Myth is Coming

Chapter 802: One body is a treasure

The centipedes here can't imagine that there is such a treasure on Shaoyang——

This is no longer accessible at their level!

Therefore, the power of the Seal of Suo Nian leaked out, and the centipede felt their bodies go limp, and lost all their strength in an instant.

"what happened?"

He didn't even understand what happened and was horrified.

Shaoyang has been waiting for this opportunity! Where else would you miss? But seeing that the centipede's power was cut off, Shaoyang immediately sacrificed more than a hundred sword lights, and suddenly cut down on the centipede.

A streak of sword light burst into the body of the centipede in an instant, and traveled along his meridians. Almost instantly, his entire body was torn apart.

However, the powerful recovery ability of Tongyoujing kept his already torn body still a little bit disconnected.

And the powerful qi and blood spread, and he was rapidly recovering from his injuries!

Shao Yang couldn't help but admire secretly, these prehistoric races were really strong physically, compared to the human race, they were indeed much weaker in this respect - they have been so severely injured, and they can still recover?

However, how could Shaoyang give him another chance?

The swordsmanship unfolded again, and more than a hundred sword lights penetrated into the body of the centipede clan more closely, completely cutting off all his vitality in an instant.

With a wave of Shao Yang, he put away all the treasures on his body,

Of course, for the races of this era, their bodies are powerful, so many parts of their bodies are also rare refining materials.

Shaoyang has already taken a fancy to the hundreds of foot hooks of the centipede tribe here!

He didn't think it was bloody even with his hands, he took off these hundreds of foot hooks and held them in his hands, but he felt that each one had a shiny feeling, when he tapped it lightly, it made a clanging sound, After holding it and trying it, no matter the sharpness or hardness, it is obviously a very high-quality texture.

Apart from these foot hooks, other parts of the centipede's body are naturally of great value, at least comparable to pure yang-grade spirit treasures.

Shaoyang is also very satisfied, he deserves to be a strong player in the Netherworld!

It is simply more profitable than searching for other elixir and spirit treasures.

Shao Yang quickly suppressed the little restlessness in his heart, and remained calm, not to be affected by the fire here.

After Shaoyang collected all the body materials of the local centipede, he immediately flew into the bamboo forest.

Soon, Shaoyang discovered in the depths of the bamboo forest a green bamboo that was only seven inches high and was green all over, but there was a layer of fine runes naturally distributed all over it. Shaoyang immediately recognized with his spiritual sense that this small green bamboo was the core of this bamboo forest! It is also the place with the most vitality here.

Of course, Shaoyang would not be polite, he repeatedly put the bamboo core away.

This kind of bamboo core is full of vitality, whether it is alchemy, refining, or even used to assist in arranging formations and drawing talismans... it is very practical.

Of course, it also has a very good effect when used to assist cultivation!

Shaoyang was not too polite, immediately took some of the most essence from the bamboo core, and swallowed it repeatedly.


He only listened to the meridians around him, as if the sound of water flow suddenly came, and a huge spiritual energy suddenly poured into the meridians all over his body, rolling and rushing along his whole body.

Instead of being surprised, Shaoyang was overjoyed, and quickly used various divine channels to refine this aura and turn it into his own use.

It should be said that Shaoyang's cultivation base at this time is also very profound, so even though the aura and quantity of these auras are amazing, Shaoyang's refining speed is still very fast.

Not long after, this aura has been transformed into his own cultivation:

[Spiritual perception: 650; physical body: 650; energy: 650;

Level: Dharma Aspect Realm, Consummation! 】

The three attributes have been improved again. Shaoyang is also very satisfied, but the matter of cultivation should not be rushed, it is better to explore the situation here first.


Shaoyang didn't stay any longer, and immediately continued to grope forward.

In the blink of an eye, more than two hours passed. Shaoyang has already circled that floating island carefully,

Through his careful observation, he basically confirmed several biggest competitors, which might hinder him from controlling the floating island.

——Of course, this is what he thinks. As for those realms that lead to darkness, I'm afraid he didn't take him seriously at all.

But at this time, those weaker Tongyoujing have been threatened or deterred by the stronger ones, and they retreated one by one and hid in the dark. At least on the surface, they did not dare to think about the floating island behind them. .

As for the strongest people, they are still confronting each other. They are all waiting for the restriction on the floating island to drop to the weakest, and they will take action in one fell swoop, defeat the guards above, and control the floating island.

Shao Yang frowned slightly, these strong men were very cautious, and they were afraid that no one would make a full-strength attack until the most critical time.

No one is afraid of being taken advantage of by others.

In such a situation, if you are only yourself in the state of Faxiang, how can you get out of the middle fire?

But Shaoyang was unwilling to give up.

I took the risk to enter this secret realm, is it just for these elixir and treasures around?

But in Jinbei Cave, Ju Yuling and Tianshi Xingjun didn't speak again.

But Shaoyang felt that they might all be watching him silently...

Won't you say something about [Tao Xin] again?

Shaoyang now has some enlightenment, but it is precisely because of these enlightenments, or because he does not fully "understand" after all, that he does not want to "show timidity" to himself.

While he was pondering, suddenly, some changes came from beside him.


Shaoyang immediately turned his head to look over vigilantly, but saw Jumaiyou's figure slowly stepping out from the bushes.

"It's you?" Shaoyang was alert.

But Jumaiyou shook his head, "This human fellow Taoist, I am here because I want to join hands with fellow Taoist!"

Shao Yang's heart skipped a beat, "Joint cooperation?"

Jumaiyou's eyes flickered, "That's right, I believe fellow Taoists have already discovered it, right? There are a lot of powerful people who have entered this secret realm, and many of them have [inherited supernatural powers], so it's hard to deal with. After all, you and I are weak. If we don't join hands, how can we compete with these powerful Netherworld Communications?"

Shaoyang pondered slightly, and did not express his opinion in a hurry. The Jumaiyou said again: "I believe that with the talent and ability of a fellow Taoist, it is not possible to enter here just for these materials, right? To control this secret realm, only you and I can join hands."

Shaoyang still didn't rush to agree, but instead asked: "Why did you choose me?"

Ju Maiyou admitted frankly, "Joining forces with those in the Netherworld Realm is undoubtedly seeking skin from a tiger! In the Faxiang Realm, only fellow Taoists can see into my Dharma eyes."

Shao Yang thinks about it too.

"Okay... But I still have a question. If you and I join forces and defeat all other competitors, who will control the floating island in the end?"

Ju Maiyou said without hesitation: "Of course each depends on their own strength! Fellow Daoists don't even have this confidence, do they?"

Hey, even this guy came to excite himself?

Shaoyang didn't care about it, he just smiled "Haha", "Okay!"

Agree down.

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