Hobert was slightly startled after hearing Forsi's words. Although he did not take the initiative to contact Dorian, why did he always have the illusion that he had poached The Fool?

After thinking for a while, Hobert said: "You can invite Dorian to come to Longtail Island as a guest, and I will talk to him at the Governor's Mansion."

Forsi nodded: "I will send out an invitation."

Because Forsi had just been promoted and needed to stabilize her condition, Hobert chatted with her for a while and then returned to Angelou.

The next morning, Hobert got up early and started dressing up as a Duke of Loen Kingdom.

Today he will meet with the local kings and generals, and hold a grand banquet, and he must be as decorous as possible in terms of etiquette.

In the South Bailang Principality, there are two local kings, or local nobles supported by the Loen Empire, and two generals.

But there were more than a dozen people who came to see the Duke, because in order to check and balance, the Kingdom of Loen also supported some smaller nobles and warlords.

This can effectively prevent a certain noble or warlord from completely controlling an area. It is also a warning to agents: I can replace you at any time.

They were all very excited about this meeting. After all, this was the Duke of the most powerful country in the world, and he was a man of great influence in that country.

Before this, only two or three of them had seen the Lord of Loen, and they had always yearned for the high-ranking nobles of Loen.

In addition, the place where Hobert chose to make his capital also made them sigh with relief. Because of the fertile land in the San Nosay Basin, the Kingdom of Loen did not support any nobles or warlords there, but chose to immigrate here.

Being able to choose to establish the capital in this inland area will not harm the interests of the nobles and warlords.

Some people even think that the Duke may not have any great ambitions, but they only dare to think about it secretly in their hearts.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the audience ceremony officially began, with music playing and officials in charge of etiquette. The only thing that didn't match such a high-level ceremony may be that the audience place was the courtyard of the former command post, which was not very large.

However, the local kings and generals have already found a reason for the Duke: This must be the Duke showing his martial side! That's why they summoned us in the military camp.

Later, the majesty and deportment displayed by Hobert convinced the earth king and generals. They all knelt down and rushed to pay allegiance to the new master of this land.

However, Hobert smiled and said: "We will discuss the matter of allegiance later. Please get up, and we can chat casually for a while."

Because this is a colony of the Loen Kingdom, the official language here is Loen, and these local nobles and generals speak Loen very fluently.

In the ensuing chat, each of them was a little flattered because the Duke actually knew some conditions in their territory, such as the approximate size of the farmland, the types of mineral deposits being developed, etc.

This is an ability that the previous Loen officers and governors did not have.

This kind of mentality is like a very unconfident person suddenly finding that he is being noticed. They all used the greatest enthusiasm to chat about the topic initiated by the Duke.

Soon the banquet started. Everyone sat down in order of strength, and then looked at the top of the table.

According to the etiquette of the banquet, Hobert stood up and delivered a speech: "We had a very friendly meeting today. I can feel everyone's enthusiasm. I believe that with our joint efforts, the Principality of South Balam will develop better!"

Everyone applauded enthusiastically.

Originally, they thought that the speech would be over after the Duke said a few words.

Up until this point, the atmosphere of the summons was very good. Many nobles and warlords were ready to return to their territories and praise Duke Hobart's calm temperament and broad mind.

But what Hobert said next is the key point: “But I didn’t come to the Southern Continent to chat with you, but I came with the mission of the Loen Royal Family!

"I know that there is no place to sell newspapers from the Kingdom of Loen here, so I will personally announce to everyone: The Principality of South Balam has declared war on the Feysac Empire today!

"Starting from this afternoon, the soldiers stationed in Angelou will launch an offensive westward to attack the colonies of the Fusac Empire!"

Everyone was stunned. Through some of their own intelligence, they had recently learned that there was a war in the Northern Continent, but they always felt that the war was far away from them.

Of course, they also knew that as colonial agents of the Loen Kingdom, they could not completely stay out of the war between the two major powers, but they always felt that the most that the Loen Kingdom would do was raise taxes on them, and they did not expect to attack Fernando. A colony of the Sarc Empire.

After all, they knew very well what kind of combat effectiveness their troops had, and they were no match for the Fusac Empire's colonial army.

The Loen Colonial Army previously attacked the colonies of the Fusac Empire. Their troops once participated in the war as a servant army, responsible for logistical support and some cover tasks.

As a result, they performed such missions in various ways. Some hid supplies secretly, some escaped before the battle, and some even mistook the enemies and followed the Fusac Empire to fight against the Loen Army.

Loen's colonial army had reached a consensus a long time ago: it was fine for them to maintain order in the rear area, and there was no need to join them in the war.

However, the necessary statements were still needed. Several warlords immediately expressed their willingness to hand over most of their troops to Hobert's command. For them, it was just a loss of some guns and uniforms, and they could recruit another batch. .

Hobert smiled and said: "You have misunderstood what I meant. I hope you will provide some support in other places."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then realized that they still needed money and food.

The people in the room were also very happy to give. To them, the money and food were given to the Governor's Mansion before, but now they are only given to the Principality of Nanbailang.

Hobert seemed quite satisfied with everyone’s cooperation: “I feel relieved that everyone is so active.

"There are two other things I want to announce to everyone. The first is that I am planning to establish a foreign cabinet that can participate in the decision-making discussions of the Principality and make some suggestions to the Principality government. I will also consult everyone for your opinions on some government policies."

What Hobert said is very confusing, making people think that this cabinet is like a simplified version of Parliament.

But the most important legislative power was not given by Hobert, and the legitimacy of this organization was entirely given by Hobert. If he were to dissolve the foreign cabinet, this organization would immediately become illegal.

The local nobles and warlords all thought that the Duke was using the political interests of the Principality to bind everyone's interests. Of course, they were very willing to participate in the top-level buildings of the Principality.

So when Hobert asked who was willing to join the outer cabinet, everyone rushed to express their willingness to join.

Hobert continued with a kind smile: "Let me tell you the second thing!

"In order to better integrate the power of the principality and attack the Fusac Empire, all the land, natural resources and population in the principality will be taken over to the government!

"You are all members of the foreign cabinet now, so of course you must support this national policy of the principality.

"Oh, by the way, members of the foreign cabinet must always perform their duties in Angelou. No one can leave the city, otherwise it will be considered treason."

Everyone was stunned. After seven or eight seconds, a local noble asked: "Your Majesty, does all the land include our private estate?"

Hobert smiled and said: "According to the new policy, everyone in the principality can only own one to five acres of farmland depending on the situation, and I am no exception.

"Calculate the number of people in your family and multiply it by 5. This is the amount of land you can own in the future. The excess will still be owned by the state."

The nobles all realized that their private property was going to be attacked, and all of them suddenly looked very ugly.

A warlord asked: "Your Majesty, Duke, we have no land and no population. How can we feed our soldiers? How can we maintain the effective rule of the territory and stably supply you with gold and food?"

"You don't need to worry about this. I will send people to manage all the territory of the principality." Hobert said: "After you become members of the foreign cabinet, you don't need to pay me gold and food."

The implication is: I can get it myself.

He then added: "Also, your family will also move to Angelou City to replenish the urban population here."

Everyone's heart suddenly thought, this is preparing to eradicate the roots!

Another warlord said: "Duke Hobert, you may not know much about the situation in our state of Parana. The soldiers and governor of the Kingdom of Loen also wanted to directly control it.

“But they encountered problems such as language barriers and different customs and habits, and often clashed with the locals.

"precisely because of this……"

Hobert interrupted him: "I told you, you don't need to worry about this."

As he spoke, he released part of the demigod's pressure, which immediately made everyone present afraid to breathe.

Most of these local nobles and warlords are Extraordinary, and some are even Sequence 5. Of course they know what the pressure Hobert showed just now represents.

After all, before this, there was also a demigod governor in the south of East Balam.

Hobert retracted his pressure on everyone and asked with a smile: "Regarding the new policy of the Principality, who is in favor? Who is against it?"

Some of them are frightened, some have not yet accepted this fact, and some are already thinking about how to resist.

So Hobert asked again: "Are they all mute?"

Everyone seemed to have come back to their senses and said, "I agree, I agree!"

"This is a good national policy that we must support."


Hobert nodded with satisfaction: "After lunch, let your close subordinates go back and report the news. Before your families move here, you can live in this headquarters. I will prepare food and accommodation for you."

As he spoke, Hobert clapped his hands and began to serve the food.

This meal was very rich, including beef and mutton, seafood, and vegetables that could only be eaten in the Northern Continent. Hobert thought the lunch was very delicious.

But the others were in a very depressed mood and ate quietly. Sometimes they chewed the food in their mouths for a long time without even tasting what they were eating.

Hobert was the first to finish, he drank the red wine in the glass and put the tablecloth on the table: "What a pleasant lunch.

"Well, gentlemen, I wish you all a pleasant meal."

After saying that, Hobert stood up and left. The people at the table looked at each other. At this time, their thoughts were surprisingly unanimous: we cannot let this arrogant Duke succeed!

The affairs of the South Balam Principality came to an end. Hobert explained a few more work issues to Conrad and Donna before temporarily returning to Backlund.

Next, he planned to raid the valley where the Tamara family was hiding, as well as several of the family's main strongholds, to see if he could find Eris there.

The reason why he waited more than half a month after Althea died before preparing to attack there was because before that, Hobert believed that this attack might start another extraordinary war.

After all, the strength of this extraordinary family is there. There are two angels and at least one Sequence 3. Hobert guessed that there should be two to five Sequence 4s.

Although it is not as powerful as the Witch Sect, it must be dealt with carefully.

But inspired by the air raid on Saint-Milon, Hobert suddenly had a good idea.

As for the members of the Tamara family, will they flee from their habitat after realizing that Althea has been killed? Hobert has also thought about this, and he thinks the probability of these family members escaping there is low.

After all, they have two angels and currently have an evil god clone. They should be very hopeful that Hobert can take people to the valley where they are hiding. In this way, there is a high probability that Eris will take the opportunity to contaminate a large number of Beyonders.

The Tamara family will also use their home court advantage to attack the extraordinary power of the "Maker".

Moreover, they had no way of confirming whether Althea had betrayed the family after his death.

Hobert believes that now is the best time to make a sneak attack.

In the early morning, Hobert took a look at the fog outside the window and used "travel" to reach a wilderness in the north of Backlund.

Then he prayed to himself, sat on the "Iron Throne", and held the "Black Emperor" card and the "Sun Scepter" in his hands. While he possessed a status similar to that of the King of Angels, he was also covered in golden yellow. armor, and a handsome golden cape appeared on his back.

Hobert used his star to step into the real world.

Gently raising the scepter in his hand, he injected spirituality into the scepter, and two horses bathed in golden light appeared, standing docilely beside Hobert.

Behind them is the "Chariot of the Sun God" made of gold. The chariot is not big. There is a guard plate in the front that reaches the lower abdomen, and the two wheels are burning with golden flames.

At this moment, the entire wilderness became very bright, as if the sun had set on the ground.

Hobert jumped on the chariot and quickly climbed into the clouds. The two horses started running with their hooves open.

His new idea was to drive a chariot and beat Tamara.

Even if you can't fight, you can definitely run.

The scenery on the ground is receding rapidly, and people along the way are a little strange. Did they have hallucinations just now? It's obviously not sunrise yet, but why does it feel like a sun has just passed overhead?

Hobert circled back and forth several times in the Ming'er Minsk Mountains, which made the extraordinary members of the God of War Church and the Church of the Goddess of Night, who were confronting each other at the passes of the Ming'er Minsk Mountains and the Amanda Mountains, notice something strange.

It's just that they all thought that this might be the other party's conspiracy or some kind of trap, so they just discovered that there was something wrong with the power of the sun over there, but did not send anyone to check.

Hobert searched for more than twenty minutes, and his spirituality finally found the big black tree that Althea had mentioned.

Seen from the air, the big black tree is only as big as a normal tree, and only the trunk is black, while the leaves are not completely black. It is not conspicuous in a vast forest.

Fortunately, it seemed to have a certain connection with the "Tree of Order", which allowed Hobert's spirituality to discover it after getting close enough.

Under the real vision, Hobert saw that the valley not far from the big tree was filled with thick fog. His spirituality told him that that should be where the Tamara family was hiding.

He realized that by using the power of the "State of Disorder" and the "Sun Scepter", he should be able to forcibly break through these fogs, so he decided that in order to shock the Tamara family even more, he would simply forcibly remove the fog in the valley. Completely dispersed.

Hobert first used the image of the "creator" to send a signal to Lawrence, and then came to the black tree and held up the "sun scepter".

The sun that had just risen in the sky suddenly became very bright, and all the dazzling sunlight focused on the "Sun Scepter"!

It was the first time for Hobert to control such a surging power, and he felt somewhat powerless.

He took a deep breath, tried to steady his mind, and guided the target towards the bright sunlight.

A very thick beam of light shot from the sun in the sky.


When this beam of light fell on the thick fog in front of Hobert, it even rubbed against the air and made a "wow" sound.

At this time, Hobert was also shocked by the power he summoned. It was a pillar of light like a "wall of light" that covered the entire valley.

Its high temperature makes it surrounded by clouds and mist, making it look very unreal!


The black tree under Hobert's feet split from the middle and burst into flames!

The Gnosis Council led by Lawrence and the Balk family arrived. Their task was to clean the battlefield and round up the escaped Tamara family members.

But when they had just used the corresponding sealed objects or arrived with the assistance of Jonathan and others, they were completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

That huge light pillar shocked their hearts so much that even some lower-ranking members had the urge to kneel down and praise the sun.

When the huge beam of light disappeared, they immediately discovered the source of this surging power: the "creator" standing on a chariot emitting golden light!

Although this is different from the usual image of the "creator", they recognized it immediately, that is the "creator"!

Lawrence and others drew corresponding symbols on their chests, praising the power of the "creator"!

After Jonathan and others were shocked, they looked at each other and sighed that the Gnosis Council had found a strong backer!

Then Jonathan sighed, regretting that he didn't completely surrender to the "Creator" when negotiating terms with Hobert.

This allows them to currently only receive some protection from the "creator" and occasionally participate in some less important operations.

In fact, they also very much hope to participate in the development of the South Balam Principality, which means that they will have the opportunity to become the official extraordinary managers of the principality.

It's not just as simple as Helen's extraordinary team being extraordinary, but also being able to participate in the principality's extraordinary decision-making!

Jonathan sighed. At present, he could only place his hope on Vina, who was sacrificed to the "Creator", hoping that she could impress the "Creator" and make this powerful being willing to completely incorporate the Gnosis Council.

Otherwise, they can only follow the route of the two ladies of Hobert and let more members join the Witch Research Society and the Traveler Research Society.

While Jonathan was thinking wildly, the "creator" in the sky drove his chariot forward and began to launch a new round of offensive.

Hobert took a few deep breaths on the "Chariot of the Sun God" and felt that his spiritual energy was greatly consumed.

This was the first time since he became a demigod that he felt that his spirituality was not enough.

Immediately afterwards, Hobert realized that even if the "Sun Scepter" only had a slightly unique essence, it could not be controlled by extraordinary people below angels.

Fortunately, he still holds the "Black Emperor" card. If this "blasphemous card" hadn't improved his status, the huge light beam just now would probably have escaped his control.

After calming down, Hobert drove the chariot forward.

The black tree has been dried and burned, and the fog in the valley has been completely dispersed. Not only that, the light beam just now dried many plants, and many people who did not have time to hide were also dried into meat. The extraordinary characteristics were It fell next to them.

Although the entire valley seemed lifeless, Hobert knew very well that there were many Beyonders hiding in the valley.

After all, that layer of fog consumed most of the power of the light beam, and in the end, only a little "afterglow" shone in here.

The scene here is similar to the psychic results that Hobert saw from members of the Tamara family very early on. There are many villas with Quaternary architectural style scattered in the valley. Halfway up the mountain, there are A magnificent temple.

The only difference is that the scene that Hobert saw before was filled with birds chirping and flowers fragrant, but now the flowers and trees have turned into dead grass and trees, and the birds flying in the sky have turned into roasted bird meat that fell to the ground. .

Hobert drove the chariot slowly towards the temple. The Beyonders in the temple were also aware of the danger. They injected spirituality into the magic circle in the temple. A thick mist came from the windows and doorways of the temple. was released and headed straight for Hobart.

Hobert smiled slightly, strengthened his connection with the "Land of Disorder", and absorbed the mist directly around the chariot.

The mist was shrouded in the light from the chariot, making Hobert look divine.

The Extraordinaries in the temple were stunned. It was said that there was very powerful pollution in the mist, and even the gods did not dare to face it.

Why is it that this being in the sky is not only not afraid, but also has control over the mist easily?

In fact, Tamara once warned not to use the mist if the "Creator" attacks, because it is useless.

Hobert drove the "Chariot of the Sun God" to attack here today, and they were all blinded. They didn't connect him with the "creator" at all.

Hobert, who was in mid-air, raised his scepter high, and dozens of huge balls of pure light formed around him and fell to the ground.

Four of the light balls exploded on the temple, releasing a dazzling light that seemed to eliminate all the dirt and haze inside. The bodies of the Beyonders inside were ignited, and they ran out of the temple screaming.

Many people even melted directly under the strong light, leaving only a pile of dust.

The ground not far from the temple suddenly cracked, and a man in his thirties with a sallow complexion and a sickly look rushed out. He was Pedi Tamara.

He was the only angel in the valley at this time, and he had to temporarily resist this existence in the sky for a while to create a chance for the surviving family members to escape.

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