Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 106: Li Ruoyue and Li Ruoxing

Of course, Li Zhenbang will not wander around in the female dormitory area. The environment in the female dormitory area is relatively quieter than the male dormitory area. There are many trees in the male dormitory area, and there are also more big trees in the female dormitory area, but colorful flowers and grass are the main colors here.

Following the guidance of the middle-aged woman at the gate, Li Zhenbang quickly found the Bauhinia Villa. The villa is not very big, most of the exterior walls are purple, which looks very emotional.

Standing in front of the Bauhinia Villa, Li Zhenbang felt very nervous, and finally summoned the courage to knock on the door.

"Who?" The door opened, and it was Li Ruoyue who opened the door.

"It's not that I can't just dress like this and open the door!" Li Zhenbang said weakly.

"There are very few boys in our female dormitory. Who knew you sneaked in without being spotted by Sasha at the door?" Li Ruoyue sat on the sofa, her beautiful figure set off her more attractive at this moment.

"Who is Sasha?" Li Zhenbang asked with a flushed face.

"It's the eldest sister at the door! Didn't you come in from another place?" Li Ruoyue looked at Li Zhenbang curiously.

"Uh... No, eldest sister, don't wrong me! I walked in from the front door in an open and open manner. It was the door guard who let me in." Li Zhenbang quickly denied, he didn't want to be mistaken by Li Ruoyue as a pervert , Otherwise, go back and tell your mother that it will be strange if you have not been repaired properly.

Naturally, Li Ruoyue would not entangle too much on this issue, she still believed in Li Zhenbang. What's more, Li Zhenbang has not been a naughty kid since he was a child, which is still very worrying.

"Huh, where's the second sister?" Li Zhenbang asked strangely without seeing Li Ruoxing after entering the house.

"She? Going to take a bath too, I guess it should be almost the same!" Li Ruoyue replied casually.

At this moment, the bathroom door opened, and Li Ruoxing walked out around a white bath towel, wiped his head with the towel and asked, "Sister, who is here?"

Li Ruoxing was taller than Li Ruoyue. As a soldier, Li Ruoxing showed a healthy wheat color, not as fair as Li Ruoyue. Although Li Ruoxing's figure is not as full as Li Ruoyue, but it also has a different charm.

"Oh, Zhenbang is here." Li Ruoyue said casually.

"Huh?" Li Ruoxing was taken aback, and quickly raised his head to see Li Zhenbang standing up with his head down in embarrassment.

Seeing Li Zhenbang lowered his head, Li Ruoxing breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "You talk first, and I will come back later." After speaking, he hurried back to his room.

Hearing the sound of Li Ruoxing closing the door, Li Zhenbang raised his head and sat on the sofa again.

A few minutes later, Li Ruoxing appeared in the living room neatly dressed, and his hair was already dry, apparently dried with a grudge.

"How did Zhenbang come in? Sister Sasha is not that easy to talk." Li Ruoxing sat beside Li Zhenbang.

"I said you were my sister, so she let me in."

"Really it's that simple?" Li Ruoyue asked suspiciously.

"Uh...almost! Haha!"

"Cut! I'm too lazy to ask you! Covered up, if I didn't believe you, I would suspect that you came in over the wall." Li Ruoyue curled her lips and said.

"Sister, go change your clothes! You don't even dare to look up and speak." Li Ruoxing reminded kindly.

"What's the matter? Zhenbang is less than seven years old? Isn't it so precocious?" Li Ruoyue glanced at Li Zhenbang, and found that his face was red, with his head down and a smile, standing up and returning to the room to change his clothes. went.

When passing by Li Zhenbang, he seemed to say casually: "The children nowadays are really precocious!" Li Zhenbang's face turned redder.

But Li Zhenbang said in his heart: "You haven't seen Bai Yanlang, that guy is not only precocious, but also rotted."

Of course, Li Zhenbang didn't dare to speak out. I don't know why, he has always been in awe of this elder sister.

When Li Zhenbang was a child, Li Ruoyue possessed the nature of a female devil. She was bold and fearless in violence. When Li Zhenbang was a child, she was bullied by her, but she only allowed herself to be bullied. When others bullied Li Zhenbang, she would turn into an incarnation. Tigress's.

Once, my father's friend brought a little boy who was a little older than Li Zhenbang to the house as a guest. The little boy was very naughty. When he saw Li Zhenbang painting, he used to smear Li Zhenbang's paintings. As a result, Li Ruoyue saw it and gave the little boy to pee at that time. From now on, the little boy would pee his pants every time he saw Li Ruoyue and dare not cry.

Li Zhenbang looked at Li Ruoxing in a dumbfounded voice and whispered: "The eldest sister is still a devil! She didn't bully you?"

"Zhenbang, you are talking behind your back. If you dare to say this in front of your elder sister, hehe!" Li Ruoxing looked at Li Zhenbang with a smirk.

"Oh my God! Second sister, you have broken your studies, you weren't like this before! How gentle you were before! How can you learn from your eldest sister?" Li Zhenbang looked at Li Ruoxing with a shocked expression and said in pain.

"Smelly boy, what are you talking about me behind your back? Why can't you learn from me?" Li Ruoyue didn't know when she had appeared behind Li Zhenbang and questioned Li Zhenbang with her eyes wide open.

"This... that... uh..." Li Zhenbang's eyes rolled around and he had an idea.

"I mean the second sister can't learn from the elder sister's chivalrous heart, enthusiasm, unrestrained manner, so the second sister does not need to learn from the elder sister." Li Zhenbang looked at Li Ruoxing for help.

The second sister, who has been full of tolerance and love for Li Zhenbang since he was a child, will naturally not expose him. She smiled and said to Li Ruoyue: "Yes, big sister, Zhenbang has praised you for a long time, and said I can't learn from you."

After speaking, Li Ruoxing blinked at Li Zhenbang. Li Zhenbang breathed a sigh of relief, grinning silly at Li Ruoxing.

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