Myth is Coming

Chapter 803 This world is too crazy

Shaoyang and Jumaiyou fled outwards...

Ju Maiyou was naturally puzzled, but Shaoyang smiled indifferently, "I still have a group of younger brothers."

"Little brother?"

Jumai is puzzled.

Shaoyang didn't explain either. Soon, he saw the group of Dharma Aspect Realm disciples of the Silverfish Clan on the periphery.

"where did you go?!"

"Do you want to break the agreement?"

When all the silver sharks came back from searching for the elixir, Shaoyang suddenly disappeared, everyone was shocked! If they fail to complete the task, they will definitely be punished after returning to the family! Therefore, the dryness in everyone's hearts was frightened away a lot.

Therefore, when they saw Shaoyang this time, everyone couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, they couldn't help but surrounded him and questioned him.

However, Shaoyang smiled "haha" and deliberately snorted, "Where's the treasure you found? Why don't you hand it over soon?"

But Ju Maiyou didn't understand the inexplicable relationship between this group of people... So he just stood aside silently and didn't rush to speak.

But he didn't speak, how could the silver sharks ignore him?

All the silver sharks were even more puzzled, why did this giant vein get involved with this human race?

The Jumai family has always been very proud! Even their Yinmao Clan and Jumai Clan can't think highly of them.

Now, why are you standing beside this human race quietly?

All the silver sharks fell silent for a while.

To be honest, they didn't intend to distribute the elixirs and treasures that Shaoyang found before, but the sudden appearance of Jumaiyou shook their hearts. A Shaoyang, they are already not sure how to deal with it, let alone a Jumaiyou?

Seeing this, Shaoyang deliberately sneered and said, "You Daoist and I are going to go deeper, don't you want to act together?"

Ju Maiyou couldn't help but look at him... and said in his heart, your so-called "little brother" doesn't seem to be very obedient?

This has entered the inner circle, will you be obedient? Is it useful?

But when the members of the Silverfish Clan heard about it, they couldn't help but tremble. They naturally knew that the deeper they went, the more dangerous it would be. And they couldn't keep this human race. Besides continuing to cooperate with him, what else could they do?

So, the few people looked at each other, each of them was unwilling, but they had no choice but to hand over some of the elixir and treasure that they had worked so hard to find...

Jumaiyou was silent... At this moment, he deeply doubted himself!

What is wrong with this world?

Why is it so crazy?

These silver sharks clearly look like they are incompatible with this human race, but why Shaoyang obediently handed over the elixir and spiritual treasures that he had searched so hard to the hands of this human race with a few words? ?

And this human race is still picking and choosing:

"Is this too little?"

"Just this quality? Take out all the other elixirs you found, let me see, and I will choose myself."

"You don't want to follow me anymore, do you?"

Shaoyang scolded again and again.


The silver sharks who had been scolded by him in the head were naturally furious. But thinking about it, the current situation... It seems that apart from cooperating with Shaoyang, it is difficult to complete the task. Besides, Shaoyang has already given so many elixir and spirit treasures to Shaoyang before, and if they hold on for a while, when they have completed the task when the silver shark clan's penetrating secluded realm arrives, wouldn't it be worthwhile to turn their faces at this time?

Therefore, even though Shaoyang scolded them harshly, they all endured it. Even the silver shark who was questioned by Shaoyang obediently took out the part of the elixir left for him under the eyes of other silver shark companions, and let Shaoyang pick and choose with a disgusted look on his face.

Jumaiyou has already become numb... At this moment, he really admires Shaoyang's methods from the bottom of his heart.

No matter how Shaoyang did it, it was remarkable to make the Yinmao Clan so obedient.

Shaoyang made an inventory, and although none of the silver sharks were willing to hand over the elixir and treasures of the good fortune level—of course, there must not be many elixir and spirit treasures of the good fortune level here—but It's just those pure yang grade elixir and spirit treasures,

After the quantity comes up, it is still a very rich resource!

Shaoyang was also very happy, although to him, most of the elixir and treasures here were of little use. But if it is brought back to the real era, it will greatly improve their human heritage.

What's more, for the human race in the real era, what they are best at is the further excavation of these elixir and spirit treasures!

If we can find a way to plant and cultivate them, I believe that the value of these elixir and spirit treasures will be further enhanced.

Earn big!

Shaoyang was also very satisfied, if it weren't for the hard work of these silver sharks to search for elixir and spiritual treasures for him, how could he have gained so much?

I still have a lot of things to do!

Thank you Chimaera for your friendship.

Satisfied, Shaoyang collected all the elixir and spirit treasures into his Golden Cup Cave, ignoring Cao Ling's repeated calls: "Master, these elixir and spirit treasures are too low in rank and not worth it." It's time to plant!"

——Shaoyang quickly took back his spiritual sense, and he didn't know it yet?


This Grass Spirit, his vision is too high now... he doesn't know how to be down-to-earth at all.

Shao Yang looked around at the silver sharks, and decided to be a little more polite to them, so he coughed, "I'm really thankful, everyone."

All the silver sharks were immediately alert, and one of them was even more vigilant: "Humans, don't even think about violating our agreement!"

Shaoyang was speechless, thinking to himself that you rushed up to deliver the elixir, can you still refuse?


In short, after some delay, Shaoyang and Jumaiyou led the people to continue to the depths of the secret realm; although Jumaiyou felt that it would be useless for Shaoyang to bring such a group of silver sharks, he and Shaoyang are still relatively close. As for the preliminary cooperation, as long as the latter didn't affect his plan, he didn't want to interfere too much.

Therefore, Ju Maiyou turned a blind eye and let Shaoyang mess around.

In a quarter of an hour.

A group of people came to the bottom of the floating island, which is already the core area of ​​this secret realm.

One by one, the powerful Nether-linking Realms are also hiding here, waiting for the opportunity.

So as soon as they approached, everyone immediately felt a powerful aura that was either hidden or manifested! All the silver sharks were immediately trembling and regretful.

When they entered, how could they have thought that this mission would be so dangerous?

Isn't this human race just a Dharma Realm?

How dare you come here so recklessly? !

And soon, a loud voice began to ring out among them, "Get lost! Otherwise, don't blame me for attacking you!"

Apparently, it was a strong man who had passed through the secluded realm, and started to warn them...

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