Myth is Coming

Chapter 800 Entering the Inner Circle

In fact, for Shaoyang, besides the elixir and spiritual treasures, what he gained after entering the secret realm this time is the information about the "Thousand Islands Controversy"!

After all, Shaoyang is an outsider, although he really doesn't know much about these things.

And although Tianshi Xingjun and Ju Yuling are also from the "prehistoric" era, there are countless prehistoric eras, and this "Thousand Islands Controversy" is just a small era in the chaotic era. Trials, people like Tianshi Xingjun and the others, how could they usually pay attention to these things?


At least that's what Tianshi Xingjun himself said.

So, after entering, even though I have been hearing about the "Thousand Islands Controversy", in fact Shaoyang is still a little ignorant. He only knows that countless secret realms are connected, but he is not quite clear about what the struggle is.

Only now did Shaoyang understand clearly from the Dharma Phase Realm of the Anise Clan.

Where did they think that Shaoyang didn't even know this?

Therefore, Shaoyang had already inquired and understood it very quickly.

It turned out that the Thousand Islands Controversy had occurred almost since the birth of their era. It's just that it was hidden in the depths of the ocean at the beginning, and some races that occasionally entered here almost didn't make any sound, so it was spread at the beginning that this place is a mysterious "sea of ​​death".

Until later, several later powerful races such as the Giant Vein Clan, Yinxolot Clan, and Lung Scorpion Clan, some of the strongest among them, entered here by accident.

They were already in the Netherworld at that time, and their various supernatural powers were much better than those ordinary sea people!

So, finally let them get a lot of resources from here, and start to rise rapidly! And with the excavation of the Thousand Islands Controversy by various ethnic groups, more and more Immortal Realms were born...

All races began to realize that the Thousand Islands War is the most effective way for them to break through to the Immortal Realm and escape from the Calamity of the Era!

The status of the Thousand Islands Controversy has been elevated.

Their era, which was originally unknown in the long river of time, also attracted the attention and intervention of the top powers because of the Thousand Islands Dispute.

There is no need to elaborate on the various disputes between them.

And now, the Thousand Islands Controversy has been thoroughly explored:

First of all, the location is in this mysterious sea of ​​mind. In the sea water, due to the power permeated by the relics of the previous era, vortices will be formed one after another, and within each vortex, there is a secret realm hidden.

There are naturally all kinds of elixir and spiritual treasures in the secret realm, which is also the opportunity for many monks.

But these alone are far from enough to cause a scramble for an era...

But it is because, within the inner circle of these secret realms, there are still floating islands one after another. Only by entering the floating islands and defeating the guardians on them can one obtain this floating island—that is, the control of this secret realm right.

Gaining the right to control means gaining the qualification to enter the next stage... This is what the powerhouse who has penetrated the secluded realm values ​​most!

It is also an opportunity for them to break through to the [Immortal Realm].

Even, even for the Immortal Realm Patriarchs of various races, gaining control over the Netherworld Realm within their clan would be of great benefit to them...

Shaoyang pondered, no matter what, he always had to enter the inner circle of the secret realm, and try to fight for the "control" of the secret realm.



The disciples of the Silverfish Clan naturally didn't know Shaoyang's purpose—after all, they were all in the Faxiang Realm, and generally competing for the control of the floating island was a matter of the [Traveling the Nether Realm]. Although it is said that there must be weak people in these secluded environments, there will be strong people, right?

The competition for each floating island is very tragic!

Therefore, these disciples of the Anise Clan are still complacent, thinking that this human race is really greedy for profit!

It didn't take long for the group of people to fly away, and they had already entered the inner circle.

And once entering the inner circle, it really is quite different from the outside, I only feel that the fire here is more intense, and it is the kind of fire that makes people feel as if they are about to burst out! During this period of flying,

It seemed that there was a burst of dryness in the heart without knowing it.

Sure enough!

Shao Yang didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly used his magical powers to suppress the dryness in his heart.

Not to mention, although the human race is inferior to these races in terms of murderousness and courage, but when it comes to suppressing this kind of dryness, it is better than the other races.

The various supernatural powers of the human race are relatively good at this aspect!

Shao Yang secretly compared and nodded in his heart.

He turned his head to look at the disciples of the Yinmao Clan beside him, but he saw that everyone's eyes began to turn red under the agitation, obviously adding a layer of murderous aura.

"Everyone..." Shao Yang tried to call them.

However, the disciples of the Yinmao Clan turned their heads openly, "Don't talk nonsense! I'll go search for treasures, you wait here, if you dare to leave without permission! I will kill you!"

Some people are even eager to try, as if they want to make gestures with Shaoyang.

Shaoyang smiled and said: "Okay, you can go, but don't forget, I will share 50% of your gains!"


All the disciples of the Anise Clan spoke viciously. Of course, as for what they think in their hearts, that's unknown...

Shaoyang didn't mind either, he nodded immediately and just said, "Okay."

As a result, a group of disciples of the Silverfish Clan fled to the surroundings one after another! Soon, there was only one person left in Shaoyang! If it was before, they might have paid attention to avoid being defeated by Shaoyang one by one; but now, due to the influence of dryness here, everyone was not thinking so thoroughly, so they didn't take this matter into consideration.

Shaoyang smiled and said, "This fellow Taoist, don't you want to search for various resources here?"

Although the man only felt dryness welling up from the bottom of his heart, he did not completely lose his mind, so he snorted coldly, "Don't try to trick me! Wait a moment, and the other clansmen will come back and replace me."

Shaoyang smiled "haha", "Maybe, but there are so many spirit treasures here, what if they forget the time?"

The man said decisively: "Impossible!"

However, having said that, even his heart could not help but be slightly shaken.

Shaoyang smiled slightly, "Fellow Daoist, we have been cooperating for so long, and you should be able to see that I have no intention of running away. There is no need for you to keep watching me. What's more, time is precious, so don't hurry up , who knows what else is left for you, how much is left?"


Shao Yang smiled and flew forward, "Just say you can't keep up with me."

The man was shaken for a while... Moreover, Shao Yang's escape speed was indeed very fast, he hesitated for a moment, Shao Yang had already fled far away.

He quickly chased after Shaoyang, "Don't run away!"

Shao Yang smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will show up here again in an hour, you can wait for me near here."

The man stopped involuntarily, and Shao Yang had disappeared.

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