Dream", as well as the second mate, third mate and others.

Hobert smiled and said, "Welcome."

Then he introduced Edwina and Forsi to each other, and the two ladies shook hands generously.

Edwina looked at Tutuga Port, which was under construction and repair: "This place looks full of life."

"It looks a bit messy, right?" Hobert smiled and said, "The Black Emperor tried to attack Tutuga Port just now, but I have already 'asked' him to leave."

First Mate Blue and others were stunned. Only then did they realize that the young man in front of them turned out to be a demigod.

In fact, Hobert had met some members of the "Golden Dream" at the dock island before, but at that time Hobert had changed his appearance, so they did not recognize him.

Hobert made a gesture of invitation, and everyone left the dock together.

At this time, the outside of the dock was already crowded with pirates watching the fun. Some pirates who had drunk a lot of wine thought they were hallucinating because they were drunk.

In the Five Seas such as the Raging Sea and the Sunian Sea, the "Pirate Generals" are recognized as strong men. On the "Five Seas", they are more famous than the famous writers or musicians in the Northern Continent.

Almost as long as you are a pirate, you may not know all the "Four Kings", but you will definitely know the "Pirate Generals".

Edwina walked forward and asked, "I got some news. The 'Black Emperor' has changed owners?"

"Yes, I just got the news." Hobert said: "The Black Emperor is controlled by a young man named Eris, and he is backed by the Tamara family."

Edwina was slightly startled: "That is an ancient but not very active extraordinary family."


"So, the rules set by the 'King of the Five Seas' for pirates will become invalid as this news spreads?" Edwina seemed to be asking, but also seemed to be explaining her own point of view. :

"We have always supported those rules. After these rules become invalid, the sea may become more bloody."

Hobert led the way half a step ahead and said with a smile: "Not necessarily, I will establish a new order at sea."

He paused and said, "To be honest, the order established by Nast is a good thing, but it's just a bit clumsy. It hasn't changed much over the years."

Edwina was startled: "How do you plan to establish a new order?"

"Of course I'll 'impress' them with benefits." Hobert said with a smile.

Edwina knew it was definitely not that simple, but she did not continue the topic. Instead, she asked about the role of the functional departments on Central Street.

Under the leadership of Hobert, they visited banks and trading houses, ate some delicious food, and chatted while drinking clear beer.

It was almost evening, and Hobert was about to invite Vice Admiral Iceberg and the others to have dinner, but suddenly he felt something spiritual and looked at the sunset on the horizon.

The golden sunset suddenly became sparkling, like a sea of ​​golden sand.

In this golden ocean, there is a ship flashing with seven colors, sailing towards Longwei Island.

The golden ocean in the sky suddenly flowed to the sea, just like the setting sun turned into liquid and sprinkled on the sea.

The giant ship also slid down from the sky on golden waves and stopped just in the sea area at the port.

This scene made the pirates on the street so stunned that they even forgot to scream. This should be the most amazing thing they have ever encountered in their lives.

Hobert smiled at Vice Admiral Iceberg and said, "Sorry, let my wife Forsi introduce you to some of the delicacies here, and I'll go greet the guests."

Of course Edwina knew who was coming, so she smiled and said, "You go first."

Hobert came to the port. At this time, lush green peas suddenly grew in the sea between the huge ship "Dawn" that was not docked and the port.

They intertwined and supported each other, and finally grew into a beautiful emerald green arch bridge, connecting the "Dawn" and the port.

Bernadette, with chestnut hair, wearing an Intis-style women's shirt and a blue captain's uniform, appeared on the bridge.

Many of Bernadette's crew members followed behind.

Hobert smiled and said, "I thought you weren't coming."

Bernadette was a little serious: "I have indeed encountered some troubles recently, but this does not prevent me from fulfilling some of the agreements I made before."

After they all landed, Hobert said to everyone: "Everyone, I will take you to visit Tutuga Port."

This time there were not many pirates outside the dock, because the scene just now shocked them so much that many pirates even hid in the brothel.

But after today, the topic about how the "Mysterious Queen", the owner of the "Dawn" appeared, and the topic between her and Tutujia Port will spread quickly throughout the Raging Sea.

After visiting Tutuga Port again, it was dinner time. Hobert invited Bernadette and others to dine at an Intis-style restaurant.

"Lieutenant General Iceberg" and others were dining in another restaurant, and the two parties did not meet each other.

The atmosphere in the restaurant was good, and Hobert talked to Bernadette about the first time they met, which was also in an Intis-style restaurant.

However, as the conversation continued, the conversation came back to Eris and the "Black Emperor".

Bernadette suddenly raised her hand, and Hobert felt that the sounds around him were getting farther and farther away from him. It seemed that he and Bernadette were alone on a mysterious island. Everything around him became unreal, as if there were only The space in front of you is real.

Hobert knew that Bernadette had a relatively confidential topic to discuss with him.

She first asked: "I heard that the young man named Eris is your enemy? Is it the Tamara family who supports him behind the scenes?"

"Yes." Hobert said in his heart: Cattleya the Hermit spreads information very quickly.

He did not hide this: "That boy is a clone of the evil god, and that evil god is the mortal enemy of the 'creator'!

"As for the Tamara family, they are supporters of the evil god, so Eris has a dominant position."

Bernadette frowned. This matter was more complicated than she imagined.

She thought for a moment and then asked: "Why did Eris suddenly attack me? I don't remember offending the evil god or the Tamara family."

"He's looking for a light." Then Hobert took out his "big": "The 'creator' said before that the evil god has been using some extraordinary power to find a light, and that light seems to be In your hands."

Bernadette looked at Hobert.

"What's that look in your eyes?" Hobert said with a smile: "I have never investigated you, but it is said that the lamp seemed to have been obtained by Emperor Russell, and it has not appeared in people's sight since."

Bernadette did not admit or deny, but asked: "The 'Creator' also needs that lamp?"

"You don't need it now." Hobert took the opportunity to say: "If you need it in the future, I will ask you to borrow it."

Bernadette immediately asked: "What's the secret in that lamp?"

"It is said that a powerful and mysterious existence sealed an evil god in a lamp." Hobert said vaguely: "I don't know the specific situation."

"I can lend you the lamp." Bernadette said cheerfully: "But you have to tell me the secret about that lamp."

"I will convey the conditions you proposed to the great 'creator'."

"In addition, I need to use the 'all-weather strategic partnership' relationship we agreed on before," Bernadette said seriously: "If Eris attacks us again, I will notify you immediately and hope that you can join the war immediately."

Hobert nodded: "No problem."

But he added: "Eris should not be active in the outside world recently."

"I also heard about your method of dealing with him. That method was unexpected." Bernadette took a sip of red wine: "But that method doesn't work for me."

Are you kidding me, the "Queen of Mystery" begging the "Storm Lord" for help? It's likely that "Storm Lord" will be killed along with "Queen of Mystery".

Bernadette picked up the knife and fork again, the mysterious environment between them was lifted, and the warm atmosphere in the restaurant rushed towards Hobert.

Hobert and Bernadette also began to talk about some interesting things at sea, and no longer talked about confidential topics.

After dinner, Bernadette left by boat, but her third mate stayed behind and brought a whole carriage of cash with her to prepare for corresponding investments in Tutuga Port tomorrow.

"Lieutenant General Iceberg" is much more low-key. He only privately traded a group of extraordinary properties of the "Reader" path with Hobert, which was regarded as the first transaction between the two parties.

During the extraordinary battles, Hobert accumulated a lot of extraordinary characteristics of "reader", and even had a sequence 5 level "secret instructor" characteristic. This was one of the things he captured while exploring Adam's island.

Hobert sold all the 12 extraordinary characteristics he had accumulated and crushed to "Vice Admiral Iceberg", and roughly told "Vice Admiral Iceberg" the origin of these characteristics to show that they were not obtained from the Church of Knowledge.

After settling in "Vice Admiral Iceberg" and his party, Hobert returned to the residence arranged for him on Central Avenue to rest. From here, he could see the singing and dancing pirates on the street.

In the evening, of course, there was a bonfire dance organized by the city government. Many pirates went crazy and had no intention of finding a place to rest in the middle of the night.

In the second half of the night, Hobert and Forsi were in the room calculating today's profits.

There is no doubt that today's opening of the port was a great success.

The income of the municipal government-operated units alone reached 100,000 pounds!

Among them, the auction house generated nearly 30,000 pounds in revenue. The main income came from the casino. Once the drunken pirates entered the casino, they would not leave without gambling and not leaving a penny.

The income from the brothels is similar to that of the casinos, but the city government gives most of the profits to the street girls.

Because most pirates are still waiting and watching, the deposits in the bank only seem to be about 20,000 pounds. However, as Tutujia Port Bank gradually establishes its credit, the deposits should usher in a period of surge.

The total amount of the stolen goods reached was about 150,000 pounds. These stolen goods were transported to the Southern Continent or the Northern Continent through Hobert's channels, and once they were resold, they could create a value of no less than 500,000 pounds.

When this batch of transactions is completed, the pirates who are still waiting will definitely flock to Tutuga Port with more stolen merchant ships.

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