Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 326: The Second Meeting with Ulorius

This is a very typical garden in the East Borough of Backlund.

Most of the gardens are homeless and unemployed and bankrupt men and women... In fact, most of them are men, because women still have the most compelling occupations to support themselves, but those who have no skills or lose their lives due to hunger Men with strength can only wander here, like walking dead.

"There is indeed a place for missionary work here, but even if you can make the people here believe in the 'True Creator', what can they do, even ensuring their own survival is a problem!"

Louise asked blankly. At first, she would show sympathy for this situation, but after watching it a lot, she gradually became relieved. This is not something she can solve alone... Maybe, this is also It has something to do with her becoming a Extraordinary.

"The glory of our Lord is enough to bring these people back to life." Mr. A replied piously.

Then, with steady steps, he walked up to a homeless man leaning on the edge of the stone chair in the garden, with a peaceful expression on his face.

The tramp struggled to open his eyelids, saw the noble man in front of him, got up quickly, but sat back because of his weakness, and said:

"Sorry, I'm leaving here right away."

Mr. A stretched out his tender hands and pushed the homeless man back. His calm expression seemed to be mixed with a little pain, and he said softly:

"Don't get excited, I'm not the one who came to drive you away, I'm the one who came to rescue you from the sea of ​​suffering."

The homeless man's eyes were a little dull. He raised his eyes to look at Mr. A, his eyes wandered, as if he saw the light and hope emanating from the person in front of him.

Later, after Mr. A carefully preached the benevolence of the "true Creator", he took out some food and water, and of course received the sincere thanks from the homeless man, and vowed to believe in the "creator"...

Louise stood aside, watching this scene without saying a word.

When a bad guy wants to play the good guy, he can be very successful, and it's easy to believe he's really a good guy.

The scene in front of me was like this. It seemed natural, but it was full of irony. Louise sighed silently and said:

"Do you think he believes in the 'True Creator', or the bread in his hand?"

"Is that important?" Mr. A asked back, then glanced at Louise, continued to walk forward, and said at the same time:

"I just planted a seed. One day, this seed will grow into a towering tree. At that time, my Lord will come to the world and broadcast His mercy."

In the face of a pious believer, there is no discussion about any results at all... Louise simply stopped talking, and continued to act as a bystander, watching Mr. A hand over food and teachings to homeless people, and obtained their Gratitude and "faith" in the mouth.

Slowly, the two walked almost all over the garden, until they came to a corner, Louise was dumbfounded and almost cursed.

I knew it wouldn't be so simple. It's just preaching, and being interviewed by Mr. A alone, there must be no good things... She cursed in her heart, walked forward quickly, and said respectfully:

"Your Excellency Ouroreus."

In fact, Mr. A was also very surprised. He also didn't know that Ourorius would appear here.


Ouroreus, as the king of angels in the "fate" pathway, has an unrivaled understanding of fate.

He felt the fluctuation of fate, that kind of fluctuation is not common, but hidden deeply, it seems that it will bring unexpected changes.

Thus, He appeared in Backlund.

The person he doubted the most was naturally another "Snake of Destiny", but when Ulorius returned to Backlund, he found that he had completely lost the fluctuation of Will Auceptin's fate, which represented the latter's Successfully abandoned this life and started a new round of restart.

The chase between the two lasted for a long time, and Ouroreus didn't mean to be upset about it, because time was running out, and there would be a winner one day.

He is more concerned about the fluctuation of fate that he perceives. Since it does not belong to the "Snake of Destiny", nor does it belong to the unique "Dice of Probability" of the path of fate, where does it come from?

For Ouroreus, time is just a number, and he hasn't felt this emotion for a long, long time... Confused, he is confused.

So, he chose to forget his purpose, followed the guidance of fate, came to this garden, and met Louise.

Fluctuations of fate, found.

Ouroreus stared intently at the woman in front of him. She bowed her waist, showing extraordinary respect, but he couldn't see through this little "witch".

"Have you seen him?" Ouroreus said.

Louise was taken aback, and then maintained a state of surprise, looked up at Ulorius' soft face, and asked:

"Who are you referring to?"

"You have fluctuations of fate." Ouroreus continued.

Louise frowned, her expression became more surprised, and she said in confusion:

"I don't quite understand what you mean."

Ulorius didn't comment on Louise's answer, as if he didn't care, and asked:

"What are you doing at three o'clock on Monday afternoon?"

Louise's eyes were slightly blank, as if she was recalling, but in fact, there was a storm in her heart... At three o'clock in the afternoon on Monday, I was participating in the "Tarot Club"!

Did Ulorius see something? But if the secrets of Origin Castle could be detected so easily, Klein would have died countless times...Louis gathered herself together, seemed to recall it, and replied aloud:

"Take a nap and then go into a daze."

Ourorius was silent. Although he was not an "audience", it was naturally just a whimsical idea for a mid-sequence "witch" to hide something from him, but this woman in front of him was able to do it.

The whole world fell silent, homeless people, flowers, birds, fish and insects, even the breeze stopped.

Ulorius stretched out an index finger and pointed at Louise's forehead. Although the speed was slow, the latter could not resist.

Louise didn't know what was about to happen to her, but it would definitely not be a good thing. She was powerless to resist, and simply closed her eyes, feeling the cool touch on her forehead.

Afterwards, she found herself entering a dark space... Of course it wasn't because she closed her eyes, the purest darkness was in front of her eyes, a darkness that could absorb everything, even the sun couldn't escape.

Anxiety, confusion, fear... Complicated emotions arose, and Louise felt as if she had been abandoned in the abyss, and it seemed that she would never be able to escape from this darkness.

However, in the next second, she opened her eyes, and her vision miraculously recovered.

Louise looked up and looked at Ouroreus, and found that the latter also held his head up.

However, the direction he was looking was north.

There is the direction of St. Samuel's Cathedral.

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