Myth is Coming

Chapter 822 Civilization No. 3

Sure enough, as expected by Mr. Sang and Zhang Subaru, although the powerhouses of various countries put forward various objections, after some extremely meticulous negotiations, they generally agreed with each other.

There have been many differences with Sang Lao and his previous proposals, such as——

Countries proposed that the trading platform can be established under the leadership of country C, but countries must also participate. Basically, it's similar to asking to be a "shareholder".

Sang Lao and the others knew that it was impossible for countries to completely ignore this kind of dominance, so they did not completely oppose it.

These become more detailed things...

But in any case, with everyone agreeing, a basic global alliance has gradually formed. And country C, which is in charge of this matter, naturally occupies an absolute dominant position.

As for the S-level breakthrough method, although it is very important, it is also necessary to promote it.

So, earn big!


Naturally, Shaoyang doesn't need to worry about the following trivial matters, and he was assigned other tasks by Elder Sang:

"Build a trading platform?"

Old Sang smiled "hehe" and responded to Shaoyang's question, "Of course, after thinking about it, you are the most suitable task. We are all old, and we don't know much about it. Naturally, young people like you are more suitable than us. .”

"All right."

Since Sang Lao made such an arrangement, Shaoyang naturally couldn't refuse. Besides, he doesn't need to be responsible for specific things, he just needs to check the general direction.

After Shaoyang took the order, he immediately started to operate vigorously.

"Chief Shaoyang!"

"Chief Shaoyang!"

Those in charge of this matter were all elites drawn from the Seventh Bureau, the military, and the Forbidden Secret Office. After seeing Shaoyang, they saluted Shaoyang one after another.

Shao Yang naturally nodded in response. Then, under the leadership of the military personnel, they went to the back.

"General Du is already waiting for you!"

The person in charge of this matter—that is, Shao Yang’s deputy, but he also knew him:

Du Fubo.

It's been a while since I saw him, the most outstanding genius in the military, and now his cultivation has broken through to A-level. Seeing Shaoyang, his expression was slightly complicated. I vaguely remember that when we met for the first time, Shaoyang was only C-level at that time, and he was already at the peak of B-level. Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, Shaoyang had broken through to S-level and he was only A-level?

However, Du Fubo quickly adjusted, and greeted Shaoyang politely, "Chief Shaoyang."

Shao Yang smiled and said: "General Du, you and I are old friends, why are you so polite? I just took over this time, and I'm still confused, so I need to trouble the general to introduce it to me."

Du Fubo nodded, and introduced: "Mr. Sang has ordered me to do this before, and has mobilized the elites of the Seventh Bureau, the military, the Forbidden Secret Office, and many other forces. After all, although it is only a trading platform, But it also involves the cultivation, transportation, storage and other links of various elixir and spirit treasures..."

Shao Yang listened carefully, asking a few questions from time to time, and couldn't help nodding his head. Sure enough, they had already made a lot of preparations.

"You have worked hard." Shao Yang said with a smile.

Du Fubo shook his head, "Actually, it is mainly because of the inheritance of the No. 3 civilization that you brought out, Chief Shaoyang, that we can have such confidence."

Shaoyang knew that Civilization No. 3 was an official number for the Atlantis civilization. Firstly, it is different from No. 1 and No. 2 civilizations, and secondly, it is also to avoid leaking relevant information of Atlantis civilization.

Shaoyang said with interest: "Can you show me the achievements of these civilizations?"

"Of course."

Du Fubo immediately took Shaoyang to the [No. 3 Civilization] base.

Civilization No. 3, also known as the Atlantis civilization, is an ocean civilization. Therefore, the No. 3 civilization base was also established in a sea area near Jinzhou. All kinds of formations were placed around it, even if ordinary fishermen passed through it, they might not know that there is a base hidden in the depths of the sea under their feet.

In fact, it would be more appropriate for the operation of this base to be handed over to the Forbidden Secret Office.

However, it is a special method under special circumstances, so it is currently led by the military, and the Secret Office sent people to cooperate.

And the one in charge is Du Fubo.

Du Fubo led Shaoyang all the way in, and the first thing he saw was a tall furnace tripod, each more than two meters high, with various intricate patterns carved on it; , the brilliance of formations gathered quietly, and the power penetrated into the furnace.

There are forbidden secret places and military personnel around, adding various kinds of elixir and spirit treasures into the furnace cauldron, cooperating with the power of the formation, slowly blending the power of the medicine into the spirit water contained in the furnace cauldron middle.

Shaoyang inspected them one by one, but he saw that there were different labels: "Qi Refining Liquid", "Body Refining Liquid", "Shen Refining Liquid" and so on.



Seeing Shaoyang and Du Fubo coming in, everyone hurriedly saluted.

Du Fubo nodded and waved his hands to signal them to continue their work. Afterwards, Du Fubo personally introduced to Shaoyang, "Chief Shaoyang, our method of [Alchemy with Fire] is actually lacking. There is no inheritance of the No. 2 civilization, and it was all slowly deduced later. It is said that there are still problems of low efficiency, low success rate, and lack of related auxiliary equipment such as flames and furnaces."

"On the contrary, the method of accumulating spiritual pills with spiritual water inherited from the No. 3 civilization avoids many problems in the current alchemy method, and the best thing is that it is relatively undemanding and the easiest to operate. A great help!"

Du Fubo gave an example, "At present, there is still a shortage of official alchemy talents. There are probably less than a hundred alchemists who can really reach the rank and above! And these alchemy masters, even if they don't practice, only alchemy, they can do it in a year. The pills refined are only tens of thousands of pills. But now, with the method of using water to store pills, although we are still in the research stage, preliminary estimates, within one month should be able to accumulate the equivalent of tens of thousands of pills. The elixir of the medicinal power of ten thousand grains of panacea!"


The gap is so big?

Even Shaoyang didn't expect that the alchemy method of the Atlantean civilization would bring about such a big improvement!

No wonder Mr. Sang dared to operate this trading platform. It turned out that he had already determined that he had an absolute advantage.

However, Shaoyang himself figured it out immediately, after all, the accumulation of the real era is insufficient, so the number of monks and high-level monks is too small. Coupled with the lack of inheritance of alchemy techniques, there are even fewer monks who are good at alchemy.

On the contrary, this method of alchemy has very low technical difficulty, which is just suitable for their rise in this era!

And with such a method of alchemy, their C country can continuously provide a large amount of pills to monks from all over the world... At the same time, in exchange for more resources they need! In the end, all monks were included under their banner...

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