Myth! I, Hades!

Chapter 420 108 Demon Stars in the Underworld, Commander-in-Chief of the Eight Prisons: Pandora!

Hades left with Pandora.


After Hades left, Boros couldn't help but chuckle, with a touch of emotion, and said interestingly: "Things! It seems that it is starting to become interesting. What will happen next?" Woolen cloth?"


The smile on Boros's lips grew stronger and stronger.


Boros also knew that what was going to happen next would really start to get interesting.


Boros whispered softly and said slowly: "What will be the next result?"


"never mind."

"At the very least, for everything, it is better to wait until this era has passed, or rather! Next, the arrival of this heroic era is the most fundamental core."

Boros narrowed his eyes slightly, seeming to be thinking about something in his heart.


The gods on the side were all silent. They looked at me and I looked at you. They all shut their mouths obediently and said nothing. They knew that at this time, they should not say anything. Better.


The price paid will be extremely horrific.

Don't look at Boros who looks gentle and elegant at all times, but! If anyone really thinks that Boros is a gentle god, that is a joke.

As a god-king, the terrifying oppression that comes with it is the most terrifying thing when it really breaks out.

Never doubt it.


Never guess.

When all this breaks out, what will be the result?

that time!

The fatal result may be revealed in an instant, if that time really comes! What will happen to everything? That's something really hard to say.


I'm afraid, it will be the best result.

do not doubt.

For God, there are countless ways to make your life worse than death, remember! Death, in many cases, is the best outcome. The most terrifying thing is not death, but not dying at all. That kind of torture, remember! I definitely don’t want to know what the result will be.

This is the most terrifying thing!



Don't doubt it!


The pure land of bliss.


Persephone and Hestia were curiously looking at Pandora in front of them.

Including Eris.


Eris is almost a permanent resident in the Pure Land now. She follows and helps the Queen of Hades. It can be said that Eris's status has skyrocketed.

Of course.

The god of Hades in the underworld doesn't care.


how to say!

In the underworld, there are three types of Hades.

The first type is the children of Erebus and Nyx, that is, all the gods headed by the twin gods Hypnos and Thanatos.

The second type is the Seventy-two Demon Gods as Optimus Prime.

The third type is other types, such as Mephistopheles.


Mephistopheles is very calm, he only has one person, and that is to be honest, and don't think about doing things casually.


Mephisto is not interested in these at all now. For Mephisto, there is only one thing he wants to do, and that is to quickly transform into the God King with the advent of the Age of Heroes.

This is what Mephistopheles thinks.

Mephistopheles knew very well that he could only transform into the God King in the way of the heroic age.


When His Majesty has gathered the four great beasts, the underworld will usher in its next transformation, and he will be able to follow suit and take a step further, and have the opportunity to take a step further.

if not.

That's hard to say.

If you are stuck at level 99, you first break through to level 100, then you take the experience pill, and you take the experience pill, and then you break through to level 100. These are two fundamentally different concepts!

This situation is absolutely self-evident.


As Hades' consciousness left, Pandora recovered. She slowly opened her eyes, and in an instant she saw the two goddesses who were watching her forcefully, and Eris who was watching secretly from the side. .

next moment.

Pandora took a step back almost instinctively.

She felt something wasn't right.

what's the situation?


Pandora reacted to this subconscious action immediately, knelt down on one knee, lowered her head in shame, and said respectfully: "Queen of Hell, Miss, I'm sorry..."

"Down here..."

Persephone raised her hand and said calmly: "It doesn't matter."


Pandora stood up respectfully.


Persephone and Hestia also retreated back to their thrones, while Eris stood to the left of Persephone's throne.

at this time.

Pandora truly knelt down on one knee, faced Hades, and said respectfully: "Pandora, see your majesty!!!"

From the moment she was born, Pandora knew why she was born, and she knew exactly what her birth represented.


At this moment.

Pandora also understood what she should do when she was born, and what her responsibilities were.

Hades spoke silently: "Pandora, from today on, you are the commander-in-chief of the 108 Demon Stars in the Underworld and the general manager of the eight prisons."

The orders of the God King are all made with golden words.

With the appointment of Hades.

In an instant!

Pandora's name and identity have been imprinted on the entire underworld and echo in the minds of every underworld fighter.

this moment.

The Underworld Warriors and all the beings in the Eight Hells knelt on one knee respectfully.

"See Lord Pandora!"

"See Lord Pandora!"

"See Lord Pandora!"

The deafening shouts resounded throughout the Eight Prisons.

And at this moment.

Pandora's whole body is reverberating with countless divine powers and laws. This monstrous divine power and laws cannot be used by Pandora, but they are gathered into a pitch black trident.

Demon Star Halberd!

at the same time!

next moment.

They gathered together again to form a bracelet with 108 jet black beads, which floated beside Pandora.

Pandora raised her hand, and the bracelet was automatically put on her hand, while the other hand held the Demon Star Halberd.

For a moment.

Pandora's aura seemed to disappear without a trace, completely integrated into the underworld.

At this moment.

Persephone, Hestia, and Eris were all stunned. They didn't even know whether what was standing in front of them was Pandora or the underworld.

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