Myth is Coming

Chapter 804 The Pine Royal Clan

Through previous observations, Shaoyang already knew very well that at this time, all the people in the Netherworld Realm are occupying one side, waiting for the opportunity to enter.

confront each other.

Therefore, on the one hand, they will patiently save their strength to avoid premature confrontation with other strong men, so that they will be reaped by others; As a weak person who can be bullied at will.

As a result, the weaker secluded realms have been driven away, and the remaining secluded realms have tacitly occupied an area, forming a delicate balance for the time being.

But Shaoyang and the others are like a catfish, breaking in at once...

Of course, Shaoyang and the others didn't choose it at random. Before entering, they had already observed the surroundings, and finally chose this place!

As the voice came out, only a tall and strong man appeared.

Pine royal family!

His powerful aura spread, and the silver sharks who followed Shaoyang and the others were all frightened and terrified...

The Pine King Clan was also furious in their hearts. Their Pine King Clan was indeed not top-notch among the clans of the Chaotic Era, but they were not bad either! In addition, he himself has entered the Netherworld Realm for many years... How dare these juniors in the Faxiang Realm come to him? This clearly means that he feels that the royal family of Tasong is the weakest among the many people in the Netherworld Realm here!

Of course, although the anger was burning in his heart, the Pine King Clan was not careless, and there was a Giant Vein Clan on the opposite side.

And the Giant Vein Clan, undoubtedly the top race of this era, must have his trump card.

In addition, after all, there are quite a few people on the other side, isn't it...

Jumaiyou fluttered his wings and flew at the forefront, and he said in a calm voice: "Pine King Needle! You are old and have lost your vigor. Even if you barely stay here and go to the floating island, how can you be a match for others? You go , I'm leaving for this quota."

Shao Yang couldn't help but look sideways at him... Tsk tsk, isn't that a bit domineering?

This is talking to a person who communicates with the Netherworld!

The Pine King Needle was really furious, he sneered, "Jumiyou, although you are from the Jumai clan, here is a place of trials! Even if I kill you, your Jumai clan can't say anything .”

Ju Maiyou said proudly: "Only a weak person like you values ​​bloodline and origin so much."


The royal family of Nasong was furious.

Can I ignore my bloodline origin? You giant veins don't care, it's because your race has such confidence.

And then again, you don't care? Don't take it seriously, you will always live in this era, and you dare not expand outwards at all, isn't it because you are afraid of angering those saints who stand on top of all races?

Shao Yang just admired it, but all the silver sharks were already scared to pee!

This is talking to a person who communicates with the Netherworld!

They deeply regretted... Although the words were said by Jumaiyou, but who knows, will the Songwang family be narrow-minded and envy them?

They shivered.

If the words are not speculative, it is natural to rely on the real ability to speak.

While the pine king needle was speaking, he had already used a secret method to send the pine needles he had condensed for hundreds of years into the ground, and spread silently towards Shaoyang and the others along the dense grass and shrub forest on the surface.


It exploded suddenly, turning into a series of sharp blades and going straight to the giant veins!

But Jumaiyou had been on guard for a long time, he flapped his wings slightly, and his whole body has already moved away from the original place.

"After so many years, haven't you Songwang family made any progress? Do it!"

There was a gigantic laughter in the air.

Of course, the last two words were meant for Shaoyang.

Shaoyang understands very well, don't look at the arrogance that Jumaiyou said in his mouth, but in fact, it is very difficult for him alone to deal with the Pine King Needle. After all, no matter what the latter is, he is also a person who communicates with the Netherworld! Up to the nine heavens, down to the poor and the blue sky, hooking up any hidden corners between the heavens and the earth, it is to connect the secluded. Although there is a big gap between Tongyou and Tongyou,

But this Pine King Needle is obviously not those who can be bullied at will...

Since we are cooperating, we should naturally join hands at this time.

Therefore, Shao Yang stretched out his finger, and the Feng Yu Sword immediately flew towards the latter, and hundreds of sword lights suddenly scattered in the void.

Song Wangzhen snorted coldly, he had already paid attention to it, so naturally he would not ignore Shaoyang and the silver sharks. So, with a shake of his hands, hundreds of pine needles suddenly flew out of his body.

These pine needles are made by him for many years of sacrificial sacrifice, and their divine power may not be inferior to the ordinary pure yang magic weapon!


The pine needle collided with Shaoyang's Fengyu sword, and there was a sound of gold and iron clashing immediately.

Under the induction of Qi, Shaoyang suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

The more than a hundred sword lights in the void suddenly scattered. Shaoyang knew very well that the cultivation of this Songwang family was far superior to his own, and his strength was even more crushing, so he definitely couldn't face it head-on.

Shaoyang quickly made a decision, and his sword technique changed immediately, and the sword light flipped and turned, thousands of changes in an instant.

Pine King Needle was most wary of Jumaiyou, after all, the latter came from the Jumai clan, possessed all kinds of mysterious supernatural powers, and was more likely to have cards from among the races; but in this fight, Shaoyang, a human race, gave him Enormous pressure!

Among the more than a hundred sword lights, all kinds of mysterious changes are almost impossible to guard against! It made him very tired...

So unconsciously, Pine King Needle had to put most of its energy on Shaoyang instead.

But in this way, Jumaiyou on the other side would naturally be free, his eyes lit up immediately, and he shouted, "Help me hold on for a while!"

The wings were brightly lit up, streams of light began to gather quietly on the wings.

The Pine King Needle was shocked and didn't dare to delay, so he quickly waved his hands, and the pine needles gathered together like a long river, rolling towards the position of Jumaiyou.

On the other side, when he was distracted, Shaoyang's Phoenix Feather Sword caught the gap, and in an instant more than a hundred sword lights pierced in!

Chi Chi Chi!

However, the whole body of the Pine King Needle suddenly glowed with a burst of golden light. The Phoenix Feather Sword pierced it, but bursts of golden light burst out. to the root.

Shao Yang couldn't help but sigh, he knew that with the improvement of his cultivation base, the opponents he met would become stronger, and the grade of the Phoenix Feather Sword was really not enough...

With this in mind, Shaoyang continued to change his sword technique, and more than a hundred sword lights shuttled continuously.

Too many ants kill elephants! If the Pine King Needle really dared not let him go, he would use this sword technique to grind him to death bit by bit.

Anyway, how can we really ignore the swordsmanship in the realm of [Heaven and Man Harmony]?

The pine king needle suddenly became more difficult...

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