Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 648 Hobert eats both sides

Hobert's intention of bringing Audrey here is very obvious. Long Tail Island and South Colson are Forsi's "private land", and the entire "Earl's Light" will be handed over to Audrey in the future.

But the South Balam Principality is different. It will definitely become a kingdom in the future and become his absolute base.

Hobert wants to let Conrad and other cronies know that there will be two queens in this kingdom in the future.

He knew that people from South Colson such as Conrad would definitely prefer Fors, but as long as they didn't object to Audrey becoming another queen, that would be fine.

Hobert introduced the senior officials of these principalities to Audrey one by one. Audrey's aristocratic education since childhood made her deal with them generously.

She was very happy to participate in such a meeting, which meant that Hobert was letting her join the core group of the South Balam Principality.

After everyone took their seats in the war room, the meeting officially began.

Audrey sat next to Hobert, but she knew very well that she was still a bystander and just listened carefully.

The first topic discussed at this meeting was the reception of the San Nosay Basin.

The situation here is different from the situation on Longwei Island. The entire basin is basically the farm of the Loen people. They bought the land from the Governor's Mansion, which means that they are the legal owners of these lands.

The colonization method of this basin is also different from that of Longtail Island. Most of the farmers are immigrants from Loen. Among them are fugitives, former pirates and adventurers.

Of course, the largest number are the poor people in Loen. They could no longer live in that country, so they came here and spent a small price to buy a large piece of land. They can freely graze or grow crops here and live almost A life of isolation.

So the first question for Conrad and others is: Should these lands be nationalized? After all, in theory, these lands are legal, and most of the farmers are law-abiding and very enthusiastic. It would seem a bit inappropriate to take them back by force.

Hobert said: "Their purchase process is legal, but do you know where the land in the Saint-Nosay Governor's Mansion came from?"

Conrad said: "I understand that they seized the indigenous people here and drove them further south, where it is colder!"

"It's more than just driving them away." Hobert had previously understood: "After the Loen people came here, they purchased the heads of the indigenous people at a price of 1 pound per head, and carried out a two-month long massacre.

"Those aboriginal people who fled further south were lucky, because they not only escaped the massacre, but also survived the infectious diseases brought by the Loen people."

Audrey was a little surprised in her heart. She tried to tell herself: This is the colony.

Hobert added: "Then the Governor's Palace established here sold the entire basin to the immigrants who came later at a price of 1 sole per acre of land."

He said solemnly: "These lands were originally robbed, and they cannot become legal just because they were taken over by the Governor's Mansion, so legally there is no problem in taking them back into public ownership.

"As for the recycling process, we must pay attention to methods and methods, and we must not be as brutal and crude as the previous invaders."

Everyone looked at Hobert, knowing that the Duke already had a solution.

"First of all, the land must be taken back and redistributed uniformly. This must be done!" Hobert emphasized again: "I have seen it before. Many places of such good land are used for grazing. It is really a huge problem. waste!"

Then he began to elaborate on the detailed deployment: "The government can try to communicate with the local residents and let the principality government lease their land to house the large number of Backlund homeless people.

“We can provide some opportunities for farmers to hold public office, because after all, we have a huge gap in grassroots civil servants.

“As long as they are willing to respond to the call, we will carefully train them and let them visit our other territories and serve as grassroots officials in other states and regions in the future.

"At that time, tell them some of the rigid rules of the principality. Anyone who is a public servant must be a citizen of the South Balam Principality, and as long as he is a citizen, he cannot own land that exceeds the quota.

“The Loen people who immigrated to the Southern Continent are basically very poor people, and most of them will not let go of the opportunity to become civil servants.

"This will nationalize most of the land!"

Everyone in the room was stunned. This operation did not violate the principles and was in line with the law.

The key is that this group of immigrants has indeed benefited. Everyone here knows that the power of the "founders" is currently in its pioneering stage, and grassroots officials will become mid-level officials in the near future.

You should know that some of the 15 village chiefs first appointed by Hobert in Jeffrey Territory, those who are willing to make progress, are now deputy mayors.

Some who are unwilling to leave South Colson are almost at the level of mayor or deputy mayor.

Especially Conrad, the mayor of the town at the time, is now the prime minister of the South Balam Principality.

Such a high status, two years ago, Conrad would not have dared to even think about it!

Throughout the entire Northern Continent, there is no such a fast promotion channel!

So Hobert is exchanging political interests for land, which is a good deal for both parties. Local residents have gained channels to participate in politics, and the government has gained a large number of reserve grassroots cadres.

The people living here are immigrants, not indigenous people. In addition to being very proficient in Loen, they also basically understand the local language, making them very suitable for grassroots work.

The only thing lacking may be that their cultural level is not high, or even they have no culture at all. They need to cultivate their reading and writing skills.

Hobert's team already has quite mature experience in this area. They can first develop the reading, writing and arithmetic skills to be qualified for work, and then study while working after joining the work.

After all, as a village leader in the beginning, you don’t need knowledge of grammar and the like. You only need to provide accurate data to the town government and be able to clearly communicate the town government’s policies.

“As for those who are unwilling to lease land to us or become public servants.” Hobert continued: “Just use their citizenship as citizens.

“Without citizenship, water conservancy facilities cannot be built on his land, purchase taxes and customs duties must be paid when purchasing daily necessities, children cannot attend school, etc.

“If they change their minds, they can still have the opportunity to serve as public servants after becoming citizens.

"But if they persist, we will have to isolate them."

Conrad nodded: "I will quickly formulate a plan."

"Hmm." Hobert asked again: "How many people can be accommodated in the entire San Nosay Basin?"

Conrad replied: "The preliminary estimate is between 700,000 and 800,000 people."

"So many!" Hobert was stunned. He looked through the information submitted by Conrad and quickly found information about the population. The current population of the entire basin is only about 20,000.

In Hobert's opinion, this is really a waste of resources!

Audrey on the side also realized that if the development of this basin is completed, there will be no more homeless people in Backlund for a long time!

She very much hopes that Hobert's policy can be implemented as soon as possible.

After the discussion of the first question, Donna raised another issue, how to prevent the southern indigenous people from attacking the San Nosay Basin? What policies should be adopted to govern areas such as Mirkh State?

The San Nosay Basin has mountains or hills in three directions: east, north, and west. Only the south is semi-open, with only some gentle slopes, where there are swamps, grasslands, and forests.

The aboriginal people of the San Nosay Basin crossed these swamps and fled further south. After settling there, they often came back to harass the immigrants in the San Nosay area.

After all, in their view, these lands were theirs before, but they were usurped by a group of people from the Northern Continent.

The soldiers stationed in Angelou were not to guard against enemies from other countries, but to attack the indigenous people.

The situation in Mirkh, South Haggati and Paraná states is different from that in the San Nosay region.

Some of these places have rich resources such as forests and minerals, and some are located at the southern end of the Hagati Grassland, with good arable land and conditions for the development of animal husbandry.

Therefore, Loen adopts the method of agent rule here. For example, some companies in Loen provide technology, and the local kings or generals provide slaves to jointly develop iron ore, copper ore and other resources.

In addition, Loen will dump its industrial products to these places and continue to plunder these places economically.

Regarding this issue, Hobert saw that everyone's discussion was not going to the point, so he said directly: "When we look at problems, we must be good at finding the fundamental contradictions of the problems.

“Let’s first talk about the issue of the indigenous people. The fundamental contradiction of this issue is that after the original indigenous people in the San Nosay area fled further south, they also had conflicts with the indigenous people there.

"After all, the carrying capacity of a piece of land is limited. If there are suddenly more people on a piece of land, it will definitely cause a shortage of survival resources.

"They have a difficult life, so of course they have to come back to grab something to survive."

Everyone nodded slowly, that was indeed the case.

Donna asked: "Can we let them come back, become citizens here, and continue to live on the land of their ancestors?"

"This method seems to be delayed justice, but it is not just a good idea." Hobert said: "After they come back, it may be more difficult to nationalize the land. After all, legally, they have the right to inherit the land. "

Everyone fell into deep thought. This was indeed a big problem that had to be prevented.

And everyone here has relatively rich experience in governing, and of course you know that sometimes "justice" and "morality" can easily make things worse.

Hobert asked everyone to think for a while before smiling and saying: "Aren't there grasslands, swamps and forests in the south?

"Donna, go and discuss with Archbishop Simpson and ask him to send a bishop who is good at raising fish, raising cattle and sheep, and cultivating economic forests to preach.

“To create some employment opportunities in the breeding industry in the southern region, we can also provide technology and let the indigenous people contribute their talents and cooperate.

"How to operate it specifically depends on the actual situation.

"In short, if a group of indigenous people can be fed there and they can obtain food and gold pounds through labor, who would be willing to risk their lives to rob it?"

Hobert paused here and then said to Donna: "If the aboriginal people don't trust us very much, then let Audrey accompany you to 'persuade' them. This will have a better and faster effect."

The current group of aboriginal people are almost feuding with the Loen people. Regarding the promise of the South Balam Principality, the aboriginal people will definitely think that it is a trap.

It takes a long time of persuasion and maintaining favorable policies towards them for a long time before the indigenous people can gradually trust the government of the South Balam Principality.

For Hobert, why bother with a problem that can be solved with extraordinary power?

Audrey was stunned for a moment, then smiled at Donna and said, "I'm very good at 'persuading' others."

Donna smiled and said, "I will ask you for help at the right time."

For example, when Sister-in-law Forsi was away in Angelou.

Donna then said to Hobert: "The only problem now is that the swamps, grasslands, etc. in the south do not belong to the territory of South Balam."

“Legal speaking, that is not the territory of the Kingdom of Loen.” Hobert smiled: “I have learned before that it is the territory of a local nobleman of the Balam Empire.

"It's just that East Balam Company has many privileges there, but because it is too far away from the northern continent, the Loen Kingdom has not made much investment, and the colonial army has no intention of developing it into a directly controlled colony.

"Then this matter will be easy to handle. No one stipulates that the Southern Balam Principality cannot expand externally. If the noble of the Balam Empire has any objections, then I don't mind expanding the territory to the southernmost tip of the Southern Continent."

Everyone showed a playful smile. One was a Loen noble who came here to establish the country with the most advanced technology in the world, and the other was a noble of the Balam Empire who had long lost contact with the Balam Empire.

After occupying those swamps and grasslands, it is estimated that the nobleman of the Bailang Empire would not even dare to fart.

Hobert added: "As for other states, I plan to set up a 'foreign cabinet' to keep these local kings and generals in Angelou City.

“If they are willing to support the policy of the South Balam Principality and hand over the ownership and governance of the land, then after observing for a period of time, we can consider giving them a substantive position.

"If you disagree with our policies, that's Scheer's business."

In other words, it is necessary to forcefully receive it.

Everyone understood the implication of Hobert's words, don't be polite to these local kings and generals.

After he set the policy, Donna and the others had a guiding ideology.

So this meeting came to the last topic. Schier discovered that the Highland Kingdom in the northwest, after learning that the Loen colonial army had withdrawn and someone wanted to establish a principality here, seemed to think there was an opportunity and was talking to the king and generals. The contact seemed to have some agenda.

Hobert thought for a while before saying: "The Southern Continent is their territory after all. They should have known through some channels that I founded the country here, and they also know about my relationship with the Balk family."

He paused and said, "Just treat it as if you don't know. As long as they don't cause damage in the San Nosay area, don't worry about it for the time being."

It would be great if they could collude with the local earth king.

At the end of the meeting, Hobert said: "Tomorrow, the major newspapers in Backlund will publish the news that the South Balam Principality declared war on the Fusac Empire.

"Don't be misled by this information. How should we develop? We should establish effective rule first, and then talk about foreign wars."

Everyone cheered: "Yes!"

After the meeting ended, Hobert took Audrey around again, but because the surroundings were surrounded by Loen immigrants, there was nothing distinctive except for some broken temples left by the aborigines.

The two of them walked around briefly and returned to Angelou.

Today’s lunch was a bit monotonous, steamed fish and cabbage salad.

Because the supply system has not yet been established in the southern continent, the current consumption of Angelou City must be shipped from Longwei Island.

Audrey felt that today's fish was quite good and very fresh, so she ate a few more bites: "Before this, I never thought that establishing effective rule over a place is such a profound knowledge."

The education she received since childhood made her quite good at management, but Earl Hall currently only has a manor and no territory under his rule, so Audrey is relatively unfamiliar with this.

The meeting in the morning opened her eyes to Hobert's governance ability. In her opinion, the complex issues of the South Balam Principality were easily solved by Hobert.

Hobert smiled and said: "There are some skills here. Once you master the skills, it will be very simple."

"In my opinion, it's very powerful!" Audrey said seriously.

Then she put down her knife and fork and chatted about another question: "We, um, I mean the South Balam Principality, must we declare war on the Fusac Empire?"

"This is a deal." Hobert smiled and said: "In five years at most, most of the technological levels of the Southern Balam Principality will be basically on the same level as the four major countries in the Northern Continent."

If we take advantage of the war to recruit a large number of university professors and college students to the South Balam Principality, this time can definitely be shortened.

Audrey understood what Hobert meant: "Sacrifice some people and save more people."

"That's right." Hobert was very happy that Audrey could figure this out by herself now.

Audrey did not continue this topic, but sighed: "A population of 800,000! If they all immigrated from Backlund, one-sixth of the population of this international metropolis will disappear."

Then she asked: "I have a very strange question, there are so many hungry people in the East District, why don't they immigrate to the Southern Continent.

"I asked Conrad after the meeting just now, because the labor of slaves is too heavy, their mortality rate is very high, and the population of the entire southern continent is not very dense.

"In the territory of the South Balam Principality outside the Saint Nosay Basin, another one or two hundred thousand people can be resettled. The entire southern continent can also accommodate a lot of immigrants. Theoretically, there is no need to crowd in Backlund."

“Because many of them don’t know about immigration.” Hobert said: “I have to admit that in many cases, cultural level can indeed limit a person’s knowledge.

“Most of the people in the slums are bankrupt farmers, people who had to sell their land because of unstable food prices and look for opportunities in the city.

“They have never been exposed to immigration before, and they have no idea about this.

"In addition, they don't have the financial resources to immigrate. The ship tickets and food for being on the ship for several months are a sky-high price for them!"

Audrey took a deep breath: "The authorities should organize passenger ships to send people to the Southern Continent."

"The authorities won't do that." Hobert sneered: "For them, people in the Southern Continent are slaves, and the number is already enough. There is no need for more slaves at the moment.

"As for people within the Loen Kingdom, the cost of sending poor people to immigrate is much higher than the cost of letting them fend for themselves."

At this point, he suddenly paused: "Oh, by the way, it seems that in the early colonial era, they sent some immigrants to the colonies.

“It is said that they were poor people and their treatment on the ship was not much better than that of slaves.

"There was even a popular saying in Loen at that time: Send all the poor people away, and Loen will be rich."

Audrey was stunned, and said very rudely: "Are they curly-haired baboons?"

Hobert smiled and said: "Your description is too polite. In my opinion, the thinking of curly baboons is relatively normal, but those politicians are simply mentally ill."

Audrey smiled: "You are right."

The two of them finished lunch in a casual conversation. Hobert sent Audrey back to Backlund, and he returned to Angelou, preparing to meet with the Tuwang and the generals tomorrow.

As soon as he returned to Angelou, Hobert heard the prayer of the "Land of Disorder", which should be Lawrence's voice.

He returned to the room assigned to him and came to the "Land of Disorder", and sure enough he saw Lawrence's star expanding.

Hobert spread his spirituality and heard Lawrence's voice: "The founder of the shadow of order... Please help me tell Mr. Hobert that Governor Jonas of the Fusac Empire hopes to meet with him."

Withdrawing his spirituality, Hobert understood that this was the Feysac Empire's desire to conduct secret negotiations with itself, or simply put, they were planning to try to bribe the "founder"'s power.

Hobert smiled: My previous judgment was correct. After the war started, it was indeed the best time to establish a country. In the next year, we should often be able to eat both ends.

After thinking about this issue for a while, Hobert used "travel" to arrive at a villa outside Rocklear. Unless there was any special explanation, Lawrence must be here.

Lawrence, who was in the study room on the second floor, felt the changes in the space in the villa, and immediately came out to greet him personally. The two of them went to a small reception room on the second floor for a secret conversation.

Lawrence briefly talked about the process of Jonas coming to the villa: "He said he had something important to ask you, but he didn't reveal what it was."

Hobert smiled and said: "A few days ago, I and the Tony family just launched a sneak attack on Saint Milon, the capital of the Fusac Empire."

Lawrence was slightly startled: "He can't be..."

He originally wanted to say, "He's not here to kill you, is he?", but then he thought that as long as Jonas was rational, he wouldn't be able to do such a stupid thing. After all, Jonas knew that there were several half-members of the Balk family. God, and Jonas is currently alone.

Even if an angel comes from the Fusac Empire, he may not be able to kill Hobert.

"He should be sent to negotiate with us." Hobert said: "Please ask someone to call him."

If the negotiation is postponed until after the declaration of war tomorrow, it will be difficult for Hobert to ask for a price.

While the servant was calling for someone, Hobert asked Lawrence, "You should know about the war between Loen and the Feysac Empire, right?"

"I know." Lawrence said.

"For now, on the surface, we have to completely surrender to the Kingdom of Loen." Hobert said: "But before integrating our forces in the southern continent, we should not terminate our ties with other countries."

Lawrence understood that this was Hobert's way of informing him of the core strategy of the current "founder" force, and asking the Balk family not to do anything contrary to this strategy.

In fact, even if Hobert doesn't say it, he is very aware of this. After all, the power of the "founder" can influence the situation of the war to a certain extent. Only by not easily breaking away from one of the parties participating in the war can we gain the greatest benefits.

Then Hobert added: "The three states you have been infiltrating before will most likely be merged into the Southern Balam Principality in a peaceful way.

"As long as the corresponding negotiations are completed, let the generals and local kings in these places maintain their original rule for the time being. After I complete the corresponding deployment in the Saint-Nosai area, I will send out officials to completely integrate those places into the South. Balam's territory.

"One of the responsibilities of the Balk family at that time will be to protect the safety of those officials."

Lawrence said seriously: "We must protect them!"

The two chatted for a while, and Governor Jonas had already arrived, so the two went to the living room to meet each other.

At the beginning of the conversation, Hobert ordered all the servants to leave and "tampered" with the sound wave transmission path in the living room so that their voices could only be heard in this living room.

Jonas, who has a round face and naturally curly hair, saw that Hobert was so cautious, so he knew that the probability of success in this negotiation was high.

Then he felt funny in his heart, feeling that the Duke was too cautious. After all, this was a colony of the Fusac Empire, and the number of Loen spies was very small.

After meeting, the three of them exchanged some polite words, then Jonas smiled and asked, "I heard that the South Balam Principality is going to declare war on the Fusac Empire?"

Because there was a big difference between Runen language and Feysac language, he simply used the ancient Feysac language that both sides understood.

Hobert was very satisfied with this entry point. If he questioned Hobert about the air raid on St. Miron at the beginning, then the negotiation would not be able to proceed.

It's not that Hobert doesn't want to admit it, but it's easy to become more and more rigid on this issue.

"This seems to be a sure thing." Hobert also showed his goodwill: "After all, the South Balam Principality belongs to the Loen Kingdom."

The two people looked at each other and smiled, and they both agreed not to mention the air attack on Saint Milon for the time being.

But it's just not mentioned for the time being. If the Fusac Empire frees up its hands in the future, it will definitely have to settle this account.

When necessary, Hobert will also talk about this air raid to anger the Fusac Empire.

But now, they all have the idea of ​​​​collaboration.

The kindness released by Hobert made Jonas relieved, and he naturally heard the implication of Hobert's words: This is the arrangement of the Kingdom of Loen.

However, just in case, Jonas still wanted to confirm Hobert's intentions: "Do you plan to immediately launch a battle against our colonies in the Southern Continent after the war is declared?"

"I think we don't need to waste time doing such tests." Hobert said simply: "I will make a promise to you now. In the Southern Continent, I will not attack your colonies in the central and northern parts of the Southern Continent within three months." Launch an attack.

"But I will definitely join the war in the Northern Continent, because the price offered by Loen is too tempting."

Jonas is no longer secretive: "We are also willing to offer some prices, and hope that we can reach some agreements, such as not engaging in battles at the angel level or above."

This is indeed the issue that the Fusac Empire is most concerned about at present. After all, they and the Church of God of War have limited angels. Under the current situation where the Church of Storms and the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery are not very active in this war, they are completely able to I can handle it.

And if the high-level combat power of the "creator" participated in the war, then this war would not need to be fought at all, and it would be better to surrender directly.

This was something that the Fusac Empire had never thought of before the war. Although they had received information, the "Founder" had worked with the Loen royal family to deal with the Feneport royal family.

But they guessed that it should be a problem of adjacent paths to extraordinary characteristics, a common enemy, rather than how closely they cooperated.

After all, in the subsequent Extraordinary Battle of South Colson, the Loen royal family did not participate in the battle.

But what they didn't expect was that at the beginning of the war, the "Founder" would sneak attack their capital, Saint Milon.

Hobert smiled and asked, "What price can you offer?"

"It depends on what benefit you want?"

"Sarado and Cordoba!" Hobert set out his conditions.

At present, the Balk family has made certain political and economic investments in three states, namely the state of Salado, ruled by General Anthony, and the state of Cordoba, ruled by Rivaldo, a nobleman of the Highland Kingdom.

These two states are adjacent and both are colonies of the Fusac Empire.

There is also the Oval State, whose current ruler is General Adrian, and is a colony of the Kingdom of Feneport.

Jonas was stunned for two or three seconds before asking: "Are you kidding?"

The situation in West Balam is somewhat different from that in East Balam. In West Balam, the colonies of the Republic of Intis, the Feysac Empire and the Kingdom of Feneport are intertwined.

Moreover, the colonies of the three countries are not a whole piece. This is a country with a point in the north, a point in the center, and a point in the south of the southern continent. The situation is very complicated.

These two states are the main colonies of the Fusac Empire in the southern part of the Southern Continent. Without these two states, the Fusac Empire would have almost no influence in the southern part of the Southern Continent.

Lawrence on the side looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he also felt that the price offered by Hobert was a bit high.

After all, the Feysac Empire's request is not to break out into a high-level conflict with the forces of the "Founder", and not to have the South Balam Principality openly rebel against the Loen Kingdom and fall to the Feysac Empire.

Besides, they also had a new grudge against St. Milon that they had just attacked. Jonas did not mention it for the sake of the overall situation, but it did exist.

Under such a premise, even if the Fusac Empire is willing to cooperate, it is impossible to sell such a huge benefit as a bargaining chip.

However, Hobert smiled calmly and said: "This is because you don't know much about the conspiracy of the Loen royal family, nor do you know our actual position.

"You can go to the prayer room to report to your Emperor Alexei I, convey my next words, and then tell him the conditions I offer. I think they must be very reasonable in his eyes."

Jonas was slightly startled: "Please speak."

Hobert added: "Tell the first emperor of the Fusac Empire that we don't want George III to become a god either.

"In addition, we know the locations of nine of George III's tombs."

He leaned back in his chair: "That's it."

Jonas's expression became very solemn. At his level, he can obtain some high-level intelligence. He knew that the fundamental reason for the Empire's attack on Loen was that George III had the intention to become a god. The Empire had to fight before this happened. Ichiban.

Then the negotiations with Hobert have completely exceeded expectations and must be reported to His Majesty the Emperor immediately!

He stood up and said, "I'll borrow the prayer room."

At this time, Jonas was very grateful to Hobert for being cautious before. He had been wary of eavesdropping from the beginning.

With such a high-level cooperation, if the secrets were leaked, he might become a sinner of the empire.

Lawrence smiled and said, "Please do."

Although he didn't know the specific meaning of Hobert's words just now, he knew just by looking at Jonas's reaction that this matter must be very important, and he even had to report it to their emperor immediately.

Ten minutes later, Jonas came out of the prayer room. He smiled and said to Hobert, "Please wait a moment."

Hobert just nodded and didn't ask what he was waiting for.

The living room was quiet for a few minutes, and suddenly the space in front of them became illusory and connected to the spirit world.

Vasily, with a stern face, a high nose, and light yellow hair, came out: "Hello, Grand Duke Hobert, His Majesty the Emperor sent me to negotiate with you."

Hobert smiled and said, "Please sit down."

After the four people sat down again, Vasily said directly to Hobert without any tact: "Please tell us in detail about the secret cooperation between us."

Hobert did not beat around the bush: "First of all, it must be kept secret. There must be at least a demigod as a liaison person in the Fusac Empire."

"No problem, I will contact you directly in the future. What is the contact information?"

"Contact through my messenger." Hobert explained the method of summoning his messenger and the need to prepare three donuts for each delivery.

Then he added: "As for the specific cooperation plan, it depends on how much power the Fusac Empire is willing to use, and whether you are willing to agree to the conditions I just proposed."

Vasily said immediately: "When I came, His Majesty the Emperor had already agreed to your conditions, and those two states have now returned to the Southern Balam Principality."

Hobert smiled and said: "I will complete the reception within half a month."

Vasily agreed very simply: "No problem, leave the specific matters to Jonas."

Hobert said: "Since you agreed to my reward, I will provide you with the locations of two of the tombs and the way to enter the tombs."

Vasily nodded slightly, and then asked: "Will you also send people to destroy the tomb?"

"Of course." Hobert smiled and said: "We will also use hidden power to try to destroy two of the tombs, but for both of us, just in case, we still need to find more people. It’s safe to destroy more tombs.”

In theory, destroying one or two mausoleums should prevent George III from becoming a god.

In fact, Hobert knew very well that even if the "creator" did not use his power, George III's plan to become a god would be destroyed by Klein.

But this information can be sold at a very good price, so he will invite more people to dig graves.

The only thing that needs to be noted is that it cannot be known by the Loen royal family, at least it cannot be confirmed by them. It doesn't matter if it is a little suspected.

Often this kind of high-level cooperation does not require discussing too many details. As long as there is an intention, it can be reached quickly.

And for this cooperation, there is a lot of trust between the two of them. After all, for Alexie, the "creator" can interfere with Philip I's ability to accommodate uniqueness, and it will definitely interfere with George III's becoming a god.

For Hobert, if given the chance, the royal family of the Fusac Empire would definitely destroy George III's chance of becoming a god.

This is the basis of mutual trust between them.

After Vasily left, Hobert discussed with Jonas about taking over the two states.

Hobert promised to purchase Jonas's private property at a good price, but the condition was that he would accompany the South Balam Principality to perform a show. The army of the South Balam Principality opened fire from a safe distance behind, and the Fusac Empire colonized The army retreated quickly in front, creating the illusion of being beaten away.

Jonas's personal interests were protected, so he was happy to help Hobert.

Hobert planned to invite Georgina to take a look at the scene of the Southern Balam Principality pursuing the Feysac Empire's colonial army after the "war" began.

It can be regarded as an explanation for Luen’s second technical support.

As for whether Georgina would see that the two sides were putting on a show, it didn't matter. Anyway, East Balam didn't have to worry about attacks from the Fusac Empire in the southern part of the Southern Continent.

After the conversation, Hobert returned to Angelou City and informed Schier about preparing to send troops.

At present, the armed forces that Hobert can send to the battlefield are well-equipped, but the number is a bit small.

Now the Governor's Mansion of Longwei Island has begun to recruit soldiers. These soldiers are all indigenous people who have been allocated land and have received tangible benefits. The recruitment scale is 5,000 people.

But this group of soldiers will not be able to complete training until at least next year. Hobert can only use 3,000 people now, and only 2,000 can be transferred to Angelou.

After all, a large number of Beyonders have been deployed in the South Colson area and Longtail Island. In order to deal with emergencies, some soldiers must be left behind.

Under normal circumstances, these 2,000 people would not be a match for the Fusac Empire's colonial army, but now the situation is special and only 1,000 people are needed.

Hobert handed this matter directly to Lawrence and Schill, and he returned to Longtail Island. Under his supervision, Forsi was successfully promoted to "Recorder Officer".

After Forsi gathered his spiritual energy and was in very good condition, the two of them enjoyed dinner together.

Hobert said while eating: "From today on, you will record the demigod's abilities every day.

"And I take a few hours every day to use 'travel' to visit various places around the world and record the local customs and customs."

Forsi nodded: "This is a good idea."

"Of course." Hobert smiled.

At the same time, he said to himself: I am the person who has read the reference answers.

Forsi added: "My teacher Dorian hopes to have a meeting with you."

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