Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 108: Civil turmoil

"What does that have to do with you?" Li Ruoyue asked in confusion.

"You didn't mean..." Li Ruoxing's eyes suddenly widened, looking at Li Zhenbang, his eyes were full of incredible.

"Yes, my mother sent the golden dragon to me as a bodyguard. Every time I leave the academy, she will wait for me at the entrance of the academy. So don't worry, I am safe."

"Zhenbang, this is not a joke! Are you telling the truth?" Li Ruoyue also looked at Li Zhenbang with surprise. She couldn't imagine that Li Zhenbang's mother was so generous.

"What did I lie to you for? Is it good for me, or should I let her come over and meet you?" Li Zhenbang said helplessly when he saw the questioning eyes of the two.

"No, don't always trouble others. We believe you, but you have to promise us that you don't leave the college without problems. If you leave the college, you must notify the golden dragon. If there is a chance, we We must repay others well." Li Ruoyue prevented Li Zhenbang from thinking.

In her mind, the dragons are always high above. The former emerald dragon protected Li Zhenbang for several years for a reason, so it is better not to trouble or trouble others.

"Okay! I assure you that when I have no strength, I will be honest and will not run out of the academy often. Don't worry! But you must not tell your dad about the Poison Sect. Mom! I'm afraid they are too worried." Li Zhenbang said begging looking at the two sisters.

"Okay! But can you guarantee that Master Deli Leka won't tell his parents? I'm afraid he has already told them." Li Ruoyue looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously.

"Don't worry, the teacher promised me that I won't talk to my parents. The teacher will keep his promises and won't break his promise."

"Will Master Yang Bing tell his parents?" Li Ruoxing asked with some worry.

"Uh...I don't think so! Teacher Deli Laika should greet him, and he knows my situation very well, he should be very relieved, and he will definitely not tell his parents." Li Zhenbang also had some Worried, but after thinking about it carefully, Teacher Yang Bing probably wouldn't do this. He knew that there were two giant dragons around him as bodyguards.

"Well, then! We can help you keep it secret for the time being, but if you are in any danger again, I will definitely tell your parents." Li Ruoyue barely compromised with Li Zhenbang.

After Li Zhenbang calmed down the two sisters, he was temporarily settled down. Li Zhenbang began intensive preparations to find out Nick and Nick's behind-the-scenes man.

The Poison Sect had already been messed up, and the Poison Sect was not caused by external reasons, but internal turmoil. The matter of Li Zhenbang became a fuse, and the contradiction between the power of the Poison Sect and the power of the Great Elder completely broke out.

Originally, the great elder was already very powerful in the Poison Sect, and he also looked forward to the position of the sovereign. The Poison Sect is not the same as many other sects. The position of the suzerain is not in the same line, but only by a capable person.

The current suzerain is indeed the son of the father, if it were not for the prestige of the old suzerain, he would not sit in this position. After the old suzerain passed the seat to the current suzerain, he abdicated and maintained his life. When the old sect master was alive, he could still suppress the people who were quite criticized below, but the old sect master passed away some time ago, and this happened during the period when the elder was forced to hand over power by the current sect master.

Originally, the only son of the Great Elder, Bai Wei, had died, and he was in a very bad mood, but Bai Yanlang, the son of the current suzerain, also died, and due to white anger, all the Poison Sect disciples were expelled from the Royal Academy of Carlos , This was cited as a shameful shame by the current suzerain, so he punished the great elder, deprived part of his rights, and demoted him to the third elder.

When the old sect master was still alive, the great elder had to swallow his breath, but the old sect master passed away, how could he endure this tone! Originally, he was the one who opposed the succession of the current suzerain, and now he directly unites all the members of the clan who oppose the current suzerain and the sect forces he owns to fight back.

The current suzerain is relatively junior, and originally wanted to increase his prestige by suppressing the great elder, but he did not know that his father had passed away at this time, making him very passive.

The current suzerain can only control a portion of the elderly who are loyal to his father and a group of new forces he has cultivated. Most of the people in the presbytery are the people of the great elders, and they don't put the current suzerain in their eyes.

After the current suzerain came to power, many reforms were implemented. Although in the long run, it is good for the poison sect, it seriously infringes upon the vital interests of the elders. If the old sect master can live for five years, the current sect master is fully confident to take the Poison Sect to a new level. Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs in the world, and there are not so many people who don't care about their own interests.

So the contradiction between the two groups of people broke out completely, leading to a coup d'etat in the Poison Sect, and also a terrible civil war.

"Elder, what should we do next? Bai Feiyu is really overwhelmed, so he dares to oppose you. Humph! What a death!"

"It's just a clown jumping beam. If it weren't for his father's asylum, he could have today? Huh! I don't listen to my advice, but want to fight against me. I want to grab my rights to increase my prestige. It's a good idea. If you don’t know the current affairs, it’s just death."

"Elder, that clown is now relying on the little strength he has in his hands to guard some of the main roads on the top of the mountain. The strong attack is afraid that the loss will be great!"

"Two-thirds of the strength of the sect is in our hands. They are trapped on the top of the mountain sooner or later. Why should we fight with the trapped beasts, which only increases the casualties! The order goes on, so that everyone is ready to fight and guard against thieves. Counterattack." Bai Nu looked at the building on the top of the mountain, and couldn't help feeling a burst of bitterness. If the undercover he had placed beside Bai Feiyu hadn't been exposed early, why should he attack so hastily...

"Sect Master, the old thief White Fury has already penetrated halfway through the mountain. We can still defend with the terrain for the time being, but after all, it is not a long-term solution. Hope the Sect Master will make a decision early." The Third Elder said respectfully while standing beside Bai Feiyu.

"This white angry old man actually betrayed the sect and wanted to stand on his own, huh! Ordering the disciples must not stick to it, there is no problem if we insist on it for half a month. We must make good use of the terrain and don't let them take a step forward. , Soon we will have reinforcements arriving." Bai Feiyu's eyes were cold, his face flushed, and his hands clenched into fists.

"Yes, Sect Master, I will go and give orders." Although the Third Elder was puzzled about where the reinforcements were, he still took his orders in a deep voice and slowly withdrew from the hall.

"White Fury, this is all you forced me. Humph! Sooner or later I will make you pay for it." A trace of madness flashed in Bai Feiyu's eyes, and a gray dove quietly flew out of the hall, into the high altitude, and disappeared.

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