Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 316 Unpleasant Memories

"Sequence Five, the potion formula of the 'Witch of Pain', also known as the 'Witch of Disease'."

"Main materials: a complete beak of the Sick Crow, and a piece of air-dried toad coat of Passer's toad."

"Auxiliary materials: 100 milliliters of pure water, 10 milliliters of the toad liquid of Pascal's toad, two fangs of the three-horned snake, and 20 grams of powder ground from the bark of the scorpion."

Louise stayed alone in the study, and got the potion formula of "Witch of Pain" from the messenger Miss Alice, and firmly imprinted it deep in her memory.

This is a deal that has already been negotiated.

Triss has always been very smart, she knows her current situation, she doesn't have many friends, and Louise is one of the more important allies, so she doesn't have any reservations about this deal where everyone gets what they need Or procrastination.

This is why Louise dared to choose to hand over the "adult widow giant spider's silk gland" to Triss first. She expected that the other party would not dare to break the agreement, and things did develop smoothly as expected.

"The name of 'Sick Crow' is a little strange, but 'Pass Toad' is very familiar..."

Louise frowned, interpreting the potion formula of this Sequence Five by herself:

"Pass is a place name in the Southern Continent. 'Pass Toad' is a highly poisonous animal. Combined with other supplementary materials that sound like a headache, what will be prepared in the end is a potion or blood? Throat-sealing poison?"

"Who would dare to drink this kind of potion without the auxiliary ritual for promotion!" Louise muttered to herself.

Suddenly, there was a familiar knock on the door, she lit the paper with the potion formula on it, and then said:

"Come in."

The maid walked into the study empty-handed, with a slightly weird expression, she said:

"Catrin just talked to me for a while."

"Isn't this normal..." Louise said casually, but she quickly realized that there was some surprise in her eyes, and she raised her voice slightly, saying:

"Because of what happened this morning?"

The maid nodded and replied, "Yes."

"Then how did you answer?" Louise asked with great interest.

"To tell you the truth." The maid said quite frankly: "I guess it won't be long before I keep it a secret, but I didn't expect that Katrin would find out so quickly."

"It's a coincidence, no one can tell..." Louise comforted, and at the same time added in her heart: "Except for the audience."

Then she asked, "What was Katrin's reaction?"

The maid paused for a moment, as if she was remembering, her expression became a little puzzled, and it took two seconds before she replied:

"She... didn't say anything, she just lowered her head and lost her mind for a while, then got up without saying a word, and left straight away, but her face was flushed."

"Even as a 'mind reader', I couldn't read her emotions." Sophia finally added a superfluous sentence.

"Oh, is that so?" Louise leaned forward, put her elbows on the desk, and questioned in an erratic tone:

"Did you really not read it?"

The maid looked at him, then slowly lowered her head and said:


However, her voice was so weak that she could hardly hear herself.

Louise deliberately remained silent for a while, and then did not pursue further, and asked instead:

"Catrin is out again?"

"No, she's gone back to her room." The maid replied softly.

Louise gave a simple "um", leaned on the back of the chair and said:

"Is there anything else?"

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of the maid lady, she quickly shook her head and said:

"No more...then I'll get busy first."

After that, she quickly turned and left the study.

Louise turned her body in one direction and looked out the window at the green and withered trees, as well as the misty sky farther away. The clouds were very low, which seemed to indicate that a light rain was inevitable.

Suddenly, the corners of her mouth moved slightly, and she smiled silently.


Red Rose Manor, located in Backlund, is an extremely luxurious and unconventional high-end manor.

The owner who lives here is naturally a big shot in the Kingdom of Loen, the third prince of His Majesty the King, Edsaac Augustus.

However, all the close servants and friends in the manor know that there is a new "hostess" in this manor, that is, the commoner woman that Prince Edsack fell in love with and is not accepted by the world. Liz Cheek.

On this day, Triss didn't seem to be feeling well, so she returned to her room to rest after having breakfast.

Because of other entertainments, Prince Edsac finally chose to leave the manor under Triss' gentle persuasion, and asked the servants at home to take good care of the patient.

Is Triss sick? of course not.

She just wanted to get rid of everyone and create a space of her own to advance to Sequence Six.

Although I don't know where Louise got the "silk gland of an adult widow giant spider", for Triss, the sooner she can get the main ingredient of the potion, the better. She can't wait any longer, just want to Get promoted immediately.

The promotion process went smoothly, she had already thoroughly digested the potion of the Sequence Seven "Witch"... Moreover, she felt that she was more and more compatible with the "Witch" path.

Triss caressed the sapphire ring worn on her left little finger, and quickly restrained the overflowing spiritual fluctuations and unconscious charm that had just been promoted to "Witch of Pleasure"... She was much better than Louise in this regard up.

Through the gap in the door, invisible silk threads spread to the entire corridor. After confirming that there were no servants, the door of the room was pushed open by the invisible person.

Triss remained invisible and walked slowly towards the outside of the manor. Everything went so smoothly.

But when she walked out of the gate of the villa and was about to enjoy the sunshine of freedom, she found herself stepping into the bedroom where she left at first, as if everything before was an illusion.

Triss didn't show excessive anger, she seemed to have gotten used to it, she closed her eyes, and invisible threads scattered from her body, as if endlessly, until it filled the entire room.

Unfortunately, she didn't find anything.

Finally, Triss sighed silently.


A villa on the outskirts of Backlund. Compared with the Red Rose Manor, this place looks much shabby.

What's even more strange is that there is not even half a servant here, and it seems to have been abandoned long ago.

In the study room on the third floor, on the desk was an ordinary notebook wrapped in cowhide, and next to it was an exquisite wooden box, which was firmly sealed by many spiritually rich magical means.

Suddenly, the surface of the wooden box shimmered, and a white quill suddenly jumped out, flipped it around twice happily, and then wrote two lines on the blank notebook:

"Triss Cheek did not wait for the main ingredient of the potion provided by Prince Edsaac. She got the 'silk gland of an adult widow's giant spider' from nowhere, and then, with the acquiescence of His Royal Highness, she was promoted to become a Sequence Six's 'Witch of Pleasure'."

"That's what was planned to happen, it just happened a little bit earlier, it didn't seem like a big deal."

"But for Ince Zangwill, the change brought up some unpleasant memories."

"Let me think about it, that memory seems to have appeared in Tingen..."

The quill did not continue to write, because there was a hand holding it.

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