Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 318 The Witch's Bad Taste

Two former good friends, meeting again after a long time, will inevitably be a little strange... especially in Louise's case.

At this time, talking about Charlie, the mutual friend of the two, became a good way to break the barrier.

Through Thomas' detailed description, Louise couldn't help recalling her life in Bayam at the beginning of time travel, and she was always a little absent-minded.

It turned out that when she was promoted to "Witch" now, when she looked at herself in Bayam's time, she unconsciously had almost the same memory as when she looked at herself before time travel, and she felt a little vague.

But Thomas's words easily brought her back to that initial memory.

Time is ruthless, but it cannot erase precious memories.

With these memories, Louise found that her understanding of herself became more profound, as if she had changed from a puppet to a living person.

After a long time, she came back to her senses, smiled and said:

"It's like what Charlie would say, and I don't know how he will react if he sees me now?"

"Probably the same as me." Thomas glanced at her and paused for a moment before saying.

Louise smiled, did not continue to discuss this topic, and asked instead:

"Did you get transferred back to Backlund when you came back this time?"

There are too many secrets hidden in Louise, and the relationship between the man in front of her and her is extraordinary, but returning to Backlund at this time cannot allow her to be curious.

Unexpectedly, Thomas also seemed very puzzled. He showed a strange expression, shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

"The order I received was to go back to Backlund to report on my work, but after the report was over, I didn't receive the next order. I don't know whether I should stay in Backlund or return to Bayam to continue working?"

This is very interesting. Not everyone has the right to transfer a major at will, but leave him at home at will... Louise began to speculate in her heart, nodded calmly on the surface, and said :

"From what you said, it's been a few days since you returned to Backlund, right?"

Thomas nodded slightly and said, "Three days."

"I got off the boat on Thursday, and I have time to visit you after the debriefing..."

His expression was slightly tangled, he glanced at Louise secretly, and then explained:

"Because of that letter, I have to make this trip."

Louise smiled and nodded, expressing her understanding. Friends who are familiar with her know that she and Thomas are good friends, and it is precisely because of this identity that she has entered the aristocratic class of Backlund... Now that Thomas has returned to Backlund , if the two of them do not communicate, it will appear too fake.

Suddenly, she laughed twice and said:

"Because of that letter, your parents, the Viscount and his wife almost misunderstood my relationship with you."

Thomas immediately straightened his back, looking a little tense and embarrassed. Obviously, he had learned about this.

This is also the reason why he has resistance to coming to see Louise.

Think about it carefully, your good brother suddenly turned into a woman one day, and it’s not a big deal, what’s even more frightening is that your parents actually regard her as your girlfriend who you dated in private... This is too social. died.

He laughed dryly, and responded, "It's just a misunderstanding. I've explained it clearly to them, and they probably also intend to find a suitable marriage partner for me when I come back this time."

"Hahaha..." Louise laughed a few times, and even leaned back and forth, her chest rose and fell one after another. After she calmed down a little, she said:

"I don't even care. Why are you so nervous? Could it be... Do you really have that kind of thought?"

In this state, Louise is full of wickedness, becoming more and more like a "witch".

Thomas' reaction was quite violent. He stood up suddenly and exclaimed:

"How can it be!"

Louise is in a very happy mood at the moment, the kind of spiritual pleasure, not physical. She squinted her eyes, looked at Thomas carefully, and said with a smile:

"Then why are you panicking?"

"I didn't." Thomas retorted stubbornly, and then lost in the eye contact with Louise, sat back again, was silent for a while, and said deeply:

"I just think it's kind of weird."

Louise put away her joking thoughts, pondered for two seconds and said:

"At first, I also thought it was weird, but habit is a terrible thing, it changes a person unconsciously."

"Becoming an Extraordinary is destined to embark on a crazy path, so I really like the words of the 'Nighthawks': 'We are the guardians, and we are also a group of poor people who are always fighting against danger and madness'."

Although this sentence makes sense, becoming a woman is still more unacceptable... Thomas remained silent, and it took a while before he spoke:

"But this does not affect the brotherhood... friendship between us."

"That's what I'm looking forward to." Louise said with a smile as she resumed her dignified and elegant posture.

Thomas took a sip of coffee, which meant the conversation came to an end, and he resumed the topic and said:

"I heard that you are very famous in Backlund."

Louise gave an "oh" with great interest and asked:

"What kind of fame?"

"There are all kinds of things, and there are mixed evaluations." Thomas concluded: "In short, few outsiders will cause such a large-scale discussion in Backlund's aristocratic circle, especially one Miss."

"Then should I be happy, or should I be proud?" Louise said a little complacently, still with a joke in mind.

However, Thomas did not disagree, he said seriously:

"As a Beyonder, especially a wild Beyonder, your behavior is a bit too high-profile, and there is a great danger of being discovered."

"As far as I know, someone from MI9 has investigated you...and it has nothing to do with the assassination of Ambassador Intis."

Obviously, Thomas had done some understanding of Louise's experience in Backlund, and after hearing some unfavorable news for her, he immediately came to the door to raise the alarm, just like when he was in Bayam Same.

In fact, the person sitting in front of you is not a wild Extraordinary, she is a member of the "Witch Sect", a collaborator of MI9, and a potential member of the "Twilight Hermit Order"... Louise looked at Thomas in front of her , thinking:

"My secret, there are still many things you don't know."

She pretended to accept this sincere suggestion, and said with a smile:

"It would be great if you could stay and work in MI9 in Backlund, maybe I will be safer."

Thomas also relaxed, glanced at her lightly, and said:

"At that time, I will be the first to arrest you."

Louise laughed heartily twice, shook her head slightly and said:

"You will not."

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