Myth is Coming

Chapter 819 Promotion of Hunyuan Gong

"Old Sang." Shao Yang hurriedly bowed to Elder Sang.

Sang Lao walked over slowly, and when he reached Shaoyang's side, he was suddenly surprised, turned his head to observe Shaoyang for a moment, and nodded, "Shaoyang, it seems that this time'studying the law has also gained a lot for you."

Shao Yang nodded without denying, "Yes, I have gained a lot."

In fact, it's not just the gains from studying the law, but also the epiphany this time at night! However, Shaoyang hasn't figured it out too much now, so there is no need to emphasize these things.

Elder Sang was pleased, "Now you are already playing the most important role of our human race. Your strength is very important to all of us. It can be said that you are the 'lighthouse' for us! how far?"

Shao Yang pondered for a while, "I'm not sure, but it seems that there is only a short line; but this line is not so easy to break through."

Old Sang nodded, "It's okay, don't worry. I can understand your feeling. Back then, didn't we all feel the same way?"

It really is……

Shaoyang thinks about it, when Sanglao, Qinglong, Suzaku and the others were all trapped in this bottleneck and failed to break through for many years, they seemed to be able to see the way forward, but they couldn't make it through, they couldn't go, and they didn't know where the way was!

Back then, their troubles, hesitation, and retreat...couldn't they all be stronger than they are now?

Therefore, it is conceivable that they can persevere, what kind of determination and talent they must have.

Shaoyang admired him sincerely.

Elder Sang comforted him and said: "Don't worry, this time we have gathered the wisdom of everyone to deduce [Great Hunyuan Kungfu], which is already a big step forward for us to practice. Also, some more precious information , Information, I have given it to the Forbidden Secret Office to study, I believe that with the foundation of this [Great Hunyuan Gong], they will soon gain something there, and it may help your plight."

In this deduction, Lao Sang actually hid a lot of materials privately; these materials are currently being studied by the Forbidden Secret Office, and only a few of them are practicing.

After all, these materials are too precious, and they are a little far away from everyone, so there is no need to rush to release them.

"Thank you, Old Sang."

Shao Yang said hastily. He also realized the benefits of "many people are powerful". If it wasn't for the gathering of so many masters this time, just a few of them, how long would it take to push the Great Hunyuan Gong to such a level?

Therefore, don't look at your high level, but the results of the research in the forbidden secret place will definitely help you.

Sang Lao nodded, "It's nothing, it should be."

After a short pause, Sang Lao turned to the purpose of coming to Shaoyang this time. He said: "Shaoyang, this time I came to you to discuss with you about promoting [Great Hunyuan Gong]."

Shao Yang smiled and said, "Old Sang, how do I know this? Just look at the arrangement."

Sang Lao waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it, that's what I planned. This Hunyuan Gong must be promoted, and more people can practice it to play its value. Therefore, for the part of the awakening state, I It is decided to promote it in the whole society. Anyone who wants to learn can learn it. As for the part of [Faxiangjing], it is used as a secret transmission of the official and other organizations. It must pass a certain review and meet the conditions before it can be learned. "

But Shaoyang couldn't help being taken aback. The part of the awakening state is being promoted in the whole society? Can anyone learn?

Shaoyang hesitated, "Mr. Sang, I'm just stating my personal opinion. If there is no restriction and it is fully promoted, will it be... a little too fast?"

Sang Lao shook his head, "We don't necessarily have much time. Besides, it's not that serious. With the popularization of exercises, there will only be more and more A-level monks. The part of the awakening state is not precious."

"All right."

It made sense for Shaoyang to think about it, so he didn't object any more. There will be more and more A-level monks, and it will be easier and easier!

Seeing that Shaoyang agreed, Mr. Sang continued: "In addition, I think we can use this [Great Hunyuan Kungfu] to exchange benefits with other countries."

Shaoyang understands,

Sang had such a plan long ago.

Other countries are also human races of their era! Everyone's position on this is unanimous.

Moreover, this Great Hunyuan Kung Fu is just the most basic kung fu method that is most suitable for human cultivation. Such as Shaoyang himself, such as Sang Lao, such as the military, the major families... They will definitely combine their own cultivation and understanding to deduce and perfect their own exercises.

So, strictly speaking, this Great Hunyuan Gong is just pointing out a path for everyone!

But it is not for the purpose of bringing together all the methods of cultivation.

"Okay, I have no objection." Shao Yang said simply.

Elder Sang nodded, "Okay. So Shaoyang, what are you doing recently? Envoys from various countries may come to the imperial capital recently to exchange [Great Hunyuan Kungfu]. You should also come to participate when the time comes."

Shaoyang didn't object at all, just in time to meet top powerhouses from all over the world!

"good. "


In the next few days, Shaoyang didn't have much to do. On the one hand, he continued to consolidate and comprehend what he had gained from the Dharma Palace this time, but in this regard, there is an [on-hook mode], so he has made rapid progress, so he doesn't need to bother too much.

On the other hand, Shaoyang also went back to Qinzhou, and he didn't go back this time during the Chinese New Year. Although his parents didn't say anything, they were already worried.

Afterwards, Shaoyang naturally had to deal with the matters of the Lower Broken Finger League, Heretics Association, and the "Prince Class" one after another.

Among them, the "Prince Class" was originally the elites carefully selected by Shaoyang. In addition to this study, many of them were the first to enjoy the results! Many people have already begun to practice the "Great Hunyuan Gong". And in this prince's class, they have the convenience of being able to ask Shaoyang for advice, so each of them is making rapid progress.

Shaoyang is also very pleased that the next generation can also rise, that is the symbol of the strength of the human race!

They are also the group with the greatest potential.

In a flash, it was more than ten days.

On this day, Shaoyang finally received a notice from Sang Lao, saying that powerhouses from other countries had come to the imperial capital one after another, and asked him to go and receive them together.

Shaoyang naturally readily agreed and set off immediately.

"Chief Shaoyang!"

"Chief Shaoyang!"

As soon as Shaoyang came over, all the monks from the seventh game and the military saluted Shaoyang respectfully.

Shaoyang responded politely, and soon found Sang Lao.

Old Sang nodded, "Go, come with me to meet them."

"Okay." Shaoyang had no objection either.

This time, almost all the top monks from various countries came here! No way, the information Sang Lao disclosed to them was too explosive! Therefore, everyone had no choice but to rush over in person.

And out of respect for these strong men, Sang Lao specially arranged a more grand ceremony!

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