Myth is Coming

Chapter 820 Gathering of the Powerful

The imperial capital, a hidden airport. A small military helicopter is slowly flying towards here.

On the plane, there were a few people with deep breaths and profound cultivation bases sitting upright.

The person on the far left among them was wearing a suit and leather shoes, but there was a strange white machine installed on the elbows, knees, etc.; the design was very delicate, and it did not affect his actions at all.

He kept looking around in the cabin, chatting up the person next to him, "This friend."

——Sitting next to him was an ascetic monk with a thin figure and ragged clothes; there was obviously a seat beside him, but he sat cross-legged on the ground, motionless.

He raised his eyelids when he heard the person talking before him, and nodded slightly to the latter, "Master Gray."

The latter's name is Gray, and his apparent identity is the boss of a listed company in country M. But in fact, almost all forces know that there must be many identities hidden behind Gray! Even these forces with very long tentacles dare not say that they can dig out all his identities.

——He is a hidden director of the prestigious school alliance, a member of the ruling party of country M, and the actual director of a large consortium in country M...

Many people even suspect that this Gray is also one of the managers of the "House of Superpowers" forum!

But no matter what, no one will deny the strength of the latter.

Of course, on the surface, he is just a handsome businessman. It is hard to believe that he is one of the top superpowers in country M.

Gray smiled and said, "Your Excellency Living Buddha, this time the white tigers in country C claim that they have the skills to reach S level. What do you think, Your Excellency Living Buddha?"

That ascetic monk is the top powerhouse in Country I, codenamed Living Buddha.

According to legend, he once lay under the ice for three years, and he was still able to move freely after waking up; he also once lay in the fire for seven days and seven nights, and after the fire was extinguished, his skin was as usual... He was revered as a god in I country characters.

The Living Buddha pondered for a while, and slowly said: "The theory of S-level has always existed in legends. I have never heard of anyone who has reached this level before. Now country C suddenly claims that they have a way to break through this level, and After knowing it, he is still willing to reveal it to us... This matter is indeed a bit weird."

He is somewhat skeptical.

But on the side, there was a young man wearing a black tuxedo, leaning on a cane, and wearing a black hat—he was all black, but his skin was very fair, revealing an unhealthy color. I heard him laughing and saying: "I don't agree. I have dealt with Baihu of country C several times, and I know that he is definitely not a person who talks about it. Since he said that he has a breakthrough method, then I believe that there must be a breakthrough. .”

Everyone knew that this one was the top powerhouse of Country E, codenamed "Vampire". Don't look at him looking young, but in fact he is probably the oldest among them all!

Hearing what the "vampire" said, no one objected. In fact, it was precisely because they believed in Sang Lao that everyone came here hand in hand.

The Martial Soul of country R was also among them, but obviously, he was not in a good state of breath after being frustrated one after another. But this time, hearing the news from country C also made him very worried, and he was quite worried about this trip.

In addition to them, there are several others who are also the top powerhouses of the various countries...

Come together now!


The plane landed slowly, and Sang Lao, Shao Yang, Zhang Subaru, and several other officials greeted it together.

"Your Excellency Gray! Living Buddha, Vampire, Martial Soul... welcome!"

Sang Lao shook hands with everyone one by one.

And these top powerhouses from various countries naturally couldn't put on the appearance of any big boss at this time, and they all put on a very polite tone, and returned the courtesy to Sang Lao.

Among them, the Living Buddha of country I, he still has some doubts! Moreover, there is the secret method of [Tianyantong] in his inheritance, although it is not as magical as in the legend, it can still see through the mystery and gain insight into the truth.

"Let's look at the skills of these people in country C!"

In the eyes of this Living Buddha,

Has quietly hidden a bit of divine light.

In fact, although the Living Buddha never said anything about the temptation of the Living Buddha, Gray and others already knew it well. In fact, they are also acquiescing.

Always look at Baihu and his abilities, right?

Therefore, seeing the Living Buddha's move, everyone couldn't help but slow down a little, wanting to see how country C would respond.


Elder Sang noticed it immediately!

Although in terms of cultivation level, he must be a little inferior to Shaoyang today. But Mr. Sang has been practicing for a longer period of time, he has come into contact with more magical powers and secret methods, and he has been immersed in the peak of A-level for a long time... So the small movements of this Living Buddha are almost as if they are within his grasp! It is impossible to hide from his perception.

Elder Sang didn't take it seriously, he waved his hand casually as if unintentionally, and made an invitation gesture, "Everyone, please! I have already hosted a banquet in our newly built [Yanfa Hall], please come with me!"

Nothing changes at all!

The living Buddha was startled, he activated his supernatural power perception, he was originally confident, even if this Sang Lao is really the legendary S-rank, it is impossible to hide it from his eyes and ears.

But this time, what fell in his eyes was as if there was nothing, he couldn't "see" Sang Lao at all!

It's right in front of your eyes, but [Tianyantong] can't see it?

The living Buddha could not help but sweat coldly on his forehead.

"No way……"

The living Buddha was shocked. Could it be that the method that the white tiger of country C said to break through the S rank is really not possible?

He couldn't believe it...

Shaoyang's spiritual sense on the side moved, and I have already sensed the small movements of this living Buddha-but in terms of realm, Shaoyang is currently the number one person in the human race!

Shao Yang wanted to intimidate him, so he deliberately smiled "haha" and smiled at the Living Buddha, "Your Excellency Living Buddha, the way is here."

The Living Buddha couldn't help turning his head, but in an instant, he felt as if he was looking up at the endless starry sky! But seeing the stars shining brightly and boundlessly deep... At this moment, he couldn't help feeling very small from the bottom of his heart.

"how come?!"

The Living Buddha was shocked, could it be that this junior has broken through to the legendary S rank?

Shaoyang already smiled "haha", let go of his hand, and walked in front calmly.

The living Buddha was dripping with cold sweat, and he believed it 90% in his heart. He couldn't help restraining all his complicated thoughts, obediently followed Sang Lao, Shao Yang and the others, and walked towards the Palace of Demonstration.

Walking aside was Zhang Subaru, who also smiled at the Living Buddha...

Although his cultivation base was a bit weaker, he didn't immediately notice the small movements of the living Buddha, but he guessed something from the reaction of the two of them.


When the living Buddha turned his head, his heart was shocked again!

Another one!

S-rank, is it really that easy?


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