Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 785 Then why have you lost weight?

For a moment, the people below cheered enthusiastically!

"No more lonely!"

"Alliance of All Realms!"

"We have comrades!"

"Can I marry a girl from the Fox tribe? I am willing to marry for the sake of alliance!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Commander-in-Chief!"

In the end, those countless shouts gradually turned into three words.




Everyone knows how much effort and hardship Lin Fan has put in for Daxia since he became the commander-in-chief.

Kill the gods with sword!

Enter other planes alone!

There are even legends that the Commander-in-Chief even sneaked into the God Realm alone!

This time, Lin Fan personally proposed the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, personally conducted it, and even tried it out himself!

But Lin Fan waved his hand: "Thank you for your enthusiasm, but Lin Fan deserves it."

"The biggest contributor to this Alliance of All Realms is not me, but the gods of Daxia, the 50 million warriors, and the whole of Daxia!"

"It is you, the 140,000,000 compatriots, who have given me, Daxia, a strong national power, and given me, Daxia, the confidence to face the gods directly!"

"It's you who make me, Daxia, strong and qualified to lead the formation of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance!"

At this moment, everything was silent.

Everyone's eyes turned red and they clenched their fists silently.

Yes, the biggest contributor was never Lin Fan.

But there are 140,000 Daxia people, every ordinary citizen!

It is those ordinary citizens who have made Daxia a success, and it is their efforts that have forged Daxia’s strong national power!

"But this time, the one who takes the biggest risk... is the five hundred warriors who entered one hundred and thirty-two planes and lurked!"

Lin Fan said solemnly: "They used their courage to prove their love for Daxia. They took risks with their own lives and fought alone in a world where they believe in gods!"

"Although they are ordinary people, they have done things that even gods cannot do!"

"They are my heroes in Great Xia!"

"Now, let the hero appear!"


The salute roars!

The loud national anthem sounded, and countless Daxia citizens sang in unison under the Great Wall.

Countless songs gathered together, shaking the sky!

This song is louder than any hymn!

This is the unyielding will of mankind, just like the waving red flag!

In the midst of singing and under the red flag, soldiers walked onto the Great Wall one by one to accept the attention of all the people.

Lin Fan looked at the warriors and said in a deep voice: "Investigator Wang Wuwei entered the Minotaur plane, shattered his faith on the eighth day, launched a revolution on the eleventh day, and led 600,000 Minotaurs to overthrow the false god on the thirteenth day! "

"Investigator Li Ying entered the wolf plane, shattered his faith on the 9th, launched a revolution on the 10th, and led 300,000 wolves to overthrow the false god on the 14th!"

"Investigator Zhang..."

Just name one person, and after a few words, there will be a heroic story!

Finally, Lin Fan looked at those soldiers with red eyes.


Lin Fan suddenly saluted and said loudly: "Thank you!"


The gods of Daxia salute!

The throne of the country and Mr. Jin salute!

Fifty million soldiers salute!

The people gathered under the Great Steel Wall saluted, and all the citizens of Daxia in front of the TV saluted!

Just because these people deserve it!

Although Lin Fan's introduction was only a few words, it is conceivable that these people enter the realm of belief in gods alone. They face the risk of exposure every second and may be shattered to pieces at any time!

Home is behind them.

There was darkness around them.

This time, the homeland cannot protect them, but it is up to them to protect the homeland!

They strengthened the fire in their hearts in God's hymns and ignited the flame in the dark world.

Although Lin Fan's previous experience serves as a template, don't forget that with Lin Fan's strength, as long as something goes wrong, he can escape immediately. The worst result is the complete destruction of that plane.

But these five hundred soldiers are just ordinary soldiers.

Even because they are people engaged in "espionage warfare", their training intensity is not as good as that of other warriors. Even when the gods arrive, it will be difficult for them to fight against sea beasts on the Great Steel Wall.

In that world, they, alone, may die from the anger of countless believers at any time!

They are fighting for their lives!

"Thank you!"

Countless people saluted and shouted, and those 140,000 shouts turned into one voice, resounding throughout the Great Xia!

This is Daxia’s thanks!

The five hundred soldiers' eyes were red, and they also saluted and said with all their strength: "It should be!"

You should fight for your homeland!

If you don’t protect your own home, how can you rely on others to protect it?

"Haha, thank you very much. Without you, there would be no Alliance of All Realms. Each of you has brought tens of thousands of comrades to my Daxia!"

Lin Fan put down his saluting hand, patted a soldier, and said with a smile: "Today, all of you will be promoted to three ranks!"

"Wang Wuwei, come out!"


"He entered the outside world alone and brought 600,000 tauren comrades to our Daxia. He has done a great job and was promoted to major general!"

Lin Fan said, taking off Wang Wuwei's major badge, putting a new badge on him, and at the same time hanging a medal on his chest.

For a moment, the young warrior's eyes shed tears uncontrollably, and his face was filled with joy.

Major promoted to major general!

This is beyond our wildest dreams!

"Damn, after I go back, I can play for the rest of my life. Mom, I'm a major general..." Wang Wuwei muttered a few words before he realized what he was doing. He saluted fiercely and burst into tears!

Lin Fan also saluted straightly!


"Li Ying, come out!"


The young soldier's face was full of excitement, and he shouted with all his strength, hurry out of the queue!

"Entering the outside world alone, bringing me Daxia..."

A full two hours.

Five hundred warriors, all awarded titles!

Lin Fan, the supreme commander, personally awarded the title. Two of them, who brought 800,000 comrades to Daxia and liberated the ninth level warriors, even wore the badges personally!

Of course, there are still some episodes.

Lin Fan patted a soldier who was crying and said with a smile: "Don't be so excited. You have worked hard too. I have read your information and you have lost ten pounds during that time. It seems that during that time you were doing a lot of publicity. Xia Sisi, you must be very tired."

The weak-looking soldier's expression suddenly turned strange: "Well, promoting our red ideas is actually not that tiring. Just throw the laptop over there and let them read the information and that's it..."

"Then why have you lost weight?" Lin Fan was stunned.

"The main reason is that the plane I went to happened to be the Fox Clan plane." The old warrior's face was slightly red, but he hesitated to speak.

Lin Fan looked puzzled: "Huh? What happened to the Fox Clan plane?"

"Everyone in the fox tribe is a beautiful girl, and they also have animal ears and tails..."

"Then what?" Lin Fan became more and more confused as he listened.

"This is actually not the key point. The key point is that the day I went happened to be their breeding day..." The soldier said awkwardly: "You said that I have been single for twenty years, and I have become a beast in the military camp. Yes, I met a group of very enthusiastic, hot-bodied, animal-eared fox girls who dragged me to the cabin naked, who could withstand this, and then I...ahem..."

Lin Fan: "..."

Even the admiring Daxia audience fell into silence.


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