Myth is Coming

Chapter 836 Dinghai Shenzhen

"Being jittery!"

In the sea water, all the monsters let out ferocious cries! Although they could feel the terrifying aura of the coming person, how could they be willing to give up because it was related to their habitat?

Therefore, no matter what race of monsters they are, they all gathered around at this time, trying to stop them.


As soon as Shaoyang's consciousness moved, he naturally immediately understood the meaning of these monsters. He couldn't help but his face darkened, and he scolded: "The magic weapon has a spirit, so choose your own master! You have been waiting for a long time, and you have not been able to accept it!" How dare Godly Soldier obstruct other people? You need to know that these divine soldiers are also waiting for the sky, and they will definitely not hide here for a long time! Hurry up and back down, don't waste your life!"

The monsters were afraid, and could not help but retreat, but they were not willing to give up, so they gathered nearby, lingering, refusing to leave.

Seeing this, Shaoyang couldn't help sighing, and said: "I also know that you have been sheltered here for a long time, and you have already become dependent. However, this magical weapon is absolutely impossible to stay here forever."


Shao Yang thought about it for a while, and he already had an idea, "Well, I will definitely take away the magic soldier, but I can open up another residence for you later."

As he spoke, Shaoyang formed seals with both hands, arousing the vast power of heaven and earth, and shouted in his mouth:


Countless starlight burst out from Shaoyang's hands, and the terrifying power spread, and it penetrated into the distance in an instant! In the void, a long star river was left in an instant!

The brilliance is bright and the weather is myriad!

Almost like a sign of a fairy.

Under such weather, all the monsters below were trembling.


But after a while, only the humming sound was heard, and a huge shadow shrouded the sky above this sea area! All the monsters fled in shock.

All the monsters raised their heads, but seeing the shadow covering the sky and the sun, they didn't know how far it was! Only by running the supernatural powers can one see clearly that it is a majestic mountain!


Under Shaoyang's supernatural power, that tall mountain immediately fell into the sea! Suddenly, the sea water was forced to roll away to both sides. The huge force pressed the sea water into a deep vortex.

After a while, I saw a majestic mountain towering in the East China Sea!

Surrounded by clouds and mist, and covered with green trees, it looks like a fairyland resort.

All the monsters huddled at the foot of the mountains, their hearts were beating wildly! Although they have all heard of the magical power of "moving mountains and overturning seas". But it was also the first time I witnessed with my own eyes that someone could really perform such a miracle.

But Shaoyang looked him up and down, but shook his head again, "It's still a bit cramped."

As he said that, Shaoyang once again used his supernatural powers, followed the same pattern, and soon moved two towering mountains again and again!

Then, I saw three high mountains standing in the East China Sea.

"Are you satisfied?"

Shao Yang lowered his head and shouted to the monsters crawling at the foot of the majestic mountains.

The demons kowtowed again and again, naturally they dared not stop them.

Shao Yang didn't make things difficult for them, he nodded when he saw them get out of the way, and didn't say any more. Only on the three mountains, some formations were applied to cover up the traces and gather the spiritual energy... After countless years, it should become a paradise above the East China Sea.

After sending all the monsters away, Shaoyang lost his light and darted into the sea.

Shao Yang opened up his supernatural power of "mistaking the real thing with fish's eyes", and looked into the sea, only to see a long iron rod propped on the bottom of the sea! The iron rod is about the thickness of a bucket, but it is infinitely long! Rolling sea water, but everything is determined by it!

"Isn't this the Ruyi Golden Cudgel?"

Shaoyang was not happy.

But he knows that this Ruyi Golden Cudgel is also called "Tianhe Town's Bottom Treasure"! But it was refined by Taishang Laojun. Later, when Dayu controlled the water, he borrowed this treasure from Taishang Laojun to determine the depth of the river.

But I didn't expect that I got it first.


He didn't really get it in his hands, but Shaoyang didn't care, he immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed that Ding Haishenzhen.

"Drink, it's so heavy!"

But when Shaoyang exerted his strength, Dinghai Shenzhen only shook slightly!

Shaoyang was startled and thought to himself, this Dinghai Shenzhen was recorded in "Journey to the West" as weighing 13,500 jin, but what he brought here at this time is obviously far more than that.

But Shaoyang also understands that the [weight] of this kind of magical weapon is not important at all! It can weigh ten thousand jun, or it can be as light as a feather, it just depends on the changes and applications of various magical powers in it.

So, Shaoyang used his supernatural powers again, and shook hands with that Dinghai Shenzhen——


This time Shaoyang used a full 70% of his power before finally slowly grabbing the Dinghai Shenzhen.

"Small, small!"

Shao Yang circulated his supernatural powers and shouted to Dinghai Shenzhen repeatedly.

Seeing that Dinghai Shenzhen really has spirituality, maybe he also knew that after countless years of silence, it finally waited for its master, so the whole body suddenly shone brightly, and then under Shaoyang's control, it really slowly zoom out.

But after a while, it has shrunk to only about two meters long! In the middle is black gold iron, and at both ends are two golden hoops, so it is also called Ruyi Golden Hoop Cudgel.

This Dinghai Shenzhen fell into Shaoyang's hands, and it was very heavy, if someone else was holding it, they would think it would drop their hands. That is to say Shaoyang, after breaking through to the Netherworld Realm, the strength of the physical body also increased greatly, so he was able to drive freely.

Shaoyang tried his hand, but felt that Dinghai Shenzhen was really powerful, as it was recorded in "Journey to the West", "If you hold it a little, you will die, if you knock it a little, you will die"!


Shaoyang's spirit moved, and he shook the Dinghai Shenzhen. Soon, he saw that the Dinghai Shenzhen had turned into a flying sword!

Shaoyang is pleased, this Dinghai Shenzhen has the supernatural power of transformation, but it can also be used as a flying sword.


It's a little too heavy, and it's not perfect, so it can only be used.

Shaoyang turned it over and over again to familiarize himself with it before putting away the Dinghai Shenzhen. This time, entering Dayu's flood control fragments of time, cutting off those prehistoric beings is certainly a big gain, and I have obtained another magic weapon at my hand, but it is also a big gain!

Shaoyang didn't intend to stay any longer, so he stood up immediately, but in a short while, he had escaped from the East China Sea and returned to Dayu's place.

At this time, with the assistance of Ye Zun, Luo Ting and the others, Dayu's water control has gradually stepped on the right track. Shaoyang deliberately stayed for a little longer, but seeing that Dayu did not encounter any difficulties, Shaoyang was completely relieved, put away the Ding Haishenzhen, took Ye Zun, Luo Ting and the others, and left the place Time fragments, return to the real world!

Sang Lao, Zhang Subaru, and the others were also eagerly waiting there...

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