Myth is Coming

Chapter 534: Doshita Palace

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Qinglong controlled the flat boat, escaped from the light flow of time and space in an instant, and appeared in a vast and vast place, surrounded by clouds and mists, full of fairy energy, and full of spiritual energy.

Shao Yang took a deep breath, and suddenly felt a wave of pure and spiritual energy pouring into his body, and suddenly he got great benefits.

"What kind of place is this?" Shaoyang couldn't help being surprised and delighted.

He lowered his head and glanced at his screen, but this time, his own system did not give any reminder.

how come?

Shaoyang was taken aback immediately, this was the first time he entered such a time and space.

Qinglong appeared next to Shaoyang, but lowered his voice, "Be careful! If you disturb those great powers here, you and I will be buried here."


Shaoyang was quite surprised, even senior Qinglong would say that?

Shao Yang couldn't help lowering his voice, and asked curiously: "Senior Qinglong, I don't know where this"

Qinglong smiled "hehe", "Dousita Palace."

Doshita palace? !

Could it be that in the myths and legends, where the Taishang Laojun lived, the treasure land of alchemy and weapon refining? Is it also the place where Monkey King was trapped here, but turned into a place with sharp eyes? Shao Yang couldn't help but look at Senior Qinglong in surprise...Senior Qinglong, why are you so imaginative?

Shaoyang's breathing could not help but become a little more subtle! Just kidding, this is one of the most important treasures in the heaven!

Don't look at the Journey to the West, Monkey King made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, setting off the Heavenly Court in a panic. But that is Monkey King, how can I have this ability?

Can't afford to provoke...

Shaoyang couldn't help but glance at Qinglong, not knowing whether to cry or laugh. It never occurred to him that the place Senior Qinglong pointed out, the place where the eyes were restored, was actually here!


Sun Wukong was in the alchemy furnace, but because of the smoke and fire in the Xun Palace, he became a pair of piercing eyes.

Not to mention whether I can withstand the power of this gossip furnace, this... is not right.

no no no...

Shao Yang changed his mind and thought again, this idea of ​​his is too scary! This is the territory of the Taishang Laojun, and I am so humble, I am here to deliver food. It's better not to think about it here, it's safer.

Not to mention Shaoyang turning all kinds of thoughts, but saying that Qinglong brought Shaoyang here, he didn't dare to use escapism, restrained all his breath, hid in the clouds and mists, and groped quietly.

Shaoyang tugged at Qinglong quickly, and said in a low voice: "Senior... I think it's better for us to go back. I think it's good to use the method of Senior Suzaku."

Qinglong smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, you don't have to be afraid, just follow me, keep it safe."

Shaoyang was helpless.

But he had no choice but to follow Qinglong and move forward cautiously.

While flying away, Qinglong also explained a few words to Shaoyang, "This is a fragment of time that I discovered by chance. I was thinking, isn't it just in line with your cultivation needs at this time? So, it is cheap You, it is not so easy for ordinary people to enter here."

Shaoyang: "..."

Thank you very much, old man!

Of course, the complaints belong to the complaints, and Shaoyang actually knows that Senior Qinglong's willingness to take out this fragment of time is already a kind of care for himself.

This is the Tushita palace! Even though there are many dangers, there are also opportunities everywhere. How many benefits are hidden in it?

However, Shaoyang still has doubts, "Senior Qinglong, this gossip furnace is a place where you can sharpen your eyes. The younger generation only has such a little knowledge, how can it help?"

But Qinglong looked at him speechlessly... "Ha" smiled, "You really dare to think about it! You have sharp eyes? I don't even dare to think about it! You have sharp eyes, your current cultivation level is still far behind, and you can't make it No, what I mean is that the Jiuzhuan Golden Pill is refined in this Bagua furnace,

But the elixir in the sky, the treasure of the celestial family, taking this elixir, what is the mere injury? "


It was only then that Shaoyang realized that this was the original idea of ​​senior Qinglong. However, Shaoyang couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, he turned to joy, the Nine-turn Immortal Pill, which was refined by the Supreme Lord, for the Jade Emperor Pill Origin Conference!

It is the first-class elixir in the world of Journey to the West! Compared with the purple-patterned cymbals in the peach orchard, the flat peaches that ripen once in nine thousand years are even better. How can their efficacy be underestimated?

If he could really take one pill, the injury to his eyes would be no problem at all.

Needless to say, it is better than before, I am afraid that my whole body will be tempered, shed my mortal body, and my supernatural powers will be greatly improved!

Shaoyang immediately lifted his spirits.

This Tushita palace is higher than thirty-three days, but it is probably because of this that the security here is not strict. That's why in the world of Journey to the West, Monkey King made a big fuss here, stole the Nine Revolutions elixir, and swallowed it clean.

This time Shaoyang followed Qinglong in, being cautious all the way and being on guard everywhere, but he didn't encounter any guards.

This Tushita Palace is extremely vast, according to various records, it seems to be just an ordinary palace in the Heavenly Court, but when Shaoyang came in this time, he felt that the space was so vast that he didn't know how far it was. He followed Qinglong, although he slowed down his speed and didn't dare to be careless, but he flew away for a long time, and the scenery in front of him didn't change a little.

Qinglong explained to Shaoyang, "Don't be surprised, there are all kinds of 'immortals' in the heavenly court, with vast dharma bodies, so their palaces are also extremely vast, far beyond your imagination. I know the way well, you just follow me. "

Shaoyang looked at him, deeply suspicious of his claim to be "familiar with the road".

However, there is no other way right now, but to follow behind Senior Qinglong.

In such places, the Dao is suppressed, and Shaoyang's superficial supernatural power of "Fuxi's sixty-four hexagrams" is naturally far from enough to calculate the direction.


But he said that while he was walking, he suddenly saw a flame rolling up from his eyes, crossing the air in an instant, the flame unfolded and turned into infinite mysterious runes, and a huge fairy spirit faintly penetrated.

Shaoyang, Qinglong and the others didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly ducked down, not daring to face this flame head-on.

What is hidden in the gossip furnace of Taishang Laojun is the famous Liuding Shenhuo!

Although Shaoyang has Nanming Lihuo, it is also the purest flame in the world. But the quality may not be bad, but the power of the flames is not at the same level.

After all, Shaoyang's cultivation was much inferior.

You know, Liuding Shenhuo is quite afraid of Sun Wukong, who is invulnerable with copper head and iron arm, and hides in the Xungong Palace of Bagua Furnace to avoid the flames, let alone Shaoyang and the others?

Therefore, the two could only dodge again and again.

And at this juncture, the two of them naturally didn't care about identifying the direction, and hurriedly dodged. When they looked up, they suddenly saw more flames burning in front of their eyes!

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