Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 112: welfare

After reading the Black Crystal Prepaid Card, everyone excitedly returned to their seats and continued to get busy.

"Zhenbang, how much did you lose this time? Tell me! I can hold it." Wang Peng looked at Li Zhenbang nervously. This time, even if Li Zhenbang told him to lose 10,000, he could accept it calmly. Compared with 10,000, obviously the hole of 10,000 can still think of a way.

"Uh...this..." Li Zhenbang deliberately talked and hesitated. He just wanted to tease Wang Peng and let him have a deeper lesson. See if he dare to take such a risk in the future.

"Lost ten thousand?" Wang Peng asked cautiously.

Li Zhenbang shook his head, did not speak, and his expression remained unchanged.

"Losed 20,000?" Wang Peng's face has changed, and his breath is a bit uneven.

Li Zhenbang continued to shook his head.

"Did you lose thirty thousand?" Wang Peng's voice began to tremble, and large drops of sweat began to slide down his face, his face flushed.

Li Zhenbang knew that Wang Peng was almost on the verge of collapse at this moment, and his stern face suddenly showed a smile. When Wang Peng saw Li Zhenbang's smile, his heart jumped, and there was a blank feeling in his mind, as if he had no thoughts.

"Brother Wang, I am fortunate not to humiliate my life. I sold a total of 160,000 gold coins."

"Oh! 160,000 gold coins, fortunately, the loss is not much, I can accept it." Wang Peng said instinctively.

"What? How many gold coins?" Wang Peng suddenly reacted, grabbing Li Zhenbang's shoulders with excited hands, and asked vigorously.

"Brother Wang, don't shake it, I'll die if you shake it again!" Li Zhenbang hurriedly said, with a wry smile in his heart, Wang Peng was not doing well, so he almost did.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I'm so excited! Zhenbang, how much did you sell?" Wang Peng asked nervously, for fear that he had heard it wrong.

Since Wang Peng's movements and voice were a bit louder, everyone in the office stared at him.

"160,000, I sold 160,000 gold coins." Li Zhenbang's voice was a little louder to ensure that Wang Peng heard clearly, so as not to shake himself with excitement. But at this time everyone was listening with prismatic ears, so everyone heard it.

Everyone is still very clear about this matter. They all know that the president has spent nearly 150,000 yuan on the purchase of the magic core and has a foreign debt of more than 100,000 yuan. This time I sold 160,000, so not only the purchase cost has come back, but there is more than 10,000 profit, which is simply incredible.

"Ten...160,000? Zhenbang, if you hit me, I'm not dreaming, am I?" Wang Peng looked at Li Zhenbang in disbelief and said excitedly.

"Since you have this special requirement, I can satisfy you!" Li Zhenbang said with a smirk looking at Wang Peng.

", I don't think it's a dream! Haha!" Seeing Li Zhenbang's smirk, Wang Peng immediately said soberly after a cold war.

Li Zhenbang looked at Wang Peng with regret, sighed and said, "I thought there was a personal sandbag, alas!"

The black line on Wang Peng’s face, pretending not to hear, cleared his throat, and declared firmly in his eyes: "Everyone is quiet. Due to my personal decision error, I decided to step down as the president and apply to the college. As Li Zhenbang assumed the position, I decided to start again, starting from an ordinary committee member."

The office suddenly became silent, and everyone looked at Wang Peng and Li Zhenbang. Although Wang Peng did a little lack of consideration in this matter, after all, Wang Peng did it for the development of the committee and did not have any selfish intentions.

They have also become accustomed to this matter. Although Li Zhenbang is their idol, it does not mean that Wang Peng is less important than Li Zhenbang in their hearts.

"Brother Wang, if you do this, I will directly withdraw from the civilian committee. I did not settle this matter to become the chairman, and as you all know, I don’t have a time management committee at all. My vice-chairman is still everyone. The committee members and the commoner students are the ones who show their love. People have self-knowledge, and I know my own weight." Li Zhenbang looked at Wang Peng and said solemnly, his eyes full of determination.

Hearing what Li Zhenbang said, the people in the room were obviously relieved. If they were allowed to choose, they really didn't know what to do. With his own efforts, Li Zhenbang turned the tide and saved the civilian committee. Moreover, Li Zhenbang expressed his attitude so that they did not have any arrogance, which made them respect Li Zhenbang from the bottom of their hearts.

Wang Peng saw the determination in Li Zhenbang’s eyes, knowing that Li Zhenbang was not just talking, he lowered his head helplessly, sighed, and said, "Even if I stay in this position, I will definitely make a copy for everyone. A profound review,"

"A review must be done, and everyone must be rewarded for their contributions to the committee this time. Although our committee is a purely welfare institution for civilian members, everyone has to eat, and this time everyone has to bear it. If there is a risk, if you make a profit, you must be rewarded. I propose to use a thousand gold coins as a reward for everyone, and divide it according to the proportion of everyone’s investment. Do you have any opinions?” Li Zhenbang rejected the chairman Position, but as the vice president, he still has certain suggestions and decision-making powers.

Everyone looked at Wang Peng with bright eyes. If according to Li Zhenbang's proposal, one thousand gold coins, everyone could get at least a few gold coins. Although everyone invested for the purpose of public welfare at the beginning, if it can be profitable, everyone will naturally not object.

Wang Peng nodded and said: "I agree, but as a punishment, my share of benefits is counted on Zhenbang. Thank God I can recover the cost. What kind of benefits do I hope for!"

"If you, the president, don’t accept it, they will definitely not accept it. However, because of your carelessness and almost brought destruction to the committee, the penalty is still to be punished, so you can only get half of the Welfare, the rest will be given to everyone as a welfare according to everyone's investment ratio!" Li Zhenbang said with a smile looking at Wang Peng.

"Then Zhenbang, what should you do with your greatest contribution? Anyway, this time the profit has exceeded 10,000, or else I will give you another 1,000 as a reward!" Wang Peng suggested, everyone agreed, and there was no There was any dissatisfaction because Li Zhenbang himself took one thousand.

"Brother Wang, this is not okay. We can't use committee money indiscriminately. This is everyone's, not someone's! You can't open this head, otherwise there are endless troubles. I don't want to be a member of the committee in the future to make a fuss about this matter. , For personal welfare." Li Zhenbang said sternly.

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