Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 317: The Old Thomas Visits

The world is impermanent. Although these four words are short, they are very wonderful. They express the law of the development of everything in the world.

Since coming to Backlund, Louise's experience can be described as smooth. Not only did she quickly digest the potion of the "witch", she was successfully promoted to the "Witch of Pleasure" of Sequence Six, and she even relied on a piece of medicine that was basically indifferent to herself. Useless Extraordinary materials were exchanged for the potion formula of Sequence Five "Witch of Pain"... It's just that there is no auxiliary promotion ceremony.

In addition, she also actively or passively met many big bosses, and she has a little and unclear guess about the reason for her time travel, but at least she is gradually approaching the truth behind the scenes... Even if she will Be terrified.

Generally speaking, Louise is walking on a bright and smooth road, although I don't know if someone is secretly correcting this road...

So, has she ever been through something that's embarrassing, even overwhelming, and doesn't know how to deal with it?

Answer: Of course there are.


"You mean, Thomas is here?"

Louise didn't want to enjoy the leisure time anymore, the novel in her hand was dropped on the desk with a "bang", she couldn't help frowning, opened her eyes wide, and looked directly at the maid in front of her, with an unbelievable look .

Sophia also showed embarrassment, but she still nodded and said:

"Yes, Mr. Thomas is sitting in the drawing room waiting for you now."

Louise leaned back on the chair behind her, massaging her temples with her right hand, and slowly unwrinkled her brows.

"Why did Thomas come to Backlund?" She asked herself in her heart.

But in the next second, she replied by herself:

"Hehe, Thomas has lived in Backlund for more than 20 years. He was only transferred to Bayam after he joined MI9. Now it's normal for him to go home..."

However, he is here to visit me now... Louise closed her eyes slightly, thoughts were racing through her mind, and finally she sighed silently.

If it is said that at the beginning of the time travel, Louise was forced to take the "witch" path, and even went through a painful transformation process, but today, she has slowly accepted this...or forced to accept it.

Because he keeps in mind that he is a man, but enjoys the joy and pain brought by a woman. This is the twisted acting rule of the "witch" approach.

About Louise being a "witch", there are actually very few people who know about it.

The maid lady and the housekeeper Hunter who is currently at sea are naturally insiders... Klein must also know, but he is only guessing, and cannot be sure whether Louise was a man or a woman...

And the last person who fully understood the inside story was Thomas.

Louise had always had a tough time in Bayam, when he had only two friends, Thomas and Charlie.

Charlie is an optimist who joined the "Life School" and became a "pharmacist". He only knows that his good friend "Joyce" has left Bayam, but he doesn't know where he is going.

But Thomas was different. He was a major of MI9, and he was a very smart person. He was so smart that he deduced that "Joyce" had embarked on the path of "witch" by consulting the case files and some inconspicuous clues.

What's more, he didn't choose to expose it, but offered a letter of introduction instead, acting as a stepping stone to help Louise get mixed into the upper-class aristocracy of Backlund.

And Louise did exactly that.

Taking advantage of Thomas' status as a good friend, she visited his parents, the Viscount and his wife, and met Audrey through a ball. After that, she established a firm foothold in Backlund as a matter of course.

To get to the bottom of it, the source of all Louise's operations in Backlund was the letter provided by Thomas.

Of course, even without that letter, she might have been able to get to where she is today... But this kind of assumption doesn't make any sense at all.

All in all, Thomas knew what he looked like when he was a man, he knew that he had become a "witch", and today, he came to visit him... After a rather intense brainstorming, Louise opened her eyes and saw Standing where she was, the maid, who was a little at a loss, forced a smile, got up and said:

"Let's go then. It's impolite not to keep the guests waiting too long."

The maid was obviously surprised, and even let out a soft "ah" before responding:



In the living room, Louise saw the long-lost Thomas. The latter had hardly changed, still young and handsome, but he looked a little reserved.

"Long time no see, Jo...Miss Louise." Thomas got up quickly and greeted her first.

Then, he gave a self-deprecating wry smile and said:

"Obviously I have reminded myself many times in my heart, but I almost called it wrong."

As for the reason for the loss of consciousness, Thomas probably didn't expect that the former "Joyce" would become what he is now...

It seems that it's not just me, he is also very embarrassed... Louise smiled slightly and replied softly: "It's been a long time, but I understand how you feel."

If there are outsiders who don't know the inside story here, they will probably feel confused about the conversation between the two, but the maid lady is the insider. She hurriedly brought two cups of coffee, and then quickly exited the room, leaving the two "Old friends I haven't seen for a long time" use ample space for greetings.

However, both of them didn't know what to talk about, so they could only hold up the coffee, take a sip slowly, and then put it back on the table, with the same movements.

Then, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Perhaps it was this smile that melted the gap between the two. The two wanted to speak in a very tacit understanding, but they bumped into each other again, and then each stopped talking.

Louise's smile became brighter, and she said:

"It seems to be back to Bayam, Charlie and the scene when the three of us were drinking and chatting together."

Thomas nodded in agreement and said:

"At that time, we were really happy."

It's just that now it seems that there is no going back... He silently added in his heart.

"What is Charlie doing? Is his father still asking him to help with Bayam's various affairs?" Louise asked after two seconds of silence.

Thomas smiled and replied, "No, Charlie has successfully 'graduated'."

"Although he still maintains that optimistic personality, he has matured a lot...By the way, he would occasionally complain to me, saying that you left without saying goodbye and didn't even send back any news. When we meet again next time, he must I have to punish you to get drunk..."

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