Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 786 The Great Steel Wall is completed!

"You have no choice but to do this. I understand you." Lin Fan said with a complex expression: "Under that can be regarded as dedicating one's life to Daxia and dedicating one's life to establishing a deep relationship between the two races..."

"But you said that you have been single for twenty years. This is easy to handle. I will ask the organization to help you solve your single problem later, so you don't have to hold it in anymore."

But the soldier whispered: "Well, there's no need for that. I've married twenty-eight fox girls over there..."

"Twenty-eight?" Lin Fan's eyes widened!

The soldier said cautiously: "As an honorary chief, I can marry twenty-eight people... Is this a mistake?"

"You are in the world of the Fox Clan, and Daxia's laws don't seem to have any control there... Just do as the Romans do, and you did it for Daxia..." Lin Fan sighed, then frowned and said: "But it's not fair, I'm an orc The chief can only marry ten female orcs, why do you have twenty-eight!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

"Did you hear that?" A Daxia citizen whispered: "The commander-in-chief married ten female orcs."

"Yeah, I really didn't expect the Commander-in-Chief... Sigh! But I have to say that the Commander-in-Chief is in really good shape. Ten female orcs... are like giants. The Commander-in-Chief can deal with ten of them. No wonder he can kill gods with his sword!"

"Not only is he in good health, he also has a good appetite! I was scared when I saw that female orc, but the commander-in-chief can actually eat it! He is truly worthy of being the commander-in-chief!"

"Haven't you heard the point?" A Daxia citizen suddenly looked extremely excited, "There is such a thing as a breeding day! I don't care, I want to travel there!"

Remember m in one second.

On top of the Great Steel Wall, Xingye's smiling face instantly froze.

Lin Fan instantly felt a strong murderous intention, like a cold dagger pressed against his neck. When he turned around, he saw Xingye staring straight at him with a fierce look.

"Ten?" Xingye said coldly.

Lin Fan: "..."

It's over.

This is hard to explain.

"Commander in chief," the soldier whispered, "the twenty-eight fox girls all hope to be with me, and also hope to come to Daxia to see the human world... Can..."

"Now that we have officially started communicating with them, the entry and exit gates will be set up soon. As long as the procedures are complete, you can come to Daxia." Lin Fan said with a smile, "Spouses of Daxia people can also get residence permits from Daxia. Of course. , If you want to become a Daxia nationality and truly become a Daxia citizen, you also need to work and pay taxes to contribute to Daxia."

Daxia nationality is the most difficult nationality to join!

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief!" The soldier looked excited: "That way all my twenty-eight wives can come!"

Lin Fan: "...Can you stop showing off here?"

Not only this soldier, many soldiers took advantage of this mission to solve their own life-long affairs while becoming honorary chiefs, chiefs and other positions of various tribes...

After these few episodes, Lin Fan raised the microphone again and said with a smile: "This celebration is perfect..."

But at the moment Lin Fan was about to announce the end.


A hand suddenly pulled the microphone, and Shang Weitian grabbed the microphone and said with a smile: "Commander-in-Chief, I have prepared a surprise for you."

Lin Fan was stunned.

But he saw Shang Weitian walking up to Lin Fan and saluting the reporters, soldiers and people under the city wall!

"Today is the celebration meeting for the official establishment of our Great Xia Ten Thousand Realms Alliance!"

"It's also exactly one month before the arrival of the gods!"


Shang Weitian smiled and said: "Here, Daxia has two surprises for everyone!"

"The first surprise."

"Through the hard work of all the people, countless workers working overtime in production and construction, countless drivers working day and night to transport, and countless people's full help..."

"It took three months!"

"I, Daxia, have raised the height of the 36,000-mile Great Steel Wall to 500 meters!"

“Only the last brick is left, and it’s officially completed!”

"This day is not only the official establishment of the Alliance of All Realms, but also the day when our Great Steel Wall of Great Xia is completed!"

Shang Weitian pointed to the edge of the city wall, where there was a sunken void that was not filled with bricks.


There is nothing missing from the 36,000-mile Great Steel Wall.

Looking all the way, the 500-meter-high wall towers perfectly!

Only one brick is missing!

This is the last brick of the 36,000-mile Great Wall!

For a moment, the whole place was excited!

"Is it finished?"

“Oh my God, we really did it!”

"Thirty-six thousand miles, five hundred meters! We really did it!"

"On weekdays, I just drive and pull bricks, and I don't even notice... We, we have a five-hundred-meter-high Great Wall guard!"

The Great Wall is really too high. When it reaches more than 400 meters, the height change is almost invisible.

At this moment, after hearing Shang Weitian's words, all the people of Daxia couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the majestic Great Wall.

Five hundred meters!

The Great Wall is like a giant beast, spanning the sky and the earth, almost covering the sky!

It's so oppressive that it's almost impossible to breathe when you get close.

But for Daxia people, there is no sense of oppression at all, only a sense of security!

Just because this is a giant beast raised by the Daxia people with countless sweat, and they built this majestic Great Wall!

But now, this giant beast is only one brick away from becoming complete!

Everyone was silent with red eyes, as if waiting for something.

"Now, let our commander-in-chief fill in the last brick with his own hands."

Shang Weitian looked at Lin Fan and handed Lin Fan a brick and a small bucket of cement.

Lin Fan took the brick and felt extremely heavy.

"I, Lin Fan, despite my virtue and ability, am so lucky." Lin Fan looked at the vast crowd under the Great Wall and said in a trembling voice, "I can fill this last brick."

Lin Fan slowly bent down. The commander-in-chief of Daxia was as skilled as a worker. He quickly smoothed the cement and then gently put the brick down and pressed it firmly.

this moment.

There is no gap in the Great Steel Wall!

The 500-meter steel Great Wall stands, blocking the ocean from the land!

"I declare that the Great Steel Wall is officially completed!" Lin Fan stood up slowly and said loudly.

"It's done!!"

"We have a 500-meter steel Great Wall!"

"Hahaha, so what if the sea level rises? We have a 500-meter Great Wall!"

"There is no such a magnificent building in the world!"

"The hard work during this period... has not been in vain!" A tanned worker burst into tears: "Damn, I should be happy, why the hell am I crying!"

"When I get old, I will also recall this period of time!" Another worker said with a smile: "In the future, I can point to the Great Wall and tell my grandson, if you see that Great Wall, I built it!"



Lin Fan took the phone and said with a smile: "Everyone."

"Here, I announce that the third phase of the Great Steel Wall project is officially over and the Great Steel Wall is completely completed!"

"Although I was the one who filled the last brick, the one I really want to thank is all of you!"

"It was you who built the Great Wall of Steel!"

"It's you who raised this giant beast brick by brick!"

"It was the Daxia people, the 140,000,000 compatriots, and everyone present who built this 500-meter behemoth!"

"This 500-meter steel Great Wall is a miracle of the world! But the gathering of 140,000 compatriots, every Daxia person, is a miracle of Daxia that is even more legendary than the miracle of the world!"

Lin Fan suddenly turned around and drew his knife suddenly!

The Shura sword comes out!

Shura's divine power suddenly spread out, and Lin Fan looked like a ghost, slashing at the Great Steel Wall with a knife!


Loud noise!

Under the reaction force, Lin Fan suddenly stepped back.

The Great Steel Wall only had a huge hole, and the cracks were widespread. But when Shang Weitian poured a pot of pig blood on it, the Great Steel Wall healed slowly and returned to its original state in less than two minutes!

This is the Great Wall that even Lin Fan cannot shake!

Towering like a mountain, indestructible!

"They say I am the commander-in-chief, but in front of this Great Wall, I don't care." After the attack failed, Lin Fan didn't feel the slightest bit unhappy on his face. Instead, he laughed and said, "I am in our 140,000,000 great summers." In front of my compatriots, it doesn’t matter!”

"I filled the last brick, and it was you who gave me the honor of Lin Fan! Although I filled the last brick, each of the 140,000 Daxia compatriots has his or her own sweat in it!"

"It is each of us who jointly built the Great Wall of Daxia!"

"Now, facing the coming Poseidon, we have such a Great Wall guard!"

"Here, I thank you all!"

Facing countless Daxia people, soldiers, and reporters, Lin Fan slowly bowed and bent to the end!

Thank you Daxia!

Thank you to countless compatriots!

Although Lin Fan is the commander-in-chief of slaying gods with swords, Lin Fan never feels that he is the hero!

on the contrary.

Daxia is his backing!

It was precisely because of the people of Great Xia who worked silently and hard, and precisely because of the 140,000,000 compatriots behind him that Lin Fan dared to face the gods and the divine world!

They are the ones who should be grateful the most!

Soldiers and civilians also shed tears uncontrollably. Some workers with tanned skin wiped their tears, some drivers with tired faces laughed, and some residents who usually kept delivering food cheered loudly.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Thank you for our own efforts!"

The shout spread quickly.

"Thank you for never giving up these days!"

"Thank you to each of us for sticking to our homeland and working hard!"

"We made it!"

When the atmosphere gradually calmed down, Shang Weitian raised the microphone again, rubbed his eyes, and then said: "Everyone, calm down."

"Next, there is a second surprise."


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