Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 419 The goodness of God and the evil of man merge with authority and responsibility. The wom


? ? ?

The gods in the heaven looked confused, as if they didn't understand what this meant.


Boros did not explain, but raised his hand with a smile, opened one hand, and two streams of light emerged.

God’s goodness.

The evil of man.

The Powers and Responsibilities of Hades.

That's right!


It is the divine object and special authority that once fell into the hands of Zeus.

And now...

These are in the hands of Boros.

Tell the truth.

Boros knew very well that this was a hot potato. If he took over these things, it would not be a good thing. It would be bad! That's something that's definitely going to go wrong, because of that.

Boros decided to send these things back.

No one really thinks that these things fall into your hands, then! You can handle Hades perfectly, right?

Stop it!


Since Hades is delivered to your hands, then! Naturally, it means that Hades doesn't really care about this, or even says it! It's no exaggeration to not care at all.


Some things are better sent back to Hades obediently.

Even said!

In the beginning, it's best not to take over, that's the best thing.


The current situation is obviously quite special. Don't you want to take over?

This is obviously no longer possible.

In that case!


Since it is necessary to take over, then it is better to honestly minimize the losses and send everything back to Hades. Otherwise, who knows when it may suddenly affect the follow-up. What's going on here?

If that's really the case.

That is the most troublesome thing!

Many things are like this.

Since we have taken over this hot potato, then! Just send it back to others honestly and don't think about eating it.

Eat it!

The price you need to pay may be greater, and it is even possible that it will be your life as the price.


Boros obviously knew this very well.

even though.

In Boros' eyes, he didn't quite understand why Zeus couldn't understand such a simple thing.

how to say……

Poros is Zeus, but not Zeus.

Zeus, Apollo, Abel.

These three gods came together to form Boros, and Boros inherited everything from the three gods, but became a brand new god.


Boros is very special, he should not exist.

His existence itself is a possibility that should not occur, but! As the three gods gathered together, Boros appeared instead. This situation was very special, but it was also very interesting.

That’s all I can say!

A lot of things are really very interesting.

At this moment, Boros intends to deal with all of this and solve the problems of the entire heaven.

if not!

Who knows what problems may continue to arise next.

Boros shook his head and said no more. Instead, he opened one hand and endless divine power emerged. Combining authority and responsibility, it perfectly integrated the goodness of God and the evil of man. .


A looming shadow of a woman emerged.

This woman's shadow had long black hair, but other than that, nothing could be seen clearly.

as if!

This is like an illusory shadow.


The gods looked at Boros's movements. You looked at me, I looked at you, all with a look of silence.

But Boros didn't say anything, but opened his hand and took away some things from each of the gods. These things were not special, but belonged to the characteristics of the gods.


At this moment.

When these many characteristics are perfectly brought together, what kind of figure will be condensed?


That's the most interesting thing.

As time passed, a peerless beauty wearing a jet black dress and long black hair emerged from it. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Boros quietly.


"You are indeed much stronger than Zeus."


"If we continue to hold it in our hands, we will have to pay a huge price."

The black-haired woman spoke slowly, her voice was very cold, but in this coldness, there was a touch of emotionlessness.

as well as!

The birth just happened in an instant, and all the gods looked solemn in an instant.

That's right!

This is definitely Hades, and everyone's perception will definitely not be wrong. This newly born figure is definitely the aura of Hades.


The gods don't seem to understand the problem here.

Poros smiled and said, "Hades, after all, this is the second time we have met. The combination of God's goodness, man's evil, authority and responsibility, will eventually create the perfect person." Commander of the Underworld.”

"Or rather!"

"These belong to the underworld. If you connect them, they will be linked to you. Really, I don't know what Zeus is thinking about walking into such an obvious trap."


Poros complained about Zeus, and the other gods in the heavens all obediently follow the eyes to the nose, the nose to the mouth, and the mouth to the heart.


Don't look at how Boros complained, and don't look at how Hades responded. This is obviously not something they are qualified to participate in.

The black-haired woman, or Hades, said silently; "It's not surprising, it's like you shouldn't have been born. Zeus is the god-king who is missing a part. To be precise, I, Poseidon , Zeus, Athena, Abel, each one is missing a part.”

Hades saw this clearly.

Except for Ouranos and Cronus, every subsequent god-king is actually missing a part.

And what is this part?

But no one knows, this is a limitation of the mythical world.

There is no doubt that the great world of mythology loves the God-King, but after the unparalleled power of Uranus and Cronus, they naturally have to be restricted.

And this limitation!

It is caused by incompleteness, nothing more! Hades and Poseidon have become complete because of their different situations.

Zeus never did it.


Unexpectedly, Zeus, Abel, and Apollo merged into one body and became the perfect god-king, that is, Poros. As for Athena? That's something else!

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