Myth is Coming

Chapter 838: Clawed Beast

But they said that my parents tricked Shaoyang over, and seeing that Shaoyang remained silent, my parents couldn't help but feel a little timid. Not to mention, after all, Shaoyang's cultivation base is getting more and more refined, and he has developed a kind of tolerance without knowing it.

If he just stood there and didn't speak, his parents would feel guilty...

Mom hurriedly said: "Yangzi, don't blame mom, do you? Mom really has no choice but to resort to such a bad plan."

Dad also spoke on behalf of my mother, "Your mother and I are also worried about you. Of course, what we did was wrong. I didn't control your mother, and even helped the evildoers. I am also wrong..."

My mother couldn't help but stare at him, "You are the tyrant, who are you scolding?"

The two quarreled.

Shaoyang laughed, came back to his senses, and shook his head, "Dad, Mom, I don't blame you, it's my fault. I've been too busy recently, so I haven't bothered to come back to see you, and I'm sure it won't be like this in the future. "

Having said that, it was my mother's turn to be embarrassed, "No, we are fine, what's so interesting? That is, you can get me a daughter-in-law as soon as possible."


Shaoyang is also very speechless, his own mother can really stay close to her job with three words! Any topic can be brought up to her daughter-in-law... Shaoyang can only run away.

Now that he has come back, even though his parents are fine, Shaoyang still decides to stay at home for a few more days.


Before that, he had to hurry up and reply to many bigwigs among the Seventh Bureau, the military, the Forbidden Secret Office, the Xiao family, the Ye family... and many other forces! Before Shaoyang left in a hurry, Zhang Subaru and the others were naturally unaware, so they were secretly worried. If I don't hurry up and say I'm fine, I'm afraid that in a short time, there will be at least a dozen bigwigs from the Faxiang Realm gathered here!

Shaoyang couldn't help but look at his mother speechlessly, and sighed in his heart, Mom, you don't even know how much trouble you almost made!

scare you to death!

Of course, the matter has passed... all is calm.

Shaoyang temporarily stayed at home.

Not to mention, when I got home this time, I felt different from floating outside! No matter how many achievements he has made and how much he is respected, Shaoyang feels completely relaxed only when he returns home.

Shaoyang felt very comfortable, as if his whole soul had been washed.

Of course, in his spare time, Shaoyang also took the time to help his parents check their bodies, but he saw that the two of them had no major problems except for some common problems of the elderly.

Shaoyang also felt relieved. He also found an opportunity to secretly use his spiritual sense to recuperate his parents' bodies. In fact, after reaching the level of Shaoyang, I have faintly realized that people like my parents may not be completely unable to practice! But their talents are mediocre, and their bodies have begun to age, so the effect of cultivation may not be much.

Therefore, Shaoyang had no choice but to shake his head and give up. If there is a chance in the future, he might as well look for some elixir to help them repair their bodies.

With me here, I can definitely protect their lives!

One day, if one's own cultivation could break through another layer, it would not be difficult for them to live as long as the heavens.

Shaoyang is full of confidence... even more motivated!


The leisurely time was not long, and soon, Shaoyang had to leave——

"A prehistoric life appeared in the Pacific Ocean?"

Shaoyang couldn't help being surprised when he got the official news.

He has used his spiritual sense to search across the air, but he has not found anything at all! This shows that the realm of that prehistoric life is probably not just the Faxiang realm!

Shaoyang was awe-inspiring, he didn't dare to be careless, he quickly drove the Dunguang, and swept towards the direction of the imperial capital.

With Shaoyang's cultivation at this time, it wouldn't take much time to escape from Qinzhou! Moments later, he was down before the seventh inning.

"Chief Shaoyang!"

"Chief Shaoyang!"

In the seventh game, people flowed in and out, and there was a lot more solemnity and tension than usual.

Shao Yang nodded to them, then went in to find Mr. Sang and the others familiarly.

Shao Yang looked down at his cultivation:

These days, Shaoyang has not been idle! He entered various time fragments, slaughtered all kinds of monsters, and his own cultivation has been quietly improving. Just a few days ago, he successfully stepped into the level of "Xiaocheng" in Tongyou Realm.

The strength is further enhanced.

Soon, Shaoyang had already met Sang Lao and Zhang Subaru inside. But seeing the two people who have always been calm, they couldn't help but look worried at this time.

"Old Sang." Shao Yang came in and greeted them.


Seeing Shaoyang coming in, Sang Lao, Zhang Subaru couldn't help being overjoyed, and obviously relaxed a lot.

Shao Yang nodded and asked them, "What's going on? Why did some prehistoric life suddenly appear in the Pacific Ocean?"

Old Sang shook his head, "Terror is tricky..."

Then, he explained the details of the matter to Shaoyang carefully.

It turned out that this time it was a cargo ship from country M, transporting all kinds of elixirs exchanged from country C back to country M. But when passing through a certain sea area in the Pacific Ocean, he was suddenly attacked by a strange life! According to the pictures they sent back, Sang Lao and the others judged that it was probably another kind of prehistoric life.

Sang Lao said, and transferred those pictures to Shaoyang:

Shao Yang looked over carefully, but saw that it was a very huge monster, its body was half the size of a freighter! Its two hind limbs are strong and strong, propped in the sea water, while its pair of forelimbs are long and flexible, with its head raised, and in the picture, it is stretching its front paws to move the freighter!

Shaoyang quickly approved of Sang Lao's judgment——

This is obviously not a sea beast! It ended up appearing in the deep sea. I'm afraid it can only be a result. Like other prehistoric life forms, it accidentally entered the real era.

Obviously, it was the various elixirs on the freighters that attracted it and made it find these freighters.

"What is its strength?" Shao Yang asked in a deep voice.

Sang Lao called out another analysis report, "I have ordered the Secret Office to conduct a detailed analysis based on the existing information. According to their speculation, this [clawed beast] is likely to be in the realm of Tongyou! It His strength and reaction speed are obviously beyond the level of the Faxiang Realm."

Shao Yang quickly flipped through the report, but saw that the claw beast's behavior, fighting habits, and possible weaknesses... were all analyzed and speculated in detail!

So, even though Shaoyang hasn't seen this clawed beast yet, he already has some confidence in his heart.

He closed his eyes, thought about the battle process silently in his heart, and soon opened his eyes again, and said, "Old Sang, let me go."



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