Myth is Coming

Chapter 801

Shaoyang threw away the disciples of the Yinyu Clan, naturally in order to explore the vicinity of the floating island.

If they were followed by these silver shark disciples, they would naturally refuse to go. Instead of letting them get in the way, it's better to throw them away for now!

When you need it, go to them and take back your 50% elixir and treasure, right?


Shaoyang's escape light flickered, and he quickly flew far away. In the distance, I saw a floating island, floating not far away.

And here, Shaoyang can feel the strong firepower more and more!

Every floating island is like a volcano about to erupt.

Shaoyang's speed also slowed down a little. At this point, you have entered the core area of ​​the secret realm under each vortex! Most of the secluded realms have also entered here.

So many secluded realms have entered the same secret realm, but only one person can gain the control of the floating island, so naturally there will be some competition.

Therefore, there are those who go forward bravely, full of confidence, and rush to fight for it, and naturally there are also those who hide in the dark, trying to reap the benefits of the fisherman...


Shaoyang flew away for a while, his spiritual sense moved, he turned his head and looked aside, but saw a bamboo forest hidden in the valley. The strong vitality diffused, and even the raging fire around seemed to have become much diluted.

"Creation elixir?!"

Shaoyang couldn't help but feel elated, feeling that the weather here should at least be the elixir of good fortune.

Sure enough, there are countless spiritual treasures and elixir in this secret realm. Even if they were searched by Tongyou Realm, there are still treasures of this level left behind!

Shao Yang groped forward carefully.



Just listening to the sound of snakes and insects crawling, a green snake suddenly rushed out from the depths of the bamboo forest, like a green light, and shot straight towards Shaoyang.

Shao Yang couldn't help but praise from the bottom of his heart, this green snake is really sharp, he has been very careful, he didn't expect to be noticed by him so soon.


With a finger of Shaoyang, he had already sacrificed the Phoenix Feather Sword, and in an instant, he saw more than a hundred sword lights flying through the void, heading straight for the green snake to chop.

The green snake's light and shadow intertwined, and it seemed as if it had escaped into the void for a moment.

Shaoyang's sword light was all defeated!

But he was not in a hurry, and saw him swipe casually, and more than a hundred sword lights rolled in like water in an instant, spreading all over the surrounding space for a while. Although the green snake's hidden supernatural powers are ingenious, how could it escape the subtraction of Shaoyang's [Heaven and Man Harmony] realm? Almost all the space is filled with sword light.

Therefore, in an instant, the figure of the green snake had to emerge, like a blue line, meandering in the void.


Shao Yang smiled slightly, and his sword technique changed quietly, covering the green snake once again.

The green snake quickly dodged, but with Shaoyang's swordsmanship, no matter how it dodged left and right, how could it dodge?

A moment later, the green snake had been chopped off by Shao Yang's sword.

Shaoyang landed the escape light, stopped beside the green snake's body, and carefully looked at it with his supernatural powers, but saw that the green snake was only about one foot long, with a kind of fine scales all over its body, perhaps because of these scales, It makes its movement very strange and unpredictable.

Shaoyang immediately started to put these scales away——

This is also a good baby!

If it is refined into a magic weapon, incorporating this characteristic into it should be very helpful, whether it is defense or escape.


What surprised Shaoyang was not this! He was wondering, how could there be bamboo forests and green snakes in this era?

These two should not be the races that should appear in the chaotic era!

So, why is it here?

It suddenly occurred to Shaoyang that what the crowd had been saying all along, this battle of the Thousand Islands was a relic of a certain era! Shaoyang subconsciously thought that it was a certain era before.

But now that I think about it, who dares to say that it cannot be a certain era later?

Faintly, Shaoyang gained a new understanding of the long river of time and countless eras.


But at this moment, Shaoyang's heart suddenly moved, and his body quickly moved to the side, and soon, he saw a black light falling on the position where he was standing before.

Shaoyang stepped out with a [Explosive Step], only to see a "centipede" with a length of more than two meters appeared there.

Shaoyang knew that this was the "earth centipede".

Among these races in the chaotic era, the Centipede Clan is actually not a particularly powerful race; but no matter how weak it is, it is stronger than the Lizard Clan Shaoyang had come into contact with before. The length of the centipede's body is quite related to Taoism. The body of the centipede in front of us has reached more than two meters, and I'm afraid it has just broken through to the Netherworld.

——Of course, this is not necessarily, it is just a reference.

If you think about it, you can know that since the centipedes know that their cultivation is related to their height, how can they just sit back and watch themselves leave this flaw all the time?

Therefore, they will always have various ways to cover up...

For reference only.

But Shaoyang estimated that he shouldn't be very strong, and he probably wasn't ready to break through to the Immortal Realm, so he searched for all kinds of treasures here instead of going to the floating island.

Of course, these are just speculations.

The two didn't speak, the centipede missed a single blow, and fell there, immediately turned around, drew an arc suddenly, and rushed again.

Countless foot hooks appeared on the top of his head, piercing towards Shaoyang one after another.

"Just compare who has more!"

Shaoyang smiled, and the Phoenix Feather Sword was thrown out!

Although his Phoenix Feather Sword only transformed into more than a hundred sword lights, but with the addition of his exquisite swordsmanship, it is not inferior to that centipede clan! Even, because of Shaoyang's ingenious use of power, he faintly began to gain the upper hand.

The local centipede couldn't help being startled, he saw that Shaoyang was only in the Faxiang Realm, so he couldn't help being a little careless, thinking that he was already sure.

But who would have thought that he failed to succeed in the sneak attack, but was gradually forced into a disadvantage by Shaoyang?


The centipede clan sacrificed several supernatural powers in succession, but Shaoyang resolved them one by one.

The centipede tribe immediately felt the intention to retreat... If they continue to fight, they might be killed by this dharma realm!

Therefore, the centipede tribe swung their bodies and wanted to flee outside.


"Want to escape?"

Shaoyang was already waiting for him! Seeing the centipede move away, Shao Yang immediately released the ancient seal in mid-air, covering the centipede far away!

Shao Yang has practiced for so long with the seal of lock mind, although he dare not say that he can completely control it, but he can already use it to a certain extent...

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