Myth is Coming

Chapter 837 Mom's plan!


Seeing that Shaoyang and the others returned safely, Sang Lao and Zhang Subaru couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This time, it was related to the killing of those prehistoric beings who had crossed over, and unpredictable changes would occur at every turn, so they were naturally very concerned.

"Mr. Sang, Mr. Zhang!" Shaoyang and the others quickly responded.

Elder Sang glanced at them, "How is it? Is everything going well?"

Shaoyang laughed and said, "Fortunately, it's not a disgrace!"

Afterwards, Shaoyang told Sang Lao and the others all the experiences of the trip; together with all the lives he encountered, even the magic weapon of "Dinghai Shenzhen" he obtained was not hidden from everyone.

"Ruyi Golden Cudgel?!"

Everyone's eyes widened at once, and they actually got such a treasure?

Shaoyang stretched out his hand and sacrificed the Dinghai Shenzhen. With Shaoyang's current sacrifice, he has become more and more controllable, so with a thought, the Dinghai Shenzhen has turned into a long stick and appeared to everyone in front of you.

Everyone looked at this mythical and legendary supreme soldier, and they couldn't help being dumbfounded and unbelievable.

Even Sang Lao was speechless for a while...

Finally, Sang Lao shook his head and said: "It is your luck and the luck of my human race that you can get such a magic weapon. Since this matter is temporarily over, you might as well go to rest for a while, and then, the next few prehistoric places The haunting of life, I am afraid it is still necessary to trouble you."


Everyone naturally responded.

Of course, everyone knows that although Sang Lao said so, in fact, Shaoyang is probably the one who really needs to bother.

As for them, is it okay to just replace them with anyone?

Only Shaoyang has no one to replace.


But it is said that Shaoyang left from the seventh round and returned to his residence, which is naturally another sacrifice to refine the magic weapon and consolidate his cultivation, so there is no need to elaborate on it one by one.

But obviously, it is impossible for Shaoyang to have too much free time...

Before he had rested for a long time, Sang Lao urged him again, so Shaoyang had no choice but to set off again, and once again searched for prehistoric beings among other time fragments, and then killed them one by one.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Shaoyang traveled through countless time fragments and killed countless monsters.

And in this process, Shaoyang's understanding of the fragments of time and the long river of time has become deeper and deeper. He couldn't help but secretly realize that it's no wonder that this realm is called the "Traveling Realm". This kind of Twilight is not only a superficial sense of Twilight, but also an understanding of time! Only at this level can one really begin to slowly come into contact with the nothingness of time.

Because of this, it has become easier for Shaoyang to travel through various time fragments now! It's almost like a gesture, so it can already travel freely among the fragments of time.

As for the long river of time, because he jumped out of their era, Shaoyang only had some preliminary understanding and was not very sure.

It seems that he still needs to improve his cultivation to gradually understand...

There is no rush.

Another year has passed in the blink of an eye...


With a flash of starlight, Shao Yang's figure quietly walked out of the void. He had just stepped into the real world, his figure flickered a few times, and he had already disappeared from the spot.

Then, he suddenly had a spiritual sense and noticed his "mobile phone" ringing in the Golden Cup Cave.


To be honest, after his cultivation has become more and more advanced, he has almost stopped using his mobile phone to communicate with others! If you want to contact someone, just use your spiritual sense to search for his trace easily! And for others to find him, it is far more convenient to use the [Yuan Shen Jie] than the mobile phone.

Therefore, for Shaoyang, today's mobile phones are basically only used to communicate with a few ordinary people——

Like my mother!

Shaoyang was shocked immediately, and quickly picked up his mobile phone. After seeing it, it was indeed his mother who called. He answered the call quickly, only to hear his father's deep voice coming from the other end of the phone, "Shaoyang, your mother, you Mom, she..."

Shao Yang was taken aback, his voice trembled unconsciously,

"What happened to my mother?"

Dad let out a long sigh and remained silent.

Shaoyang was in a hurry.

He also didn't care to talk to his father any more, and turned his head to look at Zhang Subaru behind him—this time, it was the time fragment that Director Zhang Subaru entered with him.

Shao Yang quickly said: "I have something urgent, I have to leave!"

Zhang Subaru was stunned for a moment, but he quickly said: "Okay, you can do whatever you want! If you need anything, tell me, send a message to the seventh game, all of us are your backing. "

Shao Yang shook his head, "Thank you, Mr. Zhang, but I'll see the situation."

As he said that, his figure flickered, and he saw a ray of starlight piercing through the void in an instant, flying away towards the distance.


But in Qinzhou, Shaoyang's father put down the phone, and said to Shaoyang's mother with a complaining face: "You just have a cold, why do you have to tell me to lie? Is it necessary?"

But my mother stared, "What cold? I have a heart disease! Isn't the heart disease serious? Besides, we didn't lie."

Dad rolled his eyes, he didn't lie... he just said half of what he said on purpose.

But the mother was still confident, "What? Don't you tell me how long he hasn't come back? Do I still have this child? How can I call him back without this method? I don't know what I am busy with every day! It’s already so big, don’t say hurry up and find a partner.”

Dad said: "You don't even watch the news, now our son is often on the news! Officials say that he is the most famous [martial arts master] in the country! My son is also busy with business, and the officials have been commending him."

"That didn't bring me a grandson!" Then, my mother complained to my father, "You didn't ask when he would come back, I have to prepare it in advance..."

But just as she was talking, my mother suddenly raised her head——


But he saw Shaoyang standing there, looking at her speechlessly.

Shaoyang couldn't laugh or cry, he really didn't expect that his mother could come up with such a way!

My mother is embarrassed, she was caught straight, maybe she heard all the previous words, this is a bit too embarrassing... Cough cough.

Rao is my mother, and I can't help but blush.

However, although he was taken aback, Shaoyang still felt relieved seeing his mother was fine. Moreover, thinking about it carefully, although my mother's behavior style is really ridiculous, but in the end, I am a bit too busy these days, so I don't have time to come back to see them often. The old couple can only receive their own information from the TV. It has been a long time, but my mother is a little unhappy.

Although I was indeed doing something important, my parents naturally couldn't ignore it! Shao Yang couldn't help but reflect secretly in his heart.

I blame myself for this...

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