Myth is Coming

Chapter 839 The Power of the Human Race

Seeing that Shaoyang took the initiative to invite Ying, although Sang Lao had been waiting for his words for a long time—in their country C, even in their era, only Shaoyang was sure to deal with this sea beast—but even so, Sang Lao still spoke in a low voice. Asked: "Shaoyang, are you sure?"

Shao Yang silently weighed it in his heart, and slowly said: "It should be 50% sure."

If it was before, Shaoyang only had a 30% chance of winning at most, but with the analysis of the Forbidden Secret Office, Shaoyang felt that he already had a 50% chance of winning.

But Elder Sang still frowned——

"Only 50%? It's still too little, we can't let you take this risk."


Fifty percent is too little? Shaoyang was speechless and moved again... Sang Lao, where is your fearless [Dao Heart]?

Shao Yang hurriedly said: "Old Sang, I'm quite sure, but I don't know the supernatural power of this sea beast, so I dare not say I'm sure. Besides, even if I can't win, I should be able to protect myself."

Elder Sang glanced at Shaoyang, and said slowly: "Shaoyang, maybe you haven't realized that you are too important to our human race now, and any risk should be avoided."

After a pause, Sang Lao pondered for a while, and said, "Well, I will send a message to Qinglong to let him approach that sea area. If you can successfully kill the sea beast, that's all. If you can't , he can also smoothly accept your withdrawal. However, Shaoyang, once something cannot be done, remember not to force it! We would rather wait a little longer and wait for your cultivation to become more advanced."


Shao Yang naturally agreed, but after changing his mind, Shao Yang hurriedly asked again: "Old Sang, you said that Senior Qinglong should take care of me, could it be that Senior Qinglong's cultivation level..."

Sang Lao nodded and sighed: "Qinglong's talent is indeed far superior to mine. I was exposed to the cultivation method of Tongyoujing earlier than him, but now I have only made a little progress, but Qinglong has faintly begun to touch it. We have reached the edge of the Netherworld."


Shaoyang was also very surprised, he didn't expect that Senior Qinglong had such talent! How long is this? He's already close to the Netherworld?

Although it is close, maybe it is still far away from the real breakthrough, but it is not easy to reach this level in more than a year... Shaoyang can't help feeling that these strong men of the older generation really just lack chance! Once they are given the slightest chance, they will immediately bloom with brilliance.

However, this is also a good thing! The stronger the strength of Senior Qinglong and Sang Lao, the safer the human race will be.


Now that the discussion has been made, Shaoyang didn't stay any longer, and immediately set off towards the East China Sea.


With Shaoyang's escape speed at this time, this distance is naturally nothing at all. In a short time, Shaoyang has rushed to the East China Sea.

Elder Sang sits in the capital, and he can't sit still in the capital, so he rushes here in person.

Sensing the changes in the East China Sea from afar with spiritual sense...


As soon as Shaoyang entered here, he was immediately greeted by Xuanwu Luo Lie. The latter glanced at Shaoyang, feeling very complicated. Back then, I still wanted to teach Shaoyang. As a result, Shaoyang broke through to the Faxiang Realm as soon as he turned his head.

And after he managed to break through to the Faxiang Realm, it didn't take long for Shaoyang to reach the Netherworld Realm again!

Now, this difficult problem can only be solved by Shaoyang...

Shao Yang didn't think too much, he landed on Luo Lie's warship, and asked in a loud voice: "Senior Xuanwu, I don't know what's going on in the East China Sea now?"

Luo Lie ordered the left and right to bring up a sea chart, and pointed on it, "The last time we detected its location was in this sea area. And in this sea area, there are many chaotic reefs and the terrain is very complicated. Our monitoring. We can only confirm that it is in this area, but the exact location is no longer known.” At the end, Luo Lie couldn’t help but sigh, “Its spirituality is very high, we have been very careful, but still perceived by it.


Shao Yang nodded, understanding Luo Lie's meaning. Obviously, this "claw beast" sensed their monitoring, so it hid in this sea area. With the help of complex terrain, it is out of their field of vision.

"Is there any battle plan?" Shao Yang asked.

Luo Lie nodded, "We have been keeping in touch with the Forbidden Secret Office. According to the latest situation, according to their advice, this clawed beast should not be good at water combat, so we can try to form an array to avoid the clawed beast into the water Fish, let's fight."

While speaking, Luo Lie looked at Shaoyang...

Shaoyang understands that this should be the most reasonable suggestion given by the Forbidden Secret Office! The clawed beast, its shape, and fighting style all showed that it was not a sea beast.

Therefore, fighting in the sea will be the most beneficial way for oneself.

However, in this way, Shaoyang naturally had to take some risks...

Shaoyang smiled, "Okay, I agree with this plan. As for me, senior Xuanwu don't have to worry, I have the method of water escape."

Luo Lie is also very decisive. Their "Death God Squad" shoulders the most dangerous duties, and they have faced difficulties many times! Therefore, although this time was dangerous, what Luo Lie considered was how to complete the task assigned by Sang Lao and kill this clawed beast.

Therefore, Luo Lie quickly said: "Okay, then please trouble Shaoyang to enter it. We will dispatch teams according to the information you send out to compress or expand this sea area and give you the greatest help."

To be honest, none of them had the ability to face this clawed beast head-on, so they could only do some auxiliary work.

"Okay." Shao Yang nodded.

Luo Lie quickly explained some tactical arrangements, of course, all of these are to cooperate with Shaoyang to fight!

Shaoyang was also relieved, he just felt much relieved in his heart.

For so many years, the official has not been idle! Sang Lao and the others have researched a whole set of combat modes through the Forbidden Secret Office, the military, and the God-killing troops...! The Forbidden Secret Office is like the headquarters of the staff behind the scenes, and it incorporates all kinds of magical powers, various assistance methods, and even modern technological power... Shaoyang feels that it is better than facing a powerful enemy alone in other eras. Much safer!

This is the power of the human race.

Luo Lie finally explained, "Mr. Sang has already sent [Yuan Shen Jie] over, and we will fix it at this location; any time, you can quickly get in touch with us through this [Yuan Shen Jie]."


Shaoyang responded, and didn't say any more, and immediately flashed his light, and suddenly submerged into the sea water.


I saw the waves in the sea rolling, and there was no trace of Shaoyang at all...

On the warship, dozens of superpowers from the God-killing army all showed respectful expressions!

They are in awe of the strong, and Shaoyang is fighting a strong enemy with all his strength at this time, and he is undoubtedly the top strong in their minds!


The first one, and then the second one... starting from the first one who took the lead, one after another, and soon dozens of people on the entire warship saluted Shaoyang in unison! This is their highest tribute!

In the end, even Luo Lie raised his right hand and made the most standard military salute in the direction of Shaoyang Dun!

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