Myth is Coming

Chapter 840 Easy Battle


Shao Yang's figure slipped into the sea water, he had already performed the "water escape" method, and his figure completely merged into the sea water.

He closed his eyes slightly, feeling the sea water flowing past him, familiar with the nature of water.

Being in water is completely different from being on land! Perhaps for monks of their level, they would not say that they are afraid of water, but water has the characteristics of water. If you are not familiar with fighting in water, your strength will inevitably be weakened.

That's the advantage he might have.

Shao Yang nodded slightly, agreeing with the suggestion given by the Forbidden Secret Office.


Even so, don't be careless. Prehistoric life at this level is likely to have [inherited supernatural powers]. Every kind of inherited supernatural powers must not be underestimated!

All kinds of strange methods are hard to predict, don't be careless and miss Jingzhou.

Therefore, Shaoyang carefully unfolded his spiritual sense, and carefully searched every inch of space around him. At the same time, he also opened up his magical power of "mistaking the real thing with the fish's eyes", kept looking around, trying to find out the location of the clawed beast.

However, the terrain of this sea area is indeed very complicated. On the surface, it seems to be a vast ocean... But in fact, after diving into the bottom of the sea, I only feel that there are many reefs, and all kinds of life on the bottom of the sea shuttle back and forth... If you want to be in such a place, It was really not easy to find the trace of the clawed beast!

But Shaoyang has a way:

"At 12 o'clock, go 100 meters inward."

"At 9 o'clock, temporarily retreat 50 meters."


Shaoyang went all the way inward, and according to the situation he searched, he continued to pass information out through [Yuan Shen Jie]. The people commanding the killing god troops kept adjusting the range of the encirclement.

With the help of the Killing God Troop, Shaoyang immediately felt much more relaxed.

If he is the only one who wants to completely control this sea area, how easy is it? But with the help of the God-killing troops, the scope began to gradually narrow down.

And because of this, finally began to gradually lock the range of that claw beast!

"It should be in this sea area!"

After Luo Lie synthesized the instructions given by Shaoyang and the analysis given by the Forbidden Secret Office, he quickly made his own guess.

Shao Yang received this information through Yuanshen Realm, nodded and agreed with the latter's judgment.


Shaoyang fled there immediately.

In the rear, Luo Lie also began to quickly dispatch troops. Although it was difficult for them to interfere in the battle between Shaoyang and the sea beast on the frontal battlefield, they could still help Shaoyang a lot by assisting from the side!

In addition, a lot of key information can be collected, right?

Shaoyang was amused, is this considered a "modern" monk's fighting method?


Turning these thoughts, Shaoyang has escaped into this piece of sea area, the sea water is tumbling, and in an instant, only a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the direction of Shaoyang's left hand side! Immediately afterwards, I saw a huge palm suddenly protruding from the middle of a clump of coral reefs, and suddenly slapped it towards Shaoyang!

Naturally, it was the clawed beast!

With a thought in Shaoyang's mind, he had completely imprinted the appearance of the clawed beast into his sea of ​​consciousness. But seeing this clawed beast, it was as expected from the previous information, with a huge body, flexible hands, and terrifying strength.

But in the same way, just from its current movements, it can be inferred that the latter should not be good at water combat, and its pair of hind legs are not flexible enough...

As analyzed by the Forbidden Secret Office!

Therefore, Shaoyang has already quickly passed through several sets of battle plans in his heart - there is no doubt that they are also written by the forbidden secret office!

"Hey, it's so easy!"

Shaoyang suddenly had such a feeling...

But let alone, having the [Forbidden Secret Office] and the God-killing troops as helpers really made the battle much easier.

With these thoughts in mind, Shao Yang stepped out of the [Explosive Step] quietly, and his figure retreated abruptly, avoiding all the power of the clawed beast precisely one foot away from the palm of the claw.

The sea water rolled, setting off layers of ripples,

The water is surging! The claw beast itself was a little slower in "moving", it just relied on the flexibility of its hands.

At this time, coupled with the interference of the sea water, the movements of the clawed beast naturally became more clumsy in Shao Yang's eyes.

Too little power!

Countless stars gathered in Shaoyang's hand, and the Dinghai Shenzhen quietly appeared in his hand, turning into a long sword. With the unfolding of Shaoyang's [Heaven and Man Harmony] realm swordsmanship, the clawed beast was completely enveloped in an instant. Within the sword light! Countless stars gathered quietly, streams of light blended into the sword light.

This sword has already pointed at the weakness of the clawed beast!

Shaoyang's swordsmanship is already very good, and with the power of Taiwei, his strength has reached a terrifying level.

But now, targeting the weakness of this clawed beast, its power is naturally even more terrifying.

chi chi!

Just listening to a series of sounds, a series of starlight intertwined on the back of the clawed beast! The back of the latter has left dozens of scars in an instant, and the two deepest scars even reach the bone.

There was an angry roar from the mouth of the clawed beast, and there was even a hint of fear in it.

Why is this human race so powerful?

It turned around awkwardly, and waved its hands down one after another... But almost all of its movements were completely within Shaoyang's expectations!

Therefore, Shaoyang stepped out again lightly and deftly, avoiding the front of the latter just as dangerously, circled to its back, swung his sword light again, and stabbed at the back of the clawed beast.

chi chi!

chi chi...

Although this claw beast has rough skin and solid flesh, and its defense is amazing, but under Shaoyang's sword technique and Taiwei's power, it was also injured one after another, and blood flowed horizontally.

Gradually, its strength couldn't help but began to decline, and as one ebbed and the other ebbed and flowed, Shaoyang naturally gained the upper hand!



In the rear, the God-killing troops, the Forbidden Secret Office... They monitored the battle scene through various means, and it was obvious that Shaoyang had the upper hand, and everyone couldn't help but feel happy.

But Shaoyang himself did not dare to be careless. He still followed the original plan and expanded the results step by step without arrogance or impetuosity.


Seeing the clawed beast being injured one after another, a bright silver light suddenly slipped across its body! For a moment, its entire body seemed to turn silvery white, revealing a metallic luster.


Under the terrifying power, the coral reef behind him suddenly exploded, and countless fragments shuttled back and forth, covering Shaoyang in it.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the clawed beast suddenly ejected from it, a pair of arms stretched out suddenly, and swung down towards Shaoyang's position!

That clawed beast has been forced out of its inherited supernatural powers!

But Shaoyang had expected it a long time ago, how could it succeed?

Dinghai Shenzhen suddenly disintegrated, and countless sword lights shuttled in the void... Not only did Shaoyang not defend, he took advantage of the situation to attack the clawed beast!

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