Myth is Coming

Chapter 824 Deduce the skills!

With the official operation of the trading platform, Shaoyang and Du Fubo naturally became very busy all of a sudden.

Fortunately, they had made sufficient preparations a long time ago, so, with the help of the military and the Severed Finger Alliance, they continuously delivered items to the monks... and successfully supported the entire system.

Of course, some extremely valuable items are still difficult to transport through the currently established channels, so the trading platform requires that the transaction must be completed in country C.

Therefore, a large number of monks had to travel thousands of miles to come here.

For a time, country C, especially the imperial capital, Jinzhou, Modu, Nanzhou and other important cities, suddenly became the core of the world!

Although other countries are very clear about this set of combined punches of country C, but country C is a conspiracy, and there is nothing they can do about it. In desperation, countries can only hold their noses and admit that country C has gradually become the world's largest country!

surpassed country M.


Finally, the operation of this trading platform was finally on the right track, everything was in order, and Shaoyang was finally able to breathe a little bit of relief.

But I didn't think about it, before the relaxation here, Sang Lao has already sent a message, asking him to deduce the exercises of various countries.

This is an agreement with other countries, so naturally there is nothing to say. In addition, among the crowd, Shaoyang himself is probably the one with the deepest cultivation and the most discerning vision, so he is naturally the one to take this task.

Shaoyang had no choice but to set off again and rush to the past.

"Leader Shaoyang!"

"Leader Shaoyang!"

But I saw Taoist Priest Gazing Stars, Monk Dazhi, Xiao Liangji, Xiao Minghui, Qi Yan... all the top bosses appeared here! Obviously, the government also attaches great importance to this matter, so a large number of elites were drawn from the military, the Seventh Bureau, the Forbidden Secret Office, sects, families, colleges and many other factions to join in! Nearly half of the powerful people in the Dharma Aspect Realm across the country are probably gathered here.

It can be seen.

Shaoyang hurriedly greeted them one by one. Everyone also returned their salutes one after another, among them Patriarch Xiao Liangji smiled and said: "Shaoyang, we are just waiting for you to come and preside over the overall situation."

Shao Yang hurriedly humbled, "I'm only a junior, how dare I speak like that?"

Everyone laughed and said, "Shaoyang, don't be humble."

"That's right! Speaking of which, we all gained something by following you, and we were able to break through to the realm of Faxiang."

"In terms of experience, we are not as good as you."

"Yes, you are the main one, we just provide some references for you."


Time was running out, Shaoyang stopped being too polite with them, and immediately led everyone into the hall of performance.

"Have the powerhouses from all over the world brought their exercises?"

Mi Zhao hurriedly said: "80% of them have already come."

Shaoyang took a look at the latter. The latter was originally the director of the Shuzhou Branch of the Seventh Bureau, and Zhang Mao's personal disciple. Shaoyang knew him when he was in Shuzhou. At that time, Mi Zhao was only at B-level, but now he has broken through to A-level.

This time, Zhang Subaru deliberately dispatched him here, apparently for the purpose of promoting him, and also to give him a chance to get in touch with Shaoyang and the others, so as to gain a chance to break through to the Faxiang Realm.

Shao Yang nodded, "Senior Brother Mi, long time no see."

Mi Zhao didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, and quickly said with a smile: "That day, I felt that Chief Shaoyang had a bright future, but I didn't expect that he would reach such a height so quickly."

As he said that, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

To say that at that time, although he was slightly inferior to Shaoyang, he could still see Shaoyang's back anyway.

But now, it's really too late...

Mi Zhao can also be considered a "genius", and Zhang Mao's proud disciple. He has always been known for his outstanding talent and ability to do things, and he has won Zhang Mao's trust. But in front of Shaoyang, he was beaten in every way! Shaoyang, this is already a "big man" standing shoulder to shoulder with Zhang Subaru, and even slightly taller by a head.

Shaoyang smiled and said, "Brother Mi didn't let me be polite back then, why are you being so polite to me now?"

Mi Zhao couldn't help but also smiled,

He hurriedly said: "The master is the first, I don't dare to recognize myself as a senior brother."

Shaoyang no longer pushes back and forth with him, call him whatever he wants. He pondered for a while, then turned his head to Xiao Liangji, Xiao Minghui, and Monk Dazhi and said, "Seniors, I plan to draw Li Ran and Tao Xi to help, what do you think?"

Everyone knew that Li Ran and Tao Xi were all members of the "Prince Class".

Although I understand that Shaoyang is "selfish", but then again, many people in the Prince's class are also disciples of their faction!

Therefore, of course, everyone would not object, and they all laughed and said:

"As it should be!"

"It should open their eyes too."

"So as not to be so great."

Of course, saying so, everyone couldn't help but secretly rejoice! Thanks to sending his own disciples into this "Prince Class", otherwise, where would there be such an opportunity?

Except for Shaoyang, I'm afraid that others would not dare to bring it up casually, let such a group of juniors participate, right?

Shaoyang looked at Mi Zhao, and Mi Zhao immediately said: "I will arrange it immediately."

Shao Yang nodded, Mi Zhao was still shrewd and capable as before.

"let us start."

Shaoyang didn't delay any longer, and immediately acted vigorously and authentically; everyone responded one after another. So, he began to pick up the exercises sent by various countries and began to deduce them slowly.

Just as everyone said, although the members of this palace are all powerful people from all sides of country C, if we talk about vision, experience, and insight, we still have to look at Shaoyang! Therefore, to deduce the martial arts of various countries and reach the S level, Shaoyang had to put in more effort.

Shaoyang is also duty-bound, he studies one by one, interprets the mysteries of these exercises, and then carefully analyzes them to give his own opinion.

After all, these people in the arena are top-notch bosses, and they understand by analogy. As soon as Shaoyang expresses his thoughts, they will immediately draw inferences from one instance, and quickly understand the fundamental essence of this supernatural power. Then, everyone started from the perspective of their own understanding, and quickly proposed various possibilities for further deduction.

In the end, Shaoyang will review and finally determine the direction of the deduction...

After such a process, it can be said that Shaoyang and the others' understanding of this supernatural power far surpassed that of the force that produced the exercise!

And because of this, Shaoyang and the others were able to make great strides forward, deducing this supernatural power to the S-level level!

Of course, not all exercises are possible.

Some forces wanted to steal and play tricks from it, and deliberately used unused exercises; Shaoyang and the others could see it before, but they didn't mention it. And when it is deduced at this time, it is naturally difficult to deduce these exercises to a higher level.

I can't deduce it, what can I do?

So Shaoyang naturally told them directly, making these forces dumbfounded...

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