Myth is Coming

Chapter 814: National Idol

"Old Sang..."

Shaoyang couldn't help being moved, he felt a very warm feeling.

It is precisely because of a leader like Sang Lao, and a generation of monks who have worked tirelessly for the survival and continuation of the human race, that the rise of the human race will take place.

The prehistoric human race was like this, and they will certainly be like this!

After a short pause, Shaoyang began to talk about the harvest of this trip to the chaotic era one by one. Including the understanding of realms such as Tongyou Realm and Immortal Realm, including the inheritance of Atlantis civilization, including various other resources...

Sang Lao, Zhang Subaru, and the others also listened very carefully, and were very moved. This time, Shaoyang really took a huge risk.

Shaoyang unreservedly told Sang Lao and the others what he had gained one by one, and Sang Lao listened very carefully.

Especially regarding the theory of "Tao Xin", Mr. Sang repeatedly asked a few more questions.

Although Shaoyang's cultivation is probably not weaker than Sang Lao's now, Shaoyang still attaches great importance to Sang Lao's opinions. So when Mr. Sang asked, Shaoyang repeatedly expressed his understanding.

Elder Sang listened patiently, and after a long while, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Shaoyang, I am also inferior to the realm you are standing in now. You must have your understanding, so I don't have much to say. However, regarding this 'Dao Xin' , I think it should not be brave and aggressive...or at least more than that. It should be a kind of fearless belief, a belief that will not be shaken under any circumstances."

Shao Yang nodded, "Old Sang, I actually thought the same way, but I'm not very clear about how to cultivate and how to gather Dao Xin."

Sang Lao thought for a while, "What Ling Daoyou said is also reasonable. In our era, compared with those prehistoric races, the vast majority of people are indeed much safer and have much less competition. This is not as good as it is, which is normal. "

"However, regarding the cultivation of Dao Xin, I think you can calm down, bend down, and go to the world of mortals to see the various states of life, and maybe you will have some understanding."

Hongchen refining Dao heart?

Shao Yang pondered and nodded slightly. In fact, there have always been such sayings in cultivation. Daily diet, looking up to things and looking down on animals, and military and horse battlefields are all ways.

Many people will enter the mundane world during their cultivation, observe the various states of life, the sun, the moon and the stars, and comprehend the mind of Taoism.

Isn't that what Sang Lao suggested?

Shao Yang thought in his heart. Of course, this matter is not urgent for the time being, so there is no need to panic for a while. Therefore, Shaoyang solemnly opened his mouth to thank Sang Lao, and secretly kept this verse in his heart; he will talk about it later when he is free.

Sang Lao only mentioned it briefly, and quickly changed the topic, "Shaoyang, the resources you brought back this time are of great value! It can even be said that they have opened up the way forward for our human race."

Shao Yang hurriedly said: "Old Sang, may your cultivation be further improved through this?"

Old Sang smiled, shook his head, and said, "How can it be so easy? As you said, our cultivation in this era is no better than those in prehistoric eras. Therefore, we need to be steady and steady, step by step, and there is no rush. But , With the experience you brought this time, and after some time of polishing, maybe I will also gain a little. And the most important thing is that other people have the possibility to break through the realm of the law."

That's right, the strength of a race cannot be relied on only by individuals!

Especially their human race, the root of its strength lies in the combined force formed by the unity of countless human races.

So, the growth of others is also important.

Sang Lao quickly made arrangements, "All the resources brought back by Shaoyang will be handed over to Zhang Subaru, and you will be in charge of deploying them, so as to allow more people to break through. The inheritance of the lost civilization of Atlantis will be handed over to Suzaku. Let the Forbidden Secret Office do further research, combine our inheritance, and use it for us. As for those cultivation experiences, Shaoyang, I plan to set up a [Dharma Palace] to gather all the talents of our human race, gather in it, and enlighten them together. What do you think? how?"

The Palace of Performing Arts?

Shaoyang couldn't help admiring it, obviously, the model of the "Dharma Palace" mentioned by Sang Lao was better than the word of mouth he originally imagined,

Much more efficient.

Gathering everyone's wisdom and participating in the research together will surely allow everyone to have a deeper understanding of cultivation.

This can almost be said to be another transformation of the way of cultivation!

Shaoyang felt that it might be more valuable than the method of body cultivation and the method of cultivation of spirit, energy and spirit that he proposed before.

"Okay." Shao Yang nodded in agreement.

Sang Lao pondered for a while, "I think monks from other countries should be invited, what do you think in Shaoyang?"

"Other countries?"

But Shao Yang couldn't help being taken aback.

To be honest, he was actually somewhat resistant in his heart. His previous experience made him understand that other countries are not necessarily completely friendly to them. However, Shao Yang thinks about Sang Lao's decision also makes sense. In the final analysis, national disputes are just their internal disputes; while the threats from other eras that the human race is facing now are a matter of life and death for the entire human race.

Therefore, it is inevitable to have defense and competition; but other than that, the most important thing is to improve the overall strength of the race as much as possible.

After thinking about this section, Shao Yang nodded, "Okay, I have no objection."

Sang Lao nodded and didn't say any more.

It is right to give these materials, experience, and resources to other countries, but there must be a sense of proportion in this process.

As the saying goes, promoting Mi En, fighting Mi Qiu, blindly giving alms may bring disaster instead.

Of course, there is no need to talk about these specific details right now, and you have to carefully consider and weigh the decisions one by one.

Not a day's work.

"Okay." Seeing that the general situation is almost the same, Sang Lao got up, "Shaoyang, you should take a good rest first, and the specific things will be discussed carefully after you fully recover."

Shaoyang also had no objection, "Okay."

Zhang Subaru stood up with Sang Lao, and smiled at Shaoyang, "Shaoyang, your cultivation and strength are far better than before, and you should take on more responsibilities."


The two left one after another, and Shaoyang finally came to his senses, hey, he has made such a great contribution, but he didn't give himself a reward!

But of course, Shaoyang also understands that the officials probably won't be able to reward him with anything...

Shaoyang went back to rest by himself without mentioning it.

However, the news of Shaoyang's successful return naturally gradually spread-it is estimated that it was also a deliberate arrangement by San Lianqiu and the others. After all, Shaoyang's current status is already different from what it used to be. His life and death were uncertain before, and to be honest, he had a great influence on the entire cultivation world. It will destroy everyone's confidence.

Maybe Shaoyang himself didn't realize that because of his series of brilliant achievements, Shaoyang has actually become the idol of many people!

If something happened to him, the consequences would be disastrous.

But now, Shaoyang's successful return will naturally greatly revive everyone's confidence!

This is a good thing.

great thing.

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