Myth is Coming

Chapter 533 Injuries to Both Eyes

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Afterwards, the forces from all sides came continuously like a revolving lantern, which made the Xizhou Seventh Bureau very lively.

Many forces from the Broken Finger Alliance and the Western Regions came here one after another, and all of them were extremely polite. Shaoyang was also helpless, and spent a lot of effort to dismiss these people...

Fortunately, he has [On-Hook Mode], so he is not afraid of delaying time.

Everyone was sent away by him. Lu Sheng and Qin Gong from the Broken Finger League originally wanted to protect Shaoyang here, but they were also sent back by Shaoyang. As for Shaoyang himself, he naturally has to wait for news from Sang Lao.

Finally quiet down.

Shao Yang endured his temper, while comprehending all kinds of magical powers of Taoism, while practicing his previous comprehension in the hang-up mode.

Finally, on this day, another visitor was ushered in——


"Senior Suzaku."

Shao Yang said hastily. He was also quite grateful from the bottom of his heart. Senior Suzaku seemed to be quite rigid in the forbidden secret place before, but he didn't expect that he would care so much after his accident.

Quite unexpected.

Suzaku glanced at Shaoyang, nodded slightly to him, and said straight to the point: "Baihu has already told me about you, it shouldn't be difficult, I'll go back and make arrangements, you go to the forbidden secret place in three days, and I will arrange for someone to help you recover your eyesight. She looked at Shaoyang's eyes again, "I promise not to affect the magical powers of the eyes."

Shaoyang couldn't help but feel happy when he heard the words. He knew that although Senior Suzaku seemed a bit rigid, he would never lie. Since she used "guarantee", there must be a way.

So, Shaoyang quickly thanked him and said, "Thank you, Senior Suzaku!"

Suzaku shook his head, "You are the recipient of the gold medal, and you deserve it."

Shaoyang knew that Suzaku was in charge of the Forbidden Secret Office, and had also won a gold medal. As far as the Forbidden Secret Department is considered a key department, it has only won one gold medal in so many years, and it can be seen from the side that this gold medal is rare.

After Suzaku finished speaking, she wasn't the type who likes to sit down and talk politely, seeing that Shaoyang had nothing else to say, she got up and left.

Shaoyang quickly sent her out.

go back.

Having received the exact news, Shaoyang became more relaxed and carefully sized up his cultivation:

[Spiritual perception: 280; physical body: 280; energy: 280;

Level: Awakening Realm, Consummation! 】

After being honed by the Three Kingdoms world and the diligent practice in the past few days, his three attributes have all improved. However, Shaoyang himself also knows that what he improves the most is not the attribute, but the precise use of his own power!

This is the intangible improvement brought about by constantly sharpening other senses after blocking some senses.

Shaoyang faintly felt that he seemed to have touched a boundary, but the accumulation was still lacking, so there was no obvious progress for the time being.

But if you persevere, there will inevitably be differences.


But this night, Shaoyang was breathing out and practicing, when suddenly a divine light appeared in front of his eyes, and a figure appeared in front of his eyes. And when he saw the person coming, Shaoyang couldn't help being excited——

"Senior Azure Dragon?!"

The person in front of him is of course the Qinglong senior who Shaoyang met when he was in Laizhou, and who followed him in country r!

Qinglong sat down next to Shaoyang unassumingly, looked him up and down, couldn't help but smile "haha", "You boy, not bad! With only this level of cultivation, I can clean up Wu Laoer and Gui Tong. Read it again. Let it go!"

Shaoyang was ashamed, "The junior was driven to run around, and he managed to escape with the help of the formation."

Qinglong nodded, "It's not easy to run around."


Shaoyang was speechless, this didn't sound like a compliment!

However, Qinglong changed the subject and talked about his reason for coming, "I don't like to owe people favors. This time, I have benefited a lot from the S-level secret I got from the witch.

I owe you a favor, boy. Just in time, I heard that your kid's eyes were injured, I thought, isn't this just my chance? "

Shaoyang: "..."

I know, I know that your old man wants to take this opportunity to repay the favor, but I don't know, I thought you always took the opportunity to retaliate!

Speaking of which, this S-level secret, the altar of the witch...isn't it enough to qualify for a gold medal?

The official hasn't counted this reward for himself yet!

Of course, there is no rush.

These miscellaneous thoughts were turning in Shaoyang's mind, and at the same time, he was calculating quickly, and tentatively said: "Senior, Senior Suzaku just came here and told me to go to the forbidden secret place, saying that he would help me solve the problem of my eyes."

Qinglong said disapprovingly: "I know her method, but it is to use some secret methods to help you regenerate your limbs. This will at most restore your eyes to their original state. But my method is to change passiveness into activeness, so that you will start from this situation instead. Benefit from an injury! Which one do you choose?"

Shao Yang said decisively: "Naturally, it is according to the senior!"

Although, Senior Qinglong often appears and disappears without much contact, and he always feels unreliable in his actions.

But in terms of cultivation, Qinglong is the undisputed number one in the country!

Since he would say that, he must have great confidence.

Qinglong nodded in satisfaction, "Let's go."

Shao Yang murmured, "This... Senior, this junior has already agreed to Senior Suzaku, I wonder how long it will be here? Should this junior inform Senior Suzaku first?"

Qinglong smiled and said: "It won't be long, but it's good if you say something, just let her see my methods."

Shaoyang: "..."

After thinking about it, he still left a note. When Director Tang Xi sees it later, he will naturally pass it on to Senior Suzaku.

After he finished all this, with a flick of the blue dragon robe sleeve, a small boat emerged, and it burst into the air in an instant, and suddenly shuttled into time and space! But seeing a stream of space-time light changing by his side, he has already left the real world...

Shaoyang couldn't help being surprised! Although he knew that senior Qinglong was very powerful, he never expected that he could do this.

This is also different from Na Wulao and others, they still borrowed the power of the magic weapon.

But Qinglong is purely relying on his own supernatural powers!

No external force was used at all.

Shaoyang has only seen this method on the body of the witch Li Zhan. Shao Yang couldn't help but think again, senior Qinglong kept saying that he got enlightenment from the matter of the witch, did he mean this?

Qinglong and the others were already top monks, and Qinglong thought he had gained a lot at this time, Shaoyang couldn't help but have a thought in his heart——

He blurted out and asked: "Senior Qinglong, could it be that you have already broken through to S rank?!"

Qinglong glanced at him, smiled "Hey", but shook his head again, "I have touched some, but I haven't completely broken through yet."

That is to say—very likely? !

Shaoyang couldn't help being surprised and delighted.

Senior Qinglong is the number one monk among domestic monks! When Sang Lao listened to it that day, he would be able to understand it; naturally, the same is true for Senior Qinglong. If there are really more S-levels, it will undoubtedly give the officials a lot of confidence.

For Shaoyang, it is also a good thing.

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