Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 113: Big changes in the committee

"Zhenbang, let me ask you a question first. Did you do this because everyone has contributed to this matter, so you have to give out rewards?" Wang Peng looked at Li Zhenbang with a solemn expression on his face.

"This is only one of the reasons, but more importantly, it is to reward everyone's selflessness towards the committee. When seeing funding problems, they did not take into account personal interests and still did their best for the development of the committee."

"Then I am not wrong in doing this. I believe everyone will agree. You not only saved the committee selflessly, but also sought benefits for everyone, so you deserve the reward. Since you don't want to take money from the committee, Then I will call the shots and give you half of my remaining benefits. You have to accept it. Although it won’t be a lot, it’s all of us. As the president, that’s the decision. You don’t allow it. Reject, unless you don't admit that you are a member of the committee!" Wang Peng said forcefully.

"Brother Zhenbang, if you don't agree, then I will give up this benefit!" Sun Dehai was the first to stand up and say, and the others echoed.

Li Zhenbang looked at Wang Peng and then at everyone, everyone's eyes were full of expectations.

"Oh! There is no way! It is a shameful thing to block other people's money, and even more shameful thing is to block a bunch of people's money. It seems that I can only accept it unconditionally!" Li Zhenbang shook his head and smiled Said.

When everyone saw that Li Zhenbang accepted, they all cheered. Li Zhenbang agreed. Then they would have money to take the next step, so they were naturally happy.

"Through this matter, I now have two proposals, everyone listen to it. The main factor in this matter is that the president has too much power alone, and it is caused by doing things completely according to his own ideas when encountering things. One suggestion is that if there are any important decisions in the future, all members of the committee should discuss and vote to choose, so that too much risk can be avoided as much as possible." Li Zhenbang looked at Wang Peng, which is right for him If he disagrees, there is no way.

"I agree. After this incident, I was going to include this plan in the review. You should have heard of it. Many big families have presbyterians, and many things are decided by the presbyterians. Although the elders will sometimes become a stumbling block to the progress of the family, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I agree with this with both hands." Wang Peng said without hesitation.

Li Zhenbang nodded and said, "In this case, we will respect the last opportunity of the chairman to act arbitrarily! Don't let everyone participate in the discussion and vote!"

Everyone laughed. Although this proposal is very beneficial to the future development of the committee, after all, everyone has been together for so long, and the chairman Wang Peng has been doing very well, except that this incident is considered an accident. I am a good president, and no one wants to be unhappy about this matter.

"The second proposal is that we will have any risk investment in the future. All committee members and even members can invest funds according to their own circumstances. If profit is made, part of it will be used as everyone’s welfare. The specific amount to be used depends on the actual situation. The profitability depends on the situation. If the profit is less than one gold coin, then there is no benefit distribution at all." Li Zhenbang said with a smile, and everyone nodded and smiled. If the business can be made like this, That would be meaningless.

"Of course, if you lose money, everyone has to bear the risk without complaint. If the loss is only a few dozen gold coins, then our civilian committee is fully capable of taking this risk, and there is no need to average the loss. But the specific plan and Welfare distribution and risk-taking need further discussion, which are not the focus of my proposal this time. I think this method can ensure that everyone makes money when profit is made, and it can also ensure that the committee will minimize losses when it encounters risks. "

After Li Zhenbang finished speaking, he looked at everyone, some of them appeared thinking, and some nodded, obviously agreeing with this view.

"Okay! Now we begin to vote. This is the first time we have fulfilled our voting rights. I hope everyone can consider it carefully and make a careful decision." Li Zhenbang said with a serious face.

The last proposal was passed unanimously without surprise, which also marked that the civilian committee had its own profit method.

"I also have two proposals. I don't know if they can pass." Wang Peng hesitated and said.

"Let's talk! Whether it can pass or not, at least it will be possible after speaking out!" Sun Dehai was the first to respond.

"The first one, now that we have a profitable method, I believe that as time grows, the accumulated wealth will definitely increase, but always accumulate without too much expenditure, there will always be problems. I believe that not everyone will be indifferent in the face of a large number of gold coins! So I hope that every period of time, the financial details will be published internally, specific to the time and purpose of each income and expenditure, and the responsibility of the funds Who is it. If there is a problem with the funds, the person in charge shall be fully responsible. The funds must be managed by a special person, and not just one person. The expenditure funds must be signed by the person in charge of the finance department." Wang Peng said with a firm tone and solemn expression.

"I agree that funding must be clear and clear to prevent moths from appearing. Although the civilian committee will bring certain benefits to everyone, after all, the committee still has to serve the public as its main purpose. Those who make money please find another way. My first One agree! I believe everyone here will also agree." Sun Dehai said firmly, even raising a fist and waving.

Sure enough, this article was passed unanimously.

"What I have been hesitating is actually the second proposal. I think the committee members will leave the college after they have paid so much. I hope that when they leave the college, the committee can provide them with a sum of money. Affirmation of their efforts. I don’t want them to give everything for the committee, and finally return empty-handed. Although we are all voluntary, I hope that their contributions will be rewarded!” Wang Peng hesitated and insisted The idea came out.

Everyone chose to be silent, and no one spoke. It seems that if they speak, their purpose is not pure. Originally, they came here with enthusiasm and came to do more practical things for the commoners.

"Brother Wang, your proposal, I think it is feasible! In the past, the committee did not have this strength. With the development in the future, it will definitely get better and better, and the funds will become more abundant. We cannot let the committee members shed blood, sweat and tears! I Yes!" Li Zhenbang was the first to stand up and broke the silence.

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