Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 107: I am safe

Li Ruoyue's nervousness does not mean stupidity, she looked at Li Ruoxing and sighed helplessly: "Ruoxing, you can protect him! Look at what Zhenbang is used to by you!"

"Eldest sister, it seems you are not used to Zhenbang. Do you want me to testify that little kid who was so scared to pee when I saw you?" Li Ruoxing looked at Li Ruoyue and said with a smile.

"You...huh! Zhenbang, you must know the reason for calling you this time." Li Ruoyue didn't say anything, turned to look at Li Zhenbang and said solemnly. Li Ruoxing also looked at Li Zhenbang with worry.

" wouldn't persuade me to drop out? I'm only in the first grade!" Li Zhenbang said aggrieved.

"Is there any way? Don't you know how dangerous you are now? If something goes wrong with you, how can we explain to your parents." Li Ruoyue said with a serious face.

"Zhenbang, obedient, I can't help you this time. This is a matter of life and death. We don't want to see you again when you become a cold corpse." Li Ruoxing also became rare and serious.

"Sister, it's not so exaggerated! It's like I'm going to die soon." Li Zhenbang said helplessly.

"Bah, bah, bah, crow's mouth!" Li Ruoyue vomited a few mouthfuls.

Li Zhenbang secretly said in his heart: Second sister said that I am a corpse, why don't you bah bah bah!

"Zhenbang, just listen to what the second sister said, go home! Back to Caro City, you have two holy magister teachers, at least you will not be in danger with them, but if you are in the academy, it is not necessarily ."

"The academy is actually very safe, second sister, you can rest assured!" Li Zhenbang said with relief.

"The academy is safe, but what about after you get out of the academy gate? Who can guarantee your safety? You are not obedient with tonics! Otherwise the second sister will be angry!" Li Ruoxing said anxiously.

"Don't tell me you have already told your parents?" Li Zhenbang was afraid that his parents would know. If they knew, they would definitely take them home at all costs.

"We just finished the mission of the Royal Mercenary Corps and returned to the academy. We heard about you. How can we tell them!" Li Ruoyue rolled her eyes at Li Zhenbang and said.

"That's good, that's good! It scared me to death!"

"What a shit! You are still scared to death, but you scared us to death! This has just left our eyelids, you have caused such a great disaster, if no one is taking care of you, you must Poke a hole out?" Li Ruoyue said angrily at Li Zhenbang with her eyes pinched.

"Sister, don't be angry! I'm also brave for righteousness!"

"Huh, do you have the courage to do what is righteous? I think you are upset!" Li Ruoyue snorted angrily.

"Sister, what are you talking about! How could Zhenbang be that kind of person!" Li Ruoxing pulled Li Ruoyue a bit, and said with some complaints.

"You still help him speak, but he provokes the Poison Sect! The Poison Sect is something that our family can't afford! When the Poison Sect is still unresponsive, quickly send him back and protect him. It's the right way!" Li Ruoyue said anxiously.

Li Zhenbang smiled bitterly in his heart, the Poison Sect had already acted, but it was solved by himself. The current Poison Sect is really not a threat, at least there will be no threat in the short term. Now he should take advantage of this short intermittent period to solve the threats around him.

Hearing the Poison Sect, Li Ruoxing's eyes dimmed, a huge sect is not so easy to talk. What's more, the poisonous sect is fierce, and it is also good and evil, and the royal family must be a little bit thin, let alone the Red Maple Leaf family!

Zhenbang is not six years old now. If it were that time, maybe the family would do everything possible to settle it. Now if some people in the family knew about this, they might be eager to hand Li Zhenbang out, and they would have become a poisonous clan!

"Zhenbang, just listen to the eldest sister! Hurry home, you are the father's only son! You can't have an accident!" Li Ruoxing looked at Li Zhenbang and said seriously.

"Eldest sister, second sister, don't worry about me, okay, I'm safe now. Don't say that the poison sect has no time to take care of me, even if I have time, I can't please!" Li Zhenbang said calmly and confidently.

Seeing Li Zhenbang's confident expression, Li Ruoyue was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously asked, "Why?"

"Because the academy is very strong, I am absolutely safe in the academy, at least they dare not directly enter the academy to hurt me."

"Even if they dare not go directly to the academy to hurt you, it is still possible to let other people in the academy hurt you through some means? After all, you are only in the first grade, and you are still a summoned beast mage. Self-protection?" Li Ruoxing felt calm when he saw Li Zhenbang's calmness, but he still asked a little worried.

"Hey, you should have heard that my teacher Deli Laika came to the college to give a lecture a few days ago?" Li Zhenbang said with a mysterious face.

"So what? By the way, why didn't he take you away at the time? He must know your current situation?" Li Ruoyue asked angrily. Deli Leka didn't take Li Zhenbang away and she was very angry. After returning to Carlo City, he planned to find the old man to settle the account.

"Originally, the teacher wanted to take me back, but my persistence finally moved him, and he gave me something."

"Hmph, nothing can be more precious than you." Li Ruoyue snorted disdainfully.

Li Zhenbang's heart warmed, and his initially bragging mentality became calmer.

"A beast egg of a giant rhinoceros."

"Huh, what about the beast egg? It's not as good as... what? The beast egg of the giant rhinoceros?" Li Ruoyue didn't realize anything at first, and suddenly reacted and screamed.

"Zhenbang, what you said is true? Is it the beast egg of Tier 5 Iron Armor Rhinoceros?" Li Ruoxing also exclaimed.

Li Zhenbang took the iron-clad rhinoceros out of the acquired bag, the iron-clad rhinoceros was still asleep.

"Look, I have hatched it, and I have been feeding it the earth magic core recently. With it as a guarantee, what other students in the academy can harm me?"

Li Ruoyue and Li Ruoxing took a closer look and found that although the current iron armored rhinoceros did not reach the level of Tier 5, it was already very close to Tier 4's strength. In the academy, facing students' self-protection should not be a problem.

"But if you leave the academy, it will definitely not work just by relying on it." Li Ruoyue said with certainty after careful observation.

"I will only be safer after I leave the college!" Li Zhenbang said confidently.

"Why?" Both of them looked at Li Zhenbang in surprise, they really couldn't think of Li Zhenbang's confidence.

"You won't forget that I also have a sage warrior-level master! Her partner is a golden dragon!" Li Zhenbang said triumphantly.

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