Myth is Coming

Chapter 823 Trading Platform

Du Fubo continued to take Shaoyang to visit this base, and besides the method of alchemy, there are also the methods of refining weapons, formations, and talismans brought back by Shaoyang, etc., all of which are already available. Slow but steady progress.

And I believe that with the accumulation of these resources, the control of country C will gradually radiate to the whole world.

Besides, even without mentioning these, the increase in resources such as pills, magic weapons, formations, etc. will make cultivation easier and easier! There will be more strong ones emerging.

Du Fubo also nodded, "Sang Lao has arranged for the military to use these resources to train more strong men, which is an experiment."

Shao Yang nodded to express his understanding.

Before, due to the lack of resources in the real era, it was rare to use resources to "pile" high-level monks like this. But now, with such an approach, of course you have to try it! If it is really possible to quickly cultivate a batch, then for many people without cultivation talent, there is also the possibility of becoming stronger! And the strength of the human race will naturally have a huge leap because of this.

What the human race lacks now is time!

Shaoyang sighed.

He continued to inspect the base, and Du Fubo introduced them one by one.

Later, there will be experiments on the storage and transportation of various elixir and magic weapons. After all, to build a global trading platform, these things are naturally unavoidable.

Although there was no such example before, the military, the Seventh Bureau, and the Forbidden Secret Office have gradually formed a system after intensive research...

After a careful study, Shaoyang couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Fortunately, he handed over all these to Sang Lao, and let Sang Lao start to arrange and promote it. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to use this knowledge on your own, let alone form such a scale!

It seems that Sang Lao and the others have made a lot of efforts without knowing it!

Even in the Golden Cup Cave, Ju Yuling couldn't help being silent.

This kind of careful deployment of a race has formed such a scale. He has only seen it in a few races such as the ant clan and the bee clan. But compared to them, the human race has too much innovation and creativity.

After all, almost everyone in the human race has their own thoughts and understanding... They not only understand what they are doing, but also why they do it! Still thinking about how I should be able to do better... They all have "names"!

The human race is truly a terrifying race...

Ju Yuling couldn't help but sigh.

With the preliminary work done by the military, the Seventh Bureau, and the Forbidden Secret Office, what Shaoyang has to do next is naturally much easier.

Of course, Shaoyang also has its own advantages.

After all, his knowledge is "wider" and his cultivation is far superior to others, so he can put forward his own opinions in many places, so that Du Fubo and other researchers can suddenly understand, and have a better idea at once .

In this way, in the midst of intense preparations, this trading platform has finally been gradually perfected and officially launched!


Country M.

In a villa on the outskirts of the urban area, magnificent buildings stand there, and beautiful maids shuttle back and forth among them, placing all kinds of rare spiritual fruits; soothing music plays inadvertently... reminding everyone that this is A dance!

But in the villa and in the hall, almost everyone sat on their seats with frowns, each with a heavy heart.

"Grey, you went to country C. Their it really that strong?"

Gray glanced at everyone and sighed, "Gentlemen and ladies, although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that the strength of the current country C is far superior to ours. Even if you don't talk about S-level masters, hell, you can't do that." I know how they got it... In short, even if we don't talk about the power of 'nuclear weapons', their monks, supernatural powers, resources... still crush us."

Everyone in the field frowned again.

Gray ignored their size and waved his hand, "So, I suggest, I'm just saying my suggestion,

Instead of fighting against such a powerful opponent, it is better to be a bachelor and simply join forces with such a force. "

Everyone in front of the seat couldn't help but frown. One of the old men frowned and said, "We asked you to touch the bottom of country C, not to brag for them here."

Gray smiled "haha", "You let me go, but you don't trust me, don't believe me, you can go and see for yourself."

Another person hurriedly smoothed things over, "That's not what we mean. The main reason is that we are afraid that these conditions in country C will suppress us and we will have little room to breathe. How can we guarantee our country's interests at that time?"

Gray sneered, "Is it to protect your own interests?"

However, when everyone's expressions changed, Gray followed closely and said lazily: "In my opinion, Baihu is not confused at all. He really saw the crisis of the entire human race, so he wanted to solve it wholeheartedly, so he sent S If you are worried about the country, it is unfounded; but if you are worried about yourself, then indeed, you have to think about your own way out."

What Gray said so bluntly made everyone's expressions change.

But Gray was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, "haha" smiled and stood up, "I don't care about you, I'm going to operate it, transfer the assets in my hand as soon as possible, and then go to country C to try to get the S-level breakthrough method of country C as soon as possible It is."

The expressions of the others changed, they didn't expect Gray to be so straightforward and decisive.

What they implement is a "shareholding" system, without an absolute leader, but a decision made by everyone through consultation.

Gray is one of them.

Although there are many people who disagree with him, many people also trust Gray's ability and judgment. But seeing that the latter almost doesn't care about the "shares" he owns at all, it is obvious that he has seen greater benefits.

So, everyone looked at each other, and the old man had a slightly ugly face, but sat down, "Let's vote to decide."


A similar scene almost happened in R country, E country, I country and other countries!

Obviously, these powerhouses who have witnessed the strength of country C have completely given up the choice of continuing to fight against country C.

So soon, the trading platform and the intelligence system of Country C have been established at an incredible speed! Moreover, its influence has expanded rapidly, and it has become the first choice for superpowers around the world in a short period of time!

And all kinds of resources, through this trading platform, are delivered in an orderly manner to the hands of monks around the world; and more resources are gathered from the hands of monks into the platform...


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