Myth is Coming

Chapter 813 Return to Reality

However, when Tianshi Xingjun shouted out, the face of the Immortal Realm Patriarch of the Silverfish Clan suddenly changed.

Sure enough, I saw other Immortal Realm Patriarchs around, all showing suspicious expressions...

Obviously, they have already become suspicious of their silver sharks.

Don't blame them, it's really this trial of the Thousand Islands War, the silver sharks really have too many doubts left! First of all, the number of Xingjun of the Tianshi City was obtained from the Yinyu Clan, and this fact has not been hidden from others.

Then, after the silver shark family entered the trial of the Thousand Islands War, they have been surrounding the human race.

Especially those Faxiang Realm disciples who have worked so hard to help the human race collect various elixir and treasures? !

Who would believe that there was nothing tricky between them?

The ancestor of the silver shark clan cursed in his heart, this group of disciples in the Faxiang Realm are really stupid! How could he be manipulated by that human race? This time, their Yinmao Clan couldn't argue.

Although the crowd would not attack on the spot, there is no doubt that everyone had to be a little more wary of the Yinyu Clan, lest he suddenly turn his face...

An Immortal Realm Patriarch of Yinxun Clan said sadly: "Fellow Taoists of Yinyu Clan, let's back down first, so as not to lose sight of supernatural powers and accidentally injure our own people, it would be unbeautiful."

The face of the ancestor of the silver shark clan changed, but seeing that everyone around him was on guard, he didn't dare to say more, so he murmured, "Don't believe his slander!"

Saying that, he consciously retreated to the side.


The rest of the Immortal Realm, one by one, continued to sacrifice their supernatural powers to Tianshi Xingjun. Although the latter is under the Heavenly Emperor of the Human Race, one of the three star kings, with a noble status and a respected status; but the latter is only an idea that came here after all, so the ancestors of the Immortal Realm joined forces, but they didn't have much fear.

And this trial of the Thousand Islands War is the foundation of their era. How could they just sit back and watch Tianshi Xingjun leave?

Therefore, everyone tacitly joined forces, trying to keep Tianshi Xingjun and his party behind.

Tianshi Xingjun was still fearless, he laughed "haha", star lines intersected beside him.

Under the protection of Tianshi Xingjun, Shaoyang was safe and secure for a while. As for how to leave, this is not something he can worry about. Therefore, Shaoyang simply put away these thoughts and began to concentrate on comprehending the supernatural powers of the immortal ancestors.

Shaoyang already knows now, don't look at before, and now, Taiwei Xingjun and Tianshi Xingjun are as indestructible as killing chickens, but that's only because they are too strong! In fact, any Immortal Realm is no small matter.

Anyone in the immortal realm can survive the calamity of the era!

Therefore, there is nothing to question them about talent, Taoism, supernatural powers and so on.

Moreover, almost everyone must have a supernatural ability that can shock the past and the present, so they can survive the calamity of the era without being destroyed.

At this time, Shaoyang was lucky enough to witness the fight between the ancestors of the Immortal Realm, what a chance is this?

Even though it is impossible for the ancestors of the Immortal Realm to attack with all their strength, the understanding of Taoism, the use of skills, and the ability of supernatural powers contained in the magical powers they sacrificed... are still enough for Shaoyang to absorb a lot of nutrition.

In particular, Shaoyang has a system that can record it completely, which also gives the possibility of further enlightenment in the future!

So for him, the harvest is even greater!


Tianshi Xingjun suddenly smiled "haha", "Everyone, I will go first for the time being."

As he spoke, he saw countless star lines intertwine suddenly, forming a brilliant teleportation formation in an instant, and then the brilliance flickered, and he had already escaped from this era in an instant.

How could the ancestors of the Immortal Realm be willing to be willing?



All I saw was a series of light flying out, and suddenly a series of figures poked out from their era, their heads protruding into the long river of time.

Below them, a long river of light continued, surrounded by endless void.

They turned their eyes around, but when they saw the intersection of brilliance and countless terrifying auras,

Contained in the endless river of time! Because of the changes in their era, many existences have already become curious, and they have a series of probing supernatural powers, which can't stop extending from each era.

How can the ancestors of the Immortal Realm in the chaotic era dare to make public at this time?

Although they are not weak, they are only one of the "small" eras in the endless river of time.

Of course, the ancestors of the Immortal Realm are very rare.

But even if only a few people are born in an era, in the endless river of time, in the endless era, there will still be countless immortal ancestors!

Therefore, the ancestors of the chaotic era can only return to their era with resentment...



Shao Yang's figure suddenly fell, and he had already returned to the real era.

"Leader Shaoyang!"


That sudden change in the teleportation formation caused Shaoyang to disappear. But the people in the real era have never given up, and have been arranging people to watch here, just hoping that Shaoyang can come back one day.

And now, Shaoyang is really back!

Immediately, the monk in the seventh game who was on duty here smiled and said: "Shaoyang Chief! Sang Lao, Zhang Lao and the others have been waiting for your news. This time, we can see Shaoyang Chief come back safely. , I believe they will also be overjoyed."

Shaoyang is also very sad...

Yes, at that time, I only thought about entering the era of history again, looking for various opportunities, so that more monks could break through to the realm of Dharma.

But how could I have imagined that so many accidents happened in the middle?

A long history, countless races... Sure enough, there are endless opportunities, but there are also many dangers.



The news of Shaoyang's safe return quickly spread, and Sang Lao and Zhang Subaru immediately put down all their work and greeted them.

Naturally, they were also very surprised!

To be honest, Shaoyang disappeared suddenly before. Although they did not give up, they already felt that Shaoyang might not be spared.

It was just a little luck that Shaoyang's death was not announced.

But who would have thought that Shaoyang would actually come back alive?

God bless the human race!

Shaoyang is now the most important figure among the human race. If Shaoyang died unfortunately, it would be a major blow to the entire human race.

"Old Sang, Old Zhang!"

Shaoyang also hurriedly greeted them with a smile.

Old Sang nodded, "It's good to be back, it's good to be back..."

Shao Yang smiled and said, "Not only did I come back, but I also brought back a lot of things!"

But Sang Lao shook his head, "No, Shaoyang, you have to understand that no matter how many resources, no matter how precious things are, they are not as important to us as your life."

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