Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 327 The Actions of the Bosses

Ulorius suddenly stopped all his actions and thoughts, no longer trying to decipher the secret hidden in the "witch" in front of him.

Because he clearly felt that if he continued, the "Goddess of the Night" would break the tacit rules formed by the Seven Gods since the end of the Fourth Epoch, and immediately descend to Backlund.

This is a price that Ourorius cannot bear. He cannot break the tacit understanding between himself and the "Goddess of the Night". Otherwise, once Will Auceptin uses this to hide in Backlund, he will lose his future. The beginning of a fight between the two.

Moreover, this tacit understanding still exists between the "True Creator" and the "Goddess of the Night", and it cannot be broken by a small "witch", even if there is a considerable secret hidden in this "witch".

Ulorius lowered his head, his expression was still calm, as if nothing had happened, and he said:

"Would you like to go somewhere with me?"

Louise swallowed the non-existent saliva, and asked:

"Where are you going?"

Ouroreus replied earnestly: "My lord's kingdom of God."

You might as well just kill me... Louise took a deep breath, her pupils widened unconsciously, feeling extremely shocked in her heart.

At the same time, she began to think about how to answer.

The darkness that I was passively immersed in just now proves that Ourorius should have wanted to do something to me, but for some unknown reason, he suddenly stopped... Moreover, the direction he was looking at just now was north.

Naturally, Louise is unwilling to go to the kingdom of God of the "True Creator". After all, who knows what will happen there. Even if life is not in danger, passively becoming a devout believer of the "True Creator" is unacceptable.

Considering her identity as a "night favored person" and the abnormal reaction of Ouroreus just now, Louise decided to try it out, so she suppressed the tension and throbbing in her heart, and responded with a smile:

"Can I refuse?"

Ulorius was just trying for the last time, it didn't matter whether he was successful or not. He was silent for two seconds, and recited:

"The lingering heroic spirit, the dependent of the true Creator, the eyes that stare at fate."

"If you change your mind, you can always let me know."

Louise agreed and did not expect that she would pass the test so easily. She bent down deeply and said respectfully:

"Follow your will, Your Excellency Ouroreus."

When she raised her head, she found that Ouroreus had disappeared.

At the same time, Mr. A, who had been standing not far behind, finally stepped forward.

Louise looked at his strangely beautiful face, and said angrily:

"The envoy of the 'Aurora Society', the big shot in the mysterious world, has Mr. A always lied like this?"

We clearly agreed to meet only the two of us this time, so where did Ulorius come from...

Mr. A glanced at her and responded lightly:

"As a member of a secret organization, deception is the most inconspicuous ability."

"Also," he added, "I didn't know His Excellency Ouroreus would appear here, maybe it's just a coincidence."

Coincidentally, how high a coincidence can affect "Angel of Destiny" Ulorius, I am stupid... Louise dismissed Mr. A's explanation, but believed that he did not know Ulorius beforehand This thing that Lucy will appear.

Ouroreus mentioned "three o'clock in the afternoon on Monday", mentioned "fluctuations of fate", and identified me as the source, and wanted to do something to me, but gave up at the last moment... Louise silently concluded Take a look at the frightening experience that just happened.

What happened at three o'clock on a Monday afternoon?

I participated in the "Tarot Club", and when I heard the name "Rose of Redemption", I felt a sense of familiarity, but after leaving Origin Castle, that feeling disappeared... Louise murmured silently, this is the same as What's the deal with "fluctuations of fate"?

Also, why did Ulorius choose to let me go?

It is impossible for him to be afraid of Will Auceptin. On the contrary, he will be very happy to find the trace of "Snake of Destiny". Then, he can only be concerned about "Evernight Goddess"... The direction he looked up before is exactly Directions to St. Samuel's Church.

It seems that the identity of "Blessed One of the Night" is still very useful, at least much more useful than "Follower of the Fool".

Louise raised her eyes and looked to the north. There were trees, flowers and grass in her sight, and the gray air... Just now, what could Ulorius see?

"Do you want to continue with today's task?" After thinking about it, she turned her gaze to Mr. A and asked softly.

Mr. A replied lightly: "Please go ahead."

Louise was kind and polite, bowed gracefully, and said:

"Then goodbye."

Back at No. 59 Egram Street, she immediately took out the three tarot cards left by Will Auceptin, and wanted to chat with this "Snake of Destiny" who knew many secrets about what happened today.

Louise entered the dreamland smoothly, and saw the black wilderness and the pitch-black spire in the center of the wilderness without accident, but she didn't see Will Auceptin.

No matter how she yells or does damage, Will Auceptin is "not online", it is possible that she is involved in other things...

Louise had no choice but to voluntarily withdraw from the dream and meditate silently for a long time.


Surgeon Allen's family are all devout believers of the "Goddess of the Night". The couple came to St. Samuel's Cathedral together to pray to the goddess and bless them to give birth to a healthy child.

Because today is not Sunday, there are not many people in the prayer hall, so Allen and his wife naturally sat in the first row of seats, and when they looked up, they could see the saint representing the "Evernight Goddess". emblem.

For some reason, Alan's wife unexpectedly felt that the holy emblem in front of her was different from usual, but if she was really asked to tell the reason, she would probably be able to say something like "more profound" and "more awe-inspiring".

After the sincere prayer, the couple's state of mind became peaceful and peaceful, and they left the church with smiles and hand in hand. Everything was natural.

Passing through the prayer hall, in a room behind the church, Archbishop Anthony of Sequence Three is working at his desk.

Suddenly, he stopped what he was doing.


The Bone Church, holy and noble, is densely packed with bones of different races, surrounding a cross of hundreds of meters.

In front of the cross, a vague figure stood there, as if looking at everything with pity.

The son of the Creator dressed as a priest, "Angel of Imagination" Adam, was silently praying.

Suddenly, he seemed to hear something, and opened his eyes peacefully.

Then, a stalk of wheat appeared in his hand, and he murmured a word:


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